Luna On The Run!

All Right

Again Clarita’s POINT OF VIEW

This was not the path I had planned for my future.

But how could I ignore the urgent pleas of my best friend? She poured her heart out to me in front of the entire werewolf community, stepping down from her throne as the daughter of the mighty Alpha King and mate of the invincible Alpha. She made herself vulnerable and begged me to meet her and restore our friendship.

Although the past few weeks have brought me intense sadness, the arrival of the twins is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I cannot believe my luck, my life has a new meaning. Two children who will love me unconditionally, who will never abandon me like their father and my ex-husband did.

And I’ll take care of them, make sure they have everything they need. And later in life, I’ll protect them from making mistakes like I’ve made.

But now I had to change my plans. Until now, I had not dared to speak to Ariel. Serene and Amelia were more than willing to call her and let her know that I was ready to return to Eclipse Howl, albeit temporarily. Ariel needs me now, and it’s my duty to stand by her, just as she did when my life was hard and I almost gave up.

And my best friend sent the Jet to pick me up.

She wanted to come to Human Town herself to meet me, but Gorgio refused to let her go. He didn’t think it was wise because there were still wolves from Midnight Moon who thought she was their Luna. The Alpha didn’t want to take any risks with his pregnant mate.

So here Serene and I are in the jet, on our way to Eclipse Howl, where Ariel and Gorgio are waiting for us.

I am really nervous. Ariel has indicated that she holds no grudge against me, but my guilt is eating away at me. Zane was her mate when I was in bed with him, and that is grave enough for me. I should have been more careful, questioned Zane more about his background. But like a lecherous bitch, I hung around him until he took advantage of me.

“Hey, don’t worry. Ariel’s thrilled you’re coming. Alpha Gorgio said she barely slept last night and has been staring at the sky all day. Everything will be fine, Clarita”. Serene tries to calm me down. She must sense my fear.

I give her a watery smile.

“And the pack? How will they react? When I was there, no one interfered with me because I was human. After what happened, they must think we are all homewreckers. They will never accept me.” Serene shakes her head.

“No. They were willing to give their lives to keep Ariel with their Alpha. Eclipse Howl has high moral standards, a triangle mating is nothing to them. Besides, Ariel and Gorgio explained everything in a pack meeting. No one will accuse you of anything. We know that the Moon Goddess does the pairing, so you can’t be blamed for anything,’ she insists. She takes my hand and pats it reassuringly.

Her words calm me and I look out the hatch again. Another half hour and we will be there. To be honest, I miss Ariel too. All those evenings in Miami, talking late into the night about our lives and dreams and our nights out, were like therapy for both of us. We were able to forget our misery for a few hours.

In the end, she got rid of that third wheel in her wonderful relationship, and I got rid of the loser that was my husband. Our relationship was strained, but it turns out that Ariel had no intention of forgetting about me.

As the plane approaches the pack airstrip, the pilot makes the announcement. I grab some of the fruit from the cooler on the table that Ariel had arranged for me. Serene helps me with my seatbelt, now that my round belly is taking up more space.

I looked out the hatch again and this time I saw two figures standing close together. Ariel and Gorgio. They were leaning against a low car, with two others standing in the background. That must be Beta Jace and Fiona, who came to greet me in their own vehicle.

As the pilot opens the door, Ariel rushes to the foot of the stairs.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Clarita!” she shouts before I can even unbuckle my seatbelt. Serene helps me onto the platform and I see my best friend looking up with a broad smile. Her face was beaming, her black curls falling in a waterfall. If she was a beauty before, she looked like a goddess now. Not that I have ever seen one beside her, but she certainly fits the description.

I hurry cautiously down the stairs, Serene in my wake.

“Ariel!” Breathless, we fall into each other’s arms, smiling with the relief of seeing each other again.

“I thought I had lost you forever. When Serene called me, I couldn’t believe you weren’t far away. And pregnant, just like me”. We burst out laughing as we stroked each other’s tummies.

“Twins, Ariel. I’m having twins. Can you believe it?” She looks at me in surprise.

“Two pups? But I’m having twins too. Is that a coincidence?” she asks, giggling.

“I think you two planned it on purpose,” Gorgio sounds from behind her. I let go of Ariel and hugged Gorgio tightly around his waist. He has always been very considerate of me, like the older brother I have always longed for.

“Oh Gorgio, how glad I am that everything turned out all right. I was so worried about you when I was at the packhouse, but luckily Jace and Alvin were there to help you,” I say with relief.

Jace comes closer when he hears his name.

“Clarita, you owe me an explanation. Ariel relied on me to keep you safe in the pack. But before I knew it, you were gone. And when I saw you again, it was in the middle of a war that was about to break out. And where I met the love of my life.”

Shyly, I look at the Beta. But Ariel puts an arm around my shoulders.

“Don’t worry, Jace. As you can see, she is back and happily expecting. Everything went as it should”.

After a collective grin, we all get into the cars and head for the packhouse…

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