Melody Strikes Back by Myra Walker

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Melody exuded a natural radiance that caught Ulric’s attention, drawing his gaze for a second glance. It dawned on him why she held the prestigious title of top socialite. Her innate elegance and charm were undeniable, casting a captivating spell over everyone in the room. 

Ulric wouldn’t mind having both sisters to himself if this lady before him indeed was capable. He imagined a life where one. sister could fulfill his personal desires, providing companionship and intimacy, while the other could be the key to his professional ambitions. As he pondered the potential and opportunities within the medical industry, he realized that someone with exceptional medical skills could help him build influential connections and elevate his career. 

“Grandma must have gotten the names of the Fox sisters wrong. Isn’t Melody supposed to be my prospective wife?” Ulric thought, feeling a little confused. However, he did not dwell on it for too long as he trusted that his family would never arrange for him to marry an unattractive woman. 

As Melody was engrossed in explaining her diagnosis and treatment plan, she did not notice Ulric looking at her. Her focus was unwavering, and she outlined each detail with confidence and clarity. 

Just as she finished her explanation, and before Desmond could respond, Margaret anxiously asked, “Do I need to go for surgery?” 

“No, you don’t,” Melody shook her head gently, dispelling Margaretss fears. “You would only need to take the herbal medicines I prepared, both orally and topically, as per my prescription. And you should feel better within a week.” 

Margaret’s eyes widened with hope, her anxiety dissipating like morning mist. “That’s wonderful!” she exclaimed, eagerly turning to Ramon. “Did you hear that? She doesn’t need to perform surgery and can cure me within a week! I only want Melody to treat me, and I don’t want anyone else” 

Despite Melody being significantly younger and appearing less reliable than the renowned doctors, Margaret had made her decision. The mere thought of undergoing an operation on her abdomen sent shivers down her spine. The anxiety of surgery outweighed any doubts she may have had about Melody’s capabilities. 

‘I don’t care if she is truly capable or not, but if I can avoid surgery, I will! Margaret thought resolutely. The prospect of invasive procedures was too daunting to contemplate. As Melody outlined her non–invasive treatment plan, Margaret’s resolve solidified. 

‘Anyway, taking some herbal medications shouldn’t kill, Margaret reasoned internally. So, there’s no harm in trying Melody’s treatment plan first. 

Astrid chimed in from the side, her voice carrying a forced note of concem, “Honey, since Mom is so resistant to having surgery at a hospital, why don’t we give it a try with Miss Fox’s treatment plan first? If it doesn’t work out, we can always still go to the hospital, right? Considering how Mom reacted just now, we can’t just force her into surgery anyway. It’s not good for her to be so agitated, Astrid continued, her brow furrowing. What do you think?” NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Ramon took a deep breath and turned to Melody, his face conflicted. The idea of entrusting his mother’s health to a girl from the countryside seemed improbable to him. But given Margaret’s aversion to surgery and Melody’s confident demeanor, it seemed they had little choice but to let her attempt to treat Margaret 

“Miss Fox,” Ramon spoke in a calm but firm voice, his eyes fixed on Melody, “I don’t know you, and I can’t gauge your capabilities. But since my mother trusts you, I’ll give you a chance. However, let me be clear upfront. If you proceed to treat my mother’s illness but make any mistakes, don’t blame me for taking it out on you and your family.” 

Melody met Ramon’s gaze with unwavering determination. “Please don’t worry,” she replied firmly. “I wouldn’t undertake anything I’m not confident in. I won’t let Margaret come to any harm. If something did happen, I’m willing to take full responsibility 

Observing Melody’s unwavering confidence, Ramon couldn’t help but question whether he had underestimated her 


16:57 Fri, Jul 5 

Chapter 51 

abilities. After a moment of contemplation, he took a deep breath and conceded. “Alright then! Since you are so confident, Ill entrust my mother’s care to you. However, if there’s no improvement after a week, you must cease treatment immediately to prevent any further delay in her treatment.” 

“No problem!” Melody exclaimed confidently. “You have my word” 

The other four doctors grew increasingly anxious upon hearing Ramon’s instructions. They exchanged silent glances and subtle signals with Desmond, hoping he would intervene on their behalf. 

