
Chapter 35- Sajal is lying

Chapter 35- Sajal is lying

Meher's p.o.v

I heard a gunshot and some drops of blood splashed on my face. I heard my son's loud cry piercing

through my heart. I yelled loudly," Mehrab........."

I thought that I have lost my son. I thought that it's my end because I can't breathe a single moment

without my son. But the moment I looked forward I became more shocked and stiffened on my place.

The bullet didn't hit Mehrab nor it hit me.

I heard Sajal screaming loudly like a madwoman," Sehreyar, No.......why did you come to save this

whore? No............"

Saying all this she dropped the gun and fall on her knees and started crying badly. She is screaming

and saying only one thing," What I have done?"

I also noticed that Sehreyar collapsed on the ground and his right shoulder is bleeding. It didn't take

much time for me to understand that Sehreyar has saved me and my son from the gunshot. Why did he

save my son while in the first place he wanted to kill Mehrab?

I thought that Sehreyar was unconscious but how he came here and when he came here I don't know.

Everything happened just in the blink of an eye.

I immediately bent down to Sehreyar's level and said crying," Don't close your eyes. I will call the

ambulance now."

Saying that I touched his cheeks and I saw his shuttering eyes. I saw his trembling lips which are trying

to say something.

" Meher, .......i love........." He tried to say but couldn't finish his saying and closed his eyes.

I yelled loudly," Sehreyar, don't close your eyes......please, someone help me."

I am crying and yelling for help when a man in his 40s came running and informed me that he is

Sehreyar's driver. He also informed me that he has already called an ambulance and Sehreyar's family


I looked at Sajal and said angrily," See, what your jealously has done? But, trust me today you have

crossed your all limits. I will take legal action for your attack on me and my child. You need to be behind

the bar."

Hearing me, she yelled on my face," Everything happened because of you. You came into Sehreyar's

life and snatched him from me."

I didn't answer her. I am just looking at Sehreyar's face and hoping that he is fine. I might have said that

I want him dead but in reality, I will never wish something like that. I have said that out of anger. And I

am now indebted to him. He has saved me from the gunshot. I can't even imagine what would have

happened if he didn't come in front of me.

Mehrab is so terrified about all the incident that he is clinging in my arms like there is no tomorrow. I

can feel that he is very afraid. Oh! My poor son! Now, I am just consoling him and saying that

everything will be fine.

Then, I heard Sajal is screaming," I have killed my husband. I have killed him....... I don't want to live


She is behaving like a madwoman. She has really issues. She needs a psychiatrist. She is too much

obsessed with Sehreyar.

Suddenly, without saying anything Sajal started to run towards the road without noticing that it's full of

running car. Has this woman become completely mad? What if she......

I couldn't complete my thinking when a car bumped her very hard and she was thrown away almost 10

feet because of the impact.

A yelp escaped from my mouth when I saw her bloodied body. Was she trying to commit suicide? Is

she love Sehreyar that much?

People started gathering around her and also me. They are murmuring about me. I can see their

curious and shocked expression seeing Sehreyar like that.

I am still in a daze and not understanding what I should do when I heard the sound of the ambulance.

After some hours

I am sitting on a bench with Mehrab outside the operation theatre. Mehrab is sitting beside me resting

his head on my arms and I am holding him tightly.

Sehreyar's treatment is going and I am too much worried for him. I am praying to Allah for his well

being. After all, he has saved my son from the gunshot. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Sajal Seikh is also admitted to the hospital and doctor informed that she has injured her right leg and

arm. Otherwise, she has no severe injury.

" Mamma, who this bad jiant?(Mamma, who is this bad giant?) He ez vely bad. Me hat him(He is very

bad. I hate him). Me aflaid( I am afraid of him) ," Mehrab asked me with his baby voice.

Whatever is happening around him is too much for a little child like him. A child shouldn't face all this.

Everything is happening because of me. I shouldn't have left Bhopal. I was stupid and now, I am facing

the consequences of my stupidity.

I replied stroking Mehrab's baby hairs," You don't have to be afraid. Mamma will not let anyone harm


Hearing me he just snuggled more into me and I am thinking what will happen when Sehreyar and

Sajal will gain their senses back. Will Sehreyar again try to harm Mehrab?

" Mamma, me hungly( mamma, I am hungry)," Mehrab said pulling my dupatta and my thinking was


I said affectionately," Let mamma buy something for you."

Saying that I was going to pick him up when I heard him saying with his terrified voice looking behind

me," Mamma, old witch!"

Saying that he clutched my one leg tightly out of too much fear.

Before I could ask him what's he telling me, I felt like someone has pulled my hairs from behind.

" What the........." I couldn't complete my sentence when two sharp slap landed on my right cheek


I touched the area where I was slapped and looked at the person. The person is none other than

Sehreyar's Dadi. Again this old witch.

" You whore! You again came into my grandson's life! How was he shot? This time my granddaughter is

also injured. Tell me what have you done to them? She asked me angrily holding my hairs.

I replied trying to free myself from her grip," Stop blaming me every time. It's your grandson who came

to my house and tried to kill my son. And then your crazy granddaughter tried to shoot me but your

grandson came in front of me and everything happened. It's not my fault."

