
Chapter 45- Chained

Chapter 45- Chained

Meher's p.o.v

It's been 20 minutes since I am running on the street like a hobo. Mehrab is in my arms and looking

very frightened. My poor son!

" Mamma, where are we going? Why isn't Abbu with us?"He asked me innocently.

I said holding him more protectively," We are returning home, baccha(kiddo). Don't be afraid. Mamma

is with you. Your Abbu will not come with us."

He nodded his head and snuggled more into my chest. I kissed his forehead and patted his head


Well, I was just waiting for a chance to leave that restaurant. Sehreyar was talking about past incidents.

I wasn't interested to talk about all those times which still hurts me.

After he left for washing his coat I managed to come out of the restaurant. His guards were everywhere

as per his order and keeping their eyes so that I can't run away. But, Allah was with me. He helped me

to come out of the restaurant area.

I am now completely tired after running so much. People on the streets are looking at me weirdly and I

just ignored them.

I think I have come enough far away from the restaurant. I need to take a taxi right now. I have to reach

the police station anyhow.

I noticed a taxi is coming in my direction and I signalled the driver to stop. He stopped in front of me

and took down the window glass. He looked at me with his questioning eyes.

" Can you take me to the nearby police station? I asked him worriedly.

He looked at me from head to toe like he is scanning me. His eyes roamed all over my body and I felt

uncomfortable. Why is he looking at me like that? I am not wearing any revealing clothes nor I am

flirting with him. What's wrong with him?

( A/N- Spain is one of the safest countries in the world. This part is completely imaginary. I am writing it

just for the story. Don't compare it with real life.)

" Kindly, get on. I will take you to the nearby police station," He said with his broken English accent.

I didn't waste any time. I got in the taxi and told him to start it. I need to go to the police station anyhow.

Sehreyar might have bought the whole police department in India. But, here I think he will not be able

to show his political power.

The driver started his driving. It's been 30 minutes since he is driving.

I am looking outside through the window and I don't know why I am feeling that the driver is taking me

in any wrong direction. The more the taxi is going the more I can see less number of people.

I heard the driver is talking over the phone. I didn't understand any of his talking as he was talking in

the Spanish language. I noticed that he is looking at me weirdly through the front glass.

" Are you really going to the police station? I asked him nervously.

He replied without glancing at me," Yes, I am taking you to the police station."

I can sense something fishy in his voice. I am feeling that something is wrong. Very very wrong.

" Stop the taxi right now. I will go on my own," I told the taxi driver.

He replied with a creepy voice," It's too late, beauty. You can't go back now."

" What do you mean? I asked him getting scared.

He didn't reply to my question and continued his driving. I was continuously telling him to stop but he

didn't stop. I don't know in which trap I have fallen into.

He stopped the taxi in front of a house which is looking like a ghost house. It's not a house. It's a ruin if

I say more precisely. I noticed my surroundings and found that it's the only house here. I didn't find any

other house or people around it.

" What's this place? Where have you brought me? It's not the police station," I said angrily but my heart

is beating too fast because of fear. Hey, Allah. In which trouble you have pushed me now.

The taxi driver opened the door and dragged me out of it holding my one forearm. And from nowhere 3

tall and muscular man also joined the taxi driver.

They said something in Spanish and started laughing loudly looking at me. I am sure that they have

said something dirty about me. Their facial expression is saying their intention clearly. Their intention

isn't good and I can say it looking at their body language and expressions.

Mehrab is already crying in my arms seeing all these scary men. I understood that I am in grave danger


" Help........please......help," I yelled loudly and the taxi driver slapped me hard.

I fell to the ground with a thud sound and hit my waist on a stone. I hissed in pain and tears started

coming out of my eyes. Somehow I protected Mehrab from any kind of injury.

The taxi driver and those 3 scary men are looking at me with their hungry lustful eyes. They are eyeing

me so nastily that I felt like I am naked in front of them.

" Why are you doing all this? I didn't do anything wrong to you. Let me go," I asked them crying.

The taxi driver replied bending to my level," I was noticing you from the very first while you were

running. You know what you are a rare beauty. I never saw someone so innocent like you. From the

moment my eyes fell on you I made my mind that I have to fuck you."

Saying that he tore down the sleeves of my dress. I screamed at the top of my lungs,"

No.....please......someone helps me........"

I heard another one said something and tried to open the zipper of my dress. I protested and earned

another hard slap. They all are now laughing looking at my miserable condition.

" Hey, don't hurt my mamma......No......Abbu....help...us.." Mehrab said biting one of them in the hand

and he hissed in pain.

The taxi driver yelled loudly with an irritating voice," Take this little shit away from my eyesight. He is

disturbing me."

