Lycan King’s Nemesis

Chapter 127


“Ewk!” I sneezed, rolling to my back in the bed with the palm of my right hand locating my forehead. It pounded bitterly. I winced, further wincing when I became conscious of the bright light flooding in from the open window.

Who opened the window by this time of the morning?

“Good morning, Your Highness,” I heard Kora’s voice from somewhere close to the closet, rummaging inside. I shifted to my right side until I faced her, my eyes squinted from pain.

“Kora? Why did you come so early?”

“It’s past 11 in the morning, Your Highness, you overslept.” My heart jumped. Overslept? How? I rapidly skimmed my eyes around the room and ended at the wall clock, my eyelids expanding broadly. “Shit!” I jolted up with speed.

“I was worried when you didn’t wake up and had to open the windows. I’m sorry.”

“You should have woke me up earlier.”

“I didn’t want to bother you. You must have had a lot from yesterday.” I stood up on my bare feet, my memory cascading back to events of yesterday. I hissed, recalling my high liquor mini-party with Charlotte. “Have you seen my husband?”

“He brought you in last night.”

Of course, he had to see me like that. What was I thinking going to drink with Charlotte who was a pro at it? I wonder how I looked yesterday. Like an idiot. Before my mother-in-law. What would she think of me now? Gosh! I had problems and instead of looking for better ways to handle them, I had resulted in alcohol usage. I was so ashamed of myself

As I made my way to the bathroom, I thought of what to say to Ashton if he confronted me about my disgraceful behaviour. I had no defence. As usual, instead of finding solutions, I was spawning more trouble.

I quickly scrubbed myself clean, brushed, and came out. I lotioned myself and wore the brown woolly gown on the bed. It was bobbed at the two hands, giving it a comfy disposition. Just what my body needed. I was feeling sick. What do they call it again? Hangover?

It was Friday, and I should go for training today but since it was late in the morning, I will have to cancel till next week. For now, I had to visit Abby to make certain she was fine.

“Inform the King I went into the village for visitation duties.” Hopefully, he would understand.

“Okay, your highness, be safe.” She waved at me and went on to arrange things around the room.

Outside I stood in front of my door and looked left to right as if afraid of judgemental eyes that might have seen me drunk yesternight were penetrating at me. I didn’t know how I was when I came in, but something told me it was bad.

Satisfied with the isolated hall, I made my way down. I smiled halfheartedly at Mousy, and headed straight for the kitchen, packed a few foodstuffs and refreshments, and then headed for the garage, not in the mood or courageous enough to face everyone at breakfast.

When I got to Tyler’s cottage, I knocked softly and waited, still sweeping my eyes about. I could feel an extra pair of eyes but dismissed it as nothing. It was all in my head. Ashton would never betray my trust and place a spy on me.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

The door swung open. “Hey,” Tyler greeted me and stepped aside for me to go in.

I handed him the basket of food. “How are you guys fairing?” My head automatically slanted in the direction of the staircase expecting Abby.

“She is still in there, refusing to come out.” He went to drop the basket in the kitchen. “By the way, you didn’t need to bring this. I can feed my guests. Thank you.”

“It’s the best I can do, Ty.” I strolled to the staircase and hesitated. I didn’t know if Abby was ready to see me. She would still be very mad at me, still hate me, and showing my face would do nothing but remind her I was the inducement for her present woe.” I concluded I had to try and proceed to climb.

At the top, in front of her door, I paused, took a deep breath, and raised my knuckle to knock. One, two, three. She didn’t budge. No response.

“Abby, please hear me out,” I sighed at the door. “I simply want to know you are alright. Please.”

No response.

I felt two hands engulf my shoulders and pull me backwards into hefty-toned male muscles. “Give her time.”

My shoulder slouched in helplessness and guilt. I was the prime cause of this and now Abby hates me. She doesn’t want to see my face and might never forgive me. Tentatively I touched Ty’s hand on my shoulder. “I’m so worried about her.”

“She will be fine,” he cooed. “Come, you need tea.” I followed him back down and accepted the hot mug of tea he handed to me.

“Thanks.” I sipped, my eyes pinned on the brown glossy strip of mahogany right in front of me, in thought.

