Mated To My Sister’s Alpha Fiance

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Inגוו 49% 5 Where the hell am I? Even though it’s dark, I can see somewhat clearly due to my night vision. But this place doesn’t look like any place on earth. I’m surrounded by trees so large that only the ones in Kings Canyon National Parks could rival them. They rise up to the clouds, and their thick trunks dwarf anything I’ve ever seen. The air smells different here, too-crisper, cleaner. It’s like big human companies don’t exist here. Hmm, could this be the magical realm? I’ve heard stories about the magical realm. Long ago, the werewolves ruled here, but then came a great wall against the vampires, and the werewolves lost. It resulted in the magical realm being cast into eternal darkness, but maybe there are some creatures that can survive here? Daisy and Xavier seem to think so since they have been here by accident a couple of times. What they did say, however, is all creatures that live here are savages. that Feeling a shiver course down my spine, I step cautiously into the uncharted forest. There is a river ahead, and seeing water instills a fake sense of security even though I have no idea where the hell I am. I walk up to the water, cringing when I hear rustling behind me, is it a monster? Whirling around, my eyes land on a large, monstrous creature that looks like a mix between a dinosaur and an axolotl. But this thing doesn’t seem friendly. It opens its jaws and roars at me. There are no teeth, just these gooey things sticking up like fingers. I stumble backward, and the monster attacks me.

But I’m ready. Even though the beast outsizes me, I’m stronger than I look. I kick it in the stomach and send the creature into the water behind me. It disappears with a flash but doesn’t give up. It emerges again, shrieking an unholy cry that echoes through the forest, bouncing off the colossal trees and amplifying the terrifying sound. My wolf instincts kick in, telling me the monster is trying to call its friend and that I must end this fast. So when the creature lunges at me again, I grab hold of its tongue and pull it out of its mouth with a yank. It works. The creature’s eyes widen before it falls dead on the ground with a thud that sends dust into my nose. I cough, waving my hand to clear the air. Then, turning my attention toward the lifeless creature, I try not to gag at the sight of its now protruding tongue, Gross. But at least it’s dead and can’t hurt anyone else.

With a deep breath, I pull myself together and continue along the river. A part of me is scared- understandably so-but I manage to push down the fear. I have a mission, and fear won’t help me accomplish it. 1/4 Get the App. Get All of XM DXMChapter 116 49% The hours blend together as I continue my trek. Occasionally, I bear noises in the distance, probably more creatures on the prowl. But none come close enough for me to worry about them Tiredness begins to pull at my limbs. My eyes start to droop and my steps become slower. I know it’s dangerous to stop, but what choice do I have? There are limits even to my stamina. Eventually. I find a place to rest—a cave-but before I can make it there. I hear something snapping, andNôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

suddenly, I’m caught by a trap. It wraps around me and pulls me up into a tree before I can react-I blame my tiredness. Dangling upside down, the world revolves in a dizzying spin. My heart pounds, adrenaline surging through my veins, pushing away the weariness. I growl in frustration as I struggle against my restraints, but the more I wriggle, the tighter they seem to get. “Great. Just great.” I mutter to myself. “Caught in a trap in a place that’s probably crawling with who- knows-what. Perfect!” Just when I’m about to scream, I hear footsteps crunching softly on fallen leaves. I freeze; every muscle in my body tenses as I squint into the darkness.. And then he appears-a tall figure emerging from the shadows. He reminds me of those creations from that movie….Avatar? Yes, that’s the one! His size, which must be at least ten feet, makes me think of the Na’vi, but his appearance is different. This guy looks like an elf.or something. His skin is dark blue, and the part of his eyes that should be white is black, while his irises are glowing orange. There are markings on his body that glow in white, making me think of a billion stars lighting up the night. Yes, this must be an elf…I think? Or maybe a fairy? I keep watching him as he approaches me. He has long white hair, pointy ears, black horns on top of his head and then I see it-purple wings protruding from his back. This is a fairy, and once our eyes meet, surprise strikes us both as the mate bond pulses between us. I’ve finally found him: my mate and partner! There is just one slight problem: my sister said my mate wouldn’t be able to speak English. So how the hell do I ask him to save me?! “Um,” I start, my voice shaky. “A little help here?” His glowing eyes widen even more if that’s possible, and he tilts his head to one side as though assessing the situation. Then he walks closer, his height so great that we are face-to-face even though I’m hanging upside down from a great tree branch.

