Marrying the Mob Prince



“Help yourself.”

Cainan gestured toward the open-faced kitchen, the marble countertops gleaming like polished bone. A banquet of tropical fruit, pastries, poached eggs, and slivers of ham piled on the counters. After our tour of the grounds, which he spent reminding me that any escape attempts were futile and would result in my injury or death, we circled back to the main house.

Cainan sat on the patio outside in a very relaxed posture, the breeze ruffling the tight auburn coils on his head. His muscular arm reached for plated slices of meat. He stared out into the valley below the cliff. A beach glimmered in the distance. Tiny sails floated on the turquoise sea. I thought of the sailors on those boats. How many people were complicit in this madness?

My freshly-inked thigh pulsed as Cainan brought a glass of pulpy juice to his mouth. My lips flattened and curled. “What’s that body of water called? ‘Slaver’s Bay’?”

Cainan barely glanced at me as he filled his teacup. “Sandy Beach.”

I scoffed. “Original.”

“Subtlety is not on the menu here. And if I were you, I’d keep the catty remarks to a minimum.” Cainan’s pointed glare slid from me to the corridor, where a shirtless Rylan appeared with a leather-collared girl in tow, swim trunks hanging low on his hips. She was naked, her olive skin flushed with handprints and other red marks. She entered the kitchen with her head bowed, her long, black hair brushing the tops of her breasts.

Rylan swatted her behind and tore into a muffin. “Morning.”

Cainan nodded and returned to his meal, sipping his tea. He craned his neck around, his charcoal gaze meeting mine. “Fill a plate and join me.”

I glowered at him, my teeth grinding. “I’m not hungry.”

“But everything is organic.”

“Gosh, how thoughtful of you,” I burst before I could control myself. “I didn’t have an appetite after the Slave Island tour, but I am ravenous now that I know it’s all organic.”

“You either eat nothing or you swallow your pride. Your choice.” He speared a piece of watermelon and ate. “Keeping up your strength to survive what I’ll do to you is essential.”

Whatever that meant.

I firmly turned my back on the food as he spooned white crystals into his cup. He tapped the spoon, releasing the grains as his brother stuffed his face. Something about their manner was intolerable.

“Even the sugar in your tea is the product of slave labor.”

He glanced at me. “But it’s cruelty-free.”

My lips flattened. “That’s not funny.”

“I decide what’s funny.”

I stomped toward his table. “Yeah? Well, while you’re cracking jokes, there are people suffering in your backyard!”

“The girls volunteer to do it. They like the work. They need to feel they have a purpose besides taking cock, even if they don’t. An idle mind is the devil’s plaything,” he murmured, rolling a strawberry on his plate. “If you’re a good girl, perhaps I’ll let you run around the garden.” He smiled benignly as though his offer was tempting.

Heat flushed through my body. “No. I won’t take part in this.”

“You’ll want to before long. If I lock you in day and night, you’ll break. Just like the rest of them.”

I wouldn’t-but the boredom might kill me. I gnawed my lip, thinking it over. A job meant a schedule. People waiting for me to show up. On the other hand, I couldn’t do much inside the guesthouse. At least, I’d have opportunities to talk to other girls, find out more about the system here, and plan an escape.

“Maybe,” I said, swallowing hard. “I’ll think about it.”

He shrugged, reaching for a piece of fruit. Cainan wrestled a grape from the vine and ate, the sound of his chewing digging at me. I was hungry. My face burned at the thought of eating anything that came out of this kitchen, but I wouldn’t get out of here while on a hunger strike. A rich scent wafted from the flaky pastries. My tongue watered as I filled a plate, sliding it over the table. Cainan’s gaze raked me like I was nothing more than a collection of tits and ass.


I reached for a chair, but he grabbed my wrist and yanked. My butt slapped his thigh. His arm glided across my stomach. My abdominal muscles tensed as he dragged me backward, gluing my back to his chest. A gasp stuck in my throat. I stared at our laps, mine-practically naked-over his board shorts. I balanced myself on his knee, my palm gliding over the fine down of his leg hair.

“That’s much better.” Cainan’s purr stroked me like feathers. “I like a beautiful woman on my lap. Especially when she’s wearing my name.”

I licked my lips, fuming. “You only think you own me.”

“Not true. I claimed you long before today.” His fingers traced the bandage, warmth blooming over my skin. “The ink is just a symbol.”

I cleared my throat, the burn from my cheeks spreading like a head-to-toe bath. “A symbol of what?”

“Our connection,” he murmured, his hands roving over my thighs. “The need pulsing through my cock right now.”

A thrill of anticipation touched my nipples. “I-I don’t want you at all.”

