Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Chapter 121

Luna On The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 121

Alpha On The Hunt Chapter 46

Axton POV Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Logging into the council server while in the meeting with half the council, I check to see if my ban has been lifted. I growl when I find nothing indicating she has even put in the appeal yet.

Tuning back into the conversation about the Strigoi, I am antsy, eager to see Elena and the boys when my phone starts ringing on the table. Glancing at it, I see it’s Eli. I reject the call.

He has been pestering me for the past ten minutes via the mind link and I keep having to shove him out. His timing is impeccable. Grabbing my phone, I shoot Marco a text asking if Elena has done the appeal yet when I hear my name mentioned.

Looking up from my phone, I spot Osiris with a smug look on his face.

“Pardon?” I question.

“I’ve been speaking with the other Alphas, and we are all in agreement,” he states. My eyes flick to the seven alphas sitting at the table, not one of them able to meet my gaze.

“Agree on what?” I ask through gritted teeth.

“About you standing down. We want to run an election. Let the people decide who should hold the highest seat within the council. I had the paperwork sent off last night to the supernatural council of elders requesting permission for a status change.”

“You did what?” I snarl.

“We just don’t think it is a good idea to have someone with such

disregard for the supernatural council law to be in a seat of power.” Osiris smiles wickedly and my anger rises. My phone starts ringing in my hand and I reject it, seeing that it is Eli again.

“You want to run against me?” I scoff, leaning back in my chair and folding my arms across my chest.

“We all agree. I am the next best candidate for the head of the council, and you’ve proven how you lack the capabilities to take on the job with so many deaths. The city is frightened and you’ve done nothing to extinguish that fear. If something isn’t done soon, the human governments will get involved, which is not in anyone’s best interest, certainly not cities!”

“This city is thriving with me in this seat, you’ve barely been alpha for five minutes Osiris and you think you can run an entire city?” I laugh.

“My name isn’t painted with the deaths of those living in this city, Axton, so who do you think the city’s population will side with?” Osiris questions and I want to wipe the smug look off his face!

“I own the largest pack in the city, and Elena behind me, you can’t win,” I tell him.

“Exactly which is why I had everyone involved in the upcoming election packs’ removed from voting, to make it fair of course! Not only will your pack be removed from voting, but since Elena is your mate, her pack is out too, along with mine. Leaving the decision up to the other five packs and the human population that has been growing by the day.” Osiris says and I glance at the other Alphas, all of them look at the table while Cane looks between me and Osiris.

“And you all agree with this?” I ask them.

“He has a point. You and Osiris can’t get on long enough to work

together, and nothing is changing, maybe a different-” I growl and Th****s’s words cut off while I turn my glare on the rest of them.

“This is my city and I will f*cking challenge all of you and strip you of your f*cking packs if you go against me!” I snarl.

“That is exactly my point. You let ego and your mate bond with Elena get in the way of making decisions for this city.” Osiris snaps, leaning across the table. Khan presses furiously against my skin, wanting to tear them all apart for going against me when Alpha Cane speaks.

“I just want to make it clear that this has nothing to do with me. Consider me Switzerland,” he states, and Osiris and I both look at him.

“Your time as head of the council is over, Axton. Stand down before you embarrass yourself.” Osiris sneers.

“No. You will get everyone here killed. You can’t run a city, you barely run your pack. Don’t think I don’t know about you filing for bankruptcy. Does your pack know how much debt you have got them in and who bailed your father out of it?”

Osiris growls and I hear the other alphas whispering amongst themselves. “Is that why you killed him because he cut you off?” I snarl.

“I didn’t kill my father!”

“Then where is he, Osiris? It’s amazing how you return to the city and one of our elders goes missing the same f*cking day.” I growl at him.

“I know you did it. I know exactly what you were involved in. If I were you, I would stand down unless you want me to bring every single one of your skeletons out of the closet come election day.”

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Osiris laughs, standing up. “We all have skeletons, at least mine aren’t in cold blood.” Osiris chuckles, saying the one thing, not one of these alphas would be game enough to say to my face.

“Marco did well to cover it up, but not well enough. I have all the evidence I need to ruin you. But I won’t stop there. When I am done, I will not only take your pack and the city, but just to really kick you where it hurts, I will take your mate too.” he laughs.

“Elena would never be with you.” I scoff.

“Are you sure about that? Because last I checked, she refuses to let you mark her and why is that?” he questions. Yet he was digging his own grave here, threatening my mate, and that hole was growing deeper by the looks on the other alphas’ faces.

“She is mine. I don’t need her mark to prove that when she carries mine!”

“For now she does, but when you’re rotting away in prison and she is trying to keep her pack and yours afloat, don’t worry. I will take good care of her until you return.” he retorts.

“Osiris! You are taking it too far!” Thomas snarls and Osiris smirks.

“On the contrary, I will be taking it further. Just make sure you pick the right side, Thomas, and remember who was there when you needed help!” Osiris snarls, turning his gaze to Thomas. Thomas purses his lips and averts his gaze to the far wall.

The Alphas murmur amongst each other. Osiris may have numbers on his side, but his comment about Elena I can tell does not sit right with any of them. Mates are sacred, and stating you would take one from another proves how low one would sink for his own gain.

“So that’s what you’ll do Osiris, threaten our mates if we don’t

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agree?” Alpha Soyer speaks up.

“What? No,” Osiris sputters, shooting me a glare.

“Now whose ego is getting in the way of rational thought?” I retort with a smile. Alpha Soyer nods and so do a few other alphas, but each looks undecided still. Osiris glares at me.

“With that mindset Osiris, I can see you’ll take this city far! What will you do next? Do you want to take a step back into the 30s? Are you going to tell your pack before they can take a mate you get to try her out first?” I ask him and he growls, his eyes shooting daggers.

“Because that is what you’re suggesting, that once in a seat of power, you’re allowed to breach our most sacred laws, taint them and twist them to use at your disposal? Are you okay with that Alpha Soyer? Can he try out your mate?” I ask him and Soyer snarls, his fist crashing down on the table with a thunderous boom.

“I’ll kill him before he could ever try!” Soyer threatens before stalking out of the room.

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