Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 11:  Fight Club.

Chapter 11:  Fight Club.

"I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant.- Markus Zusak

Sometimes I think the universe has a way to pick the worst day to knock us down.

Like oh, this person is having a bad day, it would be a shame if something even worse would happen.

For example, when I was in the Sth grade our teacher, Mrs.

Clarke sent us off to our seats to independently read.

I was just about to dive into my book when suddenly I sneezed causing me to fart the exact same time.

The room that was once dead silent due to everyone already reading their books was now filled with roaring laughter and I wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow me whole right then and there.

And if that wasn't enough later that day when I was coming back to the third foster home that year, there were already social workers waiting for me when I arrived.

They told me I was going to be transferred to another house and that I should go pack my things.

I begged them not take me from Ada, but it was no use.

They said she was unfit to take care of me anymore.

Ada was in her late sixties or early seventies I can't remember now.

What I do remember is I actually enjoyed living with her.

She was the sweetest lady I ever met, she gave me hope that maybe not everyone in the system was horrible.

I was devastated, to say the least.

And from that moment on I knew the universe was against me.

"Wake up, sleeping ugly, Wyatt shouted, barging into my room.

"I'm already awake"

I offered him a small smile, running the brush through my hair.

"Great, you're coming with Phoenix, Indy, Kina and I after school to go shopping-"

He declared.

Go shopping? How was I suppose to go shopping without any money? I mean it would be nice to get out of the house and explore the town.

I looked up at Wyatt and saw his bright blue eyes shining down at me with excitement.

I couldn't go even if I wanted to though, I was supposed to go with Axel after school so he could teach me how to fight.

And if I cancel on him, he probably wouldn't give me another chance, seeing as he didn't want to in the first place.

"I--I can't"

I knew he was going to be disappointed.

"And why in the hell not?"

He asked confused.

"I have plans after school, I told him, which wasn't exactly a lie.

"And those plans would be?"

He dragged out, not accepting my answer.

"Lum, I joined the book club." I lied.

"Yep, book club,’ I repeated to myself.

I mentally facepalmed, I was useless under pressure.

But I couldn't tell him the real reason, especially the whole Axel teaching part.

I feel like that wouldn't end well for anyone.

"We have a book club?"

Wyatt asked confused, making a face.

"That's a good question,’ I muttered under my breath.

"You say something?"

Wyatt looked over at me.

"Yeah, I said can I take a rain check? You know when I money to go shopping?"

I covered for myself.

"Oh did no one tell you?" He spoke out.

"Tell me what?"I asked.

"Rose put a hundred dollars and one of her old phones in the nightstand"

He said walking over to my bed and pulling out the phone and money.

"she knew you were coming here with literally nothing but the clothes on your back.

So she thought you'd want to buy yourself some clothes, ya know?"

"That's so kind of her,’’ I said shocked, no foster parent has ever done anything like this for me before.

I wanted to give them back to her and tell her letting me live here was way more than enough, but I also didn't want to seem rude.

I remembering mom always said it was impolite not to accept a gift that someone went out of there way to give you.

So instead I'll tell her how grateful I was the next time I see her.

"Here, Wyatt said handing me the phone.

It was a black iPhone, I wasn't sure what generation it was and I didn't really care either.

It was thin and looked very fragile.

I never had a touchscreen phone before, it was fancy, to say the least.

I didn't understand everyone's fascination with iPhones or even smartphones in general, they can call and text like any other cellphone the rest is just unnecessary.

"Everyone's number is already in it.’ He explained.

"I don't know what to say."

I was in shock, not understanding why Rose would go out her way to do any of this for someone she just met.

"Well, I'll be downstairs.There is an hour before school"

He told, giving me one last look before walking away.

Apart of me really wished I could have gone with them but the other part of me knew I didn't like shopping.

Has much as I wanted to be like them: cheerful, full of life, but above all...happy, that just wasn't me.

Well, that used to be me, you know, before my life spiraled out of control.

How do you feel happy when everything that made you smile is gone? I looked at my reflection of myself in the mirror, I definitely looked better.

The usual dark circles around my eyes were still there but they weren't as intense as they had been.

I was bathed and dressed in clean clothes, which was a great change from what I used to.

