M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 58

Jared saw a foreign country number calling him and he squinted, who could that be. It rang the first time and he didn’t answer his phone.

When it started ringing the second time, Sara felt an impulsion that Jared should answer his phone. “Answer your phone already” she ordered.

Reluctantly, Jared answered but did say anything. He wasn’t going to say anything. Who knows, maybe Someone was after them again.

Seeing that Jared answered his phone and didn’t talk, Camilla smiled. Jared with his self principle. She missed him so much.

“Jared” Camilla called. That was enough for her to say. Jared stood up hurriedly. He knew that voice too much. Even in his dreams, he would still recognise the voice.

Jared’s sudden action captured Sara’s interest. Who was that? Next she heard Jared said “sister”

How Sara stood up from where she was seated by the window watching whether she would see Camilla walking home to them, she didn’t know.

Maybe she rushed or ran or flew to where Jared was, Sara did not know. All she know was that she snatched the phone from Jared and murmured words like “silly boy”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Is that you my child? Is that you Camilla…?” Sara asked, visibly shaking from her end. Her voice choked and her tears started flowing down her cheeks afresh.

“Mother..” Camilla said and started sobbing as well. The two women separated by land and sea, by distance and thousands of kilometres but United at heart. They both were sobbing.

The one knows the other was sobbing. And for a few minutes, they only sobbed.

” How are you doing mother?” Camilla finally was able to utter another word. She sniffled and cleaned her tears just as Susan Anderson came to check on her daughter and saw her talking on phone and also sobbing.

She didn’t excuse herself but rather took a seat, wondering why and who she was talking with on the phone.

“How are you doing too my child, are you alright? Were you hurt, how did you escape from the prison? What about the baby, is the baby doing well. Where are you now…” Sarah’s questions were coming in successions.

Camilla doesn’t know where to start from, answering her numerous questions. Her mother must have been agitating and had sleepless nights because of her.

She knows Sara like the back of her palm. She must have thought she was dead or something really bad had happened to her.

They hadn’t seen each other for months and they are hearing each other’s voice after a few months as well. The emotions, love and sacrifices they’ve made for each other aggravated the tears again.

“I am fine now mother, better than anytime else in my life…” Camilla said she couldn’t talk much but she shouldn’t worry, she’s safe from harm and never to return to prison.

She talked with Jared as well and told him she’s not in City A anymore. He should take care of mum. They would talk more another time.

When Camilla hung up, an undeniable happy smile crossed Sara’s lips. Her daughter was still alive and safe. She’s far away from where Rodrigo could find her, nor ever think of torturing her.

But how did she get there? Sara shrugged, that question will get its answers another time. What is important is that her daughter Camilla is safe.

Jared just held the phone as his moody unhappy countenance changed drastically. He became cheerful and he glanced at his mother, they locked eyes and the smiles became broader.

“Who were you unto on the phone Camilla dear?”Susan Anderson asked, coming closer and enveloping her daughter in a side hug.

No matter the number of times, she’s never tired of hugging Camilla and feeling her body warmth. She never got the chance to hold her in her arms when she was a baby or a little girl.

If fortune smiled on her and she was able to do it now that she’s a woman, an expectant mother, why wouldn’t she utilise such an opportunity?

“That was Sara, my mu.. m… I mean my foster mother” Camilla said, correcting her choice of words. She doesn’t want her biological mother to feel uncomfortable with her words.

Sara was themothwr she grew up to know. But this woman sitting by her side gave her life. She’s alive because of Sara, but she’s existing because of Susan.

It’s okay dear that you called her. She might really be worried about you. But tell me, were you both so intimate?” Susan asked, planting a featherlight kiss on her chin.

“Being intimate was an understatement. This woman gave me hope, she picked me up and together with her husband, adopted me.

They not only gave me a shelter, they gave me a home, a family filled with love and care. Though poor, she gave all she had to take care of me…” Camila explained.

Susan’s eyes welled up in tears. Her daughter found herself a good person as her foster family. She knew what love and together meant, she understands what family bond is.

She smiled through the tears, threatening to find their way down her cheeks. She stood up and Requested “your father and I would want to speak with you”

Camilla nodded and when she looked up at her mother, she saw the tears in her eyes. Susan turned her eyes away quickly and walked out.

