My contract love story

Chapter 16

Ashleigh had gotten to work safely with her friends, unaware of the two watchful eyes following her every move. Adrian’s bodyguards stood out in Mrs. Smith’s office. Their imposing figures, clad in black suits, one with curly hair tied back, the other bald, drew skeptical glances from Mrs. Smith as she sized them up.

Fortunately, Mr. Cagliari’s call came in just then. “Good morning, Adrian. You heard correctly, Aunt. I’m just settling in here in Mexico,” she greeted him warmly.

“I called to check on you and also to let you know about these two gentlemen in your office. They’re Ashleigh’s assigned

Bodyguards, and I’d like them to be placed under your department.”

“Oh, if that’s what you want, then I don’t have a problem with it,” Mrs. Smith replied, though her eyes remained fixed on the guards.

“However, I do worry they might stand out a bit and raise some eyebrows among the other staff.”

“Don’t worry about that, Aunt. I’ve taken care of everything on that end. They know how to handle themselves discreetly,” he assured her casually.

Mrs. Smith finally accepted the arrangement. “Does Ashleigh know about them?” she asked, and the line went silent for a moment.

“Not yet, Aunt. This is for security reasons, due to some recent developments. I’ve also made arrangements for her to start college her long-awaited dream will finally be fulfilled. They’ll be needed sooner rather than later to ensure her safety.”

Mrs. Smith found it unsettling that Ashleigh wasn’t aware of Adrian’s decision, but she understood her niece’s likely resistance. The news about college, however, filled her with joy.

“Well, it’s best for me not to interfere in your decisions,” she conceded. “I’m sure you both will handle the aftermath accordingly.”

“Thank you, Aunt. I need to get to work now, but please don’t hesitate to contact me if there’s any emergency,” he concluded, ending the call before she could say goodbye.

Mrs. Smith sighed and turned back to the guards. “What are your names, gentlemen?”

“Tristan, ma’am,” said the one with the curly hair.

“Jake, ma’am,” the other replied.

“According to your boss’s instructions, I’m offering you both positions here. In return, I’ll need you to…” Mrs. Smith stood up and walked into the small storage room in her office. Emerging with two company-branded shirts, she handed a pair to each of them.

“Change into one and keep the other as a backup. You can use the storage room. When you’re both finished, I’ll explain your duties and responsibilities. You understand that, in addition to your primary duties, you’ll also be working within the company, right?”

“Yes, ma’am, we’re aware,” they replied in unison.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good. Go ahead,” she gestured to the storage room, and they entered to change.

In a few minutes, they were back out, looking much more casual than before. Mrs. Smith then explained that they would initially work alongside the others and be assigned to work directly under Ashleigh after a week. As she said, their presence drew curious stares from the staff members during the tour of the company.

After the tour, she took them to an area and assigned them some tasks to begin with. They surprisingly performed the jobs well. Occasionally, Mrs. Smith checked their progress, and if they weren’t bodyguards, she would have thought they had years of experience.

Lunch break arrived, and everyone gathered in their usual cliques in the cafeteria. Ashleigh sat with James and Fiona, who were amusing her with a lively conversation. Other cleaning staff members surrounded them, some chatting among themselves, while others listened to the latest updates James and Fiona were sharing about what happened while Ashleigh was away.

Mrs. Smith arrived at their table with the two guards, causing a stir of whispers in the cafeteria.

“Aunt!” she called out cheerfully, a smile on her face as she approached them. Her gaze quickly shifted from her aunt to the two unfamiliar figures standing beside her, and a look of confusion clouded her features.

“Good afternoon everyone, I hope you’re all enjoying your break. I have an announcement to make we have two new additions to our staff,” she informed them, observing their surprised reactions.

Their faces mirrored their astonishment as they looked at the two built men, who seemed out of place in this department.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Mrs. Smith continued.

“They’ve been here for a few hours, and I’ve put them to the test. They’re surprisingly good at their jobs.”

She introduced them. “This is Jake Donovan and Tristan Michel. I trust you all will welcome them warmly. Due to these new additions, there will be an updated duty roster. You can all come and see it at the end of the workday. Thank you,” she concluded, leaving both of them with the rest. Silence reined for a while as Jake and Tristan stood, James broke the awkward moment by speaking up.

“So, this is the cleaning crew at Tixton Company. I’m James, Fiona’s to my right, and Ashleigh’s across from me. Over at the other bench are Sofia, Jill, and Beatrice. I used to be the only guy, but now you two are here, so I won’t feel so outnumbered.”

Fiona nudged him playfully. “What are you talking about? You fit in perfectly with us. We didn’t even realize you were the only guy on the team.” James feigned offense with a mock pout, glancing at the two stoic figures beside him.

“Thanks for the support, bestie,” he said sarcastically.

