My Corpse Husband

Chapter 25

Exhausted and well spent Ella right away drowned into a dreamless sleep. She was feeling so light and peaceful which she shouldn’t. She had given in to passion instinctively and what bothered her most was, it felt right.

How come spending a passionate night with an unknown man is so right? So pure?

Who was this person who was always around her in shadows? Who was this person with whom she frequently finds herself in a compromising situation?

Who exactly was Xander?

Why does she feel an air of home around him?

“Sleep well, Ella.” She heard Xander whisper in her ear and kiss her forehead and in mere moments she was in a deep sleep.

Xander couldn’t take his eyes off the sleeping beauty in his arms. How long has he waited for this divine moment to have her in his arms, close to him, close to his heart.

How long he has dreamt of kissing her all night and day?

It was years of desperation to touch her flowery cheeks, to twirl the locks of her red hair around his fingers, to hug her tightly so she would never leave him again, to kiss her deeply so he could mark her as his.

Now that he has her with him lastly, he was overwhelmed with all the mounded up love and affection for her.

“You are finally with me, My Ella. I had waited for this moment from long years.” He murmured to Ella’s sleeping figure and continuously kissed her face.

Xander gathered her in his arms close to him tightly and snuggled into her hair, drifting into contented sleep.


The sharp rays of sun woke up Ella with a loud groan. It was late hour in the morning still she wanted to take liberty with herself and sleep a little more. The comfortable soft bed was like weaved with clouds and she doesn’t want to open her eyes.

Where was she?

Was she on clouds?

She slowly opened her eyes with a whimper and instantly closed then due to the light that was emitting from the window.


Wasn’t that the same window…!

She sat up with a jolt remembering everything that took place the previous night. The blanket fell down from her and cool breeze hit her skin, making her quiver. Looking down, she found herself in a long man shirt with no undergarments.

Where is he? He was not in the bed?

She evidently memorize that the previous night when she was in a heated moment with Xander, hanging to the line of duvets, she was clothed in the pretty gown. Then how was she in a thin fabric of silk shirt in the morning?

Goodness! What had she done? She was married for God’s sake!

Why – why did she give in to him yet… yet she felt so good? She shouldn’t feel that way. It was a sin. She sinned then why the feel of belonging is overwhelming all her senses.

She touched the silk shirt tenderly with her fingers and sniffed it. It smelt like raindrops in a heavy forest, fresh and wild. It was his smell.

It was how Xander always smelt. Like fresh rain and soil yet a little piquant.

“Miss Rosemane.” She heard Lucy coming into the room. Ella arched her head towards the large double doors and found Lucy with a large tray of food in her hands. That was when she realized how famished she was. She was very worn out last night and she need some food right away.

If there was anyone else in her place then they would be going nutty with everything that happened the previous night. She must have felt that too but somehow she felt calm.

She wanted to know why she was in that room and why was Xander there with her. She was curious to know why he took her virtue so effortlessly and why she felt no remorse for it. She wanted to know why she was even in the Knightsfort in the first place.

She should be crying but she felt assured. Was it for the reason that Xander was there or was she so desperate to feel that passion that she felt previous night from many years, she didn’t know!

“Lucy, please call me Ella. I am no royal to be addressed with respect.” Ella replied with a slight smile. Lucy smiled back and placed the tray of food on her lap and gestured her to eat up while she walked into the bathroom to prepare a hot bath for Ella.

Ella knew she wouldn’t get any answers from Lucy so she only needs to wait for Xander. She gazed down at the lavish hot breakfast and when the smell of the food wafted her nose, her stomach grumbled in hunger.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Once she had the food hurriedly, Lucy walked into the room again with fresh towels and robe along with pouches of herbs and oils for the bath.

“Lucy, I don’t need all those. I can just have a simple bath.” Ella refused reluctantly. Ella winced when the seam of her thighs stinged.

“No Miss – Ella, It was Lord’s command to have you supplied with them.” Lucy’s answer staggered her steps.

The Lord?

Who Lord?

Does – Does she mean Lord Knight?

