My contract love story

Chapter 31

Ashleigh recoiled from Adrian’s touch, her gaze darting nervously away. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm, threatening to escalate her fever.

“You’re just trying to distract me from my frustration,” she accused, her voice tight with suspicion. Adrian continued to smile, unfazed by her accusation.

“Actually,” he countered nonchalantly, settling into the plush pink chair, “I simply wanted to get a closer look at you, like I did this morning. You seem to be the one reading ulterior motives into my actions.”

However, a hint of mischief danced in his eyes as he met her gaze. She couldn’t ignore the playful spark that contradicted his seemingly earnest words.

“Regardless,” Ashleigh said, her tone softening slightly, “I trust you’ll keep your promise this time, Mr. Cagliari. But will it be possible to schedule the examination sometime after this week? Robin College is notoriously selective with their admissions.”

“Why waste your energy worrying about that right now?” Adrian replied, his voice assuming a more authoritative tone. “Focus on recovering. That’s all that matters.”

As if on cue, Susan entered the room, carrying a steaming bowl of porridge. The otherwise bland beige offered little to tempt Ashleigh’s appetite, especially considering the few meager pieces of minced meat adorning the surface. Her face contorted in disappointment.

“Adrian, couldn’t I have something else?” she pleaded, her voice weak but laced with a hint of childlike defiance. “Something… more exciting?”

Adrian chuckled, a warm sound that sent a pleasant shiver down her spine despite her illness. “You’ll have plenty of time for exciting meals when you’re fully recovered. For now, this is the best option for you.”

He offered her a gentle smile, gesturing for her to begin. Ashleigh reached out, her hand trembling slightly, and scooped a hesitant spoonful of the porridge.

Contrary to her expectations, the broth-infused porridge boasted a surprisingly delicate flavor. The light texture made it easy to swallow, and before she realized it, the simple meal had managed to awaken her slumbering appetite. Soon, the bowl was empty. Susan, filled with satisfaction, cleared the tray, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she exchanged a knowing glance with Adrian before leaving the room.

Mr. Atkinson entered on her heels, carrying the prescribed medication. Ashleigh, momentarily energized by her newfound hunger, put up a valiant effort to resist taking it. But the stern look in Adrian’s eyes, coupled with the playful barb about her “child-like behavior,” ultimately persuaded her to comply.

“Taking care of yourself would be beneficial, Ashleigh,” Adrian said, his voice surprisingly gentle. “You’re quite a handful to handle when you’re ill.”

“Well, I never said you had to be the one tending to me,” she retorted with a playful pout. “You’re free to leave if you wish.”

“If I did,” he countered with a smirk, “I’m certain you’d make life miserable for the staff, refusing to eat or take your medicine. It would be a refreshing change for them, seeing their usually composed boss behave like a child.”

His teasing words elicited a genuine frown from Ashleigh. Though his words were laced with humor, there was a hint of truth to them.

Ashleigh had a reputation. Ever since childhood, she’d been known as the “fussy sick kid” at the orphanage. While typically robust, her rare illnesses transformed into ordeals for the caretakers. Days of refusing food and fluids often ended in forced intravenous nutrition. Her recovery was equally trying a period of weakness and resistance that left the staff utterly exhausted. Thankfully, as she matured, Ashleigh became more responsible for her health. Occasional fevers, colds, and work-related aches became the norm, easily treated with soothing herbal teas.

“That’s not quite true,” she mumbled childishly, unintentionally reinforcing his point.

“Since you’ve chosen to stick around for my recovery,” she continued, her voice laced with a hint of accusation, “you could at least be helpful. After all, you’re partly to blame for this state. I’d like a bath, so a hand up would be appreciated.” She extended a hand towards him.

Ignoring her request, Adrian surprised her by scooping her up into his arms.

“Adrian! What are you doing? I just asked for help getting out of bed!” Ashleigh exclaimed, flustered, and squirming in his grasp.

“You keep saying I caused this,” he countered, “so I’m taking responsibility. You could barely manage your spoon; how long could you stand?” He squeezed her thighs gently to hold her steady, sensing her attempt to wriggle free.

