Mr CEO’s personal assistant


“Morning!” Elizabeth said to Natalie as she walked into the McGregor building.

“Morning! What are you doing here? Don’t you have a job to be at?” Natalie said confused but smiling at her friend.

“I do, but I took the morning off.”

“You did now did you?”

“Yes. I did.” Elizabeth smiled.

“What’s the occasion?” Natalie said smiling as well.

“Well-” Elizabeth started but was cut off by James who walked up behind her and placed an arm around her waist.

“We’re going to check out a possible wedding location.” He said kissing her on the cheek.

“That,” Elizabeth said right before kissing him on the lips.

“I can’t believe it!” Natalie exclaimed. “O my goodness, did you guys pick a date yet? Did you pick a maid of honor yet?”

Elizabeth chuckled. “No, not yet and yes, yes I did. Unless you don’t want to?”

“I’d be honored.” Natalie smiled. “I do have to check if my boss will give me that day off though.” She glanced at James.

“He’d better, else there will be no wedding at all.” Elizabeth said.

“We can’t have that now can we?” James said.

“But we’ve got to go,” Elizabeth said. “So I’ll see you tonight Natalie?”

“Yes, I’ll see you tonight.”

“This place is huge…” Elizabeth said, looking around the gigantic room.

“Well we need a huge place. Else all the people won’t fit.” James replied looking around the room aswell.

“Who are you planning on inviting? The entire state of New York?”

“Maybe…” James stated turning around to look at her.

In response, Elizabeth chuckled and hit him play fully on the chest.

“So Mr. And future Mrs. McGregor, do you like our venue?” The elderly man behind them asked.

“It is beautiful.”

“It’s sufficient.”

“James!” Elizabeth exclaimed, hitting him on the chest once more. “Excuse my fiance, he hasn’t taken his pills today.”

The man chuckled and continued. “Very well, I will leave you to alone for a moment.”

“So?” James asked as soon as the man left.

“So what?”

“So could you see yourself get married here?” He asked placing his arm on the small of her back, placing a kiss on her cheek.

“To tell you the truth I can hardly imagine myself getting married at all.” She says walking away from him. “But I do like this place.”

“We could also go with a church.” James said teasing her.

“Two atheists getting married in a church…” She chuckled. “No this place will be just fine…”

Natalie smiled at the little piece of paper that she held in her hand. It was rather simple, white paper with black letters that read:

Elizabeth Waverton & James McGregor Jr.

Would like to invite you to our wedding…

The card was rimmed with a gold line and had all of the information on the inside.

She smiled to herself as she remembered how it had all happened and how it all started. Never would she ever have predicted this outcome when James jr. Came to take over his fathers job. And now she was here, watching as the hair dresser put the finishing touches on her best friends hair.

She herself was already wearing her light blue bridesmaids dress, and currently she was patiently waiting. She was however surprised when her phone started buzzing. Confused she grabbed the thing from her purse.

The name on the screen was a name she knew all to well. It was Patrick, one of James his closest friends and actually his best man. “I’ll be back in a sec.” She said to Elizabeth before leaving the room and picking up the phone.


“How is everything going on that side?”

“Why do you ask?” She said rolling her eyes.

“Well James wanted to know…”

“I guessed as much. You can tell him that everything is fine alright?”

And with that she hung up the phone and went back inside.

“Who was that?” Elizabeth said smiling as she turned around.

“Who do you think that it was?” Natalie asked smiling at her.

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him that everything is alright.”

Elizabeth stared at herself in the mirror lost in thought. This all somehow felt so surreal. She smiled as she thought back to many of the fun times that the two of them had had together so far.

Thinking back to the time that he had met her parents, she let out a small chuckle…

It had been not long ago when he finally met them and to tell you the truth it had been long overdue. Both of her parents were originally from Illinois and she herself had lived there for most of her childhood. Later on, in life, she had moved to New York to pursue a career there.

Her parents had then stayed in Illinois and she would only come home for the Holidays and Thanksgiving. Then as time went on she started celebrating them with James Sr. As he had no one to celebrate those days with.

She would call her parents once in a while, but to tell you the truth, she didn’t call them enough anymore.

Then one day James had a business trip to Chicago and then the subject of Elizabeth’s parents came up. She never really talked about them much, nor had she told James much about them. So when she found out that he was going on a trip in that direction she took the opportunity to have him meet them.

“But I know virtually nothing about them…” James said as they got on the plane.

“Well this is the perfect opportunity to get to know them.” She said walking in after him.

“But do they know anything about me?”

“Not really.” She said sitting down. “Well except for the magazines or things like that. Though I can’t say for sure if they read that.”

Hours and quite a few miles later they stood on the front porch waiting for the door to open. As soon as they had knocked they heard a dog barking and people talking. A few seconds later the door opened, revealing Elizabeth’s mother, overjoyed at the sight of seeing her daughter.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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