“The more you say that…the more I feel an imperative to prove you wrong.”

He lifted my dress, revealing my bare pussy, and uttered a soft groan. Then he shifted me on his lap, and I felt him. A bulge thickened underneath my pulsating core. For a wild moment, I thought he’d stuffed a salami in his shorts. A thick shadow-it was absurdly big-spread to his groin, disappearing under my thigh.

Oh my God.

“You can touch me,” he whispered, sliding his cheek against mine. “Or is too soon, my beautiful, shy little pet? Turn around.”

My husky breaths cut the air, so intoxicated by him that I lost my balance. His affection confused me. Set me on fire with its gentle authority.

“I said, turn around.”

I shook my head.

“Turn the fuck around.” He kissed my jaw, and my pulse thundered. “I don’t enjoy repeating myself.”

I licked my mouth. “I can’t.”

“Yes, you can, and if you keep me waiting, I’ll do it for you.” Cainan teased my neck with a finger. “My rules are simple. Disobey me, and you lose privileges. Please me, and I’ll give you clothes, treats, whatever you want.”

“I’m not a fucking pet.”

“Wrong. You’re my plaything to spoil or neglect. We could spend our time getting to know each other, or I could hogtie you on my bed and fill you with so much cum you won’t be able to walk without spilling me.”

I mumbled an inarticulate word, my lips parting with an absurd need to kiss him. I couldn’t be attracted to this man. He was a foul beast, and I would do what I could to destroy him.

“Slave, I want you to face me.”

“I’m not your slave.”

“Are we back there again? I drugged you. Kidnapped you. Tattooed your goddamn leg. Your relatives do not know where you are. And even if they did, they can’t get here. I will do anything I want to you.”

I breathed hard, overwhelmed. I could tell that he wasn’t worried about consequences. He meant it. I could either be violently taken, or I could try to gain the upper hand somehow.

“Turn.” Cainan nipped the shell of my ear. “Or I’ll make you regret it.”

My palms slipped on his thighs. I couldn’t handle the heat spinning my insides, but I obeyed. I had to accept this was coming. That I’d have to give my body to him.

“Didn’t I promise you would feed me grapes on our vacation?” He kissed my cheek, and I jumped at the sharp jolt. “Here, I’ll be a gentleman and go first.”

Cainan shifted himself, the movement distracting because his erection dug into me. He plucked a white grape and held it to my lips. The sensation was more intimate than a kiss. Trembling, I opened my mouth.

He pushed it inside.

I swallowed without biting.

Then he tapped another grape to my mouth. I opened, but he teased the outside. I tried to close my lips around it, but he moved it out of reach, smirking.

“Give it to me.”

“Oh, I will.” He shoved his finger past my lips, thrusting the grape inside, the gesture so erotic my thighs clenched. “Suck.”

God, it was demeaning. It should’ve pitted me with nausea, not excitement. What the hell was wrong with me?

I bit his knuckle, not hard, but enough to make him slide out and give my cheek a disapproving tap. Disoriented, I struggled to balance myself. My arm flew out and caught his other leg.

He palmed my stomach, the heaviness of his stare disarming. “Your turn.”

Burning, I seized a piece of pineapple and brought it to his perfect lips. His teeth sliced it and he chewed. Then he leaned forward and snatched the other half from me. He devoured the fruit and sucked my fingers. His suggestive growl tingled way too low on my belly.

No one had ever made me feel like this.

“More,” he demanded. “Give me more.”

I picked up a blackberry, intending to smear it over his mouth. His tongue slipped under my finger, inviting me, but I didn’t push the berry in. The dark juice erupted, sliding down his generous lip.

“Lick it off,” he barked.

My body stiffened “Lick you?”

“Do it, or I’ll make you suck something else.”

The threat teased more heat in my pussy, proving I’d lost my mind. The drop slid down his strong chin, hovering on the precipice. I hesitated as he held my gaze, daring me to challenge him. My heart faltered. I caught the drop threatening to fall and dragged my tongue across his beardless skin. He groaned, the sound flooding my mouth with saliva. Encouraged, I sucked the berry’s juice off him. His head slanted, and his breath brushed my lips. A tremor coiled inside me as his hand drifted up my back, and then his mouth was on mine.

His kiss was hard and overwhelming, claiming, and when I stopped to inhale, he deepened the kiss. He seized my tongue between his teeth and suckled. Shivers broke out on my skin. Warmth curled around my chest, circling down my hips to join between my legs with a throb.

An electric jolt of arousal shot down my spine. The grip on my shoulder softened. He caressed me in winding paths. His thumb grazed my neck, the sensation tickling. Then his hand dove into my hair, and my pulse hammered.