My hair was brushed and there was no dirt under my nails.

You never noticed the little things in your everyday life until they are taken away from you.

I was surprised to see my cheek hadn't bruised from Noah's attack, it was just a little red.

I now kind had wished it would have bruised just so I could show Camila and prove I was telling the truth.

And to say I wasn't terrified to walk downstairs would be a lie.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen, did Camila already tell Rose? Or anyone else for that matter? Maybe I should tell Rose the truth, maybe I'll have a chance to explain before Camila tells her a bunch of lies.

A deep sigh left my mouth as I sat down my brush on the dresser, I grabbed my notebook and pencil, turned around and looked back to the room, making sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

I knew I was stalling so I walked out of the room, shutting the door before I changed my mind.

I slowly walked down the stair looking to see if they were waiting for me with torches and pitchforks at the ready.

"You better give me that last apple or I swear to God I will cast your soul into Davy Jones’ Locker!"

Wyatt said threatening Phoenix who had the apple behind his back.

He was desperately trying to reach behind Phoenix to grab it but it was to no avail.

I watched Indy walked behind her older brother and grabbed the apple out of his grasp, and took a bite of it.


They both said in unison.

"Problem solved"

She shrugged, taking another bite.Wyatt and Phoenix both held pouty looks on there face as they watched Indy eat their apple.

"Oh stop looking at me like I stomped on your sandcastles’"

She rolled her eyes walking out the kitchen.

"No worse! You stole my food!"

Wyatt shouted at her.

"Um actually, it was mine,’ Phoenix said, pointing at himself.

"We both know you would have given it to me honey; Wyatt said, patting him on the chest before retreating out the kitchen.

It was now Phoenix's turn to roll his eyes at his boyfriend.

Watching the two of them together I couldn't help but smile, they were so good together.

Their love was pretty much undeniable, I wanted what they had someday.

"Hey, Mia."

Phoenix smiled as he walked past me.

"Hey: I returned his smile.

"Oh, by the way, Rylan wanted you."

He told me before walking into Wyatt's room.

I walked further into the hallway and knocked on the door across from the room Phoenix had just walked in.

I was guessing this was Rylan's room, It was either his or Rose's toom according to what Camila had told me the first day I moved in.

"Please be Rylan's room; I muttered to myself.

"It's your lucky day Sugarplum"Rylan greeted me with a grin.

"I heard you were looking for me?"I questioned him.

"My whole life."He said, moving aside from the door, silently telling me to come in.

I rolled my eyes at him, walking into his room.

It was actually rather clean for a teenager, I was expecting to see random pieces of clothes thrown around or papers scattered about but there was nothing of the sort.

"Here;' Rylan said, handing me a black Nike backpack.

The bag looked brand new, I couldn't see any signs of wear and tear.

"That's really sweet; I told him honestly, looking up at him.

"Oh yeah, well you know.’ I watched as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"I figured you needed it more than me."

He said rubbing the back of his neck, avoiding my eye contact.

"Thank you, you really didn't need to do that,’ I told him, putting my notebook, pencil, and my new phone into the bag.

"Well, you can always repay me,’ Rylan smirked at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

I asked him, giving him a look.

"Uhh, with a high five of course."

He said awkwardly, seeing that his flirty behavior failed.

"I think you need a high five to the face,’ I said jokingly.

"Hey now, watch the sass."Rylan chuckled at me.

"Can I at least get a hug?"

He asked, giving me puppy eyes.

I shot Rylan another weird look, I don't like hugs.

"Come on, I don't bite.’ He smiled "Hard."He finished.

"Well, I bite harder,’ I said, awkwardly walking into his arms that he already had held open.

Rylan wrapped his long arms around my body holding me close to his chest.

After several moments I relaxed a little and patted his back a few times, trying to silently tell him, "Okay I've had enough now: "Are you ever going to tell me what happened with Camila?"

He asked, letting go of me.

I wanted to tell him, I really did.

I just wasn't how he would handle it.

What if he thought I came on to Noah? Or worse, blamed himself.

"I have to work it out for myself first; I told him, avoiding his stare.

He just nodded his head in understanding.

"We should probably get going,’ Rylan spoke, breaking the silence.

