My contract love story

Chapter 33

Ashleigh, determined to clear the air with Adrian about his strange behavior towards Chef Larry, hurried up the stairs. Spotting him engrossed in a call as he neared his study, she sprinted down the hall to intercept him. Adrian, deeply involved in his conversation, didn’t register Ashleigh’s approach until she practically dashed in front of him, halting his progress towards the study door.

“Wait! I need to talk to you,” she blurted, catching her breath as she leaned against the doorframe. He gave her a surprised look before finishing his call.

“That will be all for now,” he said, pocketing his phone.

“What’s wrong?” he inquired, concern replacing his initial surprise.

“We need to talk about Chef Larry,” she started, noticing his brow furrow at the mention of the name.

“Is that so?” he replied, his tone guarded.

“Yes,” she pressed, “your mood seemed off ever since I joined you at breakfast. And then you mentioned something about him being… intriguing?”

Adrian studied her for a moment, gauging her genuine curiosity. He softened his initial bluntness.

“Perhaps you’re trusting him a bit too readily, wouldn’t you say?”

“Trusting him? How so?” she asked, confused by his implication.

“This close relationship with him,” he elaborated.

“Don’t you find it a bit strange? A highly skilled military man at such a young age, suddenly whipping up gourmet meals and desserts for you?”

“Is that what’s bothering you?” Ashleigh countered, a hint of amusement in her voice.

“I admit, I was initially curious about his background too. But he explained that he left the military at his grandmother’s request. Apparently, she wanted him to settle down and pursue a more stable career, so he chose to become a chef.”

Adrian nodded slowly. “If that’s the case, fine. However, I think this unnecessary closeness with him shouldn’t continue.”

“Unnecessary closeness?” she raised an eyebrow.

“We simply talk, Adrian. It’s a normal friendship.”

“There shouldn’t be any personal relationships between employer and employee, beyond the professional one,” he asserted, a hint of possessiveness lacing his tone.

Ashleigh shook her head, disagreeing. “That’s where I have to differ, Adrian. It’s important to create a balanced work environment for staff. Fostering genuine connections leads to better morale and productivity.”

“So, hosting karaoke nights is your idea of a balanced work environment?” he scoffed, amusement flickering in his eyes.

“If anything, it’s made the staff a little too relaxed, and I can see how it could create misunderstandings.”

He made a move to open the study door, but Ashleigh stood her ground, determined to finish her point.

“So be it then,” Ashleigh declared, her voice laced with defiance.

“But you handed all the decision-making to me when we made this deal. I’ll lead this house as I see fit.” Adrian smirked as he entered the study, amusement dancing in his eyes.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“A month ago, you couldn’t wait to be done with everything to do with this life, with me even. Now you’re asking me to back off? Quite a remarkable change, wouldn’t you say?”

Ashleigh stood there, a wave of emotions washing over her. Only now, with his words, did she truly grasp the passage of time. A month. A single month since she’d signed the contract, a month since the world had tilted on its axis. Just a month ago, bitterness had been her constant companion, coloring her perception of everything around her, especially Adrian.

Yet, a month later, she had to acknowledge the undeniable shift. The fierceness that had fueled her every interaction with him had begun to wane gradually, replaced by something less volatile, something she couldn’t quite define. Perhaps it was the way he’d taken care of her during her illness, a stark contrast to the cold, distant person she’d expected. Regardless of the reason, her perspective had undeniably changed.

However, amidst this internal transformation, a gnawing remained. Two months. That’s how long it had been since she’d agreed to this charade, and neither of her primary goals had come to fruition. The doors of Robin College remained firmly shut, the coveted admission slipping through her grasp. And the information on her parents? Still veiled in frustrating ambiguity. The power dynamic remained firmly in his favor. Her resolve hardened. This wouldn’t stand. She had to find a way to turn the tables, to gain some leverage in this bizarre situation.

With a heavy heart, Ashleigh entered the second month of this strange marriage. News of Robin College’s closed admissions, gleaned from a quick internet search, dealt another blow. Adrian was already gone on another business trip, having left before dawn that morning, unreachable by phone. Back at her workplace, she found solace in the familiar embrace of her aunt, Mrs. Smith. Tears streamed down Ashleigh’s face as she recounted the news.

“It’s okay, Ashleigh,” Mrs. Smith soothed, gently stroking her niece’s back. “I believe Adrian is working on something.”

“He refuses to tell me anything, and now he’s gone again!” Ashleigh cried out, frustration lacing her voice. “He keeps letting me down, Aunt! I hate this feeling of dependence.”

Her outburst reached the ears of James and Fiona, who rushed to her side, alarmed by the sight of their beloved friend in tears. They assumed her distress stemmed from the college rejection, their hearts aching at the sight.

“What happened to our scholar?” Fiona asked gently, attempting to offer comfort. Mrs. Smith simply shook her head, a silent plea hanging heavy in the air.

“Actually, Ashleigh was ill throughout last week, hence she could not attempt the examinations” Mrs. Smith announced, and shock registered on their faces.

They rushed to Ashleigh, offering silent comfort with a warm embrace. Witnessing Ashleigh’s dejection after all her exam preparation left them speechless.

After a while, Ashleigh managed to compose herself, but a dull ache throbbed in her head. Despite Mrs. Smith’s offer to return home, she refused, opting for a painkiller instead. Leaving now wouldn’t reflect well on her with her subordinates, and the thought of returning to that house was unbearable.

The painkiller took effect, allowing her to soldier through the rest of the day. With a brave face, she tackled her workload. As evening approached, everyone began wrapping up their work. Ashleigh started gathering her things too. Fiona and James exchanged a hesitant glance, yearning to lift her spirits with a fun outing. They weren’t sure if she’d be receptive after the day’s events.

“Ashleigh,” James began hesitantly, catching her attention.

“Yes?” she responded, turning towards them.

“Fiona and I were wondering if you’d be interested in hanging out today,” James suggested.

“You’ve been swamped recently, and we haven’t had much quality time.”

Ashleigh stood there for a moment, considering their invitation. Her mind raced with an escape plan.

Petty as it felt, resentment gnawed at her. Adrian could flit off on business trips whenever he pleased, dropping out of contact, while she remained confined within the four walls of his house, waiting for his return.

A smile played on her lips as she faced them.

“Let’s do it,” she agreed, surprising them with her quick acceptance.

They expected a little more persuasion. Stepping closer, she grabbed their arms, her voice dropping to a whisper.

“Actually, I have a much better idea,” she confided, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Author’s note: is Ashleigh petty or is it needed for her to have her escape?

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