His mouth returned, crushing me with harder strokes. He cupped my face as I released tortured sighs. Amazing. It wasn’t supposed to feel good. What was it about this man that kept me vacillating between fighting him and craving his touch? Stop kissing me, I begged him silently. Please stop.

I’d rather he raped me than own my soul.

I glanced at his face. He seemed torn between rapture and devastation. And when he opened his eyes, I glimpsed the old Cainan. The man who laughed and looked down at his shoes when I called him an angel. He was into this. His racing heartbeat and his flushed cheeks proved that.

Ringing shattered the spell.

We separated as though struck by the same lightning. His attention darted in Rylan’s direction, who gaped at us. Cainan straightened, hardening. He fished out the phone from his pocket. When he flipped it open, I realized it was mine.

His mouth pulled into a cruel grin. “Nothing from your parents. Five missed calls from your sister. Plus a few voicemails.”

My throat tightened.

“Let’s see what they say.” He jabbed one of them, and Indie’s panicked voice filled the room. “I need to warn you about Cainan. We know each other…he blackmailed Knox and I. You’re not safe. Call me!”

Cainan tutted. Then he played other messages, all of them pleading with me to stay away from the man who’d already kidnapped me. Her terror infected the air, sticking in my lungs. My chest stung with the pain of listening to my sister crying. I tried to grab the phone, but Cainan lifted his arm out of reach.

“Let me call her. Please.” My stomach bottomed out as he exchanged an amused look with Rylan. “Swear to God, I won’t tell her about this place.”

“Swear it with a cherry on top?” Rylan chortled, scrolling through his phone.

Cainan pretended to offer me the phone, his massive hand swallowing it at the last second. “Do you take me for a fool?”

I clicked my tongue. “No.”

“Do you think I haven’t heard every sob story known to man?”

“But it’s not a ploy to escape,” I growled, exasperated. “I just don’t want her to worry about me.”

“She’s worried?” he mocked, his brows furrowed. “I’ll play one more to make sure.”

He stabbed the screen.

“Claire, I’m at the apartment. Your stuff’s on the floor. I’m worried-”

He played another.

“Claire, we know he took you. We’re going to find you.” She choked on a sob. “I love you so much. I’m so sorry, Claire. It’s all my fault.”

The recording ended, cutting her off her frantic sobbing. Hearing my sister’s desperation somehow brought it all home-that this had really happened to me. And that I was in grave danger.

“Please,” I begged him. “At least let me text her that I’m okay.”This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

He pocketed the phone. “What’s the point? She’s never getting you back.”

His cruelty was a knife hitting my heart, even though it was probably for Rylan’s benefit.

Cainan’s blank stare hardened. “Should we send her a selfie?”


His eyes bored into mine. “I thought you wanted to put Indie at ease.”

Not like this.

“I-it won’t make her feel better. She’ll freak out.”

“You’re the one panicking.” He swiped to the camera app and raised his arm. “Look at the screen.”

“I don’t want to!”

“Interesting,” he murmured. “What is it about being photographed that frightens you?”

I didn’t quite understand it. After the incident at Colorado, I couldn’t look into a lens without overreacting. It was embarrassing. It made me feel stupid and ridiculous. I was hundreds of miles away from Colorado and the scandal that’d forced me to drop out of college.

I clenched my fists, trying to master the shaking. “I’m not-fucking-scared! I just don’t like it.”

“Taking a chaste picture shouldn’t be a such a problem.”

I shuddered, the air in the room vanishing. “Please don’t.”

Cainan’s hand cupped my cheek. The sweet embrace would make a good photo. My body was covered. There was no reason to be terrified.

“Starling, you need to smile.”

That prompted a laugh from Rylan, who watched us closely, a wolf waiting to pounce. His mocking laughter struck me deep inside, opening a vat of rage that boiled to the surface. My watery gaze shifted to the glowing rectangle in Cainan’s grip. I saw myself perched on his lap, and lost it.

I lunged for the camera, knocking it from Cainan’s fist. The phone skidded over the tiles and came to a halt at Rylan’s feet. Cainan raised an eyebrow, but made no move to retrieve it. My limbs froze as I processed the enormity of what I’d done, and then Rylan’s disbelieving snort shattered the quiet.

“Bro, you gonna let her get away with that?”

“‘Course not,” Cainan deadpanned without glancing at his brother. “I like to take my time.”

Rylan shrugged. “You sure do.”

Cainan’s features hardened as he lifted me off him and stood. Rylan put down his spoon and backed away from the counter. Cainan crowded him against the island.