I just nodded my head, following him out of his room.

On the way towards the front door, we were stopped by Kina.

"Hey, guys!"

She smiled sadly as she watched us come out of Rylan's room.

I couldn't help but see the longing look that flooded her bright blue eyes as Rylan walked past her, giving her one of his dazzling smiles.

I felt bad for her, she was totally into him but I don't think he seems to notice.

I should probably talk to her and let her know nothing is going on between us.

I continued following Rylan out to his car.

The drive to school was silent and uncomfortable.

He knew I was hiding something from him and I wasn't sure how long I could keep the truth from him.

"I won't be needing a ride home;' I told him as we pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Why not?"

Rylan asked, giving me a confused look "Book club meeting,’ I told him as confidently as I could, so he wouldn't see through my lies.

"You joined the book club?"

Rylan laughed.

I nodded my head at him.

"What a nerd.’ He smiled at me.

"How are you getting home then?" He questioned.

"I'll walk, Rose gave me this cellphone and I programmed the address into it"

I shrugged, grabbing the slim phone out of my new bag.

That's when I noticed I had one unread message.

I quickly unlocked the phone, my curiosity getting the best of me.

I just got this phone today, nobody knew I had it other than Rose, Wyatt and of course now Rylan.

My eyes widen at the message.

Axel: I'll meet you outside of Mr.Hipp's class after school Angel.

I reread the message at least three times, making sure I read it correctly.

I was shocked he actually messaged me.

It's just a text message, calm down.

"You know I could just come back and pick you up,’ Rylan said, putting the car in park and turning off the engine.

"No it's okay, I want to explore the town a bit"

I lied again.

I was digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole.

He just nodded his head and opened the door and got out.

I quickly followed after him, I didn't want to walk around the school alone.

My stomach starting twisting thinking about walking into first period and seeing Noah.

I'm going to have to switch out of Mrs.

Porter's class, that was the only solution I could think of at the moment.

I thought school was supposed to feel like a safe place? Should I tell the school what happened? I wonder if they have cameras around the building? If I try to tell the school without having proof it would just be his word against mine.

"What's wrong Muffin?"

Rylan asked, noticing my sudden change.

"New girl jitters, I explained, lying.

"No need to be nervous, you got me.’ He smirked, playfully hitting his shoulder with mine.

"That makes me feel so much better"

I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

I relentlessly walked to my English class, there was still a good ten minutes until class started but I didn't feel like roaming aimlessly around in the halls.

I sent silent prayers that Noah wouldn't be in class today.

At least Axel was in that class as well, but now that I think about it, that wasn't very comforting either.

I carelessly opened Mrs.

Porter's door and walked in, readjusting the straps on my shoulders.

I quickly learned that I wasn't alone in the classroom.

My head snapped back to the back of the class.

My eyes widen when I saw Axel sitting in his usual seat.

What's he doing here so early? His dark eyes followed me as I walked over to my seat, I suddenly felt nervous under his stare.

I took my seat and tried to ignore his burning gaze.

But no matter what I did I could still feel him staring at me.

I quickly turned around in my seat to face him.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you staring isn't polite?"Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I asked him annoyed.

"I'm not staring at you."

He deadpanned, clearly staring at me.

"Of course not, you have X-ray vision and you're looking through me;’ I said sarcastically, turning back around in my seat.

Something about Axel infuriated me, even though he was extremely intimidating I felt a boiling need to pick a fight with him.

Which probably isn't the best idea.

And I came to that realization the second I heard the high-pitched screeching noise of Axel’s chair being scooted on the tiled floor.

I listened as his footsteps got closer and closer until he was right in front of me.

I watched as he rested his elbow on my desk, putting his chin in the palm of his hand.

I sat back all the way against the chair, trying to put as much distance as I could between us.

"Now I'm staring at you"

He whispered, watching me intently.

"I would appreciate it if you would stop."

I managed to get out.

I was trying so hard to keep my breathing steady but it was like I suddenly forgot how to breathe looking at him.

His smell was intoxicating, invading my nose with the spices of his cologne.

"That's the thing, Angel, I'm the bad boy.I do what I want when I want"

He spoke so smoothly, his pink lips moving carefully.

