Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 14: Double Date.

Chapter 14: Double Date.

"He was both everything I could ever want...And nothing I could ever have...- Ranata Suzuki

"Hey, Mia."

Kina smiled as I walked into Mr.Segal's math class.

"Hey: I smiled back, taking my usual seat next to her.

I looked down at the notebook she was doodling aimlessly on.

I know it was just random drawings but they looked really nice.

"You're pretty good at that.’ I complimented, still staring at her notebook.

"You think so?"

She questioned.

"Yes, I do."

I nodded my head at her.


She beamed.

I turned my attention to the whiteboard in the front of the classroom and let out a small groan when I saw we had a test today.

Math was never my strongest subject and it definitely showed in my homework.

"So how does it feel to have both Axel and Rylan gawk over you?"

Kina asked a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I know you like Rylan."

I jumped to the point, catching her off guard.

"What? Don't be crazy.’ She laughed nervously.

"I see the way you look at him; I told her, whispering slightly so people wouldn't overhear.

"Mia I'm begging you, don't tell anyone.’ She pleaded with me.

"Why don't you tell him?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"And embarrass myself? No thank you."

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"How on earth would you embarrass yourself?"

Kina was unbelievably beautiful and so sweet anyone would be lucky to have her.

"Because Mia, you might see the way I look at him but I see the way he looks at you.’ She smiled sadly.

"Granted it's nothing compared the way Axel literally never takes his eyes off you, but I know I don't stand a chance"

She looked away and focused her attention on her doodling.

"I don't like Rylan in any other way than a friend"

I told her honestly.


She looks up at me.

"Really.In fact, I'm going to help you.’ I declared.

"How do you plan to do that?"

She questioned.

"After school you, Rylan, Axel and I will go to the mall.

I will distract Axel, leaving you two alone.’ I stated.

"You would do that?"

Her eyes shining brightly again.

"Of course."

I smiled.

I noticed Mr.

Segal was passing out the test to students, a test I had forgotten to study for.

With everything going on I had completely spaced it off.

"Just met Rylan at his car’ I told her.

She just nodded her head and we both started taking our test, and just for the record, I regret not studying.

I'm not entirely sure why I agreed to set this whole "double date" thing up.

I can't tell if I did it because I wanted to help Kina or if I just wanted an excuse to be around Axel.

I was really hoping I felt the way I did last night because I was caught up in the moment and my brain was lacking oxygen or the paint fumes were making me high.

I was searching for something, anything that explained what I felt wasn't actual feelings. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

But ever since last night I had an undeniable urge to be around Axel.

After the test there were a few minutes before class ended so I decided to get my phone out and sent Rylan a text asking him if he wanted to hang out with us at the mall and if he wouldn't mind giving Kina a ride, of course, he said yes.

I then sent a text to Axel.

Mia: Can you give me a ride to the mall? After a few moments, he replied.

Axel: No.

Mia: Please? Axel: Still no.

I huffed out of frustration, why is he so difficult? Mia: Okay I'll just ask Angelo to go with me.

Axel responded almost immediately.

Axel: Fine, meet me at my car after school.

And because I was feeling a little extra petty because he didn't agree in the first place I sent him another text.

Mia: No it's okay, I'm just going to go with Angelo.

I smirked evilly to myself when he replied.

Axel: Mia? Mia: Axel? Axel: Shut up.

I couldn't help but smile at my phone.

"Oh my God! You like Axel!"

Kina looked over at me shocked.

"That's ridiculous.’ I rolled my eyes at her.

I didn't like Axel.

"Mhmm okay.’ She gave me a look of disbelief.

"I don't like him,’ I told her as serious as I could.

Kina didn't say anything but she watched me intently, luckily the bell rang and I practically jumped out my chair and bolted to the hallway.

What the hell is wrong with me? JRinloldiddeiciciniicinhicicioik After school I made way outside to Axel's car well I tried to anyway, I had just stepped down the stairs that led to the parking lot of the school when someone called after me.

"Hey, Mia! Wait up!"

An unfamiliar voice yelled.

I turned around to come face to face with a boy I never seen before, I gave him a confused look.

The boy had messy brown hair that fell effortlessly into place with brown eyes to match, I couldn't help but noticed the freckles that were randomly placed around his nose and cheeks as well.

"Do I know you?"

I asked him, trying not to stare.

"I don't got much time, but you need to know you're not safe Mia.’ The boy rushed out.

"What are you talking about?"

I started to panic, why wasn't I safe? "Noah's gang isn't going to stop coming for you and you'd be a fool if you actually think Axel can protect you.

I bet he still hasn't told you what happened to Faye has he?"

The attractive boy asked me.

I was about to ask him who the hell Faye was but the man in front of me suddenly looked at something behind me.

A look of fear washed onto his face before he walked away without warning.

I turned around to see what on earth could had scared him so much and that's when I saw Axel stomping towards me.

His jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists, all the features on his face was one of rage.

I now understand why the unknown boy ran away, quite frankly I wanted to run too.

"What did he tell you?" Axel growled.

"He just came to say Hi."

I lied, staring at his chest because I was too scared to look up at his face.

"Mia don't fucking lie to me"

The amount of rage in his voice sent my body shaking, my breathing starting getting harder and harder to control.

"He said that you can't protect me from Noah; I whispered, looking down to the pavement.

I could feel tears begging to leave my eyes but I forced them not too.

"I'm going to kill him.’ He decided to himself and started walking in the same direction that the boy escaped from.


