My Fake Lover


I walked down the hall and into the classroom. Everyone was working quietly at their desk. I walked up to Ms. Jones and told her what Emily told me to say. Surprisingly, she believed me and told me to sit down after she gave me the work we were supposed to work on for the day.

When I turned around to face the class, there was one desk left. And that desk was seated right next to Tyler’s. I turned to look at him and he only smirked at me.


I narrowed my eyes at him and walked to the desk. I slammed myself down and through my backpack on the ground.

I then scooted my desk further away from his. But he only scooted his closer.

“Stop it!” I whisper-yelled.

Tyler’s desk was so close to me, closer than what we began with. The desk was even touching each other. It gave Tyler the opportunity to lean over me and put his mouth against his ear. I was getting goose bumps. His lips, centimeters away from my ear, gave me me tingles. And he even knew it. That’s why he’s doing it.

“Why should I?” He whispered and it sent chills going down my spine. He leaned back his chair and I just glared at him, but it only made his smirk widen.

By the time class ended, I got nothing done on my page. Just two problems. I decided not to turn it in and do it at home tonight. Tomorrow I’ll just tell her that I forgot to turn it in before I left.

Tyler was already out of the class, talking with some of his friends while I thought about what I would say to Courtney if she catches up to me. Cause we were in the same class, but she was seated all the way across the room from me.

Maybe I’ll be like ‘what the hell were you and Jeremy talking about? It didn’t sound good. Yeah, you think I wasn’t listening?’

Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see Courtney smiling at me.

“Hey Court.” I said.


“Hey, sorry about yesterday. That’s was really mean of me.” She apologized.

“Oh, that’s okay. I get it.”

It’s not okay bitch, tell me everything you know. You and Jeremy is hiding something.

That reminds me, Jeremy was about to say something at the party I’ve been to. But he went away before I can make him tell me.

“Great, I’ll catch up with you later.” She said and walked away to her next class.

“Yeah, so great.” I mumbled to myself.

I’m supposed to be mad at her.


I closed my locker after getting all the books I need for homework tonight.

When I turned around, I almost jumped out of my skin.

“You scared the crap out of me!” I put a hand over my chest.

I think I get scared too easily.

I wasn’t expecting for someone to be standing right behind me! And practically everyone left the school already, in a hurry to get home.

“Sorry.” He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

Then I finally realized who was standing in front of me. I began walking away before he grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

“Jeremy, I don’t feel like talking right now.” I pulled my arm away from his grip.

“Wait, please Lexi. Why won’t you go out with me?” He said with sadness in his eyes. “I want to be with you.”

“It’s because…” I started to say but I realized that I had no excuse. I just didn’t really like him that much anymore.

And I know he told Courtney that he’ll tell me everything if I didn’t go out with him. Something that’ll make him angry would want to make him spill his guts.

I looked at Jeremy’s face, it looked as if he’s waiting for an answer.

“Because…” I repeated. “I have a boyfriend.” I blurted out. I mentally slapped myself for saying that. Sometimes I can be really stupid.

“What?” He said with a bit of anger in his voice. Just a smudge.

“Yeah.” I let out a nervous laugh. “I’ll see you around.”

I left Jeremy standing on the empty hallway with a expression mixed with anger, sadness, and confusion.

When I pushed the exit door open, the cold wind blew on my face.

I really hate winters.

I found Emily’s car at her usual parking spot and climbed in the back because Courtney was already in the front.

“I have to pretend to be Tyler’s fake date again!” I blurted out as soon as I closed the door.

“What!?” Emily and Courtney said simultaneously.

“Tyler asked me before because you know, we were already faking before, and I said no.” I paused. ”

“And?” Courtney asked as Emily began driving.

“And just now, I might have told Jeremy that I had a boyfriend.” I finished.

“Why?” Courtney looked scared. “Isn’t that what you wanted in the first place? Jeremy and you? Together?”

“That’s what I thought, but now I don’t really feel the same for him.”

“Ugh!” Courtney sighed in frustration.

“Calm down Court. If Lexi doesn’t want Jeremy she shouldn’t have him. She’ll find someone else. Someone better.” Emily said, keeping her eyes on the road.

Now that’s more like it. That’s what a friend does…




Lexi’s POV:

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When Emily dropped me off at my house, I quickly said my goodbyes and ran for the house.

My mom wasn’t home like usual, off at work, so I knew that the door had to be locked. She always locks the door.

I grabbed the house key from under the welcome mat that sits in front of the door, and put it in the key hole. I turned it and tried to open it, but the door was locked.

“Oh my god.” I said to myself with an eye roll. I actually locked the door.

Every single time I forget that the door is locked and I try to open it, but this one time, my mom doesn’t lock it. Right when I’m in a rush to get in.

I turned the key again and put it back under the mat. I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. “What the heck?” I said angrily but quietly.

I tried again but pushed my body against it. I kept on pushing until the stupid door opened hard on its self and I fell to the floor of my house.

That’s when I heard laughing.

My head shot up fast. At first I thought it would be a robber, stealing items from our house. But it was someone worse, Tyler Evans.

“TYLER FREAKING EVANS!” I yelled as loud as I can after I got up from the floor.

He didn’t stop laughing.

“Why the hell are you in my house?!” I yelled again, but it wasn’t as loud as the first time, but still pretty loud.

He must have locked the door while I unlocked it! That son of a bitch!

I just glared at him as he continued his laughter until it finally died down.

“How the hell did you get in here?!” I asked.

“You know, under a mat, isn’t a really good place to hide a key.” He smirked. “Anyone could just break in.”

“Oh really?” I said sarcastically. “I think someone already has.” I said, applying to him. “What are you doing here anyway? We just spoke at school and that was way too much for one day.”

“I think it’s too little.” He smirked. “And I know you miss me.”

“Not in a million years.” I retorted.

“Awe, come on Monroe. We both know that you want to be with me.” He called me by my last name.

“Not if your the last person living on earth.”

“Oh shit, that hurts my feelings.” He said sarcastically, as if he’s really been hurt.

I rolled my eyes. “Just leave.” I said….

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