“What’s happening back at the palace?” Ty voiced. I relaxed back on the couch and allowed myself to absorb Ty opposite me, in his typical position.

I shrugged casually. “Nothing much. Everywhere is tranquil and with the death of Will, all hands are on deck to catch the killer. And there is Abby’s disappearance too.”

“You didn’t tell the King?” His observant orbs drilled into me in hidden accusation. I sharply looked down at the mug of tea unable to lie to him while darting directly at him.

I wrung the sides of my lips as I shook my head. “I promised not to. Why ask?”

“Merely asking,” He gruffed. “I’m certain you are not yourself when you are close to the beast. I won’t be shocked if you spill her whereabouts to him.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. He is right, yet he made it sound like I was some puppet to Ashton who he needed only to press a button and I was cawing to abide by his every whim. “I have a mind of my own, thanks.” I stood.

“Where are you going?” He stood too.

The interrogation was too much for me mainly because again, I was guilty. I needed to go before I slipped. “I have to visit the village.” My shoulders bucked and sagged in sadness. “I know they despise me too, however, that won’t stop me from trying my luck.”

“Be careful.” He accompanied me to the door. “With the approach of the full moon, Lycans go rogue and do thoughtless things. Especially to a kind they have long perceived as a threat. Don’t lose your guard.”

Is he warning me about something? Of course, he is, Gwen. Regardless, why does it feel like he knew something and was sugarcoating it to prevent me from being worried? I blinked twice and nodded.

“Thanks, for the tea too.”

He opened his door and let me out, closing it as he accompanied me to the waiting sleek black Audi. My hands wrapped around me as a vicious breeze swirled around. Thanks to Kora for choosing this dress. It was a tad comfortable against the weather.

“Ty?” I prodded, recalling the last time I was here we separated on ugly notes. “About the other day…”

“It’s in the past, Gwen. Let it go.” I didn’t argue. Only nodded once more. He was that kind of man, the type that quarrelled and let go without stretching things. At least I didn’t lose my close friend. I smiled in agreement.

“Thanks too.” I entered the car. “Do take care.”

The car’s engine sighed awake and the driver steered us away.

On the road to the village, I got a better idea. Instead of going to their houses and getting shut out or meeting their disagreeing glowers, maybe I should visit the farms. Today was Friday and many Lycans would be at the farm to harvest food for the weekend and for the palace. Going to visit them would show my solidarity and perhaps, soften their heart toward me.

I ordered the driver to drop me off the road and leave. I made my way into the bush and ambled carefully through the thick thickets of dried-up leaves, sticks, and branches.

“Arh!” I stumbled forward with my hands out to support myself from hitting the ground as pain ricocheted through my skull.

“Such a weakling!” I heard Merit say behind me. “What are you doing in the forest, huh?” She reached down, grabbed my hair, and yanked.

“Merit, stop it this minute!” I cried, feeling my skull rage. I was green with pain. “I command you as your Queen to_”

She yanked harder, pushing my face into the mud, took more portion of my hair, and squeezed. “I will never acknowledge you as my Queen, you hear? You are nothing but a weak werewolf and my people and I would never accept something like you. You killed our Beta and you think we can forget?”

My heart dipped, guilt replacing anger. She was right. Maybe I deserve to die. “Merit…”

“Ashton is hypnotized and doesn’t understand what a danger you pose to our community therefore we have to make him see it!”

“Please, forgive me.”

“Forgive you?” Her voice was animated, filled with so much wrath. “I will rather die than forgive a bitch like you.”

Suddenly, I was possessed by something uncontrollable. Something inane that fought to be unleashed. Something that refused to be treated like this. I was at fault and I deserved every punishment that came to me, but that would be decided by Ashton himself! Not this filthy envious wench who has lost every iota of self-control in her quest to take what was mine from me.

I can’t describe this feeling, only felt myself lifted off the ground, not in human form, but a shape I have never seen before. Totally alien to me.

A big raging black wolf.

I growled as I ripped off my back paws and connected my front paw to a horrified Merit’s chest, sending her flying across the woods. I didn’t hesitate to dash after her and finish what she had started.

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