My Celebrity Crush


Alex’s Pov:

“She’s pregnant, Alex” Hetty’s words resounded in my head and they left a string of bewilderment in me.

What…what the hell did she just say?

“Alex?” She called as I kept quiet, my eyes were bulging out.

Different horns of cars filled my ears and that was when I realised I was still on the middle of the road and so many cars were held up because of it.

Still holding the phone in one hand, I used the other to drive to the other side of the road, parking by it.

“What did you say, Hetty? Wh…Who’s pregnant?” I asked, still having a feeling it was a dream.

“You heard me, Alex; it’s Jeanne. I just found out about it today, but she’s trying to keep it to herself” she replied and I scoffed.

What the heck is she talking about? Jeanne’s pregnant? For…For who?

“Alex!” She called, breaking the silence that ensued.

I just remained quiet, staring like a bloated goat. I couldn’t even think anymore.

Jeanne…Jeanne’s pregnant? How on earth?

Is this an illusion or something?

“I’m telling you this, Alex; because you need to save her. She’s going through hell in the hands of Theo and I’m scared she might not survive it if she continues with it in that condition” Hetty said and I brushed my fingers into my hair.

“Hetty,” i called, trying to control the sound of my voice.

“Did…Did she say who it belonged to? The…The baby?”

Somehow, I felt a little scared asking.

“I told you, Alex; she’s keeping the whole thing to herself. I only got to know because I overhead the doctor telling her about it.

But…she told me you guys were dating before Theo showed up. So…I was thinking you um…maybe, you know?”

She didn’t complete the statement and I heaved and placed my head on the sterling.

Oh, God! Is this really happening? Could Jeanne be pregnant…For. me?

Although, Theo had said some stupid stuff about having s*x with her, but…even if he was telling the truth, there’s no way Jeanne could be pregnant for him because he just showed up less than a week ago.

And Jeanne and I…We had s*x a long time ago and I was actually the one who disvi*gined her.

She doesn’t look a flirt to me.

Could it be possible I’m really responsible for the baby?

“Alex?” Hetty called; but I couldn’t say a word.

I suddenly couldn’t find my tongue anymore.

“Alex please, say something. Jeanne really needs your help right now. She might end up dead in the hands of Theo. Or…aren’t you the father of the baby? Is she pregnant for someone else?”

I left my head on the sterling, trying to get over the shock, but couldn’t.

Jeanne’s pregnant.

How did this happen?

Oh, God! How’s she feeling about it? How will she able to cope with it? What do I do now?

I need to talk to her.

Jeanne’s Pov:

I woke up the next morning and realised Theo didn’t beat me like he threatened to the previous day.

After locking myself up in the room, I saw him driving out of the house and I used that opportunity to hurry to the kitchen and find myself something to eat.

Then, when I was done, I went back to the room and locked myself up and that was it. I slept off and woke up this morning and realised I had been able to escape Theo’s brutality.

Oh, God! I’m supposed to go to school today. What do I do?

I stood up from the bed and walked over to the mirror in the bathroom, staring at my image.

I turned my face from left to right and opened my shirt, staring at my tummy.

I still can’t believe I’m pregnant; I’m carrying a baby in me.

How do I go about it now? For how long will I conceal the truth? Pregnancy isn’t something that can be hidden for long.

But…Alex, how can I tell him about it? What would be his reaction? What if he’s not ready to settle down yet? Then, I’d just be forcing this on him.

But, what would be his reaction? I kind of feel scared to know.

I can’t believe I’m carrying Alexander’s baby in my womb. The World’s Alex.

And dad…what would he say when he gets to know about it?

Oh, Jeanne! I should have been more careful.

I shouldve taken some pills after the intercourse. They just never occurred to me.

I heard a knock on the door and quickly left the mirror, my whole body vibrating already.

I knew it was Theo.

He knocked on the door again, but I was too scared to reply.

Then, I heard the knob turning and my heart skipped.

What? Don’t tell me he’s gotten a spare key!

I stood dumbfounded and watched as the door finally opened and he walked in.

Oh, goodness!

His eyes were dark as ever and portrayed anger.

“Are you trying to toil with me, Jeanne?” He asked but I couldn’t say a word.

God, no,. no . Please, don’t let him do this.

He walked to where I was and that was when I could find what to say.

“I’m…I’m sorry, Theo. Please, forgive me” I said with conniption and he chuckled.

“Really? Forgive? Well, guess what, Jeanne; I don’t know what that means”.

He drew closer to me and touched my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

“Today, you’re gonna be doing something special for me.” He whispered into my ears.

“So, get dressed. We’re leaving for school immediately” he added and walked out of the room and I gasped.

Oh, God! What could he have in mind?

I felt so scared, but couldn’t do anything about it.

I hurriedly showered and dressed up so I don’t get Theo angry. I really don’t want to do anything that’d make him hurt me or my baby.