"What do you want?"

I breathed out.

I was an utter mess over here.

Axel's lips parted to say something but before he had the chance the bell started ringing.

"Saved by the bell"

He smirked, standing up straight and walking back to his own desk.

Just when I thought I knew who Axel was he goes and does something completely out of line and leaves my head reeling once again.

Students started pouring into the room, taking their signed seats.

I was waiting for Noah to walk through the door but to my surprise, he never did.

I looked over my shoulder towards Axel, his brown eyes met my blue ones.

There was a faint smirk forming on his mouth.

I gave him a confused look, something told me he knew why Noah wasn't here today, not that I was complaining for the record.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, which I didn't really mind.

The sooner I got out of this school the better.

Gym was absolutely horrible, the whole period was filled with Camila glaring evil looks at my direction while Axel spent his time glaring right back at her, and then you had Rylan who was looking between all three of us completely confused.

The last bell rang through my ears, dismissing us from Mrs.

Hipp's class.

I waited a few moments letting the majority of people leave before I walked out of the room.

I was surprised to see Axel already waiting for me, leaning against a random locker.

"Come on.’ He stated flatly, walking down the hallway.

I followed behind not knowing what to say to him, he wasn't much of a talker but I liked that.

I wasn’t much of a talker either.

When we finally got to his car he wasted no time turning the car on and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked him.

"Somewhere." He said unbothered, staring at the road.

"Where is somewhere?" I pressed.

"Can you stop asking so many questions?"

He looked over at me annoyed.

"Can you stop avoiding them?"

I shot back, equally annoyed.

Axel glared at me silently telling me to shut up, I quickly got the hint and decided to look out the window.

I couldn't help but notice two cars behind us one was a red four-door Sedan and the other was a dark green SUV.

I watched as with every turn Axel made the two vehicles would follow.

"Axel.”I panicked

"Mia."He said a lot calmer than me.

"We are being followed!"

I stated, looking at the side mirror at the cars.

"We're not being followed."He told me, looking out the review mirror.

"Those are uhh, those are my friends."He hesitated.

"You actually have friends?"I mocked him.

"Shut up;' Axel said less than amused, but I saw the slight smile he cracked.

I looked around my surroundings and noticed we were literally in the middle of nowhere.

There were no cars on the road other than us and Axel's "friends".

The grass was overgrown and trees were scattered everywhere giving off a forest vibe.

We've been driving for at least twenty minutes and I still didn't see any signs pointing to where we were going.

After another 10 minutes, a building in the distance finally caught my eye.

It was like a warehouse or a factory, I couldn't really tell from here.

I watched as we pulled into the gravel parking lot in front of the building, the other two cars following Axel's lead.

Now that I was closer I could definitely tell this use to be a warehouse.

I focused my attention on the cars parked right next to us.

There were at least two guys in each car, the two in the red car opened their doors and got out, I watched them closely, one had curly dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and the other one had light brown hair and hazel colored eyes.

The other two in the SUV soon joined their friends whispering something to them.

I directed my attention to them.

The boy with jet black hair and cobalt eyes noticed me staring at him and sent mea friendly smile that I didn't return, stranger danger ya know? And the last guy was probably the scariest looking one out of all of them, He was big and muscular with short brown hair and a scar starting from his eyebrow towards his green eyes and down to his cheek.

They were all dressed in a black leather jacket and jeans just like Axel.

Which I found odd, but I was the last person to be talking about bad fashion sense.

"Don't be scared Angel? Axel spoke causing my attention to snap to him.

There he goes with that nickname again.

"I'm not."

I lied, getting out of the car.

Axel shook his head amused, I think he knew I was lying about not being afraid.

"Open the door’ Axel told the guy with blonde hair.

"Sure thing boss"

The boy obeyed I shot Axel a confused look, "boss?"

I mouthed to him, wanting answers but of course he just shrugged his shoulders and walked to his trunk and pulled out an equipment bag.

I followed behind him as he and his minions...

I mean friends walked inside the warehouse, it was huge! The room was filled with random workout machines, weights, and punching bags.

In the middle of the warehouse was a giant boxing ring sat up, that must be where Axel learned how to fight.

