Chapter Fifty-one

Lucas got to Katrina’s house as fast as he could after Jordan called him but it had taken longer than he had wanted because he had been in Florida when Jordan had called, he had been trying to reach Katrina since he woke up but she wasn’t taking her calls so he had called Jordan to go check on her but then Jordan had called sounding worried, he found Katrina’s door open but she wasn’t there.

“Jordan, hey, any news?”

He asked as he got in, Jordan was talking on the phone.

“Welcome Lucas, nothing yet, I just spoke with the estate security,”

He replied, which made Lucas even more scared, what could have happened and why did she leave her door open? It’s being over eight hours and she wasn’t back yet, he went into her bedroom and found her phone there,”

“Oh God,”

He voiced as he came back to the living room.

“I found her phone, where could she have gone to without a car or her phone?”

“I have a bad feeling about this Lucas, Katrina is not the type to go out without her phone, CCTV footage didn’t show her leaving the estate,”

Jordan said, he looked as worried as Lucas did, what on Earth could have happened? Why did he leave her alone? He shouldn’t have left her here, he had a bad feeling but he had brushed it off as just his paranoid mind being overly sensitive because he was going away from her now he wished he had listened and postponed the trip.

“Have you called the police yet?”

He asked bringing out his phone to do just that when Jordan shook his head.

“I should have done that but I was overthinking, I am sorry I forgot,”

“Not it’s fine, let’s just concentrate on finding, hoping she shows up soon.

Lucas replied as the police picked up, he explained to them what had happened and gave the address to her house and they said they will be there in a few minutes, of course, he couldn’t just sit and do nothing, waiting wasn’t going to help him.

“Do you know any friend that she is close with and might have visited in a haste?”

He asked Jordan even though he knew Katrina would hardly do that, even if she didn’t take her car, why won’t she take her phone or at least lock the door, except maybe something happened with the baby and she had to go to the hospital, he should have thought of that.

“She doesn’t,”

“Maybe she went to the hospital?”

“No, I called the hospital already, you should know she doesn’t have any appointments for now,”

“Yeah, so what should I do? Where should I start looking from? New York is big how do I find her,”

“Calm down Lucas, just calm down, I understand how you feel but it won’t help if you are on the edge, we will find her soon,”

“I hope so, wait, my house, I should go check my house,”

He said running out of Katrina’s apartment, he got into his car and drove home, hoping to meet her there, but she wasn’t, his security men said she hadn’t come, his phone started ringing.


“Did you find her there?”

“No, she isn’t here,”

“Oh God, the police are here,”

“I am on my way back just tell them to give me Fifteen to twenty minutes,”

He said going back into his car and driving back to Katrina’s apartment, his whole body on fire, he couldn’t even think properly all he could think about was where could she have gone to?

He met with the police at her house and went over what Jordan already told them, they asked a few questions and left saying they will get back to him, he called Katrina’s parents who showed up a few minutes later, her mom looking so worried that he regretted calling them but he couldn’t keep it from them.

“What do you think happened? Who would have done this?”

Her mom asked panicking.

“I don’t have any idea, I am just so lost,”

He said holding his head, he felt he was to blame, she was pregnant and he left her alone by herself, he should have done better.

“Please find her Lucas, please, find my daughter,”

Her mother cried, he hugged her close, drawing strength from her while comforting her too.

“I will don’t worry ma, I will find her,”

She replied, her dad who had been silent the whole time stood up and told him, he and his wife would go home now and to call them if he gets any information, when they left, the estate security called concerning a suspicious car that was seen leaving the estates that morning, he drove quickly there, but nothing much he could make out of it, the car did have a pass to the estate, but still, he sent the footage to the police since the car didn’t belong to any of the estate tenants, the police said they couldn’t declare her missing until twenty-four hours has passed so he had to wait for to either come back or for the Twenty-four hours, he hoped she would be back by then, he went back to her apartment after spending hours at the police station, he met Jordan there.

“Hey, any news?”

“Still nothing, we just have to wait,”

He said warily, but he knew he couldn’t just sit and wait, he called his security officer and also his private investigator and told them what he needed them to do, just relying on the police won’t do shit, he had to act too and get his woman back, he should have followed his intents and at least gotten her a bodyguard like he wanted to do but Katrina was stubborn, she didn’t let him do anything, telling him that she was nothing special and no one would look at her, but look what happened.