“You have something to say about how I run things?” His warning was low and deadly.

“You’re too soft,” Rylan blurted. “You can’t even raise a hand to that girl.”

Cainan grabbed the scruff of his neck and slammed him into the cabinets. “Your opinion is worthless to me. Get lost.”

Cowering, Rylan slid out from under Cainan and ran out the kitchen, dragging the girl behind him. I mentally cheered Cainan on. His predatory gaze didn’t leave his brother until he’d disappeared. Then he headed back toward me, picking up my phone.

“Now, where were we?” he purred in a much softer voice. “Ah, yes. You were disobeying me, yet again. How very naughty of you. I wouldn’t expect that behavior from a girlfriend, let alone a slave.”

I swallowed. “I don’t like that word.”

“Would you prefer pet? What about my little bird?”

He stopped before me, fiendish delight growing in his dark eyes. Then he seized my shoulders and forced my knees to knock the floor. He made me bow until I slapped my palms over my legs. He fisted my hair. The sound of a zipper slashed the tense air.

A thrill shot through me.

He wouldn’t.

My lips parted as he tugged down his shorts. I was taken aback by his muscled legs and the briefs straining over his cock. It pushed against the cotton as though fighting for release. Cainan’s hand dove into his briefs and pulled out his monster cock. Rolling jerks of his wrist stroked it into hardness. “I like my dick sucked a certain way, but I’m not in a teaching mood.”

His gaze scoured me.

“I’m going to fuck your mouth. You’ll keep your hands behind your back while you take it. No movement. No matter how much it hurts-even if you’re seconds from passing out. I will use your body like a doll.” His shaft traced my trembling lips, my body swelling with heat. “And dolls don’t speak. They don’t have opinions. They do not push me away.”

I did what I was told. A strange sensation tingled my nipples as I complied. He fitted his cock to my mouth, teasing me open. I barely looked at it before the head bumped into me. A glistening bead smeared over my cheek before his length rolled over my tongue. I opened to accommodate him. He shoved inside, filling me with a firmness I couldn’t breathe around. He was flesh wrapped over steel, so wide, stretching my cheeks until they hurt.

I choked as his hips pulsed. I’d given head before, but never on a man this massive. I knelt on the floor, just taking it. It was rough. An assault on my mouth and throat. Sloppy. Painful. And yet, somehow, immensely satisfying. I didn’t understand why, but his brutal thrusts did something to me.

He sighed as though with relief, and warmth ignited my pussy. He cupped my cheek and stroked me. His fingertips left trails of fire, and the agony lingered like one of his steamy kisses. He groaned as pain hit the back of my throat. His iron fist grabbed my hair and tugged. Harder than I’d expected. The strain shot a pleasing thrill to my belly. As it buried between my legs, I squirmed from the pleasant glow. It poked in and out, in tandem with his thrusting hips. I kept my hands crossed at the back, fighting the urge to seize control.

“Are you ready for your master’s cum?” He pulled out, his shaft rubbing my cheek obscenely. “Answer me.”

Instead of using my words, I answered him by taking him back inside my mouth, sucking hard as juices ran over my chin. He indulged me for a few seconds before his fingers curled into my hair. He yanked, forcing me to take him to the root.

I choked.

Cainan controlled the pace, which started off slow and deep. He filled me to the hilt and stayed in that position for several heartbeats, and then pulled out.

“Perfect,” he sighed, staring at me as though dazed. “Hold still.”

He held me tightly. Then he inched forward. His girth spread my jaw. Air vanished as his length slid down. His balls smashed into my lips. Gagging, I could barely keep him down, but I forced myself to wait. To let him enjoy himself. He moaned, pulling back. He fucked me in tight bursts. Strands of saliva hung from my lips. Then he’d pause, his cock anchored, and I’d feel it pulse on my tongue.

I gagged. He allowed me to inhale. Gobs of spit fell as he fucked my mouth. I suckled the head, lashing at him, desperate for more, and then the relentless possession began anew. Cainan’s grip on my hair tightened as he battled my gag reflex. He inched back and forth. He nailed me with harder thrusts. He withdrew enough so that I sucked the giant head. Then his savage growl grew like a monster unleashed.

Stepping back, he clutched himself. A thick rope shot over my lips. Two more jets coated my face, dripping down my chin, the drops landing in my cleavage. It was slimy, thick, and degrading, but strangely, I felt no horror. All I felt was more desire, my pussy clenching for more.

Cainan made a satisfied sound, his eyes rolled to the ceiling. Waves of orgasm convulsed through his body, and I marveled at the sight of him undone.

