Mr. President You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

Chapter 83

83 83- Fire 

“Are you sure, you talked to Sophie about this… this plan of yours?” Marissa tilted her head to look at him, sitting next to her on the recliner, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Emily had arranged two recliners on the back patio where they could see the sea. It was an odd combination where he had removed his t–shirt and only wore his cotton trousers that were. rolled up from his ankles. 

She was still dressed in her formal office attire, had kicked off her sandals, and was leaning back on the recliner. Even her chignon was fixed in its place. 

“I did talk to Sophie,” he reached out for her hand and squeezed it gently, “And I’m sure I definitely talked to her unless,” he shrugged, “unless I’m suffering from memory loss.” 

She slapped the hand, holding hers, and freed it from his grip. 

“And why are we here? Of course, if our kids are not around then we both can drop the act,” This time when she spoke, thankfully there were no tears and no weak shaky voice involved. 

He seemed to be too engrossed in his thoughts and she gave him 


At some point, she needed to tell the kids that their parents were 

not a normal couple. 

There was respect between them and friendship too. 

But there was no love. 


83 83–Fire 

She wanted to teach her daughters that not every time they had to choose love. It usually existed in the books and movies. The reality was far from it. 

She jolted upright when felt her recliner move and squealed in 

panic. Rafael was pulling it towards him closing the small distance between them. While still lying back, he was doing it so effortlessly and she had to swallow hard when she watched his muscles flex 



“W…what do you you are doing?” she wanted to hold his shirt for support but realized too late that he wasn’t wearing any. 

As a result? 

She was holding his naked shoulder with all her might not aware that her nails were piercing his skin. 

“Ouch! Marissa! This is not a good way to take revenge on someone,” Once her recliner was glued to his, he threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“It wasn’t revenge,” she retorted, “Now don’t dodge my question,” 

He slipped his shades under his nose bridge and glanced up with narrowed eyes, “Which question?” 

She passed him a warning glare, “You know too damn well, what I’m talking about. Now tell me… why…” 

Before she could finish it, she was pulled into his embrace once again, “And you think it was an act for the sake of our kids?” 

“Then what was it?” she placed her palms on the skin of his chest. without looking there. The man seemed completely immune to her 


touch and here she was. Trying her best not to give herself away. “Why are we here?” this time she didn’t get conscious of her skirt riding up. “I have known you for a long time, Rafael. Now I realize, back then I was a liar and took your advantage. Marriage is never about lying or undermining each other. It’s always about loving and respecting your spouse and the biggest of all? Staying honest to him or her…” she trailed off and he gently placed her down. 

This time not on his lap. However, his hand stayed there around 


“So, what do you suggest Marissa?” Marissa looked at the serious face of the man who was her first love. His face was intense and 

filled with concern. 

“I suggest…that you stay honest with your wife,” she sighed, “This is… highly inappropriate to give your valuable time to some random woman when your wife is back home waiting for you. This is dishonesty, Rafael. I did become a part of it once. But I can’t do it anymore.” She could feel his eyes on her face. 

Initially, she did try to maintain eye contact but then she had to quit it. 

When he didn’t speak for several minutes, she at last lifted her gaze only to find him staring back at her. His facial features had somewhat gone hard. 

“Tell me this, Marissa,” he snarled, “Is there a man involved?” 


He shrugged and glanced up at the sky, “Are you involved with someone? Because if this is the case, I’ll step back.” 

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Marissa thought of Gerard for a moment. He had been a great friend and loved her. But the love part had always been one–sided. 

“Damn,” she heard Rafael cursing under his breath, and he left the recliner abruptly, “there is a man in your life!” 

Marissa felt like his shoulders had slumped down a little. 

“Asking me this question when you have still not answered mine, Rafael?” she asked sarcastically. 

“What’s the use?” he turned, his hands now placed in his pockets, “you are involved in someone. Right, Marissa?” 

“Oh, God! Goodness! I didn’t say that!” 

“You took time that means…” 

“Stop it!” she screamed, “Stop it, Rafael!” 

He went quiet after that. He hadn’t seen her screaming like this ever. She had always been a soft–spoken girl. 

“You threw me out of your life, Rafael. Got it? Then one day your conscience allowed you and you decided to barge into my life. because you know? Kids! Then you said it’s about kids and we need. to show them a healthy relationship among us. You came at night, stayed in my room, kissed me, and…” 

Throwing up her hands she turned away, “And then you planned this surprise. I don’t know why you did that. So, tell me dammit. What do YOU want? Kids are no longer around, so be honest!” 

“I want YOU! OK? I want you, Marissa!” that made her go quiet. She looked at his face in confusion and realized that the expression on his face was not of anger but vulnerability. 


She had seen this before when she was staying with him. 

“You can’t want me, Rafael,” she mumbled, “You are married to 


She went to him and stood with her face high, “You…” she poked her finger in his chest, “You married her. If you have any other intentions towards me? Then it won’t happen when you are married to my sister. Sorry if you think that I’ll be a second woman. 


“Marissa!” she ignored him and swiftly headed inside the bedroom. Feeling him coming after her, she was quick enough to lock the 

door behind her. 

“Marissa. Listen to me, honey,” he was knocking the door. 

“You better take me back to Kanderton, Rafael. And let me know about the plan. How long are we staying here? I’ll come out when you decide to sit in that car and leave Kalaar.” 

“Can you please open the door?” Rafael’s hands were resting slightly on the door. 

“No just tell me the damn period, Rafael!” she yelled and closed her 


“If you are planning to stay here overnight, then you are mistaken!” She muttered to herself and fell on the bed, placing the pillow on 

her face. 

“Marissa!” Rafael started knocking the door again. 

She tossed the pillow aside in frustration and shouted again, “How long are we supposed to stay here? Because I’ll come out after our 


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booked period is over!” 

There was again silence on the other side of the door. Why wasn’t he telling her? She thought with irritation. 

“Fine!” he shouted, “One week!” 

Marissa thought she heard him wrong

“W… what?” 

“It’s one week!” he barked again. 

She marched to the door in a rage and flung it open, “Are you out of your fuc*king mind?” she yelled, the moment his face became visible, “One week? You expect Sophie and Flint to take care of the kids for one week? Are you crazy, Rafael?” 

She wanted to say more when found him suppressing his grin. 

“What’s so funny!” 

“Nothing,” he showed her his white teeth, “we are just staying 


She looked at him in confusion, “B…but… you just said…” she trailed 


“I said to make you open the door. Didn’t have any other choice,” He shrugged with a cocky grin and Marissa wanted to bang his 

head on the wall. 

However, he didn’t give her a chance and wrapped his arms around her waist to draw her closer, “My strawberry has turned into fire. And I’m liking it.” 


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