LUNA: Alpha’s Soulmate from Another World

Ghea’s Help (1)

It didn’t take long for Luna to wait for Alkrevas’s meeting with Duke Veniam to end because after waiting for about ten minutes, Sigmund approached her and said that the Emperor was waiting for her in his office. Luna breathed a sigh of relief and slowly stood up, asking Judith to wait for her before following Sigmund. Upon arriving at the Emperor’s office, Luna encountered Duke Veniam, who was talking with Beta Savon and Gamma Mathias. From the expressions on their faces, Luna guessed that something was going on that made all three men look tense.

Hearing her footsteps, the three men turned towards her and bowed respectfully, greeting her, which Luna warmly returned. “Are you here to see His Majesty, Miss Luna?” Gamma Mathias asked with a small smile.

Luna nodded and shifted her gaze from Gamma Mathias to Duke Veniam, feeling his intense and fixed stare. Luna looked at him in confusion. “You should go in, Miss Luna, His Majesty must be waiting for you inside.” Gamma Mathias’s voice broke Luna’s confusion, and she nodded. After giving a final greeting, Luna entered the room, accompanied by Sigmund.

“Your Majesty, Miss Luna is here,” Sigmund said, bowing and stepping out of the room. Luna breathed when she saw Alkrevas sitting seriously in his office chair. He held a document in his hand, and when Luna glanced to the right side of the desk, she saw a stack of other papers. Just like this morning at breakfast, his appearance was still perfect. Except now, he had removed his coat and was wearing only a gray waistcoat over a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Luna bowed, spreading the skirt of her dress, and murmured a greeting to the Emperor. She could swear she saw him smiling amusedly.

Alkrevas placed the document he was holding on the desk and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. His brown eyes scrutinized Luna before asking, “What brings you to see me? It’s not like you to take the initiative to come.”

Alkrevas signaled to Zyne, standing in the corner of the room, to step out and give them privacy. Once the butler left them alone, Alkrevas continued, “And you don’t need to be formal with me anymore; there’s no one else here besides us.”

“At least I practiced Judith’s palace etiquette lessons.”

With a nod, Alkrevas stood up. He walked around the desk and leaned against the corner of it. “Sit,” he said, gesturing with his eyes toward the set of sofas on the right side of the room. Luna nodded and walked to the couch. She didn’t want to talk, standing right in front of Alkrevas.

She didn’t know her body’s response to whether he intended to do something strange. Luna didn’t want to embarrass herself more than she had yesterday. “So?”

“I want to talk about your offer.”

“Alright. What about my offer? Do you want to give me your answer now?”

Luna was momentarily silent, thinking of the right words to convey her intentions without offending and making him angry. In his anger, Alkrevas could withdraw his offer and choose to lock her in the chamber as before.

Luna took a deep breath and looked straight into Alkrevas’s eyes. “Can I trust you? If I accept your offer and after one month I still want to return, you won’t go back on your word and will let me return to my world.”

“I am indeed a tyrant and kill people easily, but I never break my promises.”

Luna nodded. “If that’s the case, I want you to call off your men who are trying to capture Ghea. After all, she isn’t a criminal. She’s just helping me return to my world.”

“I can’t do that.”


“She has already collaborated with a black witch, little mate. Black witches are criminals. Not only the empire, but the Magic Tower also considers black magic forbidden.” Alkrevas paused momentarily, “Speaking of that, I must start searching for that black witch again because of your actions.”

“I… I didn’t know… I’m sorry.”

Alkrevas didn’t prolong the matter, saying, “You can ask me for something else. If you want the things you brought from your world, I will give them to you.” Luna instantly looked up at him with bright, hopeful eyes. “But on one condition.”


“I want to see you wearing those clothes.”

Luna frowned. Pervert, she grumbled inwardly. She then thought about Alkrevas’s words. If she accepted his offer, what about Ghea? Would she be disappointed in her? Especially since the man making the offer was the one who killed Ghea’s brother. Luna was again filled with confusion, but Alkrevas’s offer was tempting. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip anxiously. Lost in her internal struggle, Luna didn’t realize Alkrevas had moved closer and was sitting on the table right before her. Opening her eyes, she gasped to see Alkrevas’s face close to hers.

“Y-you… why… you…?” Luna stammered. Her entire body heated up, and she trembled as Alkrevas gently stroked her arm, sending a familiar spark through her. Luna swallowed and whispered, “Step back, give me some space to-unggh!” She moaned softly as Alkrevas’s fingers touched the claimed mark he had left on her right neck.

“I won’t disappoint you, Luna,” Alkrevas murmured in a husky voice. His brown eyes stared intensely into Luna’s dark brown eyes.

“If you say yes, I swear you won’t regret your decision.” He curved the corners of his lips into a small, seductive smile. Alkrevas’s brown eyes briefly moved down to look at Luna’s red lips before returning to her eyes.

