Lycan King’s Nemesis

Chapter 111


My first reaction was a gasp that emitted from my mouth long before I realized myself and took a step forward in panic. Forgotten was the party behind me and the people waiting for their hosts to deliver the first dance and speech. My heart instantly dilapidated with the news of my mate out there. Down.

Down as in how?

“What do you mean by ‘down?'” I confronted the messenger, my eyes wide in apprehension. I dropped my gown and went for his shoulders, placing my hands on both of them to get his full attention. “Take me there.”

“No,” Charlotte intervened, apparently coming out of shock herself. She took my right wrist and tugged me a step away from the man. “You have to stay here and keep the party going. I will go with Abigail to them.” I was shaking my head, my spirit, soul and body were no longer here with them. What does she mean by ‘keep the party going’? How could I do that when at this moment I could hardly maintain a clear head?

“Look at me!” Charlotte commanded, grasping my shoulders to steady me. “You are the Queen and in the absence of your King, you must keep things going!” Tears shone in my eyes. Please, she should not mention the word ‘absence’

“He would need me!” I cried.

“And your people would need you!” She countered. “Get my bag, Abigail, and meet me in the car.” Abby ran off and Charlotte faced me. “They must never know what happened this night. You must do everything to make this night work. I have to go to my son and I promise to bring them back safely.”

“I caused this,” I mumbled as a single tear made its way down my face. “If-If…”

“Shush…” She stopped me. “You didn’t cause anything. Gwendolyn! Look at me.” I was trying. But a stream of tears kept clouding my eyes, my head swirling with different ogre scenarios of what could have happened to my husband. “You will not disappoint me.”

Abby appeared with her bag and Charlotte snatched it, moving farther away from me and disappeared into the night as she ordered Abby to follow her. The guard led the way.

“Hey,” Abby said before going with them. “You have to trust us. Mother is right, this night now falls on you. Be our Queen!” And then she joined her mother.

Oh, my dear mate. Why this night? Why did he not just stay back? Why, oh, why?

I sharply wiped my eyes with the back of my hand as hastily as I could, taking caution not to be seen by anyone. They must never know, as instructed by Charlotte.

“Your Highness, here.” I heard Kora appear beside me, flailing a white handkerchief which I took and dabbed at my face.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Thank you, Kora.” I hushed, striving to control my emotions. I couldn’t. Goddess knew how trodden I was emotionally and I was having a combat with myself on how I was going to do this tonight.

“You have to go in now, your highness, it seems the second dance just finished and the guests are beginning to gossip.” As she spoke, her eyes were behind me, checking out the guests. “Just smile, welcome them, and inform them the King is busy with something and will join before the end of the night.”

“But that’s a lie!”

“They won’t know.” She took the hanky from my hand and leaned closer to dab it somewhere underneath my lower eyelid. “They will be soon carried away with wine and dance into the night they could hardly care.” She took a step back with an encouraging smile. “I know you can do this.”

I tried on a smile. “Thank you, Kora. Okay… I-I will go now.”

She bowed and stepped back to where she was before.

I took a deep breath and made a turn into the ballroom. Immediately all eyes turned to me, and that was when I understood what Kora meant by they were gossiping. Women gathered in corners were in groups, their heads bent to each other with their mouths moving with not a word of their utterance ever heard as a result of the loud music.

I made for the small staircase that led to the rostrum, as much as possible, maintaining a brave elegant front, a glamorous smile, and a confident stride.

Once I neared the podium, with a grateful smile I waved to the instrumentalists, and stood tall, facing the crowd. I used to be a queen back at my former pack, warranting I addressed others once in a while, albeit, nothing prepared me for this manner of crowd.

Not only were their eyes piercing, but there was also this severe look of hawkish curiosity in them, as though waiting for me to drop a bombshell of failure even before the party started.

I cleared my throat, refusing to break.

“Hello, everyone,” I stated, “I am sorry about the delay in officially declaring the occasion started. There had been a little… change in plans.” I chuckled nervously, which was quickly covered up with another throaty clear. I was trembling, so I decided to move about while talking.

