LUNA: Alpha’s Soulmate from Another World

Last Day of Flower Festival (2)

When Luna finally experienced solitude, she sighed in relief. Luna knew Judith was trying to comfort her. The woman had been so kind to her despite what she had done, and that only made Luna feel more uneasy. She closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair. A gentle breeze blew into the room through the open windows and balcony doors.

Luna took a deep breath and tried with all her might to fend off memories of last night, but no matter how hard she tried, the memories flooded her mind and dominated her thoughts. Her entire body trembled, and a tear fell down her cheek. She was in a dilemma. On the one hand, she was angry at Norris and Alkrevas for what they had done to her, blaming them for the pain she felt. But on the other hand, she knew she couldn’t entirely blame them because there was a moment when she had given consent.

Her body had accepted all of it, making Luna hate her weakness for Alkrevas’s touch. She could blame the mate bond, but how could she blame a bond whose very concept she still couldn’t accept?

Luna was so confused. She should have raged, screamed, hurt, and taken revenge on Alkrevas for all the pain he caused her. But in reality, she did nothing but remain silent and choose to distance herself. It wasn’t out of fear of Alkrevas, especially after she saw him brutally kill people for the second time, but because she didn’t trust herself. The vital spark she felt every time she touched Alkrevas clouded her judgment. She sighed heavily and opened her eyes, staring at the beautifully painted ceiling of the sunroom. Luna raised her hand and spread her fingers, observing the painting through each gap before clenching her hand as if trying to grasp something out of reach.

Slowly, she lowered her hand and looked outside again, but just then, she heard the doorkeeper announce Alkrevas’s arrival. Shortly after, the door opened, and he entered the room. Unlike his usual immaculate appearance, Alkrevas looked slightly disheveled. The waistcoat and cravat he wore this morning, adorned with a brooch, were gone, leaving only a white shirt with black trousers and leather shoes. His usually neatly styled brown hair was tousled, indicating he frequently ran his hands through it out of frustration or some other reason.

At least the black coat with maroon lapels he had worn this morning still hung on his shoulders, though unworn. Luna watched warily as he approached her with a cold and expressionless face. Still, both expressions softened when she instinctively pulled away and closed her eyes as his hand touched her.

Alkrevas clenched his hand tightly and then drew it back. He sighed softly and kissed Luna’s forehead gently, causing her eyes to fly open. Alkrevas turned and walked to the chair opposite Luna, sitting down and signaling Sigmund and Savon, who were also in the room, to step outside.

Once alone, Alkrevas opened his palm, emitting a golden yellow light towards the door to ensure no one outside could hear their conversation. “Luna, would you like to accompany me to the ceremony at the temple?”

“Why are you asking? Don’t you usually ignore my opinions?”

“Luna, I’m trying here.” Luna lowered her head and murmured an apology.

“You don’t need to apologize. I know you hate me.” Luna quickly lifted her head, feeling a lump in her throat. She did hate Alkrevas, but for some reason, hearing those words felt like a sharp knife piercing her heart, causing immense pain.

Do I not hate him anymore? Luna asked herself internally. “Especially after what I did to you last night…”

“You make me sound like a wicked woman…” Luna sighed softly and added, “I… don’t hate you…” Alkrevas looked at her skeptically.

“Shouldn’t you be angry at me for disobeying your command?” Luna paused momentarily and added, “We also haven’t talked about what happened last night.”

Alkrevas pinched the bridge of his nose, acknowledging Luna’s words in his heart. He had promised to discuss everything that happened last night with her after breakfast. Still, Alkrevas forgot that there was a vital schedule he couldn’t postpone or miss, namely the cabinet meeting. So after breakfast, Sigmund had come to fetch him.

Alkrevas was relieved because he wasn’t ready to talk to Luna then. Still, now that it was brought up again, Alkrevas had to keep his promise. “Alright, but you haven’t answered my request yet.”

“Forgive me, Your Majesty. I can’t.”

