My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 32

32 Hope

Harris POV

I take my phone out of my pocket and dial Tabby. She picks up on the third ring. “Do I need to make a healing potion because the wolf kicked your a**.” “The wolf didn’t kick my a** smarta**.” “Hello to you to Tabby.” “What’s up, how did the Alpha take the news.” “As you would expect, he was pissed about his father but fortunately he thanked me even though I had a part in some of it.” “I’m glad he at least listened to you.” “I do have something interesting to tell you about my visit.” “The Alpha’s sister turned out to be my beloved.” She is silent “Tabby are you still there.” “Yes, I’m here, I just can’t believe you were lucky enough to find your beloved.” “I don’t know if lucky is the word I would use to describe it.” “You know who I am, not exactly beloved material.” “Bullsh*t” she yells into the phone. “Excuse me” I say back harsher than I mean too.

“Don’t you dare pretend that you don’t care if this woman wants you or not.” “I waited all my life for my beloved and when he found out I wasn’t what he thought I should be he rejected me.” “I would have given anything to have been able to accept the bond with him.” “I’m not rejecting her so I don’t have a say in this.” “Are you trying to get her to accept you and prove to her that you want to be her beloved?” “I can’t change the past Tabby.” “Your absolutely right you can’t but you can change your future.” “You should be telling her you will be the man she deserves from this day forward.” “What if that’s not enough Tabby?” “Then she is a stupid woman that doesn’t deserve you.” I smile even though she can’t see it. She is the closest thing to family I have. She is like a little sister to me. I know if bothered Willow when she asked about her. I don’t see her that way anymore but I do understand why it bothered Willow. “Thanks, Tabby, I’ll call you soon” I say before we hang up.

Willow POVProperty © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I wake up and look around the room. Where the hell am I? I hear the beeping of machines and realize I’m in a hospital room. What the hell, this has to be Archer’s doing?” A few minutes later Sabrina comes in without Archer. “Hey your awake, you had your brother worried.” She comes over and takes my hand. “How are you feeling?” “Sabrina, do you know what Harris came here to talk to Archer about.” “Yes” she says with sympathy on her face. Why would she feel bad? “I’m so sorry my father is such a monster but I promise you I will never let him hurt you.” She bends down and wraps me in hug. This woman is amazing. “Don’t you ever apologize for someone else’s actions.” “I am not afraid and we can talk about it more when you get out of here.” “Harris, did Archer throw him out” I say in a panic. She smiles “I would never let that happen.” “Thank you for helping Archer see that I’m not a little girl anymore.”

“What are you going to do with Harris, Willow?” “Honestly I’m still not sure.” “Tamara and I both want him to be our mate but I can’t live with him hurting people for a living even if he isn’t doing the actual hurting.” “I think you need to tell him that because your worth changing for.” I squeeze her again “I’m so glad I go you and Tracey as my sisters.” “I need to go get your brother before he loses it.” I scooch back in the bed so I’m sitting up when Archer walks in. He immediately rushes over and hugs me. “You are not allowed to scare me like that again.” “I’m fine you made a big deal out of me passing out.” “Yes, I did because that’s not normal.” “Learning the man that gave you life is a monster isn’t a normal thing.” He pulls back and brushes the hair from my face. “Don’t worry about him, he is nothing to us anymore.” “I want to know everything that Harris said.” I can see that Archer doesn’t want to tell me but he does.

“So, Harris refused to hurt Sabrina.” “Yes, he did and that’s before he even knew anything about you.” “Be careful Archer that sounded like approval in your voice.” He laughs “I wouldn’t go that far.” “Besides it’s not my approval he needs, it’s yours Willow.” My brother hugs me again and the door opens and my mother walks in. “No one tells me that my baby had to be taken to the pack hospital.” “Mother I’m fine I just fainted.” I was hoping she would be spared from hearing about my father but I know her and that won’t be happening. Archer doesn’t even wait for her to ask and tells her everything. “I hope that ba**ard gets everything he deserves.” “Don’t worry mom, he will” Archer says.