“You see, when the invitation was sent out, we were kind of… two-minded. Would they come? Or would they not? If you get what I mean. But in all things, y’all have no idea how delighted the entire Kingdom of Chronicles, and most especially the Mcgregor family is thrilled to have you come all the way from your packs, your Kingdoms to this place. It means a lot to us, I must tell you.” There was applause, then silence.

“What about the King?!” Someone resonated from the gathering. Well, I was hoping they didn’t ask.

My smile heightened. “Yes, about the King, he is… slightly engaged with pack business, but I promise he would be here before the night dies. Alphas and Betas here would understand how these things transpire. So on behalf of my husband, the royal family, and the entire Kingdom, I say welcome. Eat, Merry, do whatever you like in peace and harmony.” I hailed a nearby waitress close and snatched a flyer of champagne, tipping it up. “To unity!”

“To unity!” They chorused and we sipped at once. I was not expecting them to reply, so it came as a shock and dematerialized when the instrumentalist went into a full blast and as a man came forward.

A very handsome man.

His hand was out to me. “Since the King is not here, may I have the honour of being granted the first dance with the most beautiful woman in this building?” If not for the numerous trainings I had gotten from Charlotte on how to act in front of my subjects, I knew I was definitely going to blush.

And very well, apart from that, I was not in exactly a good frame of mind. Still, I had to play along.

“Of course.” I set my glass down on the table and took his hand. He assisted me down the podium and took me to the dance floor. All eyes were on us. Was this a test? Was I passing?

The music changed and this man-possibly a ballerina-twined his left hand around my waist, sweeping me off my feet. Before you know it, I was floating through the dancefloor, not feeling my feet as he was too fast and at the same time, very accurate.

Thanks to my great dancing skills, I didn’t trod on his feet or embarrass myself.

“I see the Queen is a match for me.” He held my arms in a vice-like grip, tugging me into his chest. Very strong massive chest. I blinked to focus. My mate is somewhere in an unknown state, I have to keep that in mind.

“I try my best to please,” was my only response.

I heard a resounding rumble that sounded like an earthquake, only that it came from him. I moved away, happy as the others began joining us on the dancefloor.

“Why does your Kingdom suddenly want peace with the other Kingdoms?” He asked as I returned to his arms. Damn, this dance!

“Don’t you want peace among the creatures?” I asked, my eyes flicking to the door where someone just walked in. Tyler. Fuck, I need to speak to him.

“I do, still, that didn’t answer my question.” My mind was no longer with him. I was already plotting means of escaping his arms, not caring one bit about his inquiries. Who is this man in the first place?

“I see you are quite enamoured by someone there.” He caught me, eyeing Tyler who at that moment saw me. He began making his way to us. “Is he your lover?”

My eyes snapped to him. “I beg your pardon but I may need my respite. That is the chief guardian and supposed mate to my best friend. I take offence at your unsanctioned accusation.”

Tyler was beside us. “Excuse me, if you don’t mind I have a message for the Queen.” There was steel in his voice as he spoke and from the way he said it, you can tell his utterance brooked no argument.

“Of course,” The man said with a hint of a smile in his voice, his eyes fixed on Tyler in a suspicious manner. “I look forward to finishing our conversation sometime else, my Queen.” The man kissed my knuckles too intimately, bowed, and left.

I huffed, wiping my knuckles on the back of the gown. What effrontery!

“Tyler!” I took his hand and began leading him out of the hall to a secluded place.

“The King was struck down and here you are basking in the deceptive tributes of the Vampire King.”

“Vampire King?” I ignored his rude accusation to ask.

“Oh, you didn’t even know who you were dancing with.” We arrived at an isolated hall and closed the door to reduce the music blast. “That was Vladimir, the Vampire King. He is very deceptive and manipulative. Do well to avoid him. He takes advantage of his good looks and charms to lure women into doing whatever he asks and when that doesn’t succeed, he uses his powers which believe me, no one has yet to subdue.”

I shoot my head. Vladimir or whatever he called him was not my problem. I had a more demanding one. “Where is the King?”

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