I noticed the four overgrown baboons walked through a door that probably led somewhere in the back, leaving Axel and I alone.

"Who's gym is this?"I blurted out.

"Mine"He said casually.

"Yours? How did you pay for this stuff?"I asked, being nosy.

"None of your business."He grunted.

I don't know why I asked in the first place, I knew he wouldn't have told me.

"Come on."

He said jumping on to the ring, pulling the ropes down, so I could get in.

He hesitantly held his hand out for me to grab.

I swallowed hard and cautiously put my hand in his, Axel's warm hands engulfed mine, sending little lightning bolt through my body.

I was about to step into the ring when my foot got stuck on the rope, sending face-first on the hard mat with a thud.

"This is going to be harder than I thought."

Axel groaned, but he wasn't fooling anymore, I heard the amusement that laced his voice.

I could feel myself blushing in embarrassment, my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

I clumsily picked myself up, brushing off the dust.

"Chances are your opponent is going to be twice your size, so trying to overpower them isn't going to work.

You'll have to fight more defensively, therefore go for the face, groin, or hit them where the sun doesn't shine."

Axel told me keeping eye contact.

"Face, groin, or it"

I nodded my head.

An amused smirk worked its way on to his face, but he quickly washed it off and went back to his emotionless self.

"Hit me,’ Axel instructed.I looked at him like he had grown three heads, I couldn't just hit him.

"But I ca-"I begin.

"I said.’ He cut me off.

"Hit me.’ Axel taunted me.

I gave him one last look, making sure to he was serious before I awkwardly punched him the chest.

"Ouch” I mumbled, shaking my hand.

His chest was like concrete.

"You punch like a newborn baby"

He looked at me with an amused look on his face.

"Screw you."

I rolled my eyes at him.

Not all us can be the Incredible Hulk.

After several moments of silence, he finally said something.

"Take your shirt off"

Axel sighed frustrated.

"Excuse me?"

I deadpanned, I obviously had heard him wrong.

"Oh don't flatter yourself.’ He said, rolling his dark eyes.

"I can't! I told him quickly, becoming anxious.


Axel shrugged, grabbing his equipment bag and walking towards the door.


I gave in.

"Is this what you want?"

I seethed at him, pealing the yellow long sleeve shirt off my body leaving my chest covered with nothing but a white sports bra.

I avoided Axel's eyes as they trailed over my body, looking at the random scars and bruises that plagued my skin.

My eyes stung as I forced myself not to cry but I could feel the panic attack that was threatening to take control of my body.

The bruises had healed somewhat since Rylan had last seen them but that didn't comfort me at all because I swear I could feel every scar reopen under Axel's intense stare.

"Who did this to you?"

Axel's voice was low and dangerous.

"Depends on which one,’ I spoke, finally looked at him.

The look on his face was murderous, I involuntarily took a few steps away from him.

His jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into a fist.

The familiar storm was clouding Axel's eyes like the day he pulled Noah off me.

"Go stand in front of the mirror"

Axel nodded his head towards the giant mirror that covered the whole wall like wallpaper.

I gave him a confused looked but obeyed, and stood in front of the mirror.

I refused to look at myself so I focused on the various workout equipment behind me.

"If you want to learn how to fight you're going have to learn how to be comfortable in your own body, Axel told me, now standing beside me.

"You need to take all the hurt, sadness, and aggravation you feel and turn it into anger, and then take that anger and let it be the reason you fight.

You'll need to learn how to control your emotions instead of letting them control you."

He spoke so wisely.

"But none of that is going to happen if you can't come to terms with who you are, it's just going to get you hurt.

I'm not teaching you how to fight until you learn to love yourself, Mia"

Axel told me staring at me in the mirror.

I wanted to protest against him but suddenly there was a knock on the warehouse door, which was weird because this place was out in the middle of nowhere.

"Stay here.’ Axel gave me a stern look before walking towards the door.

"Hello, I'm sorry to bother you but do you a bottle of water? My engine overheated a few yards back and this was the first place I came across."

Said an oddly attractive man when Axel opened the door.

He had dark disheveled hair and ocean blue eyes, the guy looked around Axel's age.

He was wearing a dark blue graphic shirt and jeans, overall he looked harmless.

