My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 138

76 Wolves Times Two

Drayce POV

I pick up the phone off my desk and call the healer’s cottage. She picks up on the first ring “what is happening?” “He is still alive and has shifted back to human form but he hasn’t woken up yet.” “He does me no good unconscious. Figure out a way to wake him up.” I slam the phone down without another word. I call for Waylen to come to my office. A few seconds later, he arrives. I can’t wait for Joseph to wake up to start my plan. I am done waiting to deal with the mutts. “Waylen, I want you to take fifty soldiers to the Scarlett Rose.” I see fear flash across his face. “What is the problem, Waylen?” “I mean no disrespect sir, but what about the witch.” I feel the anger rise in my body and I’m sure my eyes are blood red. “Are you questioning my orders, Waylen?” “Of course not sir I just don’t want to disappoint you and fail should we come up against a powerful witch.” I smile “the witch is most likely at the Onyx Moon with those other ba**ards. She probably helped my sister free the mutt.” I see he realizes what I’m saying. “We will leave now sir.” “Good and don’t disappoint me, Waylen, or you won’t have to worry about the witch. I want you to take the girls with you. They can help with the weaker wolves by using their power of persuasion.” He nods and leaves my office.

A few seconds later, a knock sounds on the door. I have no idea who would dare come to my office right now, but they better have a very good reason for bothering me. “Come in” I say. The door opens and the mutt is standing there with a seductive smile on her face. “What do you want?” She steps inside and slides into the chair across from me. “I had hoped we could make a deal.” I smile but not for the reason she thinks. “Go on, let’s hear this deal.” “I will do anything you ask for my safety and the chance to kill Brooke. She took what should have belonged to me.” I stand walking around the desk until I am standing in front of her. She slides down onto the floor and reaches for my zipper. “Did I say we had a deal?” She looks up at me with confusion on her face. She scrambles to her feet and tries to

step back from me. I bare my fangs and grab her by the back of the head, pulling her toward me. She screams and I bite down, draining the worthless b**ch. When I’m done, I drop her body to the ground. Goddess that felt good. No one touches that b**ch Brooke but me. I don’t make deals with useless wh*res.

Gabriella POV

Lake was so excited to tell me that Andrew was safe and that Adrian was his mate. He also told me what Serina did and how he reacted. I love him for worrying but she is right. She isn’t a little girl and we need to respect her. She is strong and Ruby will always protect her. I wish I could have been there, but I know I need to keep the pups safe. Mine and Jo’s pups are what I need to focus on right now. Tabby and Johnathon are using the room across from ours because this will be their floor when we move to the new pack house. I just laid the two pups down and took a shower. I’m headed to turn the TV on when I get a link from a patrol guard. “Alpha, we have detected the scent of vampires on the northern border.” “Increase the guard patrol and I want to know if you catch sight of anyone immediately.” “Yes Alpha” he says before he breaks the link. I link my father because I promised Lake I would. “I will join the patrol guard honey, just keep my grand pups safe.” I’m just about to cross the hall when I hear Tabby scream. I push the door open and she is clutching her stomach. Jonathon is standing there with his arm wrapped around her. “She’s in labor, Gabby, but she is giving me a hard time about going to the hospital because she needs to be here to protect you and the pups.”

“Tabitha, you look at me. Your pup needs you to go to the hospital. I will bring the pups to the hospital if that makes you feel better. Right now I want you to focus on you” I say with Alpha command. She looks into my eyes “alright I’ll go, but it could be hours before I give birth.” “Then so be it. Don’t be stubborn and listen to your mate.” I don’t say anything about the vampires because I know she will be even worse. My father has handled far worse than vampires. I bundle up the pups and Johnathon carries her despite her protests. Once she is situated, the doctor checks her out. “It’s a good thing you came Tabby, you’re already six centimeters.” She rolls her eyes and Johnathon growls. Goddess, I love this

woman but she is so stubborn. She is always putting everyone before herself, but right now she and her daughter are what matters. I walk over after I lay the pups down and hug her. “You are going to be a mama very soon. I want you to focus on that and not worry about anything else. I am safe and so are the pups. You are important.” I pull back and she smiles. She takes Johnathon’s hand. “I’m sorry, I just knew she was safe and it would take time for her to come” she says, laying her hand on her belly. “I should have listened to you but I’m stubborn”, she says, smiling at me. He leans down kissing her. “I know who you are love and I wouldn’t want you any other way. Now let’s focus on bringing our beautiful daughter into the world.”

A knock sounds on the door and my brothers step inside. They look at Tabby and Johnathon before they look at me. “We will be right outside guarding the door.” I smile because they truly have turned into men that will be great Betas to our pack. To say when we were younger they worried me, would be an understatement. They seemed to have no interest in becoming warriors, but all that changed with age. “Thank you,” I say, and they head back outside the door. I know how hard it is to sit back while others are fighting.