Hearing him, one of them took away Mehrab from me and threw him on the ground like trash. Mehrab

hit his forehead on a nearby stone and immediately fainted. I saw that blood is oozing out from his

forehead like a never-ending stream.

" Mehrab......" I yelled loudly where tears aren't stopping from my eyes. My heart is aching after seeing

my little Munchkin's condition. I think I have committed a grave mistake by coming out of the Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

restaurant. Because of my stupidity my son is now lying on the ground unconscious.

" You fucking bastard," I said and punched the taxi driver three times without any break. I think I have

broken his nose.

And the next moment I am again lying on the ground because of the impact which he gave me on my

left cheek. I felt a metallic taste in the corner of my lips.

The taxi driver is going to tear away my whole dress when I heard some cars loud honking. First, I

couldn't even see properly the cars because of the lightning of the cars. Finally, the lights are now off

and I can see everything properly.

I looked in front of me and found that three black cars have surrounded the whole area. Some people

who are wearing black clothes came out of the cars and caught the taxi driver and his friends.

I used my hands to cover my exposed skin when I noticed that Sehreyar has come out of one of the

cars. Is he here to save us? But, how he comes to know about our location?

He came forward and covered my body with his coat. He just gave me a death glare which shook me

from the core of my heart. I can see the anger in his eyes which is he suppressing with great difficulty.

His nose is flaring like a raging bull.

He was going to say something when I ignored him and ran towards my unconscious son. I heard him

ordering his man," Beat these shits who tried to touch my wife and hurt my son."

On the other hand, I said crying looking at Mehrab," Mehrab.....open your eyes.....baccha.....don't scare

mamma like that. Open your eyes......."

Saying that I hugged my son in my embrace and prayed that he will be fine. I touched his bloody face

and cried out more loudly.

Sehreyar came in front of me and picked up Mehrab in his arms. I can see the tension in his eyes.

" He needs to be hospitalised," I said with my shaky voice and more tears came out of my eyes.

Sehreyar barked on my face," Just shut up........."

I flinched a little bit hearing his deep scary voice. With one hand he held Mehrab in his embrace and

with another hand, he held my one forearm tightly.

He started dragging me towards the car where I am just crying for Mehrab. Will he be fine? Is the injury

too much deep? Did he hurt his brain?

These thoughts are coming inside my mind making me more worried and afraid for Mehrab.

" Today you have crossed your limits and now I will cross mine," Sehreyar said dangerously which

created a shiver in my whole system.

He literally threw me inside the car like a rag doll. Before getting into the car he ordered one of his

men," Clean this mess right now."

I looked frontwards and found that the taxi driver and his friends are lying on the ground and

whimpering in pain. They are beaten mercilessly and their condition is worse.

Sehreyar got into the car and I cried out more loudly seeing my son's unconscious condition. I tried to

touch my son when Sehreyar barked on my face," Was it too necessary to run your stupid brain? See,

what your stupidity has done now."

I didn't say anything and continued my crying. I am not concentrating on what's he saying. I am just too

much worried about my son's safety.

Suddenly, Sehreyar clutched my hairs tightly and said," If I didn't put the tracking device in your dress

then I don't know what would have happened."

I looked at him with pure shock. I wasn't expecting that he has put a tracking device on me. Should I

thank him that he saved me or should I curse him? After all, he is the reason that I am in this condition.

I am still looking at him with my wide eyes when he said dangerously," It's not easy to fool Sehreyar Al

Seikh. You wanted to go to the police station, right. Today will be the last day that you will think of

running away from me."

Author's p.o.v

"I have stitched his forehead and bandaged it. He will be fine. Thankfully, the cut wasn't deep," The

doctor said bandaging Mehrab's forehead.

Sehreyar has returned to his house with Meher and Mehrab. After returning he immediately called a

doctor to treat Mehrab. He is feeling too much hurt for his little Munchkin.

" When will he get his sense back? Meher asked the doctor worriedly.

The doctor replied," He will be awake after one or two hours."

After that, the doctor left the room and Sehreyar followed him to give him payment. Sehreyar is

behaving very calm in front of the doctor. But, only he knows how he is controlling his outburst.

On the other hand, Meher is crying very badly sitting near Mehrab's head. She is holding his one hand

tightly and kissing it repeatedly.

" I am sorry, baccha. Mamma failed to protect you," Meher said caressing Mehrab's chubby cheeks.

She mentally asked Allah," Why are you always testing me? Why? Give me some peace Allah."

Meher is praying mentally when an angry Sehreyar entered the room hurriedly. His eyes are looking

dark and rage is erupting inside his dark orbs.

He stormed at Meher and held her one forearm tightly. Before she could react he started dragging her

to another room.

" Where are you taking me? .....leave my arm....you are hurting me," Meher said and tried to free

herself from Sehreyar's grip.

