Marrying the Mob Prince



2 fingers Glenlivet


Evie’s hot mouth lulled me out of an exhausted sleep. Warmth wrapped my cock as she sucked me into hardness, her tongue gliding up and down my shaft. My balls tightened with the need for release as I lay back, sinking into bliss.

Quite the wake-up call.

I glanced at the clock. Three a. m. “I’m surprised you’re awake. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken it so easy on you.”

I hadn’t been remotely gentle.

Still, she’d enjoyed it, and she was at it again. She stared at me, the challenge in her eye stroking my cock as much as her blowjob. Her tongue swirled. Liquid heat lashed the underside, and I bit my lip to kill the sigh.

This woman was fearless. Was that given to her by her ruthless father, or did she learn it growing up in that hell hole?

Evie’s mouth made a wet pop as she lifted her head. Eyes blazing, she climbed onto my lap. She grabbed my face and kissed me. Long and hard. Passionate. The sort of kiss that pulled at the center of me.

My mouth moved down her cheek, to her jawline, to the breasts crushing my chest. I nipped her skin until I brushed her nipple. I circled it with my tongue before closing on her, sucking.

She shuddered, fisting my hair.

“Please, Tony.”


I was addicted to that sound. Her sighs. Her full tits budded with pink as I gave the other nipple the same attention. I licked across her collarbone, teasing the marks I’d made last night up her graceful neck, and smothered her pleas.

My body was on autopilot as I settled between her legs. I pushed inside her.

Too perfect.

The warmth gripping my shaft chased away all doubt. She was too fucking good wrapped around me. Nothing that felt this amazing could be bad. None of this was wrong, even if I was wrong for her. When she gasped like that, as though surprised that we fit together, it resonated in my soul-made me hopeful.

“Tell me how you want it, Evie. I was too selfish with you last night.”

“Make love to me.”

I slowed down, our lips never parting as I fucked her. She rewarded me with hitched breaths that throbbed ecstasy through me. I made love to her until her breathing quickened, and she begged me with her dark eyes.

“Harder. Faster.”

I made one quick jerk that ripped a groan from her throat. She raked the scars on my back, gliding down to grip my ass. She yanked, desperate for more friction. I gave it to her, shoving myself as far I could go. I nuzzled her sweat-streaked neck, tonguing her skin before sucking hard.

My hips punched forward.

She moaned. “More.”

Greedy woman.

I pulled her in a tight embrace and pounded her. Her tits smashed my chest as she arched, letting out a strangled noise as I pumped in and out of her. Her face screwed up, and then a soft gasp escaped her. Her orgasm made her pussy grip my dick with convulsions, the tension knotting her body.

Two thrusts. That was all I needed before I came. The details I’d blocked out-her sweet taste, her curves pressing into me, her surrendering breaths-heated my thighs and cock. The fire consumed me as I filled her with cum. A flood of joy drowned me, and I stilled, relishing the moment. I lay on top of her, spent and breathless, using her breasts as a pillow.

She buried her fingers in my hair, stroking.

“Jesus. I feel like I’m high.”

Pleasure tingled every patch of skin, even my lips. Suddenly, I had to reassure myself that this was real. I unstuck my face from her perfect tits and dragged my gaze to her sleepy smile. Then I kissed her. A jolt shot into me like a lightning strike. I was still inside her, hard as steel, and thickening fast.

Minutes later, I came with her riding my lap and her nipple in my mouth. We collapsed together, the buzz already fading from my ecstasy-soaked brain.

I had things to do.

“Evie.” I rubbed her back, and her eyes flew open. “Evie, we need to talk.”

“Can’t it wait?”

I wish.

I had no desire to leave this bed. I wanted to stay, but I’d killed four men. I couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen.

“Let’s get washed.”

I coaxed her to a seated position, but she groaned and rolled over.

I slid the sheets off our bodies and switched on the lamp. Orange light flared across Evie’s soft curves. I helped her off the bed. Then I cupped her ass and nudged her into the bathroom.

“Come on, baby. I’ll give you a massage. It’ll be nice.”

She grunted.

Our feet slapped the cool tile, and I flipped on the lights.

Under the harsh lighting, Evie’s facade crumbled. She turned ashen. She crossed her arms, shivering. Tendons stood out on her neck as she stared into the mirror.

Shit. “Evie?”

“I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Evie wiped her face, her eyes widening at her tear-streaked palm. “All of a sudden, I feel bad. I have this intense dread.”

“You’ll be like that for a while.”

“I will?”

Nausea pitted my stomach as I curled my arm around her. I recognized the signs. The fear would worsen as the drugs faded from her system.

What did that bastard do to my wife?