Then he studied me, panting. “That was very nice. But you’ve made a mess.” He motioned at his cock, his expression feral. “We clean up our messes, don’t we?”

I gaped at him, stunned by the depravity of his demand. Yet I nodded, breathless with lust.

He smiled. “Then get to it.”

I took him inside my mouth again, and his face dissolved into rapture. Cainan rocked his hips as my tongue cleaned him.

“You’re going to make me come again. You ready for it, baby?”

The pet name caressed me like blazing feathers. It sounded like he’d let that one slip, which made me feel on top of the world. His mask was slipping. I sucked him more vigorously. Eyes shut tight, he groaned. His cock kicked the roof of my mouth, and then another warm jet coated my tongue. The taste of him invaded me, bright and sharp, like mint. He untangled his hand from my hair and tucked himself away.

I fought the shiver of wanting as he zipped up his shorts.

“What a perfect, cock-sucking slut.” He gave my cheek a condescending pat. “Come here.”

He gripped my waist and lifted me onto the table. His hands curled around my biceps and pushed, forcing my back to flatten.

“Keep still while I finish my breakfast.”

His throaty purr implied what he’d be devouring and that I’d have no chance of stopping him. It should’ve pissed me off-the reminder of how horrible men could be. They lied to get laid and they took without asking and humiliated women.

Never again.

But Cainan didn’t make me feel unsafe, especially when he chased off predators.

My heart hammered as he released my wrists. I expected him to recline in his seat, but Cainan didn’t pull away. He moved down my body, planting searing kisses that burned through the fabric. When he reached my waist, his tempting mouth separated from my skin. He grabbed my ankles and spread me further and further apart.

The gleam in his hungry gaze told me what was coming-and that he’d take it no matter what. No amount of pleading would stop him. I locked eyes with him and silently implored him. This had gone far enough.

I licked my lips. “No, I can’t.”

“What a defeatist tone. Of course you can.”

“I don’t want this,” I whimpered, the lie heating up my face.

“And I don’t care. Your purpose is pleasuring me, and what I want is to stick my tongue in your cunt and drink the honey inside. So lie back like a good little whore.”

I flushed, hating my body’s reaction to those words. My pulse pounded. I couldn’t move. In this position, with his weight bearing on me, I was utterly helpless. I obeyed him, spreading my legs wide.

Heat stole into my cheeks as he caressed my wrists, confusion erupting inside me. His tight hold bit into me, but he released me as though he’d sensed my discomfort. My legs were free. I could’ve kicked him.

Instead I fidgeted, suppressing swells of joy as his lips touched my thigh. He felt great. So soft. His arms locked around my thighs, his brutal strength keeping me vulnerable and open. I weakly protested as his head lowered. His hair brushed my inner thigh, my flesh prickling from the contact. Was this still rape? Was it not what I wanted if my heart thundered with every kiss? I trembled as his breath warmed my pussy. He kissed right where I ached for him most. I squeezed hard as his path blazed up my leg, and then Cainan spread me apart.

Heat blazed on my pussy.

He engulfed me with his hot mouth. Then he swirled his tongue in a way I’d never experienced, the ecstasy immediate. He played with my clit in slow, melting strokes. He thrusted and sucked as I begged him for more. His tongue flitted back and forth, torturing the bundle of nerves between my legs…which pulsed with pleasure.

He kissed me, licking the opening. Then the warmth delved into me. I gasped. Cainan’s hold tightened around me, his determination to make me wet so that I could be a vehicle for his lust making me lightheaded.

My nails raked the wooden table because I couldn’t grab him. A growl rumbled from his throat as he flicked from side to side, up and down, his lashes growing harsher as my shocked gasps became tortured begging. A wave loomed over the horizon, his tongue tormenting the soft core of my body.

My nipples hardened and I panted. A moan escaped my lips as a violent tsunami crashed into my cells, befuddling my senses with rapture. High-pitched cries burst from my chest. Then I collapsed, closing my eyes. I quivered as he rolled the dress over my legs. Then he loomed over me. His hands planted on either side of my head. Shame warmed my cheeks, but desire scorched my inhibitions. He wanted to take my body, but for the first time…I wanted to give him more.

“Look at me,” he growled.

I didn’t want to, but I complied. My gaze landed on his puffy lips, still damp with my arousal. I waited for him to unzip his shorts and pull out his cock, so he could take me. I was open and ready for him, waiting for him to fuck me.

“Did you think you could play with the devil and not get burned?”

Cainan straightened and returned to his breakfast, leaving me panting on the table. He ripped off a small piece of croissant. Without looking at me, he pressed it into my lips.

I turned my cheek, mouth closed.

I was his prey, but I was far from helpless.

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