My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


We are now one day away from the fire fairy festival, and something in my gut is telling me there is plenty that’s about to happen in my life. I can’t explain it, I know that I may sound crazy, but there is no denying what I feel.

I walk into the school’s entrance, and before I can go any further, something catches my attention. I’m not prepared for the rush of negative emotions I feel next.

I cover my chest from the unbearable pain I begin to feel from seeing Adam’s hands

wrapped around Lizzie’s waist. But that’s not all that makes me sick to my stomach.

I take a deep breath, and I swear that I’m getting a panic attack. I can’t remember ever feeling like this before; I didn’t even feel like this when I saw Bryan and Aria cheating behind my back.

I can’t believe it. Is he truly kissing her? I don’t know why I’m still here looking at him stick his tongue down her throat, but my feet don’t seem to want to move. I knew that I wasn’t in a relationship with him, and we barely knew anything about each other but still… This was the

last thing I was expecting to see today.

I thought that I’d come to school today and the tension between us would still be there. He

smeared my lipstick, for crying out loud! He even touched it with his lips. How can he do those

things and then show up kissing Lizzie today?

Why was I even expecting anything from him? He was living up to his reputation; everything people said about him was true. Well, not everything, but at least the part about him being a player. He knew how to play with a woman’s heart; he knew how to make her want


Why was I this devastated by seeing him kiss another woman? I knew that there could

never be anything between us, and I had already promised myself to try my best to stay away

from him. So then why am I this bothered? I should be happy that his attention would be on

someone else other than me. That way, I could focus on other things that weren’t him.

I force myself to turn away from the two of them and keep moving forward even though I want to drop to the floor and bawl my eyes out. I keep telling myself that it doesn’t bother me that much, but I can’t keep that lie up. I know very well that seeing him kiss another woman

was ripping my chest apart.

I needed to get to the bottom of my emotions. This couldn’t be a simple crush on a popular guy at school. It was more than that; my reactions to him said that there was way much more

Trush to class, and Abigail, like always, is waiting there for me. She smiles, and I force myself to smile back. I know when Adam enters the classroom, but I refuse to look at him today. I can feel his eyes on me for the rest of the class; my skin burns like it always does whenever he’s looking at me. However, I will not let him get to me. Now, I knew that he was still with that woman. They were still together, and she had his heart.

I spent the rest of the day ignoring him as well; I did a pretty good job at it even though it was killing me inside. I loved staring at Adam and focusing on every small detail about him. Not doing that bothered me

so much that I wanted to scream in annoyance at my own body.

I was not going to let another man do this to me. I was not about to be hurt by someone

that isn’t even in a relationship with me.

As I’m busy chanting these words in my head, a figure catches my attention. Who was

here? I’d stayed back in the classroom because my professor had wanted me to practice some more; after all, I was the only one behind in class. I didn’t realize that I wasn’t alone or that

someone had joined me.

My breath gets caught in my throat when I see Adam.

Why was he here?

He takes a few steps in my direction, and I take a few steps back. He doesn’t stop until he

has me pressed up against the wall.

“What are you doing?” I demand.

He quirks a brow and leans closer to me, “I’m not the best at understanding women, but I think that you’re upset with me. Can I know why?”

The audacity of this damn prince. How hard was it to put two and two together? The same day he was seen kissing his ex-girlfriend was the same day that I was upset with him. How hard is it to figure it out?

He hasn’t even kissed me once. And do you want that, Amiera? I want to groan in

frustration. I sound like a jealous girlfriend!

Suddenly I’m very aware of the fact that it’s just the two of us here. The classroom is empty, and it doesn’t sound like there is anyone outside the door either. It’s probably not a good idea to be here right now, but yet here I am, alone in an empty classroom with the dark prince himself.

“Aren’t you going to tell me?” he asks in a husky whisper.

I don’t know the answer to that question, but I find myself leaning more into him. His hand touches my cheek lightly, “tell me. What have I done to upset you?”

I swallow and gaze into his curious eyes, “I saw you kiss her today.”

Surprise flashes across his eyes, and I think that I’ve finally succeeded in shocking him.

He is silent for a few seconds before he opens his mouth to speak again.

“You’re upset with me because I kissed someone?”

My cheeks are now burning up as I realize what I’ve just done. I just admitted to him that I

was practically jealous that he kissed someone else! I had to get out of here quickly before !

embarrassed myself further.

“Amiera,” he whispers. “Answer me.” “Say it again,” I murmur. Adam looks confused by my request. “Say what?”

“My name.”