“I am so worried, what could have happened? We are not getting anything which is making it even more worrying, I just hope she is fine,”

“Me too,”

Lucas replied he didn’t know what else to do, he had done everything he knew how to do there was no use calling her phone because it was in the house, her phone, he thought getting up to go get it.


“Her phone, what if it was the person sending all those calls and texts?”

“But that stopped a long time ago,”

“True, but still, I can’t rule anything out, he went through her phone, there was nothing suspicious there, so dropped it.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Should I make you dinner?”

“No, thanks I am not hungry, I am just going to drive around town and see what I can find, call me if anything comes up okay?”


He left, got into his car and drove around the busy city, he checked places he knew she liked to visit hoping to see her there but there was no sign of her, he came back to her apartment, feeling useless, he couldn’t sleep that night, he stayed up till the early hours of the day, his phone close to him hoping to hear good news but nothing came…

“What do you mean there is still no lead? It’s being five days, five fucking hellish days, and still no lead? Are you guys even doing anything?”

Lucas yelled at the officer and his private investigator, they weren’t doing anything, five days and still no lead and all they can tell him is wait, he has been waiting for five days, they were all at Katrina’s apartment, he hadn’t left there since he came, this was where she was last seen, he couldn’t bring himself to leave.

“Son, calm down, I am sure they are doing their best,”

“Mom their best is not enough here since Katrina is still missing, it’s almost a week, I don’t know where she is or what is happening to her, you guys should do more,”

He yelled again.

“Sir, we are doing the best we can with the limited information you provided, trust me it hasn’t been easy on our side too, working with little or no information, we don’t even have a clue who her possible adopter would be, as no CCTV camera caught anything of him and the car that is assumed she was taken out in was found last night in an abandoned junk house, at this rate a miracle is what we are hoping for,”

His private investigator said and Lucas had the urge to punch him, he was saying nonsense to his face, his family had arrived two days ago when he had called to tell them, his sisters were at his place and their mom had come here to stay with, she has been here since she got to New York, his dad was currently in a meeting with the commissioner of Police, but it seems all the connections were not enough to find Katrina, the only lead they still had was that it had to be her stalker who took her, he wished he had not taken the issue for granted back then, maybe now she would be here, if only he had looked further into who was sending those creepy messages and gifts.

“There is someone we should look into too,”

Jordan announced, everyone turned to look at him, the guy looked like he aged ten years, Lucas wondered how he looked like, he hadn’t had any good sleep in five days and his mom had to force him to shave last night before he did.

“Who is that?”

The officer asked beating Lucas to the question as everyone looked at Jordan expectantly.


“Who is Nas?”

“You know him, Lucas, the guy that came to meet Katrina that got you all worked up, remember, I think it was on a business trip,”

“Wait, what does he have to do with this?”

“Well, he has been all over the place for a long time always showing off, I introduced him to Katrina before I knew he was a crazy man, well Kat had told me, I can’t remember them being in contact since you guys reconciled but before then, she told me he stopped by asking for a chance with her,”

“Does this man leave on her estate?”

The officer asked.

“No, he doesn’t,”

“Can you identify him?”

“Yes of course,”

He responded bringing out his phone to show them a photo, he looked familiar.

“He was at the estate that day but with a different car, I saw him from the CCTV footage you sent,”

His private investigator said, bringing out his own phone, indeed the way among the people that visited the estate who didn’t live there.

“Any idea when he left?”

The officer asked as they both turned out to face each other, Lucas felt left out so he walked up close.

“There is no footage of the car he came in with leaving the estate,”


“Yes, I found that suspicious but that wasn’t the car we were after do I didn’t give it much thought but what if he changed cars?”

“How is that gonna be possible?”

“It is, there is an underground parking lot in the estate, if it what I think then there is a possibility, I feel so stupid for not thinking about this,”

Jordan said, he looked like he would start crying any moment now.

“Can you take us there?”

“Yes, should I call Kat’s parents?”

“No, not yet,”

Lucas said. As they all followed Jordan to the underground parking lot he talked about and surprisingly, the car was there, which could only mean one thing, he came with the car and left with the one he took her in, the bastard.

“I think we finally have our suspect,”

The police officer announced.

“Yes, I will go and request for the CCTV for the full month or even months back, I want to know exactly when he brought the car he left in here and how long he has been planning this,”

His private investigator said, they took photos of the car, while the officer placed a call across to the office asking them to come to take the car, Lucas was silently through it all, this new finding just further proved that if only he had done a better job at protecting her then this wouldn’t have happened, he just hoped he could find her, every day without her was killing him, he won’t survive it if she is not found…

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