Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Chapter 59

Luna On The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Elena POV

Luke screamed and banged on the windows, yet we were having a hard enough time keeping our eves on our opponents as it is when we crashed through the porch and into the garden bed below

My father didn’t play fair, not only did he stand back and watch his warriors try tearing us to shreds, he then joined the battle when Lexa took down two of them. Teeth and claws tore into us, my back leg felt dislocat ed when one grabbed the same back leg and another wolf grabbed our front paw. My father’s teeth sank into Lexa’s underbelly, and she ripped a chunk of his ear oll

Spinning, she slashes her claws into the one dragging us back by our leg, only to whimper as the other woli tore at her neck, making her focus go back to him. My father mostly stood by taking chunks of us when he could get in between the other two when Lexa bit into the gray woll’s tum my, his shriek of pain is loud as I feel her teeth rip into the tender flesh as she shakes her head viciously hoping to spill his guts onto the ground just as my father rips into us.

The wolf bites my flank only to whimper himself, and we are forced to let the other woll go. Exhaustion was creeping in, and I knew it was a losing battle, but still we had to try. When I hear a sickening crack fol lowed by a growl so menacing, Lexa jumps. And so does Dad when I am hit with his aura. Turning I lind Khan snarling and snapping his teeth as he stalks toward us, the woll behind me lakes ofl, and I back up, wonder ing is Khan is going to attack me or my father, yet his eyes are trained on NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.


“Elena!” Luke screams and Lexa looks over her shoulder, we stagger, and she whimpers as she puts pressure on our back leg. Lexa was so weak and exhausted I had to take control and force the shift, feeling every bone slip, slide and break as I am left naked. My body is drenched in blood, and a good

chunk of it is mine. Lexa managed to heal the major wounds, yet I was covered in them, my leg being the worst as a steady stream of blood flows from the gaping wound. Limping. I gasp with each pained stepped. I felt light-headed, but make it to the steps when I hear Khan and Dad’s wolf Dante start ripping each other apart. Not bothering to watch, I reach the door and scoop up Luke.

“Where’s Mom?” I ask him as he clutches onto me. I slip on my own blood, hitting the wall and smearing il everywhere as I light to remain conscious. My vision falters a second,

“Basement.” He sobs and I stagger toward it only to find it padlocked. Mom was screaming frantically, banging on the door, no doubt because she could hear the lighting and I guess Luke told her. Setting Luke down, I grab the metal vase off the hall stand and start smashing the padlock

Four swings later, and it breaks, the metal dented and my fingers bleeding from banging them.

“Hurry,” Lexa murmurs and my mother freezes, spotting me while Luke races ofl. “Luke!” I screech at him, still hearing the fight outside play out. Luke returns seconds later with one of my father’s shirts, and my mother helps me slip it on.

“What are you doing here?” she panics, hands not knowing where to help stem my bleeding.

“We haven’t got time, we need to go now!” I tell her. Luke races

ahead holding the front door open, while my mother who is a sobbing mess holds my arm, taking my weight.

“The car!” I tell Luke, pointing to it. Mom rushes over, opening his door and shoving him in. Her eyes going to Khan and Dante fighting: Fall ing into the driver’s seat, I twist the key in the ignition and the car starts and my mother climbs into the passenger.

“You should have let me drive.” she says, but I put the car in reverse only to hit something. Looking over my shoulder, I see Eli’s car and floor it, pushing his aside and scraping up the side of it. His tires screech as he gives chase. But I floor it, only to skid sideways around the corner.

My mother grabs the door handle and I barely hang onto the steering wheel, which is slick with my blood, while turning onto the street. I went to hit the accelerator when I see Khan start chasing the car. Lights in the distance can be seen as police start blocking the road, and I am forced to slow as I look for another way.

Only the moment I do, Khan jumps in front of my car. My eyes widen, and I slam both feet on the brake, the car screeching to a stop, and he jumps onto the hood of the car. He growls menacingly, and I look over my shoulder to Eli’s car blocking me.

Luke is screaming and wailing in the backseat, frightened. My moth er seems in shock, and I am barely conscious. My head twists from side to side, making everything blurry now that the adrenaline was wearing off, and I was running off vapors. Khan climbs onto the roof of the car. The metal creaks and the roof becomes crushed bencath his weight, when sud denly my door is ripped open.

Eli rips the keys out of the ignition. “He’s not letting you leave the

city, Elena. Now get out of the car. I won’t step in if he drags you out.”. grit my teeth. Eli looks in at Luke and my mother, and his lips part on a gasp.

“I need them out of the city,” I growl when Khan jumps off the roof. Groaning, I toss my leg out, knowing I am not getting away while the car is completely surrounded. Standing up, vertigo hits me and Eli grabs my arm.

“Louise, you’ll follow us back to the packhouse.” Eli tells her, chuck ing her the keys. I move to get back in the car only to be grabbed by a naked Axton who I hadn’t realized had shifted back.

“Not you, you’re coming with me!” he growls.

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