Mated To My Sister’s Alpha Fiance

Chapter 76

Chapter 76


“F*ck…” Xavier growls, a low rumble vibrating from his chest. He withdraws his fingers, and I whimper at the loss of contact. He quickly moves up, covering my body with his as he positions himself between my legs. His eager c*ck nudges my entrance, teasing me with the promise of more.

“I’m going to give you everything you want.” His voice is dark, heavy with lust, and something else…something fierce and possessive. His large hands slide under my hips, lifting them slightly off the bed so he can align himself perfectly with my throbbing center.

Then he’s pushing in, inch by painful inch, fulfilling my earlier request. I suck in a breath as he enters me, the sensation of his hard length stretching me overwhelming.

He fills me completely, nestling himself deep inside until there’s no space left between us. The feeling is both exquisite and torturous, a delightful pain that makes my pulse race and my heartbeat echo in my ears.

Xavier stays still for a moment, allowing me to adjust to his size. His eyes never leave my face, tracing every reaction, every change of expression as if committing them to memory. Then, slowly, he begins to move. His hips grind against mine. Each thrust slow but powerful – sending jolts of satisfaction through my body. His movements are rhythmic, timed to the rise and fall of our panting breaths.

“You’re so d*mn tight…” he growls lowly, his satisfaction bared in his voice.

Ican barely reply, consumed by the rhythm of him, the heat of him, the completeness of him. All I can manage whimpering moan as he accelerates his pace, driving into me with a ferocity that leaves my body trembling beneath his. My nails dig into his chest, scratching red lines into his skin as the pleasure builds and crashes over me like a stormy sea.

“More.” I gasp out, lost in pleasure. Xavier is so much bigger than me, and his c*ck….god….I can feel it swelling within me like a werewolf c*ck should.

“More?” His tone is filled with wicked delight, his thrusts growing harder, faster. Every movement of his body sends waves of pleasure coursing through me. My core clenches around him tightly, pulling him in deeper.

But it isn’t enough.

I know Xavier can change his appearance, and he said the demon was still inside him, waiting for its time.

Would it be possible to ask him to show it to me? I want to see what he truly is and accept him for it. I think it is important for us since he is my mate.

While panting. I meet his eyes. “Xavier……I want you to show me your true face.”

Surprise flickers in his eyes, surprise mixed with something akin to fear. A moment of hesitation passes before he nods, a silent understanding passing between us. He knows what I’m asking and the implications of it.

“Are you sure about this?” His red eyes hold mine, trying to figure out if I even understand what Lam asking for. Eventually, he says. “I won’t be pretty, Daisy.”

“You will me,” I breathe out, my voice barely audible over our combined panting. “I want you…all of you. Please accept yourself and do the merge while f*cking me.”

A shiver of anticipation runs through him at my words. Slowly, His eyes start to shift, the red deepening into brilliant crimson. His physique shifts subtly as well, his muscles swelling larger and larger while black veins appear underneath his eyes.

He is groaning as if in pain, and his body shudders, yet he never breaks our intimate connection.

“Look at me,” he commands, his voice now a thunderous echo feil with guttural undertones. I look into his eyes, those pools of crimson that hold an inhuman depth, reflecting my own face back at me.

A hint of fear flashes through me, but it’s quickly replaced by weder as I watch him transform.

His facial structure sharpens, his cheekbones become more pronounced, and his jawline squares off.

So beautiful.

His dark hair grows longer, and so do his ears. They are pointy now, but what makes me gasp is that one of his eyes is turning emerald green-his werewolf is coming through as wellContent held by NôvelDrama.Org.

1 watch him in silence, holding my breath when large wings unfold from his back in a flutter of black leather and shadow, The wings are massive, they span easily twice the width of his body, and they move as if on a breeze only he can feel. The sight is both terrifying and mesmerizing. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

“Xavier…” My voice is barely a whisper, filled with wonder and raw arousal. His eyes, now an odd combination of crimson and emerald, meet mine with an intensity that makes my heart futter. His c*ck feels different, too, larger, and a moan slips out through my lips.

“God Stella, look at you. He groans. “So turned on by this…

Suddenly, he arches his back and I witness an arrow-shaped tail spring from the base of his spine. It slithers in the air like a separate entity, holding an air of its own power and grace. As if on cue, he plunges into me again with a thrust that has me _crying out in pleasure.

“Jesus!” I gasp out, my eyes fluttering closed as the pleasure washes over me. When I open them again, Xavier’s clawed hand is cupping my face, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against my cheekbone. His touch is gentle, contradicting the monstrous form surrounding it.

A deep growl emanates from his chest, reverberating throughout the room and within me. He sounds like an Alpha again. and his scent has changed from vampire to a mix of werewolf, vampire, and demon.