“How about we leave the palace after lunch? I want to take you somewhere. Besides, it’s the festival’s last day, and you don’t want to miss this opportunity. I can ask Savon to represent me at the closing ceremony.”

For some reason, Luna pondered the offer. She should say no, but her heart was tempted, and she was intrigued to accept the invitation. However, could she feel at ease being alone with Alkrevas after last night? Luna clenched her fists tightly and murmured, “Alright.”

A beautiful smile instantly blossomed on Alkrevas’s face. “Okay. I have quite a bit of free time right now. We can talk.” Alkrevas took a deep breath. The least he could do before this conversation was to calm down and ensure he didn’t get angry and lose control.

Alkrevas hoped the Moon Goddess could help him. Norris, calm yourself. Don’t get angry, no matter what happens, Alkrevas warned his wolf soul. Norris just nodded before resting his head on his front paws and closing his eyes, still feeling guilty about last night.

“One thing we need to agree on. We will talk with cool heads. Both you and I.” Luna agreed with Alkrevas’s statement. “I will ask first. How did you end up in the dungeon?”

“I… wanted to free Abigail and Beth. Those two witches.” Luna bit her lower lip. She didn’t need to lie because Alkrevas would know all the answers without her needing to hide anything.

“They could help me return home through the portal.”

“You think so?”

“I don’t know.”

“How did you find the location?”

“Yesterday, before Beth was captured, she gave me a gem with guiding magic. You should know that.” Alkrevas pressed his lips thin. He did know, but he deliberately asked to hear it from Luna’s mouth.

“Luna, I confined you in the palace and forbade you from leaving for a reason. You know last night was a full moon; you should know it was dangerous.” Alkrevas paused momentarily and continued, “You saw it yourself, right? The effect of the full moon on me?”

“Why did you kill them all? I know they were criminals, but…”

“I’ll be honest. I should kill them and consume their flesh than to kill the nearest pack or terrorize the city.”

“You did that when we first met in the city.”

“You already know the reason.” Luna sighed softly. Slowly, Alkrevas stood up and walked to the window. He looked at the view outside and turned his back to Luna.

“Luna, Norris is not an ordinary wolf. He is a Lycan. His instincts are twice as dangerous as a regular werewolf. Do you know what was on my wolf soul’s mind when we first met?” Alkrevas glanced at Luna over his shoulder.

“Mating,” he looked back out the window. “But not mating between you and me, rather mating between you and him, like last night.”

Luna’s shoulders tensed. “I held back my wolf soul because I knew it wasn’t time for you to do that with him. When you still hadn’t accepted our mate bond. That required your consent. That’s why I never showed you my wolf side after our first meeting. I restrained Norris. I locked him away so he wouldn’t hurt you, but I couldn’t control him during the full moon, Luna. Not when Norris is more dominant than me.”

“Why did I place the empire’s best knights outside the palace? To prevent me from coming to you, to stop me from breaking in. I even set up protective magic on the windows and the emperor’s balcony so I couldn’t enter.” Alkrevas pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“But all my preparations were in vain, and you ended up there when Norris was completely under the full moon’s influence. Driven by fear and his love for you, his soulmate, he did that. The opportunity came to him when I couldn’t do anything.” Alkrevas turned and walked toward Luna.

“Even when I tried to take over and stop everything, I couldn’t.” Then Alkrevas stopped right next to Luna, sitting on the floor, and carefully reached out, taking Luna’s trembling hand and pressing his forehead against hers.

“I know what we did was unforgivable, but I want to say that I’m sorry and regret it.”

Luna took a deep breath and felt her eyes heat up. She could feel the sincerity in his words, and for some reason, it made her heart feel so calm and at peace. Luna swallowed and whispered, “It wasn’t entirely your fault, but I was at fault, too. If I hadn’t been reckless, maybe last night wouldn’t have happened. Even I… my body… for a moment enjoyed it all…”

Luna finally admitted. “I was so scared to admit all of it, but it’s true. My body recognized and responded to your touch.”