“The Lord? Why would Lord Knight want me to have them?” Her confused question only made Lucy smile at her in amusement.

“You will know. The Lord commanded us to prepare you and escort you to him and Lord does not like lateness. So we need to rush, Ella.”Lucy answered and pushed her into the bathroom. Lucy liked Ella. She was a person of good heart and a person she could behave easygoing with. She would not have to worry about getting in to trouble as Ella is not like Miss Garrick to throw peevishness for everything.

Lucy was happy to have such a lady for her master.

“Wait, but why do I need to see the Lord? Is he furious with me regarding something? I did not do anything, Lucy. Believe me.” Ella cried out in apprehension.

Why would the Lord Knight wanted to see her?

She never crossed paths with him till the day so what has made Lord to command her presence?

Ella’s relaxed composure quickly turned into a worried one. Was this why the town head took her to the Knight’s castle? To meet the Lord?

Will she be given to the Lord according her will? Will she be used by the Lord as his mistress?

Her thoughts were completely engaged with the Lord’s order and its possibilities. She was tensed about Xander and wanted to see him once and talk to him about the previous night.

She wanted to know why he did to her what he did. She wanted to know his story behind the act.

She was bathed thoroughly and wrapped in a robe. One of the maids from yesterday did her hair in to a simple chignon roll and added fresh flowers to the side of the bun.

Oh dear, she did not want to go to the Lord and be his concubine. She want to return to the safety of her small cabin and hide there.

She suddenly wished for Xander being there. She wished for him to help her run away from the castle. But would he help her? Was he trustworthy enough to spend hope on him?

The hair was well done and Lucy yet again fetched a pure white long frilled gown for her. The gown looked so lavish and so pretty that she was even afraid to touch it.

“I would not like to wear that. That seems to be made for ladies and I’m not the one, Lucy.” But Lucy was not having any of it. She was commanded by the Lord and she will have to fulfill it anyhow. And she also knew it was for good. She knew Ella would be very happy by the end of the day.

Against her will, Ella was dressed in the pretty white gown and was hurriedly escorted through the hallways.

Ella was very confused to know what was happening with her. Why was she being escorted that way and to where.

They stopped at a large double door when the two guards who were standing on either side of the doors announced her presence loudly. The guards pushed the doors and bowed. The maids ushered her to enter the room, trailing behind her.

It was a big court room, a very big room with chairs on either side of the aisle and a platform where the Lord’s regal chair was sitting. The room was filled with people and one look at them; she recognized every face of the crowd.

The whole town was present there?

But for what reason?

The room fell silent and everyone was looking at her in a stiff posture. She couldn’t understand what was happening there. The maid took her to a chair close to the Lord’s chair and was made her sit there.

Not moments later, the whole crowd bowed further, keeping their head down. That was when she heard the loud resonance of powerful footsteps. She too bowed her head deeply not wanting to trigger the Lord’s anger. She has no courage to lift her head up and look at the Lord.

She felt stiff and apprehensive. Did she do anything wrong for her to be there in a court room?

She heard the Lord sit on his chair but didn’t dare to look at him.

“My Lord, Shadowvalor is tremendously rejoicing that the Lord has supported them. We are grateful to you for taking part in the ritual even though it was not His Grace’s concern.” Knox flattered the Lord with the speech. The Lord nodded his head with a smirk. The smirk that would even make the evil of the evils shivers in fear. The Lord looked too relaxed which made the villagers and Knox shift with an edgy feeling.

“If you may allow me, My Lord, I would throw the wench out of you sight as you might be bothered by the looks of her.” Knox said and inched towards the sitting Ella, who was silent and tearful.

“Nah nah, Knox Garrick. The ritual is not complete yet. There is still one last thing to do.” The Lord announced authoritatively and Knox’s steps faltered to a stop.

That voice. That… voice…

Ella looked to look at the source of voice and found the familiar person sitting in the chair of the Lord. He eyes widened in shock and surprise while her mouth hung down in a gasp.

No, not possible. This is not true…

Xander… Xander was the…


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