My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

“Even now,” Adam whispers. “Even holding you like this is hurting you. I’m taking your strength. I know that I have to leave now, but I don’t know how to. I don’t want to leave you like this, but I also know that I have to because being near you is taking your life away.” Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Lizzie indeed was evil. The worst of her kind. They said that Adam was the worst, but they were wrong; Lizzie was all along. She was the horrible one. She was the one that was willing to destroy lives to get her way. She was the one greedy for power.

This explained so much now. So much. He was never trying to leave me; he was never trying to use me. He was trying to save me. He was trying to protect me in whatever way he could, even though it was killing him inside. Even now, he’s blaming himself for my condition. But he can’t; he can’t do that because it’s not his fault.(This novel will be daily updtaed at It’s Lizzie’s. She was the one to infect him with the potion; she was the one trying to take over the world; she was, not him. I’m this way because of her, no one else. Adam did nothing wrong. My prince did nothing wrong. Nothing.

“You’re wrong,” I whisper. “This isn’t your fault. I’m not like this because of you. I’m like this because of Lizzie. She’s responsible. I need you to see that. I need you to see that you did nothing wrong. I’m the one that insisted you stayed when you begged to leave. I’m the one that came between you and the elders when you were fighting. You did nothing wrong.”

“I need to go, Amiera.”

Igasp when I hear him propose to leave and begin to cough uncontrollably. My eyes widen when I taste blood. Adam goes rigid when he sees it too. I’m coughing up blood. Oh no. Not a good sign. How much time did I have left? I didn’t want to leave him. I didn’t want to leave my dark whisperer.

“I’m already losing the fight, Adam.” I cry. “I don’t have long to live again. I know it. I rather spend my last moments with you than spend them without you by my side. I want you to stay here with me. I’m scared. I’m scared of never seeing you again. I’m scared of leaving you behind. I’m scared of what will happen to the world when I’m no longer here. I was supposed to protect everyone; I was supposed to be their savior. They all believed in me, and I didn’t want to let them down. I need you to stop Lizzie. I need you to stop her before it’s too late. Don’t let her get away with what she did, and don’t let the evil inside of you win either. Fight it, for me. Be good, for me. Live, for me.”

I don’t stop talking there; I keep going.

“Tell Abigail that she’s managed to score a place in my heart even though I didn’t get enough time to know her better. Tell her that I would miss her dearly. Tell her that I’m happy to have her as my friend. Tell my family that I love them that I will miss them. That no matter what, I’m always by their side. Just like I’ll

always be by yours.” I continue to say. I’m telling him everything I need to as I feel my life begin to leave my body. I don’t have much time left. It’s going by so quickly, and I can’t say everything I want to fast


“No!” Adam growls as he hugs my body to his. “I will not let you go. I will not lose you. I love you. I love you so much. I didn’t know what love was until I met you. You taught me everything I know about love, Amiera, and now you’re teaching me about heartbreak. You’re teaching me what it means to get your heart ripped out of your f*****g chest. I don’t want to live without you. I will not stay a day longer on this earth if you are not here with me.”

Icup his cheeks in my hands, “don’t say that. You can live without me. You have to. Someone needs to protect our people. Someone needs to stand up to the bad. And I trust that you can do that. I believe that you can.”

“I love you, Adam,” she whispers. “I will always love you. Thank you for coming into my life and teaching me true happiness. I’ll always be by your side. I promise never to leave you. My heart will always belong to you. And only you.”

Amiera’s body goes limp in my arms just then, and everything begins to spin in my head. “No!” I whisper, “No, no, noooo00o!”

I am shouting her name, shaking her body, kissing her, trying to revive her, surrounding her with my darkness, trying to feed her power back to her. I’m trying everything out of desperation, and absolutely nothing is f*****g working.

“Don’t leave me!” i beg as the tears flow down my cheeks. “Don’t you dare leave me!” Nothing happens. (This novel will be daily updtaed at at all. “Nooooo!” I shout in agony when I still get no response.

Seeing her body lifeless in front of me has done it for me. I’ve lost my mind. I’ve completely lost it. It’s over. Everything. Everything that I’ve ever wanted in life means nothing to me now, nothing. Now that she’s gone, I don’t see a purpose to live. But I will grant her wishes. I will stop Lizzie, and I will make her f*****g pay for taking Amiera away from me.

I pick her body up into my arms, and I hold her tightly against me. I’m flying with her one more time; I’m taking her with me to show her that I’m fulfilling her wishes.

I look down at the ground and see my target. Lizzie and our army, the army that we built together. The same army that I’m about to destroy.

Lizzie looks up at me, and her eyes dance with happiness when she sees Amiera’s lifeless body in my arms. I fly to her, and before she can say anything, I grab her throat and shove her to the ground, all the while still holding Amiera with one hand.

“I told you.” I roar above the raging darkness that’s formed the shape of flames, a sign of Amiera’s power now inside of me. “I told you that I would kill you if anything happened to Amiera.”

She’s gasping for air and begging me with her eyes to let her go. I ignore her pleas; they mean nothing to me.

“You took the woman that I love away from me. You took away my reason to live!” I shout. “Now, I’m going to take your life away from you. And I won’t stop there. I will destroy everything that you’ve worked so hard to create.”