“Don’t move, be a good girl,” he ordered in a husky voice, his gaze locking with hers. Ashleigh froze, a nervous gulp escaping her lips.

A heat wave flushed through her. Her hands, clasped around his neck, turned slick with sudden perspiration. Held in his arms, she felt as if she might dissolve. Seeing him in pajamas, relaxed and handsome, had robbed her of breath when he entered earlier. Now, with the events of the evening culminating in this unexpected embrace, it felt like he deliberately intended to take her breath away.

Just as he started walking towards the bathroom, Ashleigh managed to speak. “I need to get something to wear,” she croaked.

He stopped and proceeded towards her wardrobe. Gently setting her down, he offered her the opportunity to choose her sleepwear. However, as if to validate his earlier statement, her legs buckled beneath her. He caught her just in time, preventing a fall.

“And what was that about walking on your own?” he inquired with a playful glint in his eyes. Ashleigh couldn’t help but squirm under his scrutiny.

With a firm hand on her waist, Adrian guided Ashleigh towards the wardrobe. He used his free hand to open it, but Ashleigh remained oblivious, her focus entirely captured by the sensation of his arm around her. A gentle squeeze brought her back to the present. Her gaze met his with a flicker of annoyance.

“Would you stop that?” she mumbled.

“Why should I?” he countered playfully. “You’ve been out of it for a minute. Care to share what’s on your mind?”

Ashleigh averted his gaze. “No, I’ll just choose my sleepwear now, thank you.” She reached for a pair of silk pajamas, but Adrian gently intercepted them.

“Silk won’t be comfortable for your fever,” he explained. “Cotton would be better.” He held up a pink, short-sleeved cotton nightgown.

“You seem to know a lot about caring for sick women, Mr. Cagliari,” Ashleigh remarked, taking the gown from him.

“Well, I should,” he replied. “I took care of my grandmother when she was ill.” A genuine warmth filled his voice. Despite his words, Ashleigh couldn’t shake a feeling of skepticism.

“Nobody else? Just your grandma?” she probed, raising an eyebrow.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he teased, a playful smirk gracing his lips as he leaned closer.

Just then, Susan entered the room, witnessing her employer and Ashleigh in a peculiar state. Adrian leaned close, his arm around Ashleigh’s waist, while Ashleigh held the nightgown tightly. Deciding to interrupt, Susan spoke up.

“Madame, if you require assistance getting ready, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Both Ashleigh and Adrian turned towards her. “Susan,” Ashleigh instructed, “draw the bath and assist me tonight.” She pushed Adrian away subtly, causing him to roll his eyes in amusement.

Susan scurried into the bathroom to prepare the bath. Upon returning, she informed Ashleigh it was ready.

“Thank you for your help so far, Adrian,” Ashleigh said politely, “but I can manage from here with Susan’s assistance.”

“Are you sure? I’m happy to help further,” he offered. Ashleigh shook her head, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks. “It’s fine, really. I’ve been standing for a while now, a few steps won’t be a problem.”

Ashleigh disengaged from Adrian’s hold and leaned into Susan, who stood beside her. With slow, careful steps, they made their way to the bathroom. Adrian watched them until the door closed behind them, a chuckle escaping his lips at Ashleigh’s defiance. He then settled back into the uncomfortable chair, a habit he’d developed during his stay.

An hour later, Ashleigh emerged from the bathroom. The scent of jasmine filled the room. She looked exactly as he’d imagined her: undeniably cute but also surprisingly alluring. Her skin flushed red from the hot bath, weariness etched on her face.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re still here?” she asked, surprised. He replied with a silent nod, taking over from Susan and helping her into bed. The moment her head touched the pillow, Ashleigh fell fast asleep.

Susan, relieved to see her employer finally resting, bowed respectfully and retired for the night. Adrian sat beside Ashleigh for a while, listening to her soft snores. Once convinced she was settled for the night, he stood and left the room, casting one last look at her sleeping form before switching off the lights and following Susan out.

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