Marrying the Mob Prince



You’ll be killed.

The coward inside me begged to run. I glanced at the iron kissing gate, back into the street where my beat-up Toyota was parked beside the curb. It didn’t belong in this ritzy, white-collar suburb called Mob Row, nicknamed for the collection of mansions owned by Costa Family associates.

One of those-Michael Costa.

I glared at the luxury vehicles in his driveway, including a tricked-up muscle car which, rumor had it, belonged to his daughter. She wasn’t even old enough to drive.

Clearly, he took care of his own.

Michael Costa wouldn’t react well to me showing up at his house, but I was out of options. He’d ignored my calls and emails.

I pounded the door.

“I’ll get it!” a child’s roar echoed from within. Seconds later, it cracked open. A brown-haired boy in a blue T-shirt and dinosaur-patterned pants emerged, grinning.

“Hi! I’m Matteo!”

“Why, hello there! I’m Indie.” I stooped, waving at him. “Is your daddy home? I’d like to meet him.”

“Yeah, he’s here.” Matteo roared over his shoulder. “Daddy!”

A much older, pissed off clone of the child rapidly descended the stairs. The thirtysomething Mafioso was a ticking bomb wrapped in a Versace suit. He had a lean, handsome face that radiated pure menace.

Matteo yanked on his father’s jacket. “Daddy, this is Indie!”

Michael stroked Matteo’s hair as his slanted gaze burned with a ferocity that contrasted the innocence in his son’s identical eyes. “Go find Mommy, hon. I need to talk to Indie alone.”

“But I wanna stay.”

“Teo. Do as I say.”

His son blistered. “Okay, but I’m going to punch your cocktail!”

Bewilderment rippled on Michael’s brow as his son stomped away. Then he looked at me. A mixture of bemusement and rage blazed in his expression.

“You came to my fucking house?” he growled, slamming the door shut behind him. “What part of no comment do you not understand?”

“Mr. Costa, I just have a few questions about your former club-”

“Why are you harassing me?”

I stiffened, biting my lip to kill the tremor in my voice. “Mr. Costa, this is important. Two of your former employees are missing. People want answers.”

“Well, I don’t see how that’s my problem. I don’t own Sanctum anymore. I haven’t for years.”

“Who owns Opal Entertainment?”

“I’m done talking to you.” Michael took a large step forward, the sudden movement startling me. “Get off my property!”

The world spun as I was roughly turned around and shoved.

That could’ve gone better.

Coming here was a long shot, but I’d hit a wall trying to find Justine and Ronnie. God only knew what had happened to them.

Grinding my teeth, I strolled the pristine lawn and pushed through the iron gate. I swallowed hard at the sight of a Lexus double parked next to my car. Its headlights flashed, and an olive-skinned man stepped out of the driver-side door.

“Miss Starling?”

A man in his late thirties approached me, hands deep into his slacks. The sleeves of his cashmere sweater were rolled up to his elbows, revealing tanned, muscled arms. A rose gold watch wrapped his left wrist. There was a wildness about him that was incongruous with the designer clothes. A tortured dullness shone in his black gaze.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Tony Costa. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say it’s a pleasure.”

He made no threatening moves, but the threat was implied by his mere presence. If I moved, he’d grab me.

Ice slipped down my spine.

“It’s a free country. You might not believe in that, but I do. And I’m allowed to ask your cousin questions.”

“People who mess with my family have a short shelf life. Leave him alone.”

I forced myself to settle down and shrug it off. “But I’m not hurting anyone. I-I just want information.”

“This is your first and last warning. Stay away.”

My insides rebelled, but I lifted my chin in defiance. “I’m surprised a man like you gives out warnings. Doesn’t that take the edge off your reputation?”

A smile carved dimples into his cheek. “Perhaps, but a friend of mine has a thing for you.”


I fought a ripple of excitement when Tony opened the passenger-side door and gestured to the seat.

“I’m taking you to him.”

* * *

I never wanted to see Knox again.

Unfortunately, it was unavoidable.

