Chapter Forty-two

When she opened her eyes again she was in an unfamiliar room, she looked around and noticed she was in a hospital bed, she tried to get up but she was too dizzy to, she wondered what happened and how long she has been passed out, she closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened and all she could come up with was her talking to Jordan when she found out she was pregnant, her eyes opened in bewilderment when she recurs that she was indeed pregnant, she thought it was just a dream, she gradually opened her eyes again just as Jordan walked in.

“Hi baby girl, you are finally awake,”

He said sitting on the chair close to her bed.

“Yes, but my head hurts so bad, what happened?”

“Your body was too stressed, according to the doctor which is what lead to you collapsing,”

“How long have I been out Jordan?”

“Hmm, about two days,”

“What? That’s a lie right?”

“No, it’s not, your body was so stressed that you have slept for almost forty-eight hours, why didn’t you tell me you weren’t getting any sleep? Did you plan on killing yourself? Why did you have to scare me like that?”

He asked tearing up and she realized that it might not have been easy for him, she had tried to sleep but each time it was always restless, not like she didn’t sleep it was just not a peaceful sleep and she hadn’t wanted to bother him with that.

“I am sorry Jordan, I didn’t want to be a burden to you, you were already doing so much,”

“The fuck do you mean by that girl? By being so careless you not only put yourself in danger but the innocent baby inside you also suffered.

His words confirmed her fears that she was indeed pregnant.

“I didn’t know I was pregnant, I would have been more careful, I am sorry I put you through stress, I promise it won’t happen again.”

She said feeling bad for all the stress she must have put him through.

“You are forgiven, but don’t do that again, alright, I was so scared,”

He replied getting up to hug her.

“So I am really pregnant?”

She asked when he sat back down.

“Yes, when we got to the hospital, I told the doctor everything that happened and they ran a test and indeed you are pregnant which is why when you had left your body to be stressed like that, both the baby and you were struggling to share the little energy you had left which had not been enough and had caused you to collapse leaving the baby in distress,”

He explained and she subconsciously touched her tummy, she whispered a little ‘I am sorry,’ to the little life that was inside her and promised it that she would be more careful, she didn’t know what she wanted to do yet but one thing was sure that she was going to keep my baby.

“So what did the doctor say?”

“Oh, I was just coming from his office and he said so long as you take care of yourself, then you will be just fine, and you are two months pregnant,”

He revealed, Katrina didn’t know how accurate that was because she could remember getting her period the previous month, so she wouldn’t have been pregnant then, but then again if she thought of it well Lucas and she broke up over a month ago so there was no way she would be a month pregnant because if that happens it would only mean that the baby isn’t his, which can’t be because he was the only man she has been with.


She said out loud remembering the one time she had forgotten to take the pills and had taken it a little later, they might not have worked after all


Jordan asked, he looked frightened.

“Sorry, I just, I remembered, one time I had forgotten to take my after pill and had taken it later, but maybe it didn’t work after all,”

She said finally sitting up, and looking around the hospital room properly.

“Wait, is this your uncle’s hospital?”

She asked praying that wasn’t the case but she knew the chances were low, if this was indeed his uncle’s clinic then her parents.

“Jordan!!! What the fuck?”

“What? What did I do? I had no choice,”

“What did you do? There are thousands more hospitals in New York, you know your uncle is gonna talk to my parents, oh my God, what were you thinking?”

Katrina asked already thinking of what she was going to tell her parents, Jordan’s uncle and her dad were pretty close and she was sure he is going to tell her dad, she was hundred percent sure.

“Calm down miss, uncle is not around right now, and besides I did call your parents, in fact, they were here earlier,”

He revealed.

“What the fuck Jordan?”

“What? What would you have had me do? You were so down that I had to let your parents know, you will do the same if I was in your place, I am sorry if you didn’t want them to find out the way they did but I didn’t have a choice, alright?”

“I am sorry Jord, I didn’t mean to sound insensitive, I just… I am… I just don’t know what to do yet and my parents finding out will put more pressure on me, please tell me you didn’t tell them who the father was,”

She said in a pleading voice, God knows she was going to run away if they already knew who her baby daddy was.

“I am not sure myself so why will I tell them that?”

He asked sarcastically.

