Miss CEO Is Pregnant For Her Secretary

Twice in a Car


“You think, I would dumbly believe a word you say,” I asked him immediately I parked properly in the parking lots

“No cause you would smartly believe me, when I say you look cute when you’re all riled up,” out of nowhere he made that comment that got my heart racing. What the heck is going on? I questioned myself in my head when I turned around to look at him.

“You think this is cute, how about I get something to smack your head with, maybe that would be cute,” I said feigning anger, while I raised my hand and folded my palm, ready to punch him, when he caught my hands in the air.

“You shouldn’t hurt yourself ever,” he said, holding my palm, leaving me astonished. He blew air into my flesh where my fingers had dug a bit during my anxiety, and a little quantity of blood stained my hands, while I sighed and stared at him to get all worked up and concerned about me. He grabbed my handkerchief and the bottle of water in my car. He opened the door and used the water to wet the handkerchief before coming back inside the car.

He used it to clean the bloodstains, his eyes fixed on mine, while I stared at him, shocked by how things had switched up and today for the second time in the car again, Chris was taking care of her, so gently and sincerely like I was he’s.

“If you ever feel the anxiety coming back, just call me. I’ll always be here. Do not hurt yourself again, just call me,” he said, and pushed my hair starting into my eyes deeply.

`That moment when you feel like you were staring into each other souls, everywhere becomes still and the person right in front of you becomes the only thing you yearn for. The only person you see in the room, and that person sees you too. It’s at that moment you both match on the same frequency and you could see both of you wanting, yearning, and desiring for each other.`

“Chris,” I breathed out and called out his name slowly, while he smiled and rubbed his hands around my cheeks.

“And if you are bored or just need someone to talk to you, you can always call on me, and I promise you, I’ll be here for you, always,” he said like a reassurance and it gave me this tingling feeling.

“Let’s not say words we don’t mean now to escape my wrath. Have this and let’s get into the building,” I said and pulled my hands away grabbing the handkerchief from him, whilst pretending like nothing sort of attraction happened like a few seconds ago.

“You just had to ruin it again?” He said as if suggesting he knew what I would have done. I looked at him, and feigned a confused face, while he chuckled.

“Fine Miss Rodgers, I’ll walk beside you and head to the office, leaving everyone to wonder why we got in together,” he said while I chuckled.

“Nice try Chris, but you’re going to have your share of my wrath with everyone who went behind my back to do it,” I said furiously.

“Actually none of us did this, we couldn’t go against the boss after all. It’s you and everyone felt pretty scared to do that. I’m sure you have an idea who it was, but you’re still in denial,” he rambled, pissing me off.

“Just shut up,” I said the moment we got to the building. Everyone seemed unusually joyful, killing the anger I had. They greeted me scared as usual, but there was this proud look they had on their face, that made them so happy that they would express it in my eyes.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

When I got to my building, the head of the Marketing department, Chloe, was surrounded by a few other people, who giggled and smiled brightly while staring at the screen. I stood there for a few seconds so furious, at how the place was fit to describe as unorganized. Chris tried grabbing their attention while I kept watching them display their tantrums until after a minute, they noticed my presence and all jumped in fright.

“Good morning Miss Rodgers,” they said in unison, while I just walked in their direction, standing in front of the desktop screen they were being entertained by.

“So, does anyone care to enlighten me on what made you all so happy today? Share, so that I might participate in this joy,” I said, and took the seat, glancing briefly at them, while I noticed Chris staring at me smiling.

“It’s nothing. We’re sorry miss. We would get back to our duties,” they said with a breaking voice.

“Before you all go. Chloe cared to explain to me, how my mother got the video which I specifically asked to be deleted and not posted on the internet,?” I questioned, while I noticed her shaking, as she gulped down the lumps in her throat.

” I’m sorry Miss Rodgers, but that video had given us a lot of visitors, the views we had on it, under 12 hours was so massive,” she kept rambling about the stats, but I was in no condition, or interested to hear any of it.

“What gave you the audacity to disobey me,” I asked, with a high-pitched voice, when the door opened, and Maliah walked right through it.

“I gave her the audacity. Actually, I insisted on posting it, on behalf of my best friend,” she said, making me gasp, as I went to her and pulled her to my office forcefully.

“Mandy, please. You’re hurting me. Let go,” she said, and I freed her, immediately I dragged her to my office.

“What’s the meaning of that? What has gotten into you? What stunt did you pull now? Why would you even do that?” I rushed to speak, without taking a moment to catch my breath.

“You might want to breathe for my baby, okay,” she winked at me, and dragged me to my seat, while I slowly caught my breath.

“First off, I didn’t do anything that’s not going to benefit you. And secondly, did you try to watch the video?” She asked while I shook my head.

“See. Go watch it and tell me what you think. Most especially, read the comments,” she instructed. And I immediately grabbed my phone and went through it.

“Our faces weren’t clear enough. How did my mom know it was me,” that was the first thought that came to my mind, while she hissed.

“Dumb. You are her child, so definitely the clothes looked the same as the ones you wore yesterday. Plus it’s from the company’s social account. Now read the comments,” she urged me.

“Damn, do I need to use this product, to get my prince charming, ‘hi we are advertising our products, with a slice of office romance,” I read the most common ones and laughed loudly.

“Now there’s a smile. So what do you think? Good right?” She asked, getting excited to hear my response.

“Well, you did go outside my wish and riled up my staff to do the same. So definitely they are going to be punished,” I responded, chuckling, while she pouted her lips, with the hope she would change my heart.

“I’m sorry babe, with your parent’s pressure and your need to get that contract with that firm, I had to decide for you. I know how hard you’ve worked for this company, and how important that deal is to you. I just wanted to do something that’s going to put a smile on your face” she explained…

“Nice try. I’ve got work to do. So feel comfortable,” I said, turning on my laptop, while she blew Raspberry frustrated.

“Alright Miss CEO, but you know I’m right..” she responded with an eye roll, while she pitched her voice for the last sentence, causing me to shake my head…

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