I dressed really simple this time around and when I was done, I made use of a flat footwear. I heard pregnant women weren’t supposed to wear something high.

Oh, God! I can’t believe I’m now referring to myself as a pregnant woman.

I left the room and went out to the sitting room and there I found Theo, already dressed up. I wonder what he has in mind for me today. What if something that endangers my life or something?

I’m really so scared now.

When he noticed I was done, he stood up and started walking out and nobody told me to follow him.

I followed him to the parking lot where he made use of a pink car, but this time around, he asked one of his drivers to do the driving.

I sat beside him at the back seat and felt really uncomfortable.

What if he just decides to turn and hit me? And worst on my tummy?

I really don’t know what to do in this condition. I’m so scared for the safety of I and my baby.

I know if I tell Alex about it, he’s definitely going to do everything possible to get me away from Theo, but it’d also endanger his life and mine because Theo’s capable of doing anything.

I really don’t know why this baby decided to come now. I wonder if he or she is aware of the fact that I’m going through a lot of pains for his father.

I still find the whole thing funny.

So, in a short time, I’d start having baby bumps and all that? Then, my tummy will become very big and I’ll give birth to an infant, breastfeed and nurture him or her till she grows up and starts addressing me as “mum?”.

Oh, Jeanne!This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I still can’t believe this.

We got to Alpha High and it took my mind back to the danger that was before me.

I came out of the car with Theo and as expected, all eyes turned on us. I suddenly remembered today was tuesday and Alex was likely to show up for Mr Leonard’s class.

Oh, my! What if he enters another fist fight with Theo?

Theo and I started walking into the building and it was clear the entire students around were talking about us.

They might probably be saying I’m lucky, but they have no idea I’m going through hell in the hands of the devil.

I suddenly noticed Theo wasn’t taking me to class, but somewhere else in the building. Okay, what does he think I’m doing? I’m still wondering that special thing he wants me to do for him.

But, not long after, Hetty showed up from nowhere and it got me nonplussed. What does she have to say? She shouldn’t do a thing that’d implicate me in front of Theo.

She was holding a plastic cup of drink.

“Hey, Jeanne!” She called with a broad smile but I couldn’t even smile back at her.

Theo’s warned me not to speak to anyone here in school without his permission and he hasn’t permitted me to speak to Hetty yet.

She took her eyes to Theo who was staring at her.

“Um…hi, Theo” she said in more like a whisper.

Was she scared to talk to him or what?

“Long time” she added.

“Yeah” was Theo’s vacuous reply.

Then, she looked back at me.

“Um…Jeanne, I was thinking you might want to hang out with me…”

“She can’t” Theo cut her off coldly and she sighed.

“Okay then. See you later” she said and tried walking away.

But, as she walked pass me, the drink she held suddenly slipped from her hand and emptied on my body.


“Oh, my God! I’m so sorry, Jeanne” she said immediately and tried wiping it off, but it was useless. My entire shirt was stained.

Why wasn’t she careful?

“I’m really sorry, Jeanne. Maybe you should make use of the restroom. I’m sorry” she said apologetically and walked away.

Oh, God!

I turned and looked at Theo. I wonder if he’d let me make use of the restroom; or he’d prefer I keep. keep going around like this.

“You have three minutes to do that and meet up behind the bookstore” he said without looking at me and tried walking away, but suddenly stopped and looked back at me.

“Just three minutes, Jeanne. Don’t do something crazy because I’d definitely find out” he said and I nodded and he walked away.

Then, I took off immediately, going straight to the restroom.

I just pray I don’t exceed the time.

I got there and noticed It was really empty. Well, they’re all in class already.

I went to the washbasin and taking a napkin, I soaked it with water and started brushing off the stain from my shirt. I wonder why Hetty wasn’t careful.

I lifted my head to look at myself in the mirror and to my greatest surprise, I saw Alex standing behind me, by the door.


I flinched and quickly turned to look at him and my heart skipped when I confirmed it was real.

What…what is he doing here? How does he know I’m here? What does he have in mind?

“A…Alex?” I stuttered his name.

Oh, God! I’m pregnant for this guy. I wish I could tell him about it; tell him his baby was inside of me.

He moved from the door and started walking closer to me.

Oh! How I wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him he was about to become a father.

But…Theo; I need to go back to him. I don’t want to get into trouble with him.

Alex didn’t say a word as he drew closer to me and stood very close in front of me.

I couldn’t even move.

Then, he lifted his hand and used it to brush my front hair aside. His touch on my skin felt so cold.

I kept looking into his eyes as he looked into mine.

“Stay still, Jeanne” he said softly to me and I wondered what he meant.

Then suddenly, he brought out a napkin from his pocket and before I could realise what was going on, he covered it over my nose and I found myself struggling.

Whaat? What is he doing???

“Alex…” I said in a muffled breath but he didn’t stop.

And immediately, I dozed off and fell asleep in his arms.

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