Lustful Affairs (Erotica)

Feels so right

Graham was the perfect guy for me. I love tall guys; he was 6’1″. I love country boys; he drove a lifted Ford F150 and went hunting and fishing all the time. I was rather mature for 15 so I liked older guys; he was 17. He had short light brown hair and blue/grey eyes and even though he was a little on the chubby side, it wasn’t enough to turn me off. All in all he was the perfect guy. But there was one problem; he was my cousin. We were only blood related because we had the same grandmother (our grandfathers were different; my mom was born from a rape incident) so we didn’t look enough alike to appear related. Anytime we went out in public people would always ask how long we’d been dating. Soon enough we made it into a game to see how much we could get people to believe before they called our bluff. Simple lies at first, like 3 years, he found me on the side of the road, and he was the hero to my distress, things like that. But then it became more. People would ask to see us kiss and, for the sake of the game, we would; small, quick pecks on the lips; enough to erase doubt, but not enough to gross ourselves out. It wasn’t until I was being creeped on that we took the game seriously. Graham’s friend Luke had taken a liking to me over the few months since he met me. We went out on dates a few times, but I wasn’t interested in him so I broke it off. Now, don’t get me wrong, Luke was very attractive; he was about 5’11”, with wavy blonde hair and green/hazel eyes. Most girls lusted after him, but I guess I was immune. He seemed to have brushed it off after I ended it, but in fact began plotting his revenge.

He knew Graham and I went and did something together almost every Friday, whether it be bowling or midnight fishing, and he began to scheme. One Friday, we were out on the docks, doing a little midnight fishing and drinking some beers to kick off the summer when he showed up. There were a few people out on the water, the hopeless romantics that took late-night boat rides and fucked to the rocking of the waves, but no one was close enough to the docks to really see or hear us. Graham had just gone back to his truck to get another bucket for the fish we wanted to keep and Luke made his move. Before I knew it he had his hand around my mouth, the other holding my arms to my sides, and was muffling any noise I could make. He slammed me into the wall of the on-the-water bait shop where no one could you see well, even in daytime, and whispered in my ear, “make one fucking sound and I’ll kill you, you dumb bitch.” I saw the glint of his knife as he flipped it open and I shut my mouth, silently praying Graham would realize something was wrong and come looking for me. On this night I was only wearing a tank top and a pair of daisy dukes, my usual fishing apparel, and Luke took advantage of this. He cut through the crotch of my shorts and began rubbing my virgin cunt in a painful way. He’d only tried to kiss me before so feeling this made me feel degraded and humiliated. I could feel his hard-on pushing against my butt, but I was too shocked to try and do anything to get away. As he reached to pull my panties off I felt all his weight lifted off me and heard a splash. Graham was sitting there, red-faced and angry, glaring at the sputtering Luke as he came up for air. He pulled Luke out of the water and pinned him to the wall by his neck, spewing profanities I was shocked to hear him say. “You touch my cousin one more fucking time and I swear I’ll crack your fucking neck in half, you son of a bitch.” I could see Luke turning purple and I knew Graham would kill him if I didn’t stop him, “Graham! You’re gonna choke him! Let him go, I’m pretty sure he won’t touch me again,” I said confidently. Graham looked at me incredulously, “you want to let this fucker go after he tried to fucking molest you?” I saw the defeat in his eyes and he let go of Luke, but I had one alterior motive to his release. Once Luke was standing straight I did something I’d never expect out of myself. I used all my body weight and elbowed him square in the jaw, making sure to break it. He fell to the ground yelling, holding his bleeding jaw, and swearing he’d get me one day. I simply chuckled, grabbed Graham’s arm, and went to gather our fishing stuff off the dock. It was about 3 in the morning now, the early-bird fisherman would find him and I knew he wouldn’t say anything; Graham scared him shitless. Graham was grinning at me the entire ride home until we pulled into the driveway.