The Swanson family’s generous compensation for their services made the prospect of relinquishing this opportunity seem like a missed chance for them. Yet, Desmond remained oblivious, lost in his own thoughts. 

After Ramon finished outlining his expectations to Melody, he turned to the assembled doctors with an apologetic expression. 

Im sorry, everyone. My mother’s stubbornness is undeniable, so I hope you understand. I will reconvene with you all in a week, so please make the necessary preparations. I’ll compensate you doubly for any loss of income during this period,” Ramon said

The doctors‘ spirits lifted at the promise of double compensation, recognizing it as a generous offer. However, there was an underlying acknowledgment that if Margaret Swanson indeed recovered under Melody’s care, there would still be a slight loss on their end. 

After a moment of contemplation, Desmond stepped forward, his tone firm and reassuring. I will personally oversee Mrs. Margaret Swanson’s care at the hospital when the time arises. In the meantime, we’ll review her case thoroughly and formulate a comprehensive treatment plan,” he affirmed. We shall take our leave now.” Desmond declared, leading the group as they exchanged courteous farewells and firm handshakes with Ramon before gracefully exiting the room. 

“Take care,” Ramon reciprocated warmly, his tone sincere as he nodded to his family butler to see them out 

After the five doctors stepped out the front door, they couldn’t contain their frustration any longer, and they began to chastise Desmond for wasting a lucrative opportunity. 

Listening to their grievances, Desmond maintained his relaxed demeanor, chuckling softly before addressing their concerns. “You don’t seriously believe that the girl can cure Mrs. Swanson’s illness, do you?” 

The group exchanged uncertain glances. “Well..” one of them began hesitantly, “This Miss Fox did seem quite confident in her abilities.” 

Desmond’s chuckle faded into a cold smirk. “Fraudsters always manage to appear sincere,” he remarked knowingly. 

“Consider this, Desmond began, his tone measured and analytical. Our initial diagnosis suggested a potential rumor in the abdominal region, leading to fluid retention. However, her diagnosis suggests bloating and mentioned something about an imbalance of vital energy. Even her diagnostic accuracy is questionable. Can someone with such a flawed understanding truly cure a patient?” 

“Well, it does seem rather dubious,” one of the doctors conceded after contemplating 

“Moreover, when faced with a tumor diagnosis, most individuals opt for surgical intervention at a hospital. Have you ever encountered someone being cured solely by traditional herbal remedies?” Desmond queried. That’s preposterous. In my view, this Miss Fox is undoubtedly a fraud! She likely intends to administer harmless herbal concoctions throughout the week. Even if Margaret’s condition remains unchanged, the Swanson family may still reward her for her efforts. She’s likely aiming to exploit the situation for as long as possible,” he continged, his tone firm. 


The remaining doctors nodded in agreement, finding Desmonds reasoning sound. “If you’re convinced she’s a fraud, why not confront her directly?” one of them inquired. 

“Exposing her? That’s hardly a wise move. Blocking someone’s path to riches rarely ends well. And comider Mrs. Margaret’s attitude, Desmond countered.“She’s completely taken in by that young woman. If I accuse her of fraud now, it would only 




Chapter 51 

sour Mrs. Margaret’s opinion of us. She will realize we’re the only ones capable of treating and curing her after one week And after her surgery, she’ll be even more appreciative of our efforts. Do you see where I’m coming from?” he explained. “Oh, I see now! Your foresight is truly admirable, Dr. Hart!” the doctor responded, impressed by Desmond’s insight, 

As Desmond bid farewell to the others, sinking into the comfort of his car seat, he finally allowed himself a moment of reprieve. Yet, amid the quiet surroundings, his mind churned with the thoughts he hadn’t revealed to the other doctors. 

After all that discussion back there, it’s clear I’ll be the principal surgeon when the time comes, he thought. However, his confidence was undercut by a nagging concern raised by Margaret. 

Her age, hovering in the eighties, posed a significant challenge to the surgery’s success. Desmond couldn’t ignore the uncertainty surrounding her ability to endure such an invasive procedure. I’ll need this week to thoroughly research and plan to ensure a smooth surgery and recovery, he resolved silently 

Reflecting on his choice not to reveal his thoughts about Melody being a cheat, Desmond saw it as a calculated move. It offered him a strategic advantage that could prove beneficial in numerous ways 


arur win–win situation. 


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