Mafia King

Chapter 33


“Thank you for coming here, Lara. Dante doesn’t want me to leave this house for now.”

“It’s okay. I think this is better since I get to see you living a good life. Ethan would be so happy for you.”

My smile was sincere and full. “You think so?”

The weather is very good and nice today so I took her to our patio and decided to have our meeting here. One of the maids prepared tea and treats for us. Dante must’ve been the one to ask her to do it.

She nodded vehemently. “Of course. The last time I saw you, you were so depressed. I know I made an excuse to let you continue the book he was writing but the truth is, I wanted to help you keep your mind off the pain.”

“Thank you, Lara. It took time but I managed to finish it. I don’t know if it matches Ethan’s writing though.”

She nodded. “It’s alright. I could do the revisions for you since you’re still quite busy with the pregnancy.” Her smile was that of teasing. She then reached for the hard copy and scanned the pages.

“Thank you, Lara. I appreciate it.” I was happy with her suggestion. My pregnancy was taking a toll in my work. I even stopped painting for now since I couldn’t concentrate at all. Strange because I seemed to be able to focus on reading books rather than doing what I’m actually passionate about.

Sometimes I am really in the mood to cook and most of the time, I’m disgusted going to the kitchen. I also have been sleeping constantly.

The most interesting part for me to always do is teasing Dante. Seeing his face makes me want to bully him. I feel that it was because of my pent up frustration for him. And the fact that he was resisting to retaliate makes it more enjoyable.

Lara raised a brow, a smirk painted her lips. “I wonder if you learned this from your husband?”

“What?” I asked innocently.

“I didn’t expect that you’re good at writing an erotica book.” She said with a teasing smile.

I blushed. “Of course not!” I sounded guilty which made her laugh.

“Come on, Hailynn. Your husband is hot. I’m sure he is in bed as well.”

“Shut up.” I exclaimed while blushing. She was laughing at my predicament. “I hope you choke on your tea.”

She then grinned at me. “I’m glad you’re okay now, Hailynn. You’re glowing right now.” She raised an indexed finger so I could not interrupt. “It’s not because you’re pregnant. I could tell that your husband is taking good care of you well. He obviously dotes on you.”

I let out a small shy smile.

“I’m not gonna stay here long, dear.” She steadily gathered her things and rose. “I need to review your book right away so we can publish it. A lot of his fans are requesting his latest work.”

I stood as well ready to walk her out. “Thank you for coming here, Lara.” I thanked her with a smile.

She shook her head carefreely. “I wanted to come here so I could see how you were doing. The book was just an add on to my trip. When you called and told me a different address, I instinctively knew you were doing great. And the fact that you live in one of the richest sites here in New York.” She shrugs teasingly.

I chuckled. “Come. I’ll walk you out.”

Dante offered her a ride back to her company. He called one of his men to drive her.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Di Angelo.”

Dante stood by my side, his arm resting around my shoulders. “Please call me, Angelo.”

It was rare for me to hear him speak so politely. Although this is not the first time, I’m still not used to it.

“Very well, Angelo. Please take care of Hailynn. It is already very clear that you did very good on that part but please do continue it. She only deserves the best.”

Dante and I smiled at her. “I will.”

“Bye, Lara. Take care on the way.” I said between our hugs. Dante nodded at her before she turned around and got in the car.

“How did your meeting go?” He asked as soon as the car disappeared from the distance.

“It was good. I surprisingly did good on the book.”

“No surprise there, amore. You have been in a really good mood lately despite not feeling well.” He was looking at me with pride and affection.

“Since I did good, I obviously earned a reward. Come, servant. Your mistress needs a massage.” I said whirling around gracefully as if I was the mistress of the house.

I heard Dante chuckling behind me. I squealed when he suddenly picked me up and carried me like a princess.

“Fuck now, massage later.” He said mischievously.


I was catching up with my work in my study. There were a lot of documents that I needed to be signed since I’ve been neglecting my work to take care of Hailynn. Well, I’d rather take care of her honestly than face these boring papers all day.

A sudden knock on the door made me temporarily pause my work. From the way it sounded, it was Leo. My guess was right when the door opened and it was him who emerged. He usually doesn’t wait for my reply and gets in right after knocking.

“I need to show you something.” He said as soon as he got inside.

I raised a brow questioningly before putting down my pen and got up. I strode towards him while eyeing him in curiosity.

“What is it?”

“Come.” Nodding his head.

I followed willingly. I realized he was walking towards the twins’ future room. I’ve been keeping this room a secret and let Hailynn stay away from it. It was a surprise for her.

My brows knitted together when we got inside the room. I was wondering what he wanted to show me. Until I saw a huge painting of me plastered on the wall.

I stood frozen, shocked at the scene before me. I knew this style of painting. The strokes, the color.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“You wanted me to go to her apartment to get her things and settle unpaid bills. I found that in her makeshift studio. It was hidden surprisingly… like she doesn’t want anyone to find out about it.” There was a tease in his voice as he explained.

I was still dumbfounded though. I was speechless. She painted me.

When I left her, she still thought of me. There was a weird warm feeling in my belly as I imagined her painting me.

“Damn, fratello. I think you’re not giving the painting justice at all.” He teased.

I scowled. “Don’t make me hang you in front of our gate, fratello.”

He laughs. “I was only joking. Jeez. Hailynn sure is talented. No wonder you’re keeping here for so long. I have to say I’m jealous. I want an artist girlfriend too.”

“You don’t need to look. Hailynn assigned a doctor as your wife.”

“What?” His utter astonishment amused me. I didn’t answer him though.

“Also, don’t tell Hailynn about this. I’m sure she will freak out once she sees this. There’s a reason why she hid this.”

Leo chuckled. “She’s probably shy to admit that she’s been thinking about our Angelo here.”

I resisted a smile that was trying to break free from my face.

“This will be part of the surprise.”

I can’t wait to watch her reaction when she sees my surprise.

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