My Cursed Mate

Fake Peace

Just as Ingrid sat down behind her desk inside her almost forgotten study, Elder Vyka entered with a document in his hand. Prior to her arrival to Vermillion, she contacted the elder and asked him for help in investigating the murders that have happened in Xefton. If she had known that Vermillion was not in good condition she wouldn’t have done so.

“This is the preliminary report on the request you’ve put thru.” The elder handed the documents and Ingrid accepted it with a smile.

“If I knew that Vermillion has its own problem, I would not have asked you to do this for me,” she lamented as she looked at the document in her hand.

“You don’t have to be distressed. It happened a month ago and our people are competent enough to do this.” The elder shook his head and assured the woman that everything was alright.

“Thank you, Elder Vyka.” She opened the document and browsed through it. “There’s only one probability I can think of now, the ORDER but if we can’t catch who was commissioned to do this, the killing won’t stop.” Ingrid narrowed her eyes at the document and the attack on Vermillion.

“Shall we continue with the investigation?” If the ORDER was involved it was worth it to continue to investigate it. “We might also find a clue about Ravion.”

Ingrid thought about it. “Yes, report to me everything that they will find out.”

The elder nodded and without any reports to give, he left to give the queen a moment of solitude. Ingrid finally relaxed on her chair. Her mind wandered to her mate who must have been very busy right at that moment.

To ensure that no killings would happen again, Megrez assigned several warriors to patrol the city. While he and his team were busy with the investigation, Vega was also doing his best to help by using his connections to collect as much information as they could.

“Has Alpha Clementine contacted you?” Vega asked after he entered his brother’s office. He just received a report from one of his people who were following the news of the killings.

Megrez gave him a confused look. “No, that man would never contact me. Why?”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“According to a report I received, Black Blood is also investigating the matter and that they are willing to work with the police to catch all the culprits.” Vega informed his brother. He just received the report and it raised several concerns in his mind.

Megrez felt the same. He never knew that Alpha Clementine was a very concerned man and that he was interested in the affairs of the human race. This was the first time he was hearing that Black Blood took the initiative to help. There must have been some kind of a plan behind it.

“That man would never make a move unless he would benefit from it.” Megrez signaled for his beta who was on standby to stand closer. “Inform our men to watch Alpha Clementine’s every move and report to me as soon as they see anything suspicious movement from the other party.”

“How’s the investigation going?” Vega asked after the order was passed.

“We’ve caught some of the culprits but we couldn’t get any information from them,” Megrez sighed, “it’s a bit difficult to talk with rogues, reading their minds would be more convenient but we don’t have that kind of ability.”

“If the ORDER is involved, there must be someone planning everything behind. I’ll look into it and keep you updated.” Using rogues to cause chaos was not an old tactic and to use them against humans were clearly a sign that they were on the move for whatever goal they may have.

“You should be careful and Kazandra too.” Megrez was not only worried about the humans but also worried for his brother. Everything seemed to have been happening whenever something happens to his brother.

The ORDER suddenly showed themselves once again when Vega and Kazandra met. Now that they both acknowledged each other as mates, his company and the killing happened. It was like the ORDER was creating all this chaos just for them.

“We will and you should too brother.” The both of them nodded to each other. Vega stood up and bid his brother goodbye when he suddenly stopped halfway to the door.

Megrez noticed this and looked up, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Vega answered before he continued to the door. Just as he was out, he leaned on the wall and took a deep breath.

‘It happened again,’ he thought to himself. These past days he had been experiencing some blackouts. A moment where his vision suddenly turns black and after that a series of headache would follow. He shook his head and pushed himself up.

Megrez’s phone rang and he picked it up with a smile after seeing who the caller was. “I miss you.”

A crisp laugh sounded from the caller followed by a voice that he had been wanting to hear ever since the woman left. “That’s a unique way of saying hello.”

“But it’s the truth. I really miss you even though we’ve been just apart for less than a day,” Megrez answered as he stared out of the window. “How is it in your coven?”

“So far, everything is fine except for the fact that I might need to stay here for a period of time. There are some issues that I need to address first.” Ingrid was also staring out the window. She promised Megrez that she would call right after she reaches Vermillion but she almost forgot about it because of that meeting.

“What happened?” Sensing that something wasn’t right, Megrez asked. He could feel a bit of unease from their mate bond and as her mate it was his responsibility to comfort her or ease her restlessness.

“Not long ago, Vermillion was attacked and the elders decided to keep it from me. It was only reported to me when I got back. I need to deal with the mastermind and ensure that he won’t harm Vermillion again.” Ingrid had no intention of hiding what happened from Megrez. She knew that telling him would be the best decision.

“Do you need help?” Megrez was happy that Ingrid took the initiative to tell him what was happening on her end.

“You don’t have to. I know that you have a lot on your plate and besides your problem is more troublesome than mine.”

“I could still help though, that is if you really want.” Megrez offered once again.

“I’ll tell you when I need it. For now, let’s focus on our own parts and finish it as soon as we can so that we can see each other again.”

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