My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 121

59 Pack Visit

Jocelyn POV

I’m sitting in the rocking chair and I just finished feeding the pups. I lay Brooklyn in her bassinet. Every time I look at her, I think of Brooke. Wesley is sound asleep in the bassinet next to her and I rub my finger down his soft cheek. The doctor let me leave the pack hospital last night. I was so happy to be able to go back to the room next to Serina. Having my pups here in this beautiful space that’s ours felt amazing. I walk over to sit on the bed and a light knock sounds on the door. It opens and Serina sticks her head inside. “Good morning, Jo.” “Good morning, Serina”, I say as she walks in with a tray full of food. “I brought you some breakfast.” “Thank you”, I say and she sets the tray on a table in the corner of my room. She walks over kissing both pups softly on their foreheads before we head to the table. As we eat breakfast, I think about my discussion with Gabby and Lake about returning to the pack. “What are you thinking about Jo?” I smile, Serina may be young, but she is perceptive, mature, and strong.

“I was thinking about the trip that Gabby suggested to the Onyx Moon. Now that the pups have been born, I would like to go as soon as possible to meet with Alpha Jayden. Do you think that will be alright?” She smiles “of course, it will. Gabby wants you to have the opportunity to speak to him about all he has done. Believe me when I say that if he really had something to do with what happened to you and Brooke, we will make sure he pays for it.” “I was hoping that my pups could see my parents while we are there but I don’t know how the pack will feel about the fact that they are hybrids.” “Who cares what they think? Your pups are beautiful and perfect. If you want them to go with us, then I think you should speak to Gabby and Lake about it. If you don’t, I will stay behind and keep them safe. It is completely up to you Jo.” “Your right, I should talk to Lake and Gabby about it first before I make a decision. I don’t want to put my pups at risk.”

We finish eating and pick up the pups to walk to Gabby and Lake’s office. Serina knocks before we head inside. Gabby smiles when she sees the pups. She immediately steals Wesley out of my arms. I notice Lake is beaming as he watches Gabby holding Wesley in her arms. Soon they will have their own brood and they will be amazing parents. “What’s up Jo” Gabby asks. “I was wondering if we could make that trip to the Onyx Moon pack soon.” “I will give the Alpha a call and inform him we would like to meet. I will not be telling him ahead of time that you will be the one joining us for the meeting”, Lake says. “If his pathetic a** had anything to do with what happened to you and your sister, I want him off kilter when he sees you. It will make it much easier to determine if he is anxious when he sees you.” “Thank you, both for accepting me into your pack and helping me get justice for Brooke” I say. “I was wondering about my pups coming with us for the trip.” Lake stiffens and Gabby looks sympathetic to my question. “I appreciate you wanting to stay close to your pups Jo but until we determine exactly the character of this Alpha, I don’t want your pups anywhere near him.” “Actual the only reason I asked was I was hoping to see my parents and have them meet the pups but your right. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity for my parents to meet them in the future.” Lake’s look softens. “we can speak to the Alpha about your parents while we are there.” “Thank you, again for everything.” “You don’t have to thank us Jo, you are a member of this pack now. We will always protect you and your pups”, Lake says. Gabby is smiling from ear to ear at Lake’s words.

I feel a twinge of sadness that I will probably never have that with a mate. I shake those thoughts away, focusing on the blessing of my pups. Emery whimpers and I hate that she hurt by what we won’t have. “You and our pups are all I need, Jocelyn.” “It’s alright to be sad about not having a mate Emery as long as we don’t wallow in it.” Serina speaking brings me out of our conversation. “I will be staying behind with the pups when you make the trip. Ruby and I will protect them.” “I think that is an excellent idea”, Gabby says. She hands me Wesley and steals Brooklyn from Serina. I chuckle, I look back at Lake. “Alpha, would you like to hold one of the pups?” I see a little panic on his face before Gabby walks around and sets Brooklyn in his arms. Once she makes sure he is comfortable and holding her properly she steps back. The panic seems to melt away as he stares down at my daughter. He lays a sweet kiss

on her forehead. It’s so strange but sweet to see this big Alpha holding my tiny pup. A few seconds later, she starts to cry and that look of panic returns. “She is probably just hungry Alpha.” Gabby takes Brooklyn from his arms and I stand with Wesley. “Jo, unless we’re around other pack members you can call me Lake.” I smile and nod. Serina and I take the pups back up to my room so I can feed them. I’m so glad it won’t be long until I face the ba**ard that took my sister from me. Lake was right now is not the time to take the pups to that pack. Their safety is what is important.