“What?” I asked. “Nothing, I just didn’t expect you to haul off and take a crack at him,” he said nonchalantly. But I could see he was proud of me; his baby cousin had learned to fight like a man. “Lord knows what would’ve happened to me if you hadn’t shown up my knight in shining armor,” I said and kissed him on the cheek. As I pulled back I noticed an unusual look in his eye, one that brought the curiosity out of me. I couldn’t name what it was, but I wanted to find out so I kissed him again, this time on the lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. He responded by pushing his tongue into my mouth and running his fingers through my curly brown hair. I felt something I had never felt before. A passionate burning inside me, a heat I couldn’t contain, a soothing ache. We stayed in this passionate embrace for a few more seconds before parting. “We should probably get inside. I wouldn’t want you catching a cold,” he joked as he flicked my nose. The summer air was damp and humid and it had to be at least 70 degrees outside, definitely not cold-catching weather. We hurried inside quietly, sneaking in through the back since were an hour late. I knew his parents would be leaving with my parents in a few hours to take a trip to Las Vegas for the long weekend, leaving Graham and me at his house. We were old enough now to be trusted for a few days and the house was full of food, so we were set with everything we’d need for the rest of the weekend. Or so I thought.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I woke up to overcast skies and the smell of bacon and biscuits. I shuffled, basically fell, down the stairs into the kitchen where I saw Graham eating breakfast and watching TV. I grabbed a biscuit, slathered it in gravy, a few strips of bacon, and a glass of sweet tea and sat in the recliner diagonal from him. “Hey sleepy head, nice to see you’re finally awake,” he joked. I looked at the clock; it was almost 11, way too late for me to sleep in (I’m no morning person, but I hate feeling like I wasted my morning). I simply smiled and stuffed my face with bacon, very manly I know, and turned my attention to the TV. He had turned it to the weather channel; apparently, a big storm was headed our way. I got excited at the news; I always loved storms. They were so calm and then BAM! It became total chaos within seconds! Plus, the usual low rumble of the summer thunderstorms was a like a lullaby to me.

“Hey, will you pass me that blanket,” I said, realizing how freaking cold it was in this house. “Get it yourself, lazy bones,” he joked at me. “Fine, but you’re gonna take my plate to the kitchen instead.” Knowing when I had won I handed him my plate as I reached for the blanket on the back of the couch. When he got up it slid off and, being the lazy person I am, leaned over the back of the couch to retrieve it instead of walking around. As soon as I had grabbed it I felt a smack on my ass to see Graham laughing hysterically at me falling over the couch from the surprise attack. “Screw you, Graham!” I said in mock anger, putting my poker face on to seem legit, “I’m just gonna go upstairs!” and with that I dramatically huffed up the stairs. I knew I had left him confused. He knew me well, but he had never been able to tell when I was lying and when I wasn’t, so I often played this game with him. Not before too long I heard him slowly coming up the steps. “Gears, are you mad at me?” he asked, using the nickname he tokened me with a few years ago during my mechanics obsession. I sighed loudly to let him know I was in his bedroom. He walked in and sat on the bed, “I’m sorry I scared you,” he said. I could hear a slight tremor in his voice. As I turned to see if he was really being emotional he straddled my and began tickling my sides. “Graham! Graham! Stop it! Oh, how I hate you!” I laughed as he started tickling my sides even more. Now, just to clarify, I am EXTREMELY ticklish when it comes to my sides. So much so, that even someone walking past me will cause me to jump a little, so having him tickling me was making me buck around like a bronco on drugs. Once he finally stopped the tickle torture I dove under the covers, “I’m never ever coming out again!” I said, pretending to throw a fit like a little kid. I didn’t feel any movement so I peeked my head over the covers, giving him a chance to get under with me. My back was to him and he pulled me to him, somehow managing to still tickle my sides, dammit. “Okay, okay, I give up! I’ll come out,” I said as I resurfaced from my cotton fortress. We were both sweating lightly and my face was red from laughing so hard. He brushed my hair out of my eyes and got that same look that he had only a few hours ago, causing me to feel that same trembling in my gut that got me excited. He traced his thumb down the side of my face and grazed it over my lower lip. Simultaneously, we both leaned in and locked lips for the second time that day. Once more we went to full on frenching, searching each others’ mouths like we’d find Amelia Earhart in there. Before I realized it, he was on top of me, straddling me and kissing me passionately. He didn’t try to touch me anywhere else, but I could feel a growing bulge pushing into my abdomen. I decided against bringing attention to it and continued to kiss him, forgetting he was my cousin in the heat of the moment. He broke the kiss and stared deeply into my eyes. I couldn’t help but smile at him, he was so freaking cute! I had always thought my cousin was very handsome, but never in a sexual way. However, I now looked at him like a lover, a best friend to share my most intimate moments with, and a protector. He leaned back, “We should both probably shower,” he said with a giddiness in his voice I recognized from a year or two ago when he first got his truck. “Don’t use up all the hot water,” called to me over his shoulder as he walked out so I could get undressed. I had an idea, “why don’t we just shower together?” I knew this caught him off guard and made him wary so I further explained, “it’ll save time, money, and water, and besides, we used to take baths together all the time.”

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