I opened the shower door and wrenched the knob. She startled at the loud hiss, but the tension rippling her brow melted as water pelted her body, stroking her in tantalizing rivulets. “God, that’s amazing. He made me shower in cold water…” She trailed off, wearing that haunted look.

“We’ll talk about it later. Okay?”

She nodded.

I soaped up her shoulders and massaged her back, my thumbs sinking into the tight muscles that refused to loosen. I washed her breasts, sliding down her taut abdomen to her womb.

How many times did I come inside her?

I hadn’t made that mistake in decades. A miracle, considering I used to dive into a mountain of cocaine every weekend. Somehow, I’d always held it together long enough to wear a condom. One night with Evie, and my brain cells seemed to spontaneously combust.

A box of condoms sat in the nightstand. Hundreds of them. I hadn’t reached for them. It didn’t occur to me once. I got caught in the moment.

How did that happen?

“How are you feeling?”

She squirted shampoo into her hands and lathered her hair. “I’m great. Just sore.”

Avoiding the subject.

Honestly, I couldn’t blame her.

“I’ll get you Advil.”


She sounded tense, if a bit on guard. My stomach hardened as I put together incomplete images. I’d probably never know what happened in those twenty-four hours we were apart. I wouldn’t force her to tell me, but it ate at me to watch her suffer.

I rinsed myself and turned off the shower.

I pulled her into a fierce hug and kissed her head, hating the devastation on her face when I disengaged. I grabbed a towel from the rack and cocooned her in cotton. “From now on, things will be different between us.”

“Tony…you don’t need to placate me.”

“Do I strike you as a people-pleaser?” I pinched her chin, dragging her wounded gaze to mine. “You need to understand something, Evie. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Losing you to a trafficker, not knowing if you were hurt… it nearly killed me. Once I found out where you were, I had to wait. I spent that time obsessing over what I would’ve done differently to keep you from running off.”

“Tony. You don’t have to-”

“Let me finish. I never said I didn’t want to build a life with you. I don’t blame you for thinking that because I’ve been such an asshole, but I haven’t been stable in so long. Marrying a woman and starting a family… it’s like a fantasy. It was hard for me to accept this. I resisted you. I pushed you away, but it didn’t work because the truth is…You’re everything I’ve always wanted.”

Tears squeezed from her shut lids. She swiped them away, choking out an apology. Then she threw her arms around me.

I’d been such a moron.

In the beginning, I’d suspected her business was connected. That she knew what her father was up to, but of course she didn’t. She had no idea. Like most of the women in the club, she was trapped in the system.


“I have to go.” A pang needled my stomach as she clung tighter to me. “When I’m back, I’ll cook you breakfast. Or lunch. Whatever you like. I’m yours for the rest of the day, but I have to do this first.”

“Which is?”

“Some miscellaneous errands.”

“Tony, I’m not an idiot. What aren’t you telling me?”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


“We’ll talk later. I’m also sending over a doctor and my mom. She’ll keep you company while I’m gone. It’s not up for fucking discussion, so don’t bother arguing.”

Evie let out a heavy sigh.

“Why do you have to leave?”

“Because,” I said tightly, reminded of the four bodies. “I was very clear to Jett. I did not want you involved in club business, and what did he do the second my back was turned? I need to send a message. Crossing me will not be tolerated.”

“What does that mean?”

I didn’t know yet.

My body heated as I pictured my retribution. I cataloged all their crimes. Dragging her into a dangerous situation. Getting her kidnapped. Drugged. Stripped. The theft of her ring, clothes, her dignity and safety. K might’ve sold her to be raped, but he wasn’t the only lowlife on my list.


Her worthless father.

Basically, every man in her life.

I toweled myself dry and left her in the bathroom. I was itching to leave, and her broken pleas didn’t make that easier. I strolled into the walk-in closet.

Evie hung in the doorway, naked. Her soaking hair steadily dripped on her chest, rolling downward, temping me to catch them all with my tongue. “They were robbed. What happened to me isn’t the MC’s fault.”

She had to believe that, didn’t she?

“Agree to disagree.”

“I was there. You weren’t.”

I pulled on black slacks and a shirt, unlocking the gun from my safe, not trusting myself to speak.

“This is your idea of justice? Maybe you’ll shoot me for running away!”

“I’d rather spank your ass bright red.”

“God forbid you’re nice to me for longer than five minutes. Tony, you can’t attack the clubhouse because of one stupid mistake!”

That word infuriated me. It implied innocence. Wrong place and the wrong time. Bullshit. Legion had made their bed. She still failed to grasp the enormity of the situation, and I was sick of handling her with kid gloves.