“I will fulfill all your desires and treat you as the luckiest woman.” Then Alkrevas touched Luna’s chin, “And I will give you pleasure every time. Don’t you like my touch?”

“Alkrevas, step back, you’re making me…” Luna didn’t finish her sentence because she felt something soft on her lips. Her eyes widened before she slowly closed them, immersing herself in Alkrevas’s gentle kiss. Just as Luna began to enjoy the kiss he was giving, Alkrevas smiled and pulled away, breaking the connection of their lips. Luna let out a soft groan of dissatisfaction. “You… you’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

Alkrevas licked Luna’s lips and whispered, “Why would I tease my own soulmate?” Then he stepped back and folded his arms, making his bicep muscles bulge and become visible. Luna swallowed hard and felt her heart pounding so fast it was annoying. Why? She should hate him more and avoid him after the harrowing incident in the dungeon, but why was she getting closer to him and feeling like a teenage girl experiencing her first love?

Wait a minute! Was she falling in love? That’s impossible! She hadn’t only known Alkrevas briefly, and their first meeting left a wrong impression. She even hated Alkrevas. What was with all these changes? She could find reasons not to hate him anymore, but love? No. No. She shouldn’t forgive his actions, but his apology… Luna stood up and walked to the door, leaving Alkrevas sitting on the table with a mysterious expression.

Luna paused for a moment. She turned and saw Alkrevas still in the same position, allowing her to see only his back and the back of his head. Luna took a breath and made a decision. We need your things, Luna, so you can return, Ghea’s words suddenly echoed in her mind.

Luna clenched her fists tightly. “Luna, if you’re asking if you can trust me, I should be asking the same thing,” Alkrevas murmured, then turned to look at Luna over his shoulder, making her only able to see the side of his face. She couldn’t read the emotions in his deep brown eyes, but somehow, Luna’s body trembled from being the subject of his gaze. “Can I trust you?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Luna’s heart stopped for a moment. She swallowed because her throat felt so dry, and she wanted to get as far away from Alkrevas as possible. “I… you can trust me.” Luna said softly, “I should go now and not disturb your work any further. Good day.”

With that, Luna left the room, leaving Alkrevas on the table with his head bowed. A soft chuckle escaped his mouth, and suddenly, a loud laugh filled the room. Alkrevas covered his face with his hands, continuing to laugh until the laughter abruptly stopped, and he stared sharply at the spot where Luna had been sitting, showing his dangerously obsessive nature.

“Is that so? Unfortunately, I don’t believe your words,” he muttered to the room’s silence. He took a deep breath, inhaling Luna’s natural scent that dominated his office, making Norris restless in his mind. “Damon.”

Immediately, a man in a black robe, hood, and mask emerged from the room’s darkness. A long sword sheathed in a scabbard hung at his waist. The man’s golden eyes looked at the influential figure sitting on the table before kneeling on one knee. “You called for me, my Lord? What is it?”

“What about the task I gave you?”

“The target is in an abandoned house in the Borj district. They blend in with the locals to evade the knights and trackers you assigned.”

Alkrevas sighed softly and slowly stood up. He put one hand in his pants pocket and then pulled out a chunk of gemstone. Alkrevas could feel the black magic mana emanating from the gem fragment, and he smiled, guessing that the gem fragment Mathias found in front of the secret door was used as storage for tracking magic that Luna used to find the dungeon. Alkrevas turned, walked to the desk, placed the gem fragment on it, and said, “Keep watching, Damon.”

“Yes, my Lord?”

Alkrevas looked at Damon, the commander of the elite intelligence unit, ‘The Shadow.’ True to its name, ‘The Shadow’ was the Emperor’s shadow, operating directly under its command. Their existence was like a myth; no one knew if ‘The Shadow’ was real because no one had ever seen the secret force in action, and those who had seen them were either buried underground or turned to ashes. Members of ‘The Shadow’ were hybrids possessing different strengths-for example, the late Emperor of the Vasilos Empire, Alkrevas’s father.

The late Emperor Heizen was a hybrid, with the wizard and lycan blood flowing through his veins, and this bloodline was passed down to Alkrevas. Damon himself was a hybrid with demons and werewolf blood. Alkrevas was the one who subdued Damon and made him submit, as Damon was previously a free hybrid, like the other members of ‘The Shadow.’

‘The Shadow’ is bound by a unique pact that causes each member to die if their master dies. This is why ‘The Shadow’ has different members in each regime. When Alkrevas ascended the throne, he found hybrids with the most significant potential and subdued them all to become The Shadow. Alkrevas smiled and said, “Damon, I want you to watch over my soulmate.”

“Yes, my Lord.” With that, Damon left, leaving Alkrevas alone in his room. He walked over to the window and stared at the view of his private garden with a vacant look.

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