When Camilla came downstairs a few minutes later, she met Jenny. The latter stood up and hugged Camilla as soon as she came downstairs.

“Hello Camilla,”Jenny said, smiling. Eduardo had told her to keep his sister’s company. Looks like that is going to be her responsibility henceforth until she’s able to know the ins and out of that city.

“Good to see you again Jenny” Camilla replied, smiling. But her puffy face sold her off that she’s been sobbing. Her eyes were red as well.

Steve Anderson saw Camilla’s face and glanced at his wife. He wanted her to explain why she came out teary and Camilla stepped out with puffy red eyes.

But before Susan could say anything, Camilla asked “Dad, mum I don’t feel well right now. Would you let me go back and rest a while?”

She doesn’t feel like talking. She just spoke with her mother Sara. All her emotions of all that has happened came pouring into her mind afresh.

The acidic words Rodrigo spoke about her, those words were capable of rusting any level of love and affection a woman has for a man.

Her mother and brother are homeless, her mother’s business demolished and the thought of Rodrigo being with another woman caps it all.

“Oh… that’s ok. Do you need the doctor to come at once” Steve Anderson asked and Camilla said no. Within her she knows it is a thing of the heart and no medical science can cure it.

Camilla’s parents nodded and she bowed slightly before turning around to go to her room. As soon as Camilla was out of sight, Susan looked at Jenny and said:

“Stay close to her Jenny. She’s experienced a lot of things already”Susan requested and Jenny nodded. It appears everyone in the family was concerned about her.

Susan didn’t say anything else but stood up and went upstairs. Jenny knew her father in-law was going to leave too, hence she opted to go and see how Camilla was doing.

Steve Anderson stood up as Jenny was going in the opposite direction to the room she saw Camilla entered. She gently pushed the door and found that she didn’t bolt it.

On getting in, she was shocked to find Camilla seated on the floor at a corner, hugging her feet and sobbing profusely.

She didn’t know how to begin to console her. She really looked heartbroken and devastated. She shouldn’t be like this, she needs to rest considering what had happened to her that almost cost the life of her baby and in extension, posed her life in danger as well.

“Camilla,” Jenny said and went to her. Camilla’s nose was sour and she was sniffling vigorously. It appeared she couldn’t control her emotions at all.

She tried to calm Camilla. “I know everything seems unfamiliar to you yet. A different family, unfamiliar looks and trying to create a new life and identity.

But I want you to know that everyone here loves you. They are your family, and you should accept the reality of it Camilla. We love you…”Jenny said, pulling her up and holding her to the bed.

Camilla lay on the bed and Jenny covered her with the quilt. “I will sit here and only leave after I find you sleeping. You’ve sobbed enough and you might be affecting the baby if you keep sobbing” Jenny explained.

Camilla smiled. How can she say she would stay with her until she falls asleep. What if she didn’t sleep on time?

“Your husband will be waiting for you. Don’t you think you need to go?” Camilla asked, as her hand caressed her belly under the quilt.

“So that you can sob right? As for my husband, he asked me to come over and keep you company. He doesn’t want you to be lonely” Jenny replied.

The two women smiled at each other. Camilla was happy. It appears her brother and his wife are happy. They have a happy union. She had imagined herself being Rodrigo’s wife in the past and had a great union. But he had become another woman’s lover.

Camilla nodded and closed her tears trying to find sleep and shutting the thoughts of Rodrigo out of her mind.

“… she’s been through a lot. She hasn’t fully accepted us as her parents. It hurts to find one’s daughter so far away at heart despite her sitting or standing before one.

I don’t know how she became pregnant, I couldn’t be there for her but another woman was. I don’t know or feel her pains, see her smile and hear her laughter.

No wonder it’s so hard for her. Where does she begin from? After so many years. No matter how much she tried, her memories will always be where her childhood was..” Susan Anderson was feeling grieved.

Steve was unhappy as well. But what can they do? It will take time but she will eventually come to love and accept them. And if her foster family meant a lot to her, they let them get closer to her.

While in the office, Rodrigo’s phone rang. He was surprised when he saw the caller ID was his grandfather…

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