Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Chapter 49

Luna On The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Axton POV

Three Days Later.

Elena has been missing for more than a week, and I have spent all that time hunting her, over a week of finding nothing. No sign of her, no sign of my car. It was as if she had just vanished. Khan was beside himself. I am beside myself. I. wanted her back, needed her back. It’s funny, kind of ironic, the saying you don’t know what you had until it’s gone. I had everything at my fingertips, and I ruined it all.

Everything, she was my everything, and now I was paying for her loss dearly. Feeling and seeing the wrongness of my actions everywhere I look. See it in my own reflection, see it in Eli’s disappointment, see it within my pack. They were nervous. How am I expected to control my pack if I can’t

control my mate?

“Anything?” I ask Eli as I walk into his office in the pack house. “Nothing. We have checked every hospital, both human and the in Were-cities, the councils, and there have been no accidents reported or bodies found.”

“I just don’t get how she just disappeared without a trace, AGAIN,” I tell him. Yet, my mind was going back to the town where we found her. What if another monster got a hold of her again, one worse than me?

“Because this time, she doesn’t want to be found. I warned

you; I fucking warned you, Axton!” Eli growls at me. I fist my hands. He didn’t need to keep rubbing it in my face. “She’ll

have to come back. Elena can’t raise them on her own. She would know as soon as she registers their births. Her name will blink across all the councils that she is a missing person,” || tell him.

“Exactly, she does know that. Elena is smart, she won’t register them, Axton, and you are a fool if you think she will risk losing her sons.”

“But I was never going to take them from her!” I snarl, and he stands up. “She didn’t know that, though, did she? I told you to stop punishing her, but you were too blinded by your damn pride and ego to apologize.”

“Don’t fucking challenge me. She is my mate. I lost her, and you are acting as if I punished the entire fucking pack, that I punished you!” I yell at him.

“You fucking DID! A pack is only as strong as its Alpha, and you can barely fucking function without her; I have been doing all your work, taking on all your responsibilities because you can’t pull yourself together. You lost your mate and the heirs to our Pack. The fucking empire you built is resting on the shoulders of sons you no longer fucking have!” | shake my head.

“Think about it, Axton. Will Khan accept another?” he says. I look at him. Eli falls back into his seat, his words hitting heavily. Because no, he wouldn’t. Despite my rejecting her, Khan wouldn’t allow someone new to take her place, but I don’t think even I could accept another in her spot beside me.

The mere thought sickens me. Women in general sicken me now. Even when I was flaunting the nannies in front of her, 1 was repulsed by their mere presence beside me, all while

aching for the woman in the room across from me.

It would be different if I hated her, yet I couldn’t even find the energy for that anymore, especially while Khan loves her, and he does. He never stopped loving her, not even when I rejected her. He wanted to kill me. And now I wanted him to.

“We’ll find her,” I whisper, feeling the pressure not just on me. Packs are handed down, and I have no one to hand it to if something happens to me. If that happens, the pack would disintegrate, be pulled apart, and everything I have built will go to waste. Turning, I head for the door, needing to go home, needing to figure out something, when I hear Eli’s laptop Bing.

“Wait, Axton!” Eli calls, and I stop at the door. “What?” I ask, turning to look at him.

“I just got an email from Louise,” he says, and I rush toward him to see. I peer over his shoulder to look at the email.

Elena wanted me to let Axton know his sons are born healthy and they are ok.

Attached was a picture of two little bundles wrapped in a blue cloth. I couldn’t see anything other than their sleeping faces and dark locks of hair, no background that could possibly lead me to their location.

The sight of them stole my breath, and I rip my phone from my pocket and scroll through my contacts. Finding Louise’s number, I hit dial. She answers after a couple of rings, and I don’t give her a chance to speak.

“Where is she?”

“Axton.” she breathes, sounding tired. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Where is my mate, Louise.”

“I can’t tell you because I don’t know.”

“Bullshit. How would you get the photo then?”

“It was sent anonymously from someone’s phone. I tried ringing it already. You think I don’t want to see my daughter?”

“Maybe we can track it,” I tell her, and she falls silent.

“Even if I find out where she is, or she does contact me, I won’t tell you unless she tells me to. I already lost my daughter once, and I won’t lose her again. Axton, I am sorry,”

“Wait!” | tell her, knowing she is about to hang up. She sighs but doesn’t hang up.

“If she rings you, please tell her to ring me. Tell her to bring them home.”

“You don’t get it. Even now she is gone. You still don’t get it. The only home she ever had, you took from her. Then, when she came back, you made sure she never felt at home with you. This place is no longer home to her Axton. You’re not totally to blame, though, I think it stopped being home when she was denied her birthright.”

“I need my sons. You have to understand that!” I tell her.

“But do you need her? Because the first thing you said, Axton, is you need your sons, an heir. Not once did you say you needed her? And from what I know of her time with you, that is all she knows herself as. First, she was an Alpha’s daughter,

then a rogue, then you told her you were taking the only title she had left, and that was a mother. Sometimes it’s better to run, sometimes it’s better to run before you lose the only identity you have left.”

I looked at the ceiling; I sounded like a prick, yet that was never my intention. Of course, I wanted her back too; I want my mate and at this point, I would take her any way I could have her.

“Please, Louise. If she rings, tell her to ring me. Tell her I won’t take them from her.”

“I’ll tell her if she rings me, but I won’t pressure her to come back, Axton. You say you want them back, but you said that last time, and last time, you only broke her more.” Louise tells me before hanging up. I

stare at the phone. Her words made my stomach sink. I lost her, and this time I have a feeling her mother is right. She wouldn’t come back, not when she had nothing left to come back for.

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