Lycan King’s Nemesis

Chapter 119

(Undergoing editing!)


I was still asleep when I heard a loud knock on the door which yanked me back to reality to shoot up from the bed and stared foggily at the door. The knock came again, this time louder.

Argh! I sat up, recalling I had locked the door earlier on. Who could it be knocking by this time of the day? It was too early.

I unlocked the locks, my eyes still heavy with sleep. I simply needed to know who it was so as to tell them to return later when I was coherent enough.

As the door soughed open, Kora stood there, fiddling with her fingers and at a closer look, she was shifting on her feet like she was burdened with something severe. “What is it?” I drawled, my finger going up to the front of my hair to nib at a distressing point.

“Your Highness!” She bowed. “The Princess has gone missing.”

I continued gaping at her. Was that why she was… wait, Abby had left the palace?!

My eyes were wide open at once, my feet impulsively going forth. “What do you mean? She was in her room yesterday.” And had threatened to leave. She was packing her clothes, Gwen.

Kora’s head was bouncing back and forth as her eyes cascaded around in a frenzy. “The King is furious.”

“This is bad,” I said and moved back into the room. “Give me a minute to grab my robe.” She came in with me.

“Do you have any idea where she might have gone to?” She asked, her voice saddened with hefty emotions.

“How am I supposed to know that, Kora, when you are only just informing me now?” I removed the night dress I was wearing, took and grabbed a green morning gown on the bed, which Kora must have provided last night for me, and donned it. Instead of my robe as initially planned it would be better to look modest as I didn’t know what next from here.

“I’m sorry, I’m simply worried. The princess can’t survive outside the palace alone. She had never been outside alone.”

“Everything will be fine, Kora.” I took my black shawl by the hanger and fastened it around my neck. “Don’t trouble yourself.”

“But how do you know, My Queen?”

I was getting fed up with the incessant queries. It was like I was in a trial box. I was also fixated about this early chaos and I’m trying to think. I stopped on my way to the door and faced her. “Relax, Kora, okay?”

Her head bobbed rapidly. I spotted a hint of tears in her lids but looked away faster before I could determine if it was real tears. I have never seen her this emotional since coming into the palace.

Ashton had said he didn’t want to see me, and naturally, I wasn’t going to go to him because I was equally mad at myself and modestly at him. Albeit, I needed to see him. He was furious, I hope he doesn’t take it out on me.

I found my steps taking me to his study door which I knocked on and waited. My hands were quivering by my side. A lot was happening all at once and it was terrifying. It saddened me more because I was the onus of it all. If I hadn’t invited the other creatures, there wouldn’t have been a mishap and Williams would still be alive which would mean Abby happy with her true mate.

Now, my impulsiveness is costing the Kingdom its peace and chance at harmonizing the Kingdoms, failing terribly before it even started.

“What do you want?” I shuddered, blinking repeatedly as I saw Ashton standing before me. Turned out I had drifted off.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.


“I don’t have time for unnecessary squabble with you this morning, Gwen.” He was blocking the entrance.

I raised my hands up in surrender. “I am not here to fight. I-I was notified of Abby’s absence in the palace and I only came to tell you that I would handle it.”

“Like you have been handling everything, huh?”

“Ash, have a little trust in me.”

“I did… look where that landed me.” His eyes were so cold. Not like my recent Ashton, but the past that we have worked so hard to subdue.


“Go back to your room, Gwen. I’m trying to think of a way to resolve all the mess you have created. Let me be.” He shifted back, closing the door with him.

I placed my hands on the door to push, but he was too powerful and slammed it on my face.

“Ashton, please, a moment!” I begged.

No response. Quietude.

I wobbled back, my mood further disrupted. What was I thinking? That he would open the door and let me into his open arms?

I scoffed inwardly and looked around before making my way out. If he was not going to give me a listening ear, then I would find Abby myself. She must have carried out her promise of living with Tyler and if Ashton was shrewd enough he should know that.

I got to his stable, not wanting to go in the car. I found a stable hand there, burning the horses. He bowed at seeing me.

“Ready the white horse for me.” He stood, peering at me like I had horns.