She is still holding my hairs and barked on my face," if anything bad happens to my grandchildren then

I will not spare you, Meher Afroz Khan."

This time I couldn't control my anger and emotions anymore. I replied crying," What's my fault that you

all are after me? First, your grandson made my life hell and now you. What I have ever done to you to

endure all this? I didn't want your grandson to come after me. It was him who came after me willingly.

It's not my fault."

" your fault is you are Adeel's sister who destroyed my Haniya's life. I wish you and your brother rot in

hell. I wish you both never find any happiness in your life. Sehreyar has done the right thing by making

you a whore and sending your brother into the jail," Sehreyar's Dadi said angrily and again slapped on

my face.

I would have given her a tight back slap but controlled myself considering her age. She might be ill-

mannered but I am not.

On the other hand, Mehrab couldn't tolerate all this. He said angrily pulling Sehreysr's Dadi's dupatta,"

Bad witch. Don't hurt my mamma. You all are bad."

" You little shit!" Sehreyar's dadi said angrily looking at Mehrab and pushed him on the floor.

I yelled loudly," Mehrab........"

Mehrab is already injured on his forehead. I don't want him to get hurt again.

" Mamma....." Mehrab said and going to fall on the floor. Before he could touch the ground a pair of

woman's hand hold him and saved him from the falling. The woman is looking very young and very

similar to Sehreyar. Is she related to him?

Sehreyar's Dadi looked at the woman and uttered," Haniya."

Is this Haniya Seikh whom my brother married!

Author's p.o.v

" Dadi, how can you behave like that to a small child! Haniya said to her dadi angrily holding Mehrab by

his shoulder.

Mehrab runs towards his mother and Meher picked him up hurriedly. Mehrab has hidden his face in his

mother's chest. He is very afraid of Sehreyar's Dadi.

Haniya asked her Dadi worriedly," How are Bhaiya and Bhabi?"

Sehreyar's Dadi snapped at Haniya," The doctors are treating them and this whore is the reason

behind your brother and sister in law's injured condition."

Saying that she pointed her finger at Meher who is looking very disturbed and crying. Meher was

always a soft-hearted innocent girl. Whenever someone misbehaves with her she can't control her


" I didn't do anything. Sajal Ji shot Sehreyar," Meher protested looking at Sehreyar's Dadi angrily.

Meher thought that Haniya will obviously support her grandma and humiliate Meher. But, to her utter

surprise, Haniya didn't say anything to Meher.

" Dadi, you need to calm down first and then talk like a normal person," Haniya said to her grandma.

Sehreyar's dadi didn't hear Haniya. She again clutched Meher's hairs and said," I will kill this whore if

something severe happens to Sehreyar. My grandson is in the operation theatre because of her."

Saying all this she started crying and raised her hand to slap meher. Meher closed her eyes due to

reflex and expected another sting on her face.

But, the pain never came as Haniya had hold Sehreyar's dadi's hand tightly. Haniya said to her dadi

angrily jerking off her hand," Dadi, For Allah's sake, we are in the hospital. We need to pray for

Bhaiya's well being not quarrel like some immature children."

Hearing Haniya's sensible words Meher understood why her brother loved Haniya. She is indeed a

kind-hearted and sensible person. She is not just beautiful from outside. She is beautiful from inside as


Sehreyar's Dadi didn't say anything further. She just glared at Meher like anytime she will eat Meher

alive. But, she is totally pissed off seeing Haniya's soft behaviour towards Meher.

Sehreyar's Dadi thought mentally," My grandchildren are complete fools. One is obsessed with this

whore and another one is behaving nicely with her who's brother is the reason behind her child's


" Are you ok?" Haniya asked Meher with concern.

Meher just nodded her head in positive holding Mehrab protectively in her arms. Haniya looked at

Mehrab who is looking very terrified and his cheeks are red as he has cried too much.

Haniya asked Mehrab affectionately," Are you ok little Mehrab? Your phuppo(aunt from father's side)

will give you candies."

Saying that she took out some candies from her purse and gave it to Mehrab who is looking at her


On the other hand, Meher is shocked thinking how Haniya knew about her son's name and why she

addressed herself as Mehrab's phuppo. Even, Sehreyar's dadi is shocked hearing Haniya.

" Did she know about Mehrab's father? Meher and Sehreyar's Dadi both thought mentally.

Mehrab looked at his mother for permission which Meher gave gladly. She is totally impressed and

surprised seeing Haniya's soft behaviour towards her.

Everyone is now silent and looking at each other. Haniya is looking at Meher with concern and Meher is

looking at Haniya curiously. Sehreyar's Dadi is glaring at Meher angrily.

Suddenly, a doctor came and said to Sehreyar's dadi," Sajal Seikh is now out of danger. She will gain

her senses back very soon."

Haniya and Sehreyar's Dadi took a relief of breath hearing the news while Meher remains neutral.

" What about her child? Is the baby fine? Sehreyar's Dadi asked the doctor worriedly.

The doctor knitted his brows and asked surprisingly," Baby? What are you talking about?"

" What do you mean by there is no baby. Sajal is one month pregnant," Sehreyar's Dadi declared.

Hearing it, Meher isn't surprised because it's possible where Sehreyar is married to Sajal.

The doctor said with confidence," The patient isn't pregnant. We have checked her."

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