But the adrenaline racing through my veins wasn’t all fear. The last time we’d met, I was naked. Shame didn’t quite cover my complicated feelings. I’d replayed his tongue tickling my neck and his erection nudging my backside way too often. My fantasies took it one step further. I imagined him shoving his hand between my thighs. Sliding inside me. Working me into a pant. Touching him erased any doubts that he would be great in bed, because he felt amazing.

Sadly, I couldn’t get past his sociopathy or the many red flags urging me to run-like his Mafia buddy kidnapping me.

I sat in the passenger seat, watching the grim-faced Italian effortlessly navigate Boston’s streets. “So he’s sending henchmen after me now?”

“I’m doing him a favor.”

“Does Knox have you on his payroll?”

“Payroll,” he mused, laughing. “As if I need the money.”

“What’s in it for you?”

He flicked on the blinker and turned left. “Knox helped my wife. I owe him. That’s why I haven’t resorted to more drastic measures to make you go away.”

“I don’t appreciate threats.”

“Then perhaps you should stick to writing foot mask reviews.”


He caught my stare and returned it with interest. He shrugged, returning his attention to the road. He drove to the North End, squeezing into Hanover street. As he parallel parked, I searched the brick-lined block for Knox.

I climbed out of the car, my legs shaky on the cobblestones. Tony waved me into Bricco, a softly lit restaurant. Tables crammed the narrow space. As I squeezed past a group drinking at the bar, my gaze fell on a beautiful man.

Knox sat across from a woman with overfilled lips and cheeks. He wore his signature uniform-a T-shirt and jeans. His army green bomber jacket hung on the chair behind him. He couldn’t even be bothered to dress up for his date.

Not that he needed it.

His ruggedly masculine, down-to-earth vibe set him apart from the techbros. So hot. I could’ve licked his stubbed jaw. Kissed his open pout. I could almost taste him as he sipped his cocktail.

I pulled my head out of that sinful fantasy.

What was wrong with me?

The girl stabbed into her salad moodily. Knox carved his steak, looking bored. Then he lifted his head. As though a sixth sense beckoned him, his attention winged to me. Something intense blasted through his eyes and burrowed into my heart. Slowly, his hand lowered his fork. It missed the plate and hit the table, but he didn’t seem to notice.

Tony gave me a final push.

My stomach tensed as I approached them.

Knox beamed with a gentlemanly glow.

“Indie, good to see you again. I like your dress.” A secretive grin softened Knox’s lips. “Though I preferred you in the collar.”

“I’m sorry for the intrusion.”

“Not at all.” Knox stood and offered his chair, then he seemed to remember he already had a date. “We don’t mind, do we, Amber?”

The color drained from her beautiful face. “Ashley.”

“Right.” Knox shot her a withering look. “I’ll have someone take you home.”

I bit my lip savagely, boiling with Ashley’s hurt and indignation.

She bundled her napkin and threw it on the table. Then she gulped the rest of her wine and slammed the glass down.

“He’s as fun as a UTI,” she shouted to me. “You can have him!”

She nearly struck a waiter with her purse as she hurled it over her shoulder. Then she blazed out of the restaurant in a white blur. Knox barely flinched. I had the feeling he was used to women storming off in his presence.

“Indie.” He grasped my shoulders. Then he bent at the waist and kissed my cheek. “Always a pleasure.”

My skin stung from the impact of his gentle kiss as he peeled the coat from my back and folded it, staring at me like an unknown curiosity. Then he flagged a man in a black button-up. Seconds later, Ashley’s plate and silverware were replaced with new dishes.

“Knox, this isn’t a date.”

“Says the girl who scared off my hookup.” Knox smiled broadly, somehow more gorgeous than my memories. He’d shortened his messy waves and shaved the hair near his temples. Darkness flickered in his eyes, the passion in them making me dizzy.

“How did you even find me?”

I glanced at Tony, his rugged profile feet away. “Your friend brought me here.”

Knox looked up as Tony glided to the table, clearing his throat.

“We need to talk.”

Knox’s face darkened like the clouds outside, nodding. He stood, and they retreated to the bar. They faced each other, beginning what seemed to be a heated discourse. Tony gestured at me. They exchanged a few words. Then Tony patted Knox’s back and left the restaurant.