I don’t know why hearing him say my name made me feel so warm inside, but I wanted to

listen to it over and over again.

I couldn’t look away from his intense gaze even if I wanted to. I feel lost in his eyes, and I

want to keep drowning in them for the rest of my life. I’ve never seen eyes so enchanting before; they give me life, when in fact, they’re meant for darkness; how insane was that?

“Amiera.” He says, fulfilling my wishes.

He takes a step towards me, and I gasp when one hand reaches forward and grips my waist tightly. My lips part slightly when he places one of his hands on my neck. I can’t explain what happens next; it’s hard to understand or believe it’s happening. My body immediately began to relax, and I no longer felt the anger and frustration that I just felt; in fact, I felt a

calmness that I’ve never felt in my entire life.

I stare at him in wonder.

How does he do that?

Our bodies are now pressed tightly together, and I’m dying for him to at least kiss me. It’s precisely then that my body chooses to remember he was kissing another woman only a few hours ago. Suddenly, the anger and jealousy rush to regain control over my body.

push away from him angrily, “you shouldn’t be this close to me when you already have

someone else.” I snap. “I’m not the type of girl you’re accustomed to dating; I’m sorry if I gave

I don’t wait for him to say anything else as I rush out of there before giving him a chance

to change my mind.

-AMIERA Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

It’s the day of the fire fairy festival, and while it may be an exciting day for others, to me,

it’s just another day where people made me feel like I was a complete disappointment to my


Igaze at the large white glass stage in front of us surrounded by mirrors; everyone is dressed in white also; it was tradition for guests to wear white on this particular occasion even though the flaming whisperer has not been found for years now.

Our teachers gather all students in long lines; everyone who turned eighteen this year

must take part.

I stood a distance away, watching everything take place.

“What are you doing here?” Abigail asks me. “Let’s join the line.”

I knew that my professors didn’t want me to participate today; they thought I would just be wasting everyone’s time. However, as I look towards the stage and see the hopeful looks on my parent’s faces, I know that I must do this, at least for them.

Inod and follow her to the back of the line. The whispers are getting louder, and no one

can hide the excitement on their faces.

My eyes lift to the crowd of people that have taken their seats all around us; every royal family from the neighborhood kingdoms has attended, all hoping that today we would get to meet the flaming whisperer. The dark whisperers are given separate seats from everyone else, and I don’t understand why the council tries so hard to make them feel like outsiders. If they decide to retaliate against the rest of us, I think that little things like these would have been the

slight push they needed.

One by one, each fire whisperer is given a chance to take part in the ritual, and each time everyone holds their breaths only to be disappointed in the end.

The cycle repeats itself repeatedly, and by the time they reach me, I can tell that everyone has given up already.

“You’ll have to sit this one out,” Miss Phillis says to me. I look up at her with wide, surprised eyes. Yes, I did not believe that the flaming whisperer could be me or anyone here for

around me are louder now, and I can tell that many secretly laugh at my humiliation. I look

towards the crowds where I know my family is, and just as I expected, my parents also look

entirely embarrassed by what just happened to me. My brother seems pissed, and so does my sister.

I quietly excuse myself and stand at the sidelines where all students who failed the test

are standing. Immediately the girls begin to giggle in my face and talk about me as though I was not there. Or maybe they were actually waiting for me to hear every lousy word they wanted to say about me.

The service continues, and there are only a few more whisperers left. The attention is taken off me finally when everyone tunes in to find out if any of them could be the flaming whisperer.

I can’t stop thinking about the way Miss Phillis denied me from taking part. Yes, I did not know how to create fire yet, but I was trying my best. The least they could have done was let me take part. The testing doesn’t even take that long; how would my test delay anything from today? I was already eighteen; I deserved to take part in this; it was the rule. I didn’t see a single rule that said a fire whisperer that did not know how to create fire could not take part in the ritual. But I’m sure that whoever wrote the prophecy didn’t account for a fire whisperer that could not make fire. That was just not something that you ever saw around our kingdoms until

I arrived, of course.

Sudden sighs from the crowds make me lift my head towards the stage.

That was the last one, and nothing extraordinary happened yet. I guess this year was another one without meeting the flaming whisperer. Everyone stands up to leave, disappointed

once more.

“Wait!” A mighty yet familiar voice rocks the stage, gaining everyone’s attention.

My eyes follow the sound, and I see that Adam is standing at the center of the stage.

“There is one girl that has not been tested today; it’s only fair that she also takes part.” He

announces to everyone’s surprise.

Who could he be speaking about?

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