It turns me on.

“Xavier…yes,” I moan, reaching up to touch his hardened nipples since his face is too far away. He is too tall, but I don’t mind looking at his carved abs, and if I glance down. I see my cunt stretched to its limit around his monster *ock. “F*ck that” hot

“What is he asks

“You” I breathe. “You’re hot, and I want you to f*ck me hard.”


He only says my name, and it’s everything

My fingers dig into his sides as he f8cks me. I’m surrounded by his heat, the fresh scent of his skin, the unsteady rush of his breathing I place a small kiss on his chest, then tell him what he needs to hear. “Yes, Xavier. Yes.”

A breath shudders from him, then I can feel his c*k swelling inside of me. The knot is forming, and it’s spreading me wide. My chest hitches at the invasion I love every second of it. So thick. So perfect, And all the time, he watches me from above.

He’s too big for case now. He has to work for it, a little in, a little out, each time sinking deeper while locking himself into place.

And still, he watches me.

Pleasure pulls tight. And then he’s all in. He holds there, throbbing and shaking.

“Oh, *uck,” he rasps. “What you do to me…you have no idea, do you? How you make me feel,”

“Yes, I do. You think it’s any different for me?” I take his big hand and place it between my breasts. “My heart is racing for you. I want this,”

Those are the only words needed for Xavier to grit his teeth and continue f*cking me. It feels amazing, especially when I feel his tail teasing my *ss. He spreads my wetness there, and he must have transformed his tail into something less sharp because it feels amazing when he presses into my forbidden hole while f*cking my cunt.

“F*ck,” he hisses. “You like that, huh? Being taken from both of your holes?”

My only answer is a high-pitched moan as I close my eyes and surrender to the waves of pleasure.

There’s a primal thrill in being taken in both holes. The thought of it makes me tremble, but it’s the reality of his power, his intensity, that brings me over the edge.

“Yes,” I gasp. “Xavier…so…good….”

A rumbling growl erupts from his chest, and he thrusts harder, falling me, stretching me in ways I hadn’t imagined. His tail moves deeper into me in tandem with his thrusts. Every nerve within me crackles with ecstasy.

“You’re mine, Stella,” he growls, the raw possessiveness in his voice sending another wave of pleasure coursing through my veins.

His movements become more frantic, rougher. His hands grip my hips in a bruising hold as he continues to drive into me, each thrust accompanied by my matching cries.

My world narrows down to this moment: the sensation of Xavier inside me, his monstrous form looming over me, his labored breaths echoing in my ears. Then, there’s a sudden shift within him as his rhythm falters for just a heartbeat before resuming with renewed vigor and a low snarl.

And then I feel it-the pulsing heat signaling his climax. It’s making me reach my own as well.

“Xavier!” I cry out his name as everything tightens, my entire body bowing, seeking the source of the pleasure. The sensation of his release triggers my own, a powerful wave of pleasure that leaves me gasping and shuddering beneath him. He roars out in release as well, his voice a potent mix of satisfaction and triumph.

I can feel every pulse of his *ock as it fills me with a warmth that seems to spread throughout my entire body. His tail follows suit, adding another layer of intensity that makes me scream in ecstasy.

“Oh God, Xavier,” I moan, my voice barely a whisper now. “I… I can’t..” The words are lost in a soft whimper as another wave hits me, stronger than the last.

His wings embrace us now in a cocoon of darkness. It’s like we are the only two beings in existence.

He collapses onto me then; the weight of his monstrous body is heavy even though his arm is preventing him from crushing me. His breathing slows down to match mine, our hearts beating in sync.

After what feels like an eternity, he stirs within me. Even with exhaustion threatening to pull us both under, it still feels magical. Xavier keeps me wrapped tight in his arms, as if he’s afraid I’ll vanish if he lets  go. His heavy breath tickles my neck, sending shivers racing down my spine.

“You okay?” His voice is a low rumble, echoing within the intimate cocoon we’ve made. “I didn’t hurt you, did 1?”

“No, I breathe out, my voice shaky with the aftertremors of our passionate exchange. “No hurt…only…”

I trail off, unable to find the words to describe the feeling of pure satisfaction radiating from deep within me.

His laughter vibrates through me then. “Only pleasure, huh?”


“So, just like last time?”


“I’m glad,” he murmurs before stroking his nose against my neck and my sensitive skin. “Maybe the pleasure will make this less painful.”

I swallow thickly. “Are you going to mark me?”

“Don’t you want me to?”

“Yes, but wait…did you just say just like last time?”

Xavier shifts above me then, and when I meet his eyes, there is a mischievous smile on his lips. “I remember everything,” he c*cks his head to the side. “You still haven’t said sorry for freaking me out on that flight, by the way.”

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