I cried out, grabbing his arm.

"Please no;' I said looking up Axel.

I could feel the tears running down my cheeks and my lungs were thumping against my rips as they tried to regain a normal rhythm.

To my astonishment Axel's eye softened, I felt has he grabbed my hand gently and pulled me to his chest.

My body tensed as he wrapped one of his arms around me and put the other one on my head.

"Shh calm down.”

He whispered softly.

"Just breathe.’ Axel cooed, petting my hair affectionately.

In my whole time being in Colorado never have I ever seen this side of Axel.

His arms were wrapped around me protectively, he was being so caring and gentle, which again was two words I wouldn't use to describe Axel.

Before I knew it my breathing was back to normal and the tears dried quickly.

When I heard a bus pull out the school parking lot I was reminded that we were still at school.

I was hoping Axel was going to let go of me soon because I didn't want to get used to feeling his arms around me, it wouldn't help the confused feelings I have for him.

As if Axel could read my mind he pulls back slightly to look me in eyes, the anger was now fully replaced with determination.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise Angel: He sore to me, his dark eyes boring to mine.

Axel then untangles his arms from me and walks to his parked car, I quickly follow after him.

I tried to wrap my head around Axel, everything about him confuses me.

I know Axel is bad for me but when I'm with everything feels so good.

He was like a was a drug and I was addicted to him, I was addicted to the way I felt around him.

When we arrived at the mall I was surprised to see how small it was, it was nothing like it was back home.

"What's wrong New York? This not good enough for you?"

Axel laughed.

"It's fine"

I rolled my eyes at him.

I grabbed my phone out my bag and texted both Rylan and Kina telling them we were here.

"Who are you texting?"

Axel asked, trying to look at the phone screen.

"Nosey much?"

I gave him a look.

"Just answer the question.’ He grunted.

"If you must know: I was letting Rylan and Kina know we were here’ I told him.


He looked at me confused.

Oh right, I never told him why I wanted to go to the mall or what the plan was.

"Because they are our friends?"

I said in a "duh" tone.

"Mia what are you not telling me."

Axel gave me a pointed look.

"Kina likes Rylan." I sighed.

"Obviously.’ Axel rolled his eyes.

"You knew?" I asked.

"Everyone but Rylan can see that’ "Well, Kina thinks he likes me,’ I told him.

"And everyone but you can see that."

A sour looked came across Axel's face.

"Rylan doesn't like me! And I'm going to prove it when Kina and him get together.’ I exclaimed.

"So you brought me out here to play matchmaker?"

He asked frustrated.

"Well, I needed someone to occupy me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Like a date?"

Axel smirked.

"No don't be stupid!"

I rushed out.

"I'm not getting out this car until you say it's a date, Angel."

The smirk on his face grew into an evil grin.

I stared at him shocked, he couldn't be serious.

Is he not actually going to make me call it a date right? But the serious look on his face told me everything I needed to know.

"Fine! It's a date."

I sighed defeated."That's all you had to say."

He smiled victoriously at me.

Jodiodideciicinigak Axel and I walked around the long halls of the mall and to my surprise there wasn't a lot of people here, it was mostly filled with employees and occasionally I would spot a shopper.

Kina and Rylan were at the food court having lunch together.

I could tell she wanted to be alone with Rylan so I asked Axel to show me where the bathroom were located and we've been walking around ever since.

I was glad to get away from the group anyway because the whole time we sat together Axel and Rylan were just sending glares at each other, which made things really uncomfortable for everyone.

I couldn't help but think of last night as we were wondering the halls.

I couldn't get over how much fun it was even though it was incredibly stupid and reckless.

My mind would not stop reminding me of the kiss Axel and I almost shared.

"Stop doing that"

Axel's voice was husky, looking down to my lips.

I didn't even notice I was biting my lip until now.


I tested him, looking at him inquisitively.

I wanted to know why it bothered him so much.

"Because it's taking every ounce of willpower I have not to back you up against the wall and kiss you until your lips are numb."

His dark eyes connected with mine and I felt a shiver run down my body from his words.

"Maybe I want you too,’ I whispered, surprising myself.

"Don't test me, Mia.’ Axel growled lowly, stalking closer to me.

His eyes were now somehow darker than before, they were filled with lust.

He looked at me as if he was about to pounce on me at any giving second.

A gasp left my mouth when Axel pushed me up against the glass of a random shop, his body was pressed up right against mine.

"Is this what you want Angel?"

Axel panted, trailing his lips up my neck to my face.

I shivered when I felt his lips start sucking at a spot on my neck.

"Come on, tell me this is what you want Mia because I don't think I can keep myself away from you anymore."

His voice was deep and laced with desire, his eyes searched mine for permission.

I found myself nodding my head, letting him know this was what I wanted, his lips on mine.

I nearly passed out when I felt his teeth pull at my bottom lip, gently biting down on it "Use your words, Mia."

Axel whispered.

"I need to hear you say it."

He groaned.

"I want you to kiss me."

My voice came out shaky.

Axel wasted no time and pressed his lips to mine, his plumped lips easily took dominance.

The kiss was raw and needy, my heart was threatening to bust right out my chest.

A cough brought both of us back to reality, our lips separated and we turned to become faced with Rylan and Kina.

Rylans face was hard and emotionless and Kina had a look on her face as if saying "I told you so"

which she did.

And that's when I knew I couldn't fight it anymore, I liked Axel Deacon.

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