“Why the frown? You can be free with us” Ashleigh asked kindly. As if a switch flipped, the two men began sharing a few details about themselves. They all got to know each other a bit better, but it was clear something was off. They only answered questions from Ashleigh and remained silent when everyone else spoke.

Lunch break ended, and everyone returned to their assigned areas. Ashleigh, James, and Fiona were the last to leave, with Jake and Tristan trailing close behind. Fiona subtly tried to signal for a quick meeting, but with their watchful eyes, it was impossible.

Ashleigh, growing increasingly irritated by their behavior, finally spoke up. “Can you guys head to your assigned areas, please?”

They both readily agreed and left. As soon as they were out of sight, James and Fiona let out a sigh of relief. James practically dragged them into the nearest bathroom and slammed the door shut.

“Those guys are seriously weird,” Fiona declared, her voice hushed. “They creeped me out the way they just stared and didn’t interact with anyone else.”

“Yeah, it’s strange,” James agreed. “They only seem to respond to Ashleigh. It’s like we’re invisible.” Ashleigh shook her head, equally confused. She had no idea why they acted this way, but they made her uneasy too. Their voices were flat and emotionless, devoid of any personality.

“You’re the second in command, Ashleigh,” James suggested. “Maybe you should talk to Mrs. Smith about it.”

Ashleigh considered it but ultimately disagreed. “I don’t think that’s necessary. It’s their first day, and they might just be nervous and need time to adjust.” They dropped the topic for now and continued their conversation as they headed back to work.

The day wore on, and soon it was closing time. Ashleigh was on her way to her aunt’s office to clock out and see if she could convince her to let her stay over since Adrian wasn’t around. Her phone vibrated, and she saw it was Mr. Turner calling.

“Hey, Mr. Turner! I didn’t realize you had my number.”

“The phone was programmed with some essential contacts, including mine. Please don’t hesitate to call if you need anything at all. I’m here to assist you.”

“Oh, thank you. You already have your hands full being Adrian’s assistant. You don’t need to worry about my minor requests.”

“It was Mr. Cagliari’s order that I attend to your requests. He has also told me to inform you that you will be using the car assigned to you. Your driver is currently waiting in the private parking lot” he relayed, making Ashleigh pause mid-step.

“I have already made plans to leave with my friends.” Ashleigh protested.

“Mr. Cagliari says this is for your safety and best interest. You will be going and coming back with the driver every day.”

Ashleigh clenched her fists.

“That’s ridiculous! Where is your boss? I have a few words for him.” She could hear him whisper something on the other end before speaking again.

“He’s currently unavailable at the moment. He will speak to you as soon as he’s free,” he told her.

“I know he’s there. Relay my message to him – I don’t give a damn!” She enunciated each word clearly, ending the call before he could say anything else. She resolved within herself not to let him completely control her movements. For now, she would silently go along with him.

She walked heavily to her aunt’s office and found her discussing with Fiona and James.

“We’ve been waiting for you a while, Ashleigh. We have to start going,” Fiona complained, standing up to grab her bags, pulling James to stand up as well.

“I’m so sorry, guys, but I have to leave with my aunt.”

“Uh, she didn’t say so?” They looked at Mrs. Smith in confusion. Mrs. Smith was about to clarify when she saw Ashleigh signaling her to cover up.

“Oh yes, I wanted her to come with me, so I sent her a text an hour ago,” she added quickly.

“Well, then see you tomorrow, Ashleigh,” they bade goodbye and left immediately.

Ashleigh and Mrs. Smith was left in the office. Mrs. Smith decided to ask Ashleigh why she lied, but Ashleigh spoke up even before she could ask.

“Adrian’s assistant just called me a few minutes ago, telling me that Adrian has prohibited me from going to work and coming back by myself. An assigned driver is waiting at the parking lot for me,” she huffed, grabbing her backpack from the mini locker in the office.

“It’s nice of him to consider your safety and well-being…”

“It’s not nice of him to restrict my movement! You won’t let that happen, will you, Aunt? Let me go home with you, after all it’s the weekend and what’s the worst that can happen?” she attempted to persuade her aunt. Mrs. Smith, who had recalled the conversation she had with Adrian earlier in the day, remained unconvinced.

“Ashleigh, you have to go to your own home and learn how to get used to your surroundings. Maybe then Adrian will be less restrictive with your movements,” she chided her niece, whose face fell into a pout.

“If you say so,” Ashleigh mumbled in a small, defeated voice. Mrs. Smith smiled faintly at her niece’s dejection and nudged her to gather her things, so they could leave.

When they got to the underground parking lot, two cars waited parked side by side for them, with the drivers standing near the passenger doors. They shared their last goodbyes, and Ashleigh watched as her aunt drove away.

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