My Fake Lover


#Lexi’s POV


“This was a terrible idea.” I said as I shoved my hands in my leather jacket pockets. Tyler and I were taking a walk at the park. The park where people take walks with there dog, sit down on benches, have picnics and what not. It was my idea to go to the park, he wanted to go to his house so I could meet his cousin Caleb again. Caleb needs a place to stay over for a while so he went over Tyler house. But I guess we’re going to go after the stroll through the park. Even though it’s freezing, but I wanted some air. It is getting a bit warmer.

“You couldn’t possibly go throughout your high school life without ditching at least once.” Tyler shook his head.

“It does feel kinda good.” I said. Tyler gave me a look. “Fine it feels really good.” I smiled lightly. I wasn’t really in a mood for smiling after what just happened today. “It’s just that I got into a fight and I was supposed to be at detention after school today and-” Tyler shut me up by putting his index against my lip and we both stopped on our tracks.

“Shhh.” He smirked. I pushed his finger away playfully and shoved him by the shoulder lightly as we both started to walk again. I was actually trying to hide my feelings for him. If I haven’t done that, who knows what could have happened. I could have gotten lost in his eyes like they see in movies while he held his finger against my lip.

I couldn’t let that happen. No way.

“So, speaking of the fight?” Tyler smirked. “Couldn’t handle yourself?” He smirked that cute smirk again.

Is he pretending not to know about what Courtney confessed or was he sincere?

“Um, Courtney isn’t really the person I taught she was.” I frowned.

“How so?” He asked.

I really didn’t know how to tell him this without it being all awkward.

“She told me everything that happened when we were younger.” I said, looking down to the ground. “She told me that um-”


“That she loves you.” Technically, I didn’t lie, she

did say that to me back when once upon a time we were best friends.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to tell him what Courtney blurted out. He’ll find out anyway, rumors spread like wild fire in that school.

“Okay?” Tyler obviously doesn’t like her back. And why would he, he knows what Courtney did to my relationship with Jeremy.


“Hey Sexy Lexi!” Caleb said as soon as we walked in Tyler’s house. Caleb had a huge smirk on his face. He was sitting down on the neatly made couch with his feet resting on the antique coffee table.

“Oh god, you didn’t just say that.” My face scrunched up.

He got up and turned off the tv with the remote. “Isn’t it too early to be home from school?” He asked, ignoring my previous statement.

“You aren’t in school.” I responded dragging the ‘you’.

“Because I’m on vacation.” He said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“A vacation from idiot town.” Tyler scoffed at his cousin.

“I am not an idiot.” He tried to defend himself. We both gave him a look. “Fine, I’m a smart idiot!”

I rolled my eyes and pushed pass him and rested on the sofa. It’s been a long day, it’s a good thing Tyler had the idea to ditch. I need to get my mind off things.

Caleb plopped down beside me, grabbing the remote even though he just turned off the tv as Tyler sat next to me, but on another sofa. “Let’s watch A Walk to Remember.” He stated. Caleb watched A Walk To Remember? That’s weird. Boys usually hate that movie.

“No!” Tyler scoffed.

Caleb and Tyler began to argue as I took the time to look around the amazingly beautiful house. I wished I lived here. Every thing in here looks so expensive I’m just afraid to touch anything, even something as simple as a vase.

“Wait a minute.” Caleb said, dropping the remote beside him, witch ended up on my lap. He had that look when you remember that you had to be doing something important or somewhere you should be going. “I have a date. And by date I mean-” he was in the middle of wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

“You don’t need to finish that sentence!” I blurted out before he had a chance to say it, cause I know exactly what he was going to say and it made me want to puke. Him and his player ways.

He shrugged and walked out the house after grabbing his jacket and slipping his shoes on.

And then there was two.

“Look,” Tyler got up the one seated sofa and sat by me. “I know what Courtney told you before you had your little cat fight.” My face started to burn cause I know exactly what he heard.