Knox’s lightning rod stare landed on me. As he headed toward me, I seized his glass and took a mouthful. The harsh taste raked my tongue with fire.

I coughed. “What is this, paint thinner?”

“Whiskey.” Knox returned to his seat and picked up the glass, sipping from the same spot my lips had touched. “Tony says you’ve been a naughty girl.”

“Did he?”

“Stalking his cousin. Tsk, tsk.” Knox lifted a brow, swirling his drink. “I’m jealous. I thought we had a connection.”

“I’m researching for a story.”

“I hope that explains why you showed up at Sanctum.” When I nodded, Knox dropped the levity like a sledgehammer. “The Costas don’t like it, Indie. I don’t like it, either.”

“I care even less about your opinion.”

“You’ve made that abundantly clear.”

“No shit. You interfered with my work once. I won’t let you do it again.”

He leaned forward, pinning me with his sapphire gaze. “Do you think you’ll win the Pulitzer-fucking-Prize if your legs are broken?”

“I’m pretty sure that’d give me extra points, if anything.”

His eyes blazed. “Indie. Let it go.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Is your salary at Vanity so bad that you’re taking desperate measures?”

Such a prick. “No. I just can’t live with myself if I don’t report on what’s going on right in our backyard!”

“Sure you can. I do it every day. Care for a drink?”

“No. I’m not staying.”

“But we’re not done talking,” he said in a voice that boded zero argument. “Might as well have something to wrap your lips around.”

My cheeks burned as he dragged out that sentence, conjuring an image of us kissing.

Knox smirked. “I enjoy our conversations, Indie. Most people are unbelievably dull.”

“You don’t know me.”

“Oh yes, I do,” he whispered. “You can learn a lot about someone’s mind by examining their prose, and I’ve been reading your stuff all year.”

Shock flew through me.

I gaped at him. “You have?”

“Every single article.”

That flattered me, but for God’s sake, why? I stared at him, tongue-tied.

“And what did you get from it?”

“You hate working at Vanity. You could have a seizure on your keyboard and type out more substance than the content they’re forcing you to write.”

What a backhanded compliment.

I digested that, hurt by the casual dissection of my work. He wasn’t wrong, but his self-satisfied expression mocked me. He brushed aside my trembling fingers and grasped my knee.

“What if I offered you any job in media you wanted?” he murmured fervently. “Would you give yourself to me?”

“What would that involve?”

“It would mean being fucked by me. Constantly. Sucking me off whenever I please. You’ll be my willing toy. In exchange, I’ll pay all your expenses. Rent. Food. Doctors. Everything. You’ll have access to my professional network. You’ll be my date at social functions. You’ll be mine, Indie.”

He squeezed me, and the hot ache in my throat grew. It didn’t occur to me to shake him off. The audacity of him amazed me, and his silky baritone teased warmth between my thighs.

But I had to resist.

“I’m not interested in being your personal sex doll.”

“No? You can already imagine the pleasure I’ll bring you. Don’t tell me you’re waiting for a man who can offer you more.”

“Like respect?”

“You don’t want to be respected.” He pinned me with a salacious glare. Then his eyes dipped into my cleavage. His stare raked a line of fire to my cheeks. “You’d rather be dragged by your hair to bed and fucked. Hard. Often.”

“How often?

“Every time my cock is hard.”

The crude words skittered my pulse alarmingly. My jumbled thoughts collided like two fireworks exploding into each other. No more worrying about bills or sucking up to my idiotic boss. Dangerously tempting. But I would never be a vessel for this man’s amusement.

I shook my head, face burning.

“Is the world at your fingertips not enough for you?”

“Knox, I’m not a prostitute!”

I pulled my knee from his grip, but he’d left me so little room that I bumped into his leg. Every collision with that dense frame ricocheted desire between my legs. But I managed to hold firm. “I’m not the girl you think I am. I won’t sleep with you for a favor!”

Knox relaxed in his chair like a king on his throne, looking perplexed. “How else will you get anywhere? Your job is holding you back. That noncompete agreement you signed screwed you. Royally. Anything you work on while working at Vanity belongs to them. You realize that, right?”