“Didn’t you hear me?” I bristled, not in the mood for pleasant words. “I said ready the white horse post haste!”

“I’m sorry, your highness.” His head was on the ground. “The King had ordered none of the horses to be rode out unless ordered by him.”

For goodness sake.

“Well, as your Queen I am ordering you to release the horse. Do you want to lose your job?” His head was jerking vigorously. “Then, hurry. He doesn’t need to know about it. Here.” I stepped forward with my hands in my coat pocket and produced 5 pence which I placed into his palm.

The rest was history.

Ten minutes later, I alighted from the horse, delighted at how better I had become at climbing up and down the gigantic monsters. I patted the left shoulder and made my way to Tyler’s door. I caught a movement upstairs but ignored it and went to knock.

Tyler opened the door at the third knock. He looked around. “What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I didn’t know I was no longer welcomed here.”

He pinched his eyes closed and when he opened it, it was to tuck his lower lips into his mouth in displeasure. Is he mad at me? “I didn’t mean it like that.” He moved from the door to give me room to enter. “I don’t want more trouble from your mate.”

“It’s fine. He doesn’t want to see me anyway. Right now he won’t care if I disappeared off the face of the earth.” My eyes were roaming as I entered his cottage, seeking for Abby.

“That’s what you think. What happened?” He went in the direction of his kitchen, his voice fading.

I waited until he returned with a tray of tea and biscuits which he brought to the living room and lowered to the polished brown short-legged table at the middle of the room. He ushered me into the cushion opposite the table.

I sat and crossed my right leg over the left. “Nothing happened. I’m here to look for Abby. She left the palace.”

He stood to his full five feet six. “And you think she’s here.” It was not a question.

“I know she’s here,” I deadpanned. “I understand if she asked you to lie she isn’t but then we are friends and I shouldn’t be part of those she hides from. She’s mad at me, proper, still, I need to know she is safe.”

He huffed audibly, his massive body locating the couch directly opposite me to sit on. He leaned forward with his fingers twined together as he took me in. “She isn’t here.”


“You know if she is I won’t hide it.”

My broad arched. “Are you being serious? She said she was moving in with you.”

“I left sooner after you, and told her to sleep over her decision and if she still insisted then she could come to my place.” As he spoke, his eyes were still on me, so I could tell he was being honest. Tyler never hid anything from me. Except everything about himself.

I drove deeper into the couch, my head spinning with unprecedented ideas. I came here because I thought Abby was here. So, since she was not here, where could she be? She never mentioned anything about having another friend or acquaintance. Or perhaps, she was with family. Perhaps.

“She would be fine, Gwen,” I heard Tyler grog. “She might need some time alone.”

“That is why I am even more worried. She is hurting and needs someone not to be alone.”

“Yes, you are right. However, if she doesn’t want to see anyone, we can’t force it.”

“Ty,” I was back to the edge of the couch. The aromatic scent of the tea was wafting through my nose but I was so bothered I couldn’t accept any form of enjoyment knowing fully well my friend was suffering somewhere all by herself. All because of me. “I caused everything that has gone wrong these few days. The King is mad at me and the people’s hatred towards me is renewed. I might not bring back their Beta, but I need to be certain their Princess is alright.”

He watched me for a long time, and then his head swung down with a sigh. “I understand your point, Gwen, and I am willing to help find her. Please, stop saying you caused what is going on. It’s not and would never be your fault. The goddess has a reason for everything.”

I was relaxed a bit, hopeful that will would find something. Contending with Tyler over my involvement in the chaos around me would only waste our time. I simply need to find Abby. Who knows, maybe Ashton’s wrath may tame towards me.

“So, what are we going to do?” I asked him.

“You will go home now.” He stood up. “And by tomorrow we will start searching for her. Just do me a favour, try to find out if she has any relatives around.”

I nodded, eventually gave in to my ravaging taste buds and grabbed the teacup to take a long sip. When I dropped it, I stood and patted down my dress with a grateful sigh at Tyler.

He accompanied me outside to the house and helped me mount. “You have to be careful of this creature. They can be quite disagreeable.” He patted the hound’s hunch and it neighed and began trotting off.

“See you tomorrow and thank you for today, Ty!” I shouted over the wind.

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