Lake POV

After Serina and Jo are gone, Gabby comes over and sits in my lap. I lay my hand on her growing bump. “I know your nervous but you’re going to do an awesome job as a father, so stop worrying” she says to me. “They are just so tiny and fragile.” “Lake, I promise you are going to be a natural when we have our pups.” She smiles and I pull her mouth down into a kiss. Once she is breathless, she pulls back. “Did I tell you today how lucky I am to have you?” She smiles “you tell me every day and I tell you that we are both lucky.” “Yes, you do and you’re right.” I push the hair off her face and kiss her one more time gently. “Are you ready to make the call to the Onyx Moon, Gabriella?” “Absolutely, I just hope the a**hole agrees to the meeting.” I love it when she is feisty. “I can be pretty persuasive love.” She rolls her eyes and I chuckle. I pick the phone up off the desk and dial the number that I had researched earlier. It rings four times before someone finally answers. “Alpha Jayden, can I help you.” “Alpha Jayden, this is Alpha Lake Solace and Alpha Gabriella Solace of the Scarlett Rose Pack.” “Alpha Lake and Gabriella, I’m sorry I’m not familiar with you and your pack. Is there something I can help you with?” “Actually, we are reaching out to surrounding packs about forming alliances and I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting with us?” “Of course, please have your pack stats and location sent over before our meeting so I can familiarize myself with them. I will do the same for you and Alpha Gabriella. When would you like to have this meeting?” “The sooner the better really, we have had some issues with vampire attack.” There is silence for a few seconds. “Alpha Jayden, are you still there?” ” Yes, I am, I have time in two days around noon if that works for the two of you. That will give me time to review the information you send over.” “Yes, thank you, that would be perfect. I will have our

information sent over and we will see you in two days.” “I look forward to our meeting” Alpha Jayden says.

When I hang up the phone, Gabriella is looking at me and I can tell she is thinking the same thing I am. This does not sound like a monster or an a**hole for that matter. So either he is a really good actor or he has no idea what really happened. “Do you think the vampire really could have been lying to the girls about the Alpha’s involvement, Lake?” “I don’t know, but I hope so. The bigger question is what is he going to do when he finds out that the coven took his fated mate for breeding if he really didn’t know.” “I wouldn’t want to be the coven if that is the case.”

Alpha Jayden POV All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

I hang up with the Alphas and link Andrew to come to my office. A few minutes later, he walks in and takes a seat in front of my desk. “What’s up, you sounded weird” he asks me. “I just got a really strange phone call. Alphas from a pack I have never even heard of called to set up a meeting with me about an alliance.” “Did you agree to it?” “I did, I have this feeling in my gut I need too. They will be here in two days, but I want you to find out as much as you can about the Scarlett Rose Pack.” “I’ll take care of it Jayden. What else did they say that has you so on edge?” “They have been having vampire attacks in their pack.” “Do you think it has something to do with the Black Blood Coven?” “I absolutely do and I will take great pleasure in helping this pack end that f**king coven and Drayce once and for all.” He nods and stands leaving my office. I get a link from one of my men that my father is looking for me.” “Do not tell my father that I am in my office. I won’t be here long.” “Yes Alpha” he says before he cuts the link. I have been avoiding my father because every time we speak, he talks about Rian.

“Storm, what do you think about this meeting and the vampire attacks?” “I agree with you that we need to meet with these Alphas. I don’t know why, but I think it’s important too. As for the vampires, I’m with you and would love to rip his pathetic a** apart.” “Let’s go for that run, it will help us clear our head.” I walk up the stairs heading to my floor and immediately scent that someone is here that shouldn’t be.

Storm is pushing to the surface but I push him down. I know exactly who it is and so does he. I reach the room and throw open the door. “What the f**k are you doing in my room?” She slides off my bed half dressed and it is all I can do to keep my calm. I link a warrior to come to my floor immediately. She is going to learn what is acceptable behavior and if spending time in the cells is what she needs to make that happen, so be it. “You have gone too far this time, Rian.” “I just want to please you Jayden.” The warrior walks toward me. “Take her to the cells for two days.” “Jayden, please” she starts to plead. “Only my Luna may call me out of my title. You may only call me Alpha. Take her to the cells now.” She is pleading as the warrior carries her away. I walk into my room and her scent is everywhere. I start to rip the sheets off my bed. I open the windows to air out the room. Once I’ve changed, I head downstairs. As I walk toward the back door of the pack house my father yells out my name. “Jayden” my father yells. I turn and he stomps toward me until he is standing right in front of me. “Care to tell me why a guard just took Rian down to the cells.” “No, I won’t” I say before I walk out the door and take off. I can hear him yelling but I don’t stop or look back. I do not answer to him.

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