Lilth POV

A knock sounds on the door and I head to answer it. I’m hoping my husband has finally come to his senses and come home. I open the door and a very handsome man is standing there smiling. “Can I help you?” “I’m hoping you can, I’m Archer Lyons father.” My smile fades at his son’s name. “Oh, he’s the one that decided to take my daughter from her husband.” “That would be him.” “I’m here because I believe we can help each other make things right.” I smile and move out of the doorway. “Come in, I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.” “Thomas Lyons” he says and I lead him to the kitchen. “Would you like something to drink.” “No thank you, I won’t be here long.” “Ok so how do you think you can help get Sabrina away from your son?” “You can leave that part up to me all I need from you is to keep her away after.” “I’m sure Greg and I can manage that.” He stands “good just be ready because it’s happening soon.” We exchange numbers and he leaves. Finally, things can get back to the way they should be.

Archer POV

The doctor comes in after a while and releases Willow. Gabby is staying with Harry tonight so Sabrina and I can have some time alone to mark and connect. After we reach the pack house Willow asks me what room Harris is staying in. I let her know and she heads in that direction. I say a prayer to the goddess that whatever Willow decides she is happy. My mother breaks me out of my thoughts. “I hope your sister finds the same happiness you have Archer.” “I do to mom.” She kisses me and Sabrina before she heads into the kitchen. She seems to be really enjoying baking lately. I take Sabrina’s hand and we head for the stairs. I can’t believe how nervous I am right now.

We reach the double doors to the room that we will share. I turn to Sabrina and look into her eyes for any sign of doubt. All I can see is the love she has for me. I scoop her up and she squeals. I carry her inside setting her on her feet near the bed. She sits back on the bed. “Brutus you need to control yourself.” “I know what I’m doing, I would never hurt our mate.” “I know you wouldn’t on purpose but I

know how much we want this.” “I promise I will stay in control.” “Talking to Brutus about me” Sabrina says with a smile on her face. I laugh “just making sure he is a good boy.” Brutus growls in my head. “I trust you and Brutus, Archer.” “You don’t need to be nervous.”

“We will have to take your shirt off so I can get to your marking spot.” She doesn’t even wait for me and takes it over her head. Seeing her in her bra for the first time is doing nothing to help me stay in control. I take a deep breath before I lift her onto my lap, so she is straddling me. I can feel her warm core against my c*ck through her thin pants. I take a few more deep breaths before I look into her eyes. “Are you ready my love?” She looks in my face “more than I have ever been ready for anything in my life.” I kiss her deeply before I kiss my way down her neck. I take a deep breath and I can feel Brutus at the surface. My canines elongate and I pierce her skin. I immediately start to feel our bond getting stronger. She screams from the pain and I wish that she didn’t have to endure it. After a few seconds her screams die down and I pull my canines out licking my fresh mark.

When I pull back tears are running down her cheeks. I wipe them away with my fingers. “Are you alright love?” “I’m better than alright, I’m yours.” She slams her mouth down on mine and starts to move her core against my c**k. I pull back because I know she is feeling the bond and I don’t want her to regret what she is doing right now. “What’s wrong” she says with concern on her face. I lift her placing her down on the bed and head to my dresser pulling out a t-shirt. I help her slide it on so she is comfortable to sleep. Marking is exhausting for werewolves so I know it will hit her in a few minutes. I slide into bed and pull her into my side. She lays her head on my chest. “Thank you, Archer.” I know she is thanking me for not letting it go any further. “You never have to thank me love.” After a few minutes her breathing evens out and I know she is asleep. I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for bringing this women into my life.

Thomas POV

I reach the diner and when I walk in she is sitting in a booth. I hate having to even deal with her but right now I’ll do what I have to in order to get my pack back and make my ba**ard son suffer. I take a

seat and the waitress comes over to take my order. “I’ll just take a coffee.” When the waitress leaves I turn back to her. “So what is the plan Thomas?” I pull the vial out of my pocket that contains half of the potion. I put my hand out showing it to her “You need to get her to drink this and she will do whatever you tell her.” “Like jump off a cliff.” I growl “all you tell her is to take her pup and leave the pack.” “Do you understand me?” “Why wouldn’t you want her gone for good, I’m sure someone will take care of the pup.” I pull the vial back before she can take it and stand. “This is not a negotiation, either you do what I say or I’ll find someone else and you can forget about becoming Luna.” She looks at me with shock on her face. “You don’t think I know what a girl like you wants from this deal.” “Fine I’ll do what you say.” I sit back down and the waitress delivers my coffee. If she only knew that Archer won’t be there for her to be Luna. By the time she realizes she will have outlived her usefulness so it won’t much matter anyway.

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