My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate

Chapter 50: Visit

Chapter 50: Visit

The days passed by slowly and soon it was Thursday. I had taken a few days off from school, due to

the doctors orders, but I was feeling better in no time. It's safe to say that the treatment and antibiotics I

got from the doctors actually worked and I wasn't pushing myself too much. I was bored out of my mind

from just sitting down for days, not doing anything, and I was happy when Thursday finally came.

Tomorrow was my birthday, I was finally 18! I was elated for the arrival of my much anticipated birthday

but got chills when I remembered the last party I had been to. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Mom had come visited me this morning, to check up on how I was doing. She looked much better now,

she even said she was feeling better because as long as I was alright, she was alright. My mom is such

a kind, gentle creature, I don't know what I would do without her.

"You ok?" Spencer's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see her sitting on the

counter if the huge kitchen. She was wearing a green turtleneck sweater and her hair was put up in a

messy bun. I hadn't even heard her come in the kitchen. Oh, wait, she's a werewolf.

"Yeah." I answered with a blank mind. During the past few days, Spencer had told me all about

werewolves, and their abilities. Speed, strength, advanced senses, endurance, agility, night vision and

even immortality. I found all of this information interesting although, in the beginning I had done some

research for myself. Spencer even said some werewolves had the ability to heal a sick or injured

person. It was rare to have that ability, and because of that, many who possessed that type of power

were hunted and captured.

"I'm going down at the pack house, want to come?" Spencer asked. She jumped off the counter and

didn't even wait for me to answer. My bestfriend just grabbed my hand and pulled me through the

house. Throwing the wooden, and expensive, front door open, she ran outside like a wild child.

"Liam told me to stay inside the house. I'm suppose to be resting." I told Spencer who laughed. She

spun around to face me.

"What's he going to do? Punish us? Come on, live a little!" My bestfriend exclaimed and stared at me

with puppy eyes.

"Fine." I finally gave in. Don't get me wrong, I want to get out of the house really bad but I don't want to

risk getting Spencer in trouble, or worse, hurt. Or anyone else for that matter. It seems as if everywhere

I go, some evil spirit follows me and hurts anyone around me. I follow Spencer towards a huge

settlement where, from what I've learnt, is where most of the werewolves of this pack live. Some

smaller families live in independent individual houses but are close to the pack house, just in case of an

emergency or the need for help.

"Welcome to the Moon Stone pack!" Spencer says with as much enthusiasm as I have being here. A

few children are wandering around, talking, laughing and playing with one another and they all look

happy with what they're doing. One little girl with a melting popsicle in her hand has not stopped

looking at us ever since we've gotten here. A group of elderly women are seated by a table near the

playing children, as if unconsciously watching them and keeping them safe. The pack house is

"We're going inside, I'm gonna visit someone. You don't have to come if you don't want to." Spencer

assures me.

"I want to come." I tell Spencer firmly. She nods and motions for me to follow her up the steps of the

huge house. How rich must Liam be to have a entire mansion for himself, and also run another pack

house just as big? I'm starting to think I judged his character a little too quickly. A few weeks ago he

was just a handsome stranger who I knew nothing about. It's funny how your perspective of people can

change in a short time. Spencer turns the lock of the front door and lets in herself, as well as me. The

interior of the house is just as beautiful and decorative as the exterior. Paintings hung on the walls like

children's paintings and a huge chandelier danced over our heads as we passed through the entrance

of the house.

"Here." Spencer instructed as she walked over to a stairway. A group of children ran down the stairs

just as we were about to start up them. Three of them immediately jumped on Spencer, tackling her to

the floor and I almost laughed. All of them were girls, and looked like they were still in preschool. Two

clung to Spencer's feet as she struggled to get up from the three weighing her down.

"Beta Spencer, we're so happy to see you!" One of them, a pretty blonde with sparkling blue eyes,

exclaimed. Spencer laughed and hugged them. A beautiful brown haired one with hazel eyes pointed

at me.

"Isn't that Luna Emerald, the one Alpha Liam always talks about?" She asked and my eyes widened.

Spencer gave me a evil grin and told the girl I was the person.

"You look was prettier than Liam says you are." She told me as the others slowly nodded their heads in

agreement and I blushed furiously.

"Okay, enough compliments, you're making me jealous." Spencer says jokingly and the little girl's burst

into laughter.

"Annalise, do you know where Elder Daciana is?" Spencer asked the pretty blonde.

"She's up in her room making the costumes for our Halloween party." Annalise shared. Spencer

thanked the girls and we went on our way after they went outside to play with the rest of the children.

Thankfully, the steps of this house were limited and within a few minutes we were heading towards

Elder Daciana's room. Spencer knocked once, twice.

"Mother Daciana, it's Spencer can I come in?"

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