“The fuck? There is only one man and you know that,”

She replied eyeing him.

“Well, okay, so what are you going to do? Are you keeping the baby?”

“Of course, there is no other way,”

“That’s good to know because I would really not like you if you decide not to, but I don’t have a say in it so I would have supported your decision, thank God you decided to keep it, so what next?”

“What do you mean what next?”

She asked even though she already got a clue of what he was asking.

“You know what I am saying, are you going to tell Lucas?”

“I don’t know yet Jordan, I don’t know what to do,”

“Ahh, then thank God I didn’t call him,”

“You were going to call him?”

“Yes, but I opted to call your parents instead because that was the wiser choice, I knew you will be pissed at me either way but the safer choice was your parents,”

“It was better that you called my parents because I don’t know if I am going to tell Lucas yet, what if he thinks that I planned it just to tie him down, you know Lucas has trust issues, even if I tell him it’s not true he won’t believe me, so, for now, I don’t know yet, let’s just see how it goes,”

She replied, she couldn’t even bring herself to think about how he will react to the news of her pregnancy, she was sure he will accuse her of getting pregnant just to hold him which she didn’t want, but whether she liked it or not, now she can’t move on from Lucas because the baby was already a bond linking them for life, she would come up with a better way to disclose it to him so that he won’t feel that he needs to do what right by her just because she got pregnant for him, she didn’t want to be in that situation either.

“Whatever you decide to do, I will be here for you, which is why I decided to quit too,”

He revealed.

“What? No please don’t do that, I am not going to like it, please tell me you haven’t done anything stupid,”

She pleaded, there was no way she was going to let Jordan quit a job that was good for him because of her, he might end up hating her later if he doesn’t find a better job.

“I thought you will like it if the both of us go back to the favored market together,”

“No, please, don’t, please, you are good at what you do, don’t quit cuz of me,”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright, fine, I won’t, I haven’t submitted my resignation letter, I just typed it, but then I am not going to be held accountable for anything I do to that man who knocked you off,”

“Don’t say anything to him Jordan, I will tell him when I am ready,”

“When will that be?”

“I don’t know yet, but for now, I need to get myself together and move on from him,”

“That’s the spirit girl,”

He replied and she smiled, they talked some more before she decided to rest, she was discharged two days later and her parents insisted that she stayed with them which she couldn’t say no to, even her younger sister came around just to see her, she put in more effort to regain back her health for herself and the baby as the doctor had instructed and she made sure she didn’toverdoo anything including feelingheartbrokenn.

“Are you ever going to tell who is the father of the baby is? You are already showing Katrina, someone had to be responsible,”

Her mom said and she rolled her eyes, and silently cursing at the phone, the woman has been disturbing her about the identity of the baby’s father for the whole month she had spent with them and even after she returned home, she was almost four months pregnant now and she still wasn’t ready to tell her parents, neither has she been able to tell Lucas, every new week for the past two months she would decide to go tell him but every time she will chicken out, the one time she had the courage, she had called his line with her new number, since she had to change her phone number because her stalker went back to texting her too much, she had even had to relocate just so he won’t know where to find out and that seemed like a long-gone past now. The day she had called Lucas he hadn’t taken her calls and never returned it either, and since she hadn’t dared to try again.

“Young woman?”

“Mom, don’t you have a business to run? Why are you disturbing me?”

“Are you honestly going to be like this? You really want to be a single mom?”

“Mom, I already said I will tell you when I am ready, please not yet,”

“When will you be ready, when you give birth? I am sorry if you think I am nagging you but at least give us a name,”

“I will come over during the weekend and we will talk,”

She lied just to get off, she knew she wasn’t going to go over there.

“Alright, I will take your word for it, make sure you keep your words,”

“I will mom,”

She replied and hung up, she wasn’t going over to her parents place her mom was going to bully her into telling her who the baby daddy was and she wasn’t going to say a word not until she told Lucas, she felt bad making the decision to keep the baby herself without asking if that’s what he wanted but she hadn’t known what to do then, she had been still hurting so much that her emotions would have gotten ahead of her, if she tells him which she hoped to do before she starts showing for real, whatever he says, she would tell him she will raise the child herself and he didn’t have to do anything or pay anything, but if he chooses to be in the baby’s life, she wasn’t going to stop him either…

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