He heard Courtney’s confession. He knows that I used to like him.

But he doesn’t know I like him now. And he also knows that I know he used to like me.

I didn’t have the courage to say anything else. I had no words and my throat got dry.

I felt like I was going to faint right here and now.

Maybe I’ll faint in his arms and he’ll give me the magical true love kiss that wakes me up…

Grow up Lexi! He doesn’t like you and there’s no true love!

“And I got you out of school so I can talk to you, I couldn’t wait any longer.” Tyler continued. “When we were in the sixth grade, I told Courtney that I liked you and I didn’t know how to tell you cause I was scared you didn’t like me back.” Wrong, you were so wrong. “Then she said she’ll tell you for me. But she told me that you that you laughed about it and made fun of me for crying over my mother that died that year.”

I can’t believe it! Courtney is such a bitch! And if someone told me a few months ago that I was going to say that to her sometime, I’ll just laugh at there face and think that it’s impossible to happen. I never taught I’ll ever call her that, but she truly is one now that I know the real her. I could never forgive her.

And its terrible to think that Tyler taught that of me all this time. Making fun of him and his dead mother?! That’s why he hated me so much.

“Tyler I-I.” I tried to explain.

“I know.” He said. He looked like he was in deep thought. Probably thinking of his mother. It’s a very sensitive part of him.

“I have to go home, my mom is going to wonder where I am if I don’t get there on my usual time, and you know my mom, she notices everything.” I let out a nervous laugh became I was nervous. It’s not because of that, I just could tell her I was at a friends house, he is my friend right? But the truth is that I didn’t feel like being around Tyler right now after what he just found out that I used to like him, because maybe he’ll find out that I like him now, and that wouldn’t be good. Tyler’s a player, he would never like me.


“Hey mom! I’m home!” I yelled and dropped my book bag on the couch and sat down by it. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Then it immediately opened back wide. I just remembered something, she had that phone call from the principle this afternoon.

I pulled my head back up only to see my mom with her weight shifted in one hip and her arms crossed over her chest with a glare on her face.

A little bit of help please, and some fries on the side.

Cause I really love fries. Especially with- Okay, what am I saying? My mind goes crazy when I’m nervous.

“Mom, I can explain.”

“A fight with your best friend?” She came and sat on the sofa across from me.

“Ex-best friend.” I quietly corrected her.

She shot me another glare. This clearly wasn’t the time for corrections.

“You knew her since the second grade!” My moms glared turned into a why-would-you-leave-your-best-friend look. “She was your best friend, wasn’t she?”

“Well I thought she was.” I frowned and rested my elbows on my knees.

“You aren’t the type of girl to get into fights. You never had a fight in your life. Except for that one time in kindergarten when you bit that girl, but that didn’t really count.” She frowned.

“I know mom, and I’m sorry. Courtney sabotaged my future relationship with Tyler cause we both liked each other when we were little and then she slept with my boyfriend and-”

“Wait, say that again.” She had a bright smile on her face.

“She slept with my boyfriend?” I asked, confused.

“No, the part where you both liked each other.” She said in excitement. Really? The part where she, my used-to-be-best-friend, slept with my boyfriend witch mad him break my heart after he broke up with me for her doesn’t matter to you, just the crush part? ‘

“That’s over, he doesn’t like me anymore.”

“And you do?” She raised and eyebrow. I signed. “You do!” She found out right away.

No more being mad about that fight?

“Yeah.” I said softly witch got a squeal out of my her.

“Lexi loves Tyler! Lexi loves Tyler!” Ethan came running around the living room.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Ugh! Was he eavesdropping on us? At his age?

“Don’t worry honey, your a beautiful girl, and if Tyler doesn’t see that, and if he doesn’t like you back, it’s his loss. Then he doesn’t deserve you. Your a great girl.” My mom patted my thigh supportingly.

“Thanks mom.” I smiled and gave her a hug. The conversation was all about me getting into a fight and then it took a big turn into my love life.

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