My contract love story

Chapter 46

“A glass of water is more preferred, it will help you see things more clearly, don’t you think?” he said, making way for Susan to walk up to her and hand her the glass of water and anagelsic.

She looked at him with her eyes squinted and nodded, grabbing the glass from the tray and taking the anagelsic. The water aided her parched throat, but for the headache she would still need to wait a while. Susan helped her relax at the head of the bed, and at her request passed her phone to her, before turning to leave. She opened her phone to see the texts asking why she wasn’t at work already, and it was then it was her: they planned to spend the day together and have a farewell dinner.

“Oh shit! I am supposed to be at work right now. I have to meet my friends”. Her eyes widened as the realization dawned on her, and with a little relief she felt she attempted to stand up and get dressed.

“What happened last night?” His voice was low, a dangerous growl simmering beneath the surface.

Ashleigh stopped, and her mind raced as she tried to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous night. The karaoke, the drinks, the laughter it all seemed like a distant, hazy dream. The only concrete memory was the overwhelming sense of exhaustion that had consumed her.

“I… I don’t remember much,” she responded, her voice trembling slightly. “I just remember feeling tired and then… nothing.”

Adrian’s jaw clenched. He moved closer, his imposing figure looming over her.

“And you didn’t think about this, how you only took a glass of juice last night and couldn’t wake up this morning? Your priorities are misplaced, Ashleigh” he chided, and this caused Ashleigh to fume silently.

He was yet to address his absence at the karaoke event yesterday but he wasted no time picking on her this morning.

“My priorities are not misplaced. Unlike you, I honor the commitments I’ve made. My friends at work are organizing a send-off party and told me before now. So I apologize for not being too concerned at the moment.”

“Unfortunately Ashleigh, you cannot leave until this issue is sorted out. You were drugged” he informed Ashleigh, and she let out a gasp of disbelief.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“That’s not possible. That is because I had a mocktail. Chef Larry told me that the younger staff snuck alcohol into the drink without his knowledge and I had a glass.”

“I would have believed that if the whole staff were not deeply intoxicated as well. Also, there was a break into the mansion’s surveillance system last night and the power in the house was cut off at the time you and everyone were deeply asleep. Isn’t that a bit too convenient?” he wondered, maintaining eye contact as he leaned to her face.

“Chef Larry seemed to have told you about this beforehand, like he anticipated a reaction of this sort, huh?” he questioned, a cold aura emanating from him as his cold gaze pierced her soul.

“Yes, he told me, and it was good he did, seeing how you’re taking the issue this morning. He had no knowledge of what kind of alcohol was in the mocktail, and he mentioned it to me in concern. He even told me I was restricted from taking the mocktail and I still did, so I cannot blame him for the effects I am feeling now, knowing fully well it was my decision.” she fired, returning his cold stare with a fiery one.

For a moment as Adrian looked at her, he felt a stir in his heart. Her eyes which were initially dull, were filled with fire. The intensity in her to defend her truth whether right or wrong, struck him, even now as she was cluelessly defending the very person who is against her. However, it annoyed him that it was channeled against him.

“Whether you believe it or not, I have viewed the facts and made a decision. Firstly, those male staffs who spiked the drinks have been fired with immediate effect. Chef Larry who had full knowledge of it has been placed on probation and you are not allowed to leave until I have investigated this matter” he announced, and she stood up to face him.

“I think you forget that you have no right to make any decisions about the household without my approval, as effective last month all household issues were placed in my care by you, Mr. Cagliari”, Ashleigh recalled, walking up to him in slow steps.

“So, if what you’re trying to say is that I should fire Chef Larry and the gardeners, best believe I will not be doing so” she finished, and they had a glaring stand-off.

“You are quite deficient in your leadership, Ashleigh, and as your husband I must step in wherever I deem fit. You decided to hold a karaoke event and did not adhere to the guidelines given by me. You got drunk and drugged as well as the staff and an attempt at infiltration of the mansion was made yesterday, and you think I should still let you handle the house affairs?” he questioned, and with each word she felt a stab to her heart.

“I am willing to overlook all that, but the fact that you want to waive aside the punishment of the offenders for friendship or whatever relationship you feel you have with those people proves you’re a bad person” he finished off, and Ashleigh stood stunned at his final words. His words stung more than she’d like to admit, and she could feel the tears stinging her eyes.

Silence reigned in the room as they exchanged looks. While Adrian was still strong and unwavering in his demeanor, Ashleigh had a resigned look of hurt on her face as she gathered the last of her courage to speak to him.

“Yes, I’m bad. If that’s what it takes for me to protect the ones who care about me, then so be it. To you, I’m a bad judge of character and people. I make the most stupid decisions and I haven’t done anything worth noting, but then again, when have you ever appreciated me? I’m not worth that in your opinion. What I know is that Larry was there in my tears, joy and pain, he comforted me when you could barely call, he celebrated me every day, he listens to me and never judges me. He encouraged me when I felt lost about you, and even till last night he consoled me when you couldn’t come to celebrate with me like you promised you would! ” With each sentence Ashleigh’s tone got higher, the tears she tried to hold in were now falling freely across her face.

“Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do you consider me anything more than the girl you made sign a marriage contract that will do anything you say? I know I do not have the right to ask anything of you, you’re my benefactor. All I will say is you don’t have the right to make any decisions about the people I care for deeply. And for that reason you cannot fire Chef Larry” she finished, looking at him one last time as she cleaned the tears from her eyes,

“And if like you said, I chose to be friends with my worst enemy, says a lot about my relationship with you” Ashleigh finished, and with a sniffle she stumbled past him to enter the bathroom and closed it with a loud bang.

Adrian stood still, staring blankly at the space Ashleigh once stood facing him and for the first time he had a sinking feeling in his heart.

Author note: What do you think of Ashleigh’s and Adrian in today’s chapter?

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