"No, Axel grunted, shutting the door in his face.

Why his he so rude to everyone? I was so sick of it.

I walked over the boxing ring and grabbed my shirt, throwing it back on before spotting a water bottle sat on the wooden bench next to the weights.

"Is it really necessary to be so rude to everyone?"

I asked angrily, grabbing the water bottle.

"Mia don't open that fucking door."

Axel hissed at me.

But it was already too late, I swung the door open coming face to face with the blue-eyed man, who looked like he was about to knock on the door again.

"Here you go."

I smiled, handing him the water bottle.


He smiled crudely at me.

Instead of grabbing the bottle of water the man grabbed my arm and pulled into him, he twisted me around so that I was now facing Axel.

I felt as he put his arm underneath my throat tightly, making sure I couldn't run.

I started shaking uncomfortably when I saw the gun he had pointed at Axel.

"You can never listen can you?"

Axel greeted his teeth.

"Really that's what you're thinking about?"

I exasperated."Well, I hate to be the one that told you so, wait no I'm not.

I fucking told you so!"

Axel seethed.

"Both of you! shut the fuck up!"

The man shouted.

Axel finally turned his attention to him for the first time since I opened the door.

"I'm really not in the mood for you,’ Axel stated, coming closer.

"You won't be in the mood for anything once I killed you."

He smiled crookedly, chambering a round.

The gun was pointed straight at Axel's head.

In a split second, Axel had a hold of the guy's arm, pushing the gun down towards the ground, the gunmen panicked and pulled the trigger that was aimed at his own foot.

The sound of the bullet rang in my ear followed by the sound of the man's blood-curdling scream as the bullet entered his flesh.

The dark hair boy released his hold on me and I ran towards Axel's friends that were running back to the gym area after hearing the shot.

I turned around and watched as Axel grabbed the gun from the man's grasp and pistol-whipped him in the side of the head, sending him falling to the ground out cold.

"Get him out of here and check for others,’ Axel ordered his friends.

And of course, they obeyed acting like this was normal for them.

I saw the four muscular men drag the unconscious boy away.

All I could do is gape at everything that happened.

"Are you okay?"

Axel asked walking over, examining me.

"No, I'm not okay!"

I yelled, finally recovering.

"That guy needs to go to the hospital!"

I shouted.

"And what the hell just happened!"

I continued.

"Darren is going to take him to the hospital, don't worry Angel; Axel said in a hushed voice.

"Stop calling me that!" I said frustrated.

"Calling you what Angel?"

He asked, knowing what he was doing.

"How can you act so casual about what just happened?"

I hollered on the verge of a freaking meltdown.

"There was just a gun pointed at your head Axel and you act like it was nothing, why?"

I demanded answers.

"I'm used to it."

He shrugged, having no care in the world.

"Axel!" I growled.


He said amused.

"Fucking tell me!"

I cursed having enough of his games.

"You really want to know?"

He asked moving closer to me, his hot breath hitting my face.

His closeness intimidated me and I lost the breath that I was already struggling to keep.

I couldn't think to form any words so I just nodded my head.

"I'm in a gang Mia, I'm their leader.’ Axel watches me closely waiting to see how I would react.

Axel was a gang leader? "Of course! How didn't I see that one coming?"

I shook my head in disbelief, backing up slightly.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"The black leather jacket, the fighting, the whole suffer in silence thing you have going, oh yeah let us not forget these random people that listen to every word you say.

I listed out.

"I can't believe I'm just now putting the pieces together!"

I threw my hands up exasperated.

"Why are you in a gang?"

I interrogated him, now curious.

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

Axel seethed at me.

"Because I'd be a fool not too." I shot back, just as angry.

"You could have died just now, hell I could have died!" I shouted at him.

"Does that not register in that thick skull of yours?" I questioned.

"Are you scared?"

He asked, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I lived in New York all my life, this isn't my first rodeo; I told him, avoiding his question which was true, there were a lot of gangs in New York but I always avoided that scene.

Axel shot me a look before saying that we need to leave, something about it wasn't safe for me here right now.

The ride home was silent, neither one of us said a word to each other but I could tell we were both thinking about the same thing: What's going to happen now?

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