“I’m not shooting up anything, all right? And I won’t be at the MC.” I grabbed her chin and kissed her mouth roughly. “Promise.”

“K drugged me,” she said, tearing into my chest. “He ripped off my clothes. He took pictures of me while I was helpless. Then he shoved me in a suitcase. He made me feel like trash. Less than an animal. A thing. If you go on a rampage, you’re making this about you.”

My vision clouded with terrible fantasies.

I couldn’t hold this in me anymore. My self-control had frayed to an invisible thread, and it whittled with every confession.

It happened to me, too.

* * *

I found her father at a bar.


My fists tightened on the steering wheel. He should’ve been razing the streets, looking for his daughter. Using his manpower to kick down doors, as my family had done for me.

Jett drowned himself in Budweiser.


I sat in a van surrounded by street gang kids. Young and stupid. Hungry for action. Perfect for my purposes. I risked Vinn’s wrath by grabbing his soldiers, but at the moment I couldn’t look at someone in leather without the desire to kill them. It’d been only too easy to drive by the neighborhoods and throw open a door, asking for help. They’d piled in without a second’s thought after I gave them each a thousand dollars cash.

The vibe in the car was silent reverence. Most of them were distant relatives, cousins of cousins, half-Italians, associates who couldn’t be made into members. They worshipped guys like me with a direct line to the Costa throne.

The one in the driver’s seat was their leader, a gangly twenty-year-old who I’d seen at a few weddings. A vape pen hung from his mouth. Steam blew from his crooked lips as he reached for a baseball bat.

“Mr. Costa. We doing this or what?”

I nodded. “I’m going in first.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I’ll kill the bouncer and the bartender. Don’t come inside until I’ve fired.”

“Does Vinn know about this?”

“Nah.” I smirked at the kid, whose jaw went slack. “This is dangerous, but I’ll take full responsibility. I’ll understand if you change your mind, but I’d appreciate the backup, and I’ll pay it forward in the future. For all of you.”

He raised his brow. “So you’ll owe me a favor?”


He offered me his fist, and I knocked mine against it. Then I did the same for everybody in the van. Someone got the door for me.

I jumped down and strolled across the street. I wouldn’t blame the kids for taking off. Picking a fight in a biker bar was stupid, but I had no hope of confronting Jett in the clubhouse and I needed to send a clear message.

Five young faces gaped at me as I approached the grizzled prospect.

He held out his hand. “ID.”

I opened my wallet. Cards slipped through my fingers and fluttered to the ground.

“Shit, sorry.” I kneeled, feigning drunkenness as I groped for the plastic. “Here we go.”

I gave it to him.

He bent as his penlight zoomed on my face.

I took out my knife, and the blade sank into his neck. He shouted, palming the gushing wound. Wide-eyed he stumbled backward. I threw him aside and wrenched the knife out. No blood on me. Good. I tucked the knife into my jacket and removed my gun, heart pounding.

I bumped into the door. It swung into the dive. I headed for the counter, the barrel hidden in my sleeve. The bartender looked up as he cleaned a mug.

I lifted my hand in a friendly wave, drawing his attention away from the gun. I aimed and fired. The glass he held shattered. Crimson blossomed from the hole in his chest. I squeezed the trigger, firing at the drunken members. A man at the pool table sprinted at me. I wheeled my arm. Fired.

He crashed to his knees.

I ducked behind the counter as top-shelf liquor exploded. My feet swam in glass and booze. I returned fire, and then the street kids burst inside, a perfectly timed whirlwind of chaos. They shattered neon signs, smashed the unbroken bottles, and laid waste to the popular Legion bar.

I stood, gun drawn.

I locked gazes with a dark-haired biker, fists clenched and trembling. Evie’s almond-shaped eyes stared at me, fear flickering in them. I hesitated. For all his faults and flaws, he was her father.

Jett reached into his holster.

I whipped my Glock across his face. The blow knocked Jett off the stool. He sputtered, his beard running with beer and blood.

“Where’s my daughter?”

“She’s safe, not that you give a shit.” I lowered so that my lips hovered near his ear. “The only reason your brains aren’t decorating the floor is because of Evie. I suggest you remember that.”

“You think she’ll want to be with you? After all this?” He pushed himself upright, grinning a crimson smile. “You’re crazy. You’re fucking mental.”

My ears pounded.

Visions of Evie storming out the door clouded my head. The idea of her leaving rocketed my pulse and dried my mouth.

“She won’t leave me.”

“You’re sure of that?” Jett chuckled, spitting out blood. “Keep my secret and I’ll keep yours, Costa.”

Fuck you.

Fuck you, fuck you.

I stood, my grip tightening on my Glock. “I’m not the same guy you chained up. Consider this a warning.”

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