Lizzie screams as the darkness enters her body and rips her heart out of her chest; I don’t stop until her body is also lifeless in front of me.

When she’s gone, I create hundreds of black holes. It’s a sight to see, something I’ve never been able to do before. I didn’t think that it was possible to create this many. While I’ve wanted to be this powerful my entire life, this does nothing to stop my aching heart. I’m hurting. I’m bleeding for Amiera.

Troar in agony, letting all my anger and pain out. One after the next, demons leave the black holes and attack every one of my men. The same men I’ve been training to take over the world. I’ve turned on them, I’ve turned on them all so that I can get my love’s forgiveness so that I can grant her dying wish. I will take as much evil out of this world for her.

I don’t stop; I keep them coming one after the next until there is no more of a threat until everything created by Lizzie and me is gone.

It does not bring back my Amiera, but it gives me a sense of peace to know that I did what she wanted. able to give ner, inat’s the wish or living without ner.

I fly to the white fox’s kingdom next. I know that the elders would want me dead, and that’s exactly what I wanted as well.

I find Amiera’s family there, and I’m thankful for that. I can tell them what she said to me. Everything. Her mother screams as she sees her daughter’s lifeless body in my arms.

“Amiera?” her father calls her name as he rushes to pull her body out of my arms. I don’t want to let her go, but I know that her parents also need a chance to say goodbye.

Her brother and sister are now also by her side. Every one of them was crying for her. Begging her to wake up. Just like I’ve been doing all this time.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?” Noah roars as he grabs my shirt.

I let him strangle me; I want him to.

The white fox looks at me, and I let him walk towards me.

“Lizzie and her army are dead. There are no more threats. I made sure of it.” “You got rid of your own army?(This novel will be daily updtaed at” He asks suspiciously. “Why?” “I don’t need to answer that. But I want you to do me a favor.”

He quirks a brow, “a favor?”

My jaw tightens, “yes, I want you to kill me.” He seems taken aback by my request.

“I disobeyed your rule. I met Amiera when I wasn’t supposed to. She lost her life because of my selfishness. I don’t want to live in a world where she does not exist. I want you to give me the punishment of death as you promised. I will not fight you, but if you refuse to grant me this wish, I will fight until I get what I want. It’s your choice.”

The fox looks confused by my words, but he doesn’t ask any more questions.

“If that is what you wish. Rules were broken, and we always stuck to our punishments. You’ve also done quite some damage to my people. You deserve to be punished. But, not many people know how to kill someone as strong as you.”

“It’s a ritual,” I tell him; I’m losing my will to speak. To live. To do anything. I just want this to be over with. “I’ll teach you the words. You have to do it while stabbing the sword of flames into my heart. I know that you have the sword. Just like you have many weapons hidden away.”

“I just ask for one wish,” I tell him. “I want to see her family put her body to rest. And I want it to be done in the most beautiful possible way. I want statues made of her. I want everyone to know her story and the sacrifices that she made. I want everyone to know that she turned my heart of stone into a caring heart, one that fell hopelessly in love with her. I want everyone to know that she stopped me from destroying the earth, that she was the one who protected them, not me, not anyone else. I want them to know that she is and always will be the flaming whisperer that they all hoped for. I don’t want anyone to ever forget her beautiful name. I want people to honor and respect her name from today onwards. Everyone must know just how much of an amazing person that she was. They must know that she had a heart of gold. That she was the purest woman, I’ve ever met. They must know every single good detail about her. She turned me into the man I am today, a man that I know she will be proud of.” I turn to her family then. “She wanted you to know how much she loved each of you. And that she will miss you. She says that no matter what, she’s always by each of your sides.”

Amiera’s family is completely shattered now that I’ve given them her last words. I knew that they to de nere anymore. I will try to jina ner, wherever this world took ner to; I wanted to be rigni inere denina her- never leaving her side.

The next day, I’ve gotten everything I asked for in exchange for my death. There are crowds of people, all mourning the loss of their flaming whisperer. People have pictures of her, and statues are already being made in her honor. Everyone knows the full story by now; they know how amazing she was.

Abigail is screaming for her best friend, and she didn’t take the news well when I told her what Amiera wanted me to say to her.

My parents are begging me to change my mind. My siblings are trying their best to stop the elders from continuing with the ritual. I’m not listening to any of them; I don’t want to live without my flaming whisperer. I don’t belong in a world where she isn’t in.

But I do know this, wherever she goes next, I will follow her. I will not let death separate us. I’ll fight for any chance just to see her again.

The crowd goes up into an uproar when the white fox begins to chant the words I taught him yesterday. Words that I thought I would never say to anyone in my lifetime. I burned the page that had it in hopes of no one ever finding out how to kill me. He lifts the sword and aims it at my heart. Images of Amiera flash before my eyes, and I’m happy leaving this earth while thinking of her beautiful smile, while thinking of the many times she told me that she loved me. While seeing the woman that I would have gladly died for.

I close my eyes when I feel the sword pierce straight through my heart.

I can hear the cries, the cries of my parents, my siblings, of everyone who worshipped me.(This novel will be daily updtaed at But none of that matters. All that matters to me is that I don’t have to live in a world where my love is no longer alive.

I love you, Amiera Hale.

My princess. My flaming whisperer. The only woman that will ever hold a place in my heart. Until we meet again, my love.

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