James POV

John and I are sitting in our room. I hate that we aren’t fighting along side the others because we haven’t gotten our wolves yet. Part of me thought that maybe we would get our wolves early like Serina and Nicholas did. I trust the goddess’s plan but I feel useless right now. “What are you thinking about James?” I laugh “probably the same thing you are.” “What we can eat for dinner” he says with a smirk. I throw a pillow at his head. “I’m kidding James, I know you’re thinking about being stuck here instead of with Serina and Nicholas.” I’m just about to say something when I get a link from our father. “James, I want you and your brother to go stand guard outside Tabby’s hospital room.” I stand up “what’s happening?” “Your sister linked me that vampires have been scented at the northern border. I am joining the patrol guard. Tabby is in labor and your sister is at the hospital with her and the pups.” “We are on our way.” My father cuts the link and I turn to John. “Let’s go, we need to get to the hospital. I’ll

explain everything on the way.” We run and arrive in minutes. As soon as we let Gabby, Johnathon, and Tabby know we are there, we stand at the door.

No one will hurt our family wolf or not. A few minutes after John and I take a seat outside the door, a nurse comes running down the hall toward us. “I need help outside. One of the warriors is hurt and I can’t find anyone to help me” she says. I feel the panic rise in my body, but we have to try to help our warriors. I start to follow and John grabs my arm. “Maybe we should link dad.” “We can’t wait for dad if someone is hurt John.” “Fine, but I’m linking him too.” I nod and we follow the nurse outside. She turns the corner of the building and we stop dead in our tracks. The nurse is standing between four women who are very much vampires. The blonde woman turns to the nurse “you did well, mutt, but we don’t need you anymore.” The nurse screams and the woman smacks her hard enough to knock her off her feet and against the building. “Aren’t you two cute twins” the red head says like we are children. “What the f**k do you want?”

“Our master wants what belongs to him. We are here to make sure that he gets it” the brunette says. “Don’t move boys” the raven-haired woman says. They start to walk toward us but I can’t move. I look over at John and see panic on his face. “Don’t worry, it will be over before you know it” the blonde b**ch says as they come to stand in front of us. A growl shakes the trees and the women all turn. The patrol guards break through the tree line being led by Brutus. The women start running toward the warriors. We are finally able to move when the vampires’ focus is on our father and the warriors. I grab John so we can head back into the hospital. We take a few steps before he screams and falls to the ground. I bend down “John, what the f**k is happening?” Before he can answer me, my body is overtaken by pain. “Protect the boys” I hear my father’s words before, I can’t focus on anything but the pain that has consumed my body. “James I need you to focus because they are going to need our help with the vampires” a voice that I assume is my wolf says. I do as he says and I can feel my bones cracking and changing positions. I try to let it happen.

John POVContent is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dad, something is wrong outside the hospital”, I link him as we run toward the door. “John you wait for us”, he says before he cuts the link. I’m so torn, but I can’t leave James to face whatever is outside by himself. If one of our warriors is hurt, we need to help them. As soon as we get outside, I feel bile rise in my throat. How the f**k did they make it this far into the pack land? When they start to talk, my body doesn’t feel like my own. I start to panic and I feel heat consume me. I say a prayer to the goddess to protect us from these evil b**ches. When I hear the growl, I immediately know it’s Brutus. Thank you goddess is the last thought I have when pain like I’ve never known spreads throughout my body. James tries to pull me toward the hospital but I can’t even remain on my feet. I can hear the sounds around me but they are muffled. I look over and James is writhing on the ground next to me. “John focus on you and what’s happening” I hear a voice and I know it’s my wolf.

“John, the first change is painful and can take time. Time we don’t have, so I’m sorry for what I’m about to do.” Before I can even ask what he means, I feel like I’m being pushed from my own body. I am watching everything happen. The next second, I’m running toward the female vampires that have been joined by at least twenty men. A black wolf that I can feel is James’ is running beside me when we reach the fight. My wolf bites down, ripping the head from the vampire in front of us. The blond b**ch has managed to get onto Brutus’s back. My wolf takes off and jumps, grabbing her around the torso and slamming her down to the ground. When he steps back, she is ripped in half. “By the way John, I’m Hunter.” “Well, Hunter, I’m glad you’re here.” He takes off toward more of the vampires. James’ wolf is ripping through vampires one after the other. He starts stalking toward the brunette who tries to run, but she doesn’t make it far. She bares her fangs but James’ wolf bites her in half. We kill two more vampires before I turn and see they are all dead. My father has shifted and is smiling at our wolves with pride on his face. Our wolves walk toward him and lay down. He puts his hands on both of them for a moment but says nothing. I can feel Hunter’s happiness at my father’s gesture.

“It’s time to shift back, John, but I promise next time will be much better.” “Thank you, Hunter.” I shift and look over at my brother, who is smiling from ear to ear. “Well, I would like to yell at you both for not listening but I guess this was the goddess’s plan. Both of your wolves are as black as night and almost

as big as Brutus. The vampires thought we would be easy to deal with, but I guess they got a very big fooling. I’m proud of both of you”, our father says. “Yes they did. I’m just glad that we got our wolves when the goddess saw fit.” “I am going to take the warriors to check the other borders. You two stay here and guard the hospital.” “We will” I say. Once our dad and the warriors are gone, we post ourselves outside the hospital door. “Hey James, I don’t feel so useless now” I say with a laugh. “Our wolves are bad a**es. What is your wolf’s name?” “My wolf is Hunter. What is your wolf’s name?” “My wolf is cooler, his name is Ace.” I laugh and roll my eyes because my brother will never change. The hospital door opens, scaring the sh*t out of me. I turn to face a very pissed-off looking Gabby. “What the hell are you two doing out here? I almost had a panic attack when I came out and you two were gone. I know you want to help, but don’t forget you don’t have wolves yet.”

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