His lips part, but not a word comes out. Instead he licks his lips and rubs his gurgling stomach. “Snacci,” he says, pointing at me with a wicked gleam in his eye. It makes me panic. “That better not mean snack because I’m not your dinner!” His eyes narrow. “Snacci.” I glare right back at him. “No, not ‘snacci, I’m your mate you f*cking d*mb*ss!” The guy doesn’t seem to agree with me. F*cking hell. Is cannibalism normal among his kind or something? His eyes flicker with confusion as he takes a step back, tilting his head as if to study me better. “Ma…te?” He mutters hesitantly, the word foreign on his tongue. 2/4 Get the App. Get All of XM XM 11:28 Fri, May 17 Chapter 116 49% “Yes, mate!” I exclaim, relief washing through me. Perhaps theres hope for me yet. “So how about you get me down, and we have a nice little chat on the ground rather than up here?” The creature seems to contemplate my words. His eyes narrow and then widen again as if he’s finally grasping what I’m asking. Slowly, he reaches out and touches the trap holding me captive, but instead of freeing me, he yanks harder, sending me swinging back and forth helplessly. “Hey! Watch it!” I lash out. And just when I’m about to lose my temper completely, he does something unexpected. He steps back, muttering za series of words in his own language before raising a hand towards the rope that binds me. A sudden rush of warmth radiates from his palm, and the rope around my ankles frays in an instant, falling apart as if disintegrated by an unseen force. With a shriek, I fall, only to be caught by the stranger’s arms.

His grip is firm and steady as he sets me down gently on my feet, I stagger a bit, the blood rushing back into my feet in pins. and needles. I glance up at him, half expecting to see him licking his lips again in anticipation of a ‘snacci. But his expression seems earnest, if a little bemused. “Um…thanks,” I mumble sheepishly. His eyes light up at my words as if he understands them, but then again, he might just be amused by the sound of my voice. Either way, an awkward silence follows as we stand there in the darkness. Suddenly, remembering my manners, I extend my hand towards him. “I’m Irma,” I tell him. He seems puzzled by the gesture at first, staring at my outstretched hand before cautiously reaching out and taking it in his own. We shake hands, but once I hear what sounds like more of the monster from earlier, I sigh. “We’re going to have many more difficulties than language barriers, aren’t we?” I mutter, my words drowned by the increasing growl of the beasts in the shadows. His glowing eyes move from me to peer into the darkness as he steps closer, his wings spreading out protectively. A shiver runs through me as I realize he doesn’t need to understand my words to know what is happening around us. Suddenly an explosion of leaves and branches erupts from the treeline, sending a torrent of green and brown raining down on us. Stepping back, I bump into him as another of those grotesque creatures lunges out at us with a terrible roar. The fairy-elf-thing-my mate-reacts immediately. With an incredible speed that belies his huge size, he steps forward, one large hand pushing me behind him protectively. But I don’t need protection! “Oh, hell no!” I growl before raising my hand and calling forth the strongest magic I have-compulsion. I’ve never been as talented as my dad, but somehow, I manage to brainwash the monsters into attacking each other. My mate shudders and glances down at me with newfound respect and maybe a little bit of fear. says again, but there’s an appreciative glint in his eyes this time, his gaze admiring as he looks me over.

“I correct him. nores me and beams at me before saying, “Snacci” again. It pisses me off, but once his large body folds over mine in a g. I freeze. 3/4 11:28 Fri, May 17 Chapter 116 Why is he suddenly being so romantic? Is it because I killed a bunch of monsters, and he now sees me as his hero? 49% 45 Regardless which, I’m blushing like I’ve never done before. It’s the d*mn mate bond’s fault. I mean, I’ve been hugged by men before, handsome ones too, but d*mn, I’ve never been so overwhelmed by someone’s scent before! The mate bond is working overtime and my heart pounds erratically when my mate picks me up and hugs me to him close enough that I can hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It’s making me dizzy. “Put me down!” I squeal, but the da*n man just hums in response, nestling his face into my neck. His warm breath dances on my skin, and I shudder, my irritation dissipating as he tightens his grip around me. He smells so da*n nice…ugh! “Fine, okay!” I exclaim in defeat. “Keep holding me.” My mate purrs in response, but to my utter disappointment, he places me back on the ground. I’m still dizzy from his proximity that I don’t realize what he is doing before he is bent over one of the grotesque creatures. Suddenly, magic sweeps over my mate, and I can see him growing large enough to scoop up the dead creature into the palm of his hand. He then licks his lips, and I scream at the top of my lungs when it occurs to me he is going to eat the da*n thing.

“No!” His head turns and I hastily pick up a tree branch to spank his toes with. He moves his blue foot in response and gives me at sullen pout as if he doesn’t know why I won’t let him cat the goddamn monster. “You’re not a *ucking savage!” I tell him in a strict tone, weirded out by the fact he is holding the axolotl monster like a breakfast sandwich. Does he usually eat them?! SEND GIFT Get the App. Get All of XM

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