Luna took another deep breath and added, “I acted foolishly. You confined me for my safety, but I put myself in danger. I was so blind and focused on my goal.”

“Luna, stay here. You don’t have anyone in your world. Give me a chance.” Hearing Alkrevas’s words, Luna turned her gaze away and fell silent.

She couldn’t bear to look into those brown eyes that gazed at her for the first time with pleading mixed with other emotions. She didn’t want to get lost in the depths of those brown eyes because Luna knew she wouldn’t be able to get out once she entered. “I don’t care if I have to beg you repeatedly as long as you change your mind.”

“I’m a selfish woman, Alkrevas.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.


“I’ve long since stopped hoping for happiness.” Luna bit her lower lip and felt tears streaming down her cheeks. Seeing this, Alkrevas reached out and wiped her tears away. Though Luna flinched and moved away from him, she didn’t feel uncertain this time. “I’m a cowardly woman, Alkrevas. I don’t deserve…”

“The Moon Goddess paired my soul with yours. That means she thinks you deserve to be by my side.” Alkrevas slowly stood and cupped Luna’s face. “Give me a chance. I will prove that our mate bond is real and atone for my sins to you.”

“But how can I give you what you want when I fear you?” Luna decided to admit the one thing that weighed heavily on her heart-the most significant reason she wanted to return to her world.

“I don’t hate you anymore, but I fear you. All I saw last night haunted me, even in my dreams. You, it was my first time, and what you did last night, tearing those bodies apart…” Luna was startled when she realized her fear wasn’t because Norris mated with her but because of the murder scene. “What if I make a mistake and you kill me?”

“I won’t do that, little mate.” Then he embraced Luna tightly. He closed his eyes and held Luna, who was trying to break free.

“Please. Don’t be afraid of me. Please, don’t be afraid of me… please…” Alkrevas whispered in Luna’s ear. Slowly, Luna’s muscles relaxed, and she fell deeper into Alkrevas’s embrace. Her body went limp, and she buried her face in the man’s shirt-clad chest.

It felt so warm… Luna had never had a place she could call home. Is this what it feels like to have a home? The pleasant warmth. Tears streamed down her cheeks even more.

“One month. Give me one month to show my sincerity, and during that month, I will keep Norris from meeting you unless you want him to. And if you still want to return to your world after one month, I will grant it.” Alkrevas suddenly said.

“I will accompany you. I will go with you.” Then he released the embrace that enveloped Luna’s body and cupped her face with both hands. “On the condition that you stop making plans to leave me. Let go of that fae woman.”


“You just need to trust me.”

“I don’t know…”

“I will give you until tomorrow evening to think about it.” Alkrevas stared intently at Luna’s face, waiting for her agreement. When he saw Luna nod, Alkrevas breathed a sigh of relief.

“During that month, I want to get to know you,” Luna spoke softly.

Alkrevas’s face blossomed with a smile. “Of course. You can ask me anything about myself.”

Alpha, Duke Veniam wants to meet you. Suddenly, Savon contacted him through a mind link. During the mind link, his gaze turned vacant and cloudy.

Tell him to wait for me in the study. After that, Alkrevas blinked his eyes back into focus and walked toward the door, saying, “We can continue our conversation during our walk later this afternoon.” Luna nodded.

When Alkrevas had left, and Luna was alone in the sunroom, she realized something after a few moments, “Wow, I didn’t have an outburst since I opened my eyes.” Luna couldn’t help but smile at her thoughts. “Was Alkrevas waiting for that dramatic moment?” But the smile slowly faded from her face, and Luna stared at the blue sky through the window. “I don’t know if I should give him a chance… and if I do, what about Ghea?”

And could she handle facing Norris again? What if last night’s incident was repeated?

If she wanted to give Alkrevas a chance, it meant she had to overcome the trauma within herself and all the emotions festering in her heart.

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