“How do you know about that?”

“I know a lot of things, Indie.”

His air of calm and self-confidence unnerved me.

I swam hard against the doubt carrying me away from the shore. “You’re trying to manipulate me.”

“I don’t have to force anyone into my bed. I’m just telling you the truth. You’re a talented writer and a skilled interviewer. You deserve better.”

I cleared my throat, pretending not to be affected. “What do you really want from me?”

“Your submission. Your body.”

“Why do you need those from me?” I hissed, my heart hammering. “To repair your damaged ego? Because I don’t want you? Because nobody refuses Bryan Knox?”

“I don’t know, Indie. I can’t get you out of my head.”

“You should. I can destroy your reputation.”

“Your website isn’t important enough to damage my name. Even if you wanted to hurt me.”

“What makes you think I don’t?”

“You’ve had plenty of opportunity. Instead you protect me and my interests.”

Yes, I made the mistake of going easy on Knox in my profile. I humanized a tyrant before more troubling aspects of his personality came to light, but that didn’t mean I was a pushover.

Pain shot through my jaw from my clenched teeth. “You have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”

“Yes, I do. You’re a compassionate woman. You care about people. You give everybody a chance, even when the evidence is stacked against them. That’s a rare, beautiful thing, but it’s also what makes you so vulnerable.” Darkness layered his compliment as he drained the last of his drink. “No, I’m not worried about you. But I fear the trouble you’ll get into without me.”

“Thanks for looking out for me, but I’m fine.”

Knox stilled, scowling at me. “Only because I warned Tony what’d happen if anyone touched you.”

“Can’t have another man damaging your prize.”

“Meaning, you belong to me.” His graveled edge drowned out the violent thudding of my heart. “I’ll find you a position anywhere you like.”

“Thank you for the career advice.”

“Nature selected you for beauty. Why not use it to your advantage?”

“I’ll stick to not blowing men for jobs.”

His lips twisted in a cynical smile. “How else would you put that smart mouth to work?”

My hand shook with the need to slap him. He made sex in exchange for favors sound so reasonable-which was why I had to stay far away from him.

“You want this, Indie,” he persisted.

I glared at him. “I don’t. It’s not right.”

His blank stare told me he didn’t care. “Do you know how many people I hire because they’re related to someone? How is warming my bed any worse than nepotism?”

I was starting to think he lacked empathy, period. “There’s something wrong with you.”

“You’re right. There is something wrong with me. Has been since I met you.” His soft murmur seemed to stroke my thighs. “I have never questioned my sanity so much. I want you. Fucking random girls barely takes the edge off.”

Acid burned at the back of my throat.

“What?” he taunted, his eyes hooded like a hawk. “Are you jealous?”

I smoldered. A moment later, a pang hit my chest.

Was I?

“Screw all the women you like, Knox.”

“Oh I do, but it’s not enough.” He caught a tendril of hair hanging by my cheek and tugged. “It’s hard to find a woman who doesn’t bore me in five minutes.”

“You’re like a child with a toy.”

“I need to be stimulated. That’s not a crime.”

“As soon as you’re finished with a person, you throw them out.”

“But I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“Yes, you would,” I ground out, refusing to let his words in my head. “The only difference between me and the other girls is that I won’t date you.”

“You’re selling yourself short, Indie. I know I’m not your first, but I want to be your last.”

My heart fluttered wildly.

The reverence in his voice moved me. A strange tingling overcame my skin as he hovered over me, his face shadowed with a dark beauty. Knox’s finger grazed my jaw as he grasped my chin, setting off a chain of electric impulses that didn’t care about what this man had done. Then he stroked my bottom lip, burning me where he touched. His closeness was like a seductive spell, conjuring warmth in my belly.

I couldn’t speak or move.

Heat bubbled in my chest at being made vulnerable. My thoughts raced as his raking gaze paused on my mouth. I denied the pulsing knot that grew in my stomach, but it throbbed when he leaned closer.

“Give me a chance.”

The wisp of longing nearly broke me.

I pulled away, tormented by confusing emotions.

“I can’t.”NôvelDrama.Org content.

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