Sehreyar's didn't listen to her. He didn't stop dragging her and finally, he reached a room which is very

small comparing the other rooms. The room is looking like a storeroom. There is only a bed for


Sehreyar threw Meher on the bed and asked her angrily," How dare you to think of running away!"

Before Meher could say anything, Sehreyar fisted her shiny hairs tightly and barked on her face,"

Because of your stupidity my son is lying on the bed unconscious. You are responsible for his


Meher also became angry too and snarled at Sehreyar," You are responsible for everything. You

shouldn't have kidnapped me in the first place. If you didn't kidnap me then I wouldn't have to see this

day. Everything happened because of you. Not me."

Saying all this Meher freed herself from Sehreyar's grip and jerked off his hand angrily. She is looking

at him with full rage and gritting her teeth in anger.

" I was trying hard to create a normal atmosphere between us. Was it very necessary to spoil it? Huh!

Why can't you just accept this marriage? Why can't you accept this reality that you are my wife? Why

can't you work on this relationship with me?"Sehreyar asked Meher and going to hold her hairs again

when Meher gave him a tight slap printing her fingers on his cheek.

Sehreyar looked at Meher with disbelief when Meher snapped at Sehreyar," Normal atmosphere!

Accepting this marriage! How easily you told me to forget your every injustice? How easily you told me

to accept the person who tormented me so much? Mr Sehreyar Al Seikh, let me clear one thing that I

will never accept this marriage. I will never accept you. I will always try to run away whenever I will get

any chance. You can't keep me with you always."

This time Sehreyar's anger rose its peak and he pushed Meher on the bed very roughly. She tried to

get up but Sehreyar hovered over her like an angry bull.

" Get off....you are heavy......" Meher said pushing Sehreyar but he is like a wall who isn't moving an


Sehreyar directly looked into Meher's eyes and said clenching his jaw," What did you say? I can't keep

you with me! Huh! Then, let me tell you that you can't run away from me. If it's needed to shackle you

and chain you to keep you with me then I will do it gladly. I will go any length to keep you with me. I was

thinking to behave gently with you. But, honestly saying you don't deserve my gentle behaviour."

Hearing him, Meher looked at him with her terrified eyes and literally shaking because of fear. She can

see the seriousness in his eyes.

Sehreyar got up from his hovered position and Meher took a deep breath. Sehreyar went to the other

side of the room and picked up a thick chain.

Before Meher could get up from the bed she noticed that Sehreyar has bent down to her level. He

immediately tied the chain around her one leg. He kept the key with him.

" What are you doing? Meher asked and frantically tried to open the chain.

Sehreyar clutched her hairs and whispered like a creep," You will live in this room alone until you

accept this marriage. You will not meet Mehrab nor anyone will talk to you. I will open this chain that

day when you will accept me as your husband."

" You can't do this to me. I can't live without my son. Mehrab will cry without me," Meher said nervously

trying very hard to open the chain.

Sehreyar raised his one hand in the air to slap her very hard and she closed her eyes in reflex. She

was expecting a great impact on her cheek but the impact never came.

She opened her eyes feeling a soft touch on her cheek. She noticed that Sehreyar is gently touching

her cheek. A few moments ago he was almost bashing on her now he is caressing her cheeks gently.

His bipolar behaviour is making her more afraid.

" I will never hurt this beautiful face of yours. I will never hurt this beautiful body of yours. But, I can fix

the stupid brain of yours," Sehreyar said tapping Meher's head in an insulting manner.

Meher pleaded with her teary eyes," Sehreyar, I will not try to run away but please don't lock me up

here. Megan is just a little boy. He needs his mother, please. Moreover, I can't live a second without


Meher said the last sentence more seriously to make him understand her situation.

" I need this line from your mouth for me as well. That's why I have chained you here. You will be

locked up in this room until you accept this marriage. You will be given food and every necessary item

but you will not meet Mehrab. You will live in the darkness without talking to anyone. This will fix your

stupid brain," Sehreyar informed Meher and started going to the door to leave the room.

Meher ran behind him saying," Don't do this to me. What's wrong I have ever done to you that you are

now mentally torturing me. Why can't you just understand this simple thing that I don't love you."

" You will love me and I will make sure of that," Sehreyar said without turning back and left the room

locking it.

On the other hand, Meher tried to touch the door but she fell on the floor because the chain wasn't very

long and didn't reach the door. She crawled on the floor like a desperate person for freedom but

everything went in vain. Sehreyar has chained her like an animal and left her without glancing back.

She is now cursing her destiny very badly. She looked at the ceiling and said crying," Why I have to

endure all these mental tortures again? When you will punish these monster, Allah?

Note- If you want the female lead to end up with the male lead then continue reading from 'the

Alternate chapter 46'.

If you want the female lead to not end up with the male lead then continue reading from 'chapter 46'.

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