Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 45: Were Lucky

Chapter 45: Were Lucky

Glen's POV

"Stop playing around already and just eat your food since it's already about time to go for class" my

brother suddenly scolded and we all look at him and saw him eating properly making us fix ourselves

and eat properly too.

"About the mentor-mentee program—just be prepared since they might announce it whenever

everything is ready and has settled down, so just prepare for it" he continued and smiled at us.

(Even though you try to hide your emotions but once that will be filled it would overflow and there's

always a chance it would spill and they would notice it) I said in my mind before I continued to eat my

food in silence.

"What do you think would my mentee look like?" I hear Kaylee asked making me look at her and saw

her tapping her finger tips on the table while thinking.

(I bet that she is thinking to have a handsome kid that she will ravage—I mean teach, my thought

slipped there) I then saw her smile in an uncomfortable manner making me tap her shoulders and she

looked at me in confusion.

"Don't even think about it Lee, please you are going to protect the kid and not the other way around" I

said to her and she puts her arms around my neck and Mark just give us an amused chuckle making

me dodge Lee's arm and look at him.

"It goes the same for you too" I scolded him and he then shuts up.

"Don't worry dear couz I will never do that" Kaylee said making me eye her and she withdraws her

hands and raise it in the air telling me that she doesn't care.

I simply just stare at her and she looked uncomfortable since I doubt her.

"I promise" she said and I nod at her but still hesitant before we all stand up and went to put our plates

on the counter.

We then separated ways since both Kaylee and I have our class on the other building.

"Glen— I am— nothing... never mind" my brother said before he walks off like he was kind of troubled

making me sigh in defeat.

"Are you okay?" Kaylee said while putting her hands on my shoulder and I look at her in worry.

"He is still trying to cope with it. He is not just like you, you know. He needs more time" she said and I

look at her.

"I understand that but I'm already getting worried about him. It's already been a week and still he won't

even talk to me. Look at you, you're already good to go and can eat a whole horse" I argued and she

glared at me before I close my eyes and looks away.

She suddenly taps my shoulders and I open my eyes and look at her. She was motioning me to look in

front and I did and saw my brother's back walking away from us before they both disappeared in the


"Then try to talk to him again and besides Glen we all cope in different pace and we might not be as

lucky as you who could adapt immediately but still, we try" she honestly said which caught me off guard

making me sigh for the millionth time and I looked at him.

"I guess so..." I said calmly while taking a deep breath since I got a little bit hit when she said that they

are not like me who could adapt easily.

"That's what I plan after class and I want your help by the way" I said when I manage to calm down

myself and then I turn around and started walking to our class.

"Wait.... Why do you need my help? What are you going to do?" she said when she caught up with me

and I just give her a silly smile.

"I will tell you later since going to class is more important today" I said to her and she just smiled at me

before we went to our class.

"Your still you, right" she said before we go to class.


Kaylee's POV

The incident already stopped and I was very lucky that I am one of those students who survived. I look

at glen who is listening to the lecture. He is calm as ever and back to his self while me on the other

hand is still not.

(Even though I show him a tough expression like nothing ever happen but deep inside me I am still not

over it-- and maybe he too is like that...)

A memory suddenly appeared in my eyes and I froze but I shake it immediately. It was the memory

when I felt that Glen's magic energy nearly faded.

I still look at him and very thankful that he is alive and that he had save me back then.

(I owe my life to him. He risked his life knowing that the consequence of his action is his life) I thought

before I look sad and when he looks back at me, I immediately smile at him and he smiled at me too

before he looks in front.

(Thank all magic that he became my family and I am very lucky to have him. He might always be like a

funny guy that don't take everything seriously and more of a game but once he determined about

something, he will take it seriously especially if it involves family) I sigh before slumping on the table

while still looking at him back.

"I really envy that attitude of yours but sometimes I also wonder how you really fell deep inside" I

mumble before taking a deep breath and averted my gaze to the board and tried to listen to what the

teacher is talking about to help me not over think about it.


Class was finished in the blink of an eye and now I have a class without Glen so we both said our

goodbyes before we went into separate hallways since I will have magic lessons and he will have

combative lesson.

"See you later alligator" he joked and I followed him before we both chuckled at our silliness—well he

started it.

I came to my class and I suddenly meet the one and only Antonette who just walk at the other hallway.

I immediately tried to ignore her and walk even faster but she spoke making me stop on my tracks.

"Stop" she said seriously and I did.

(What does she want now? Can't she see that I don't want to talk to her) I groan in annoyance but I

didn't do it loud since (You know she is good with potions and you never know she might poison me

one day. Though I think that might be too late already since I already got on her bad side)

I then turn around and smiled at her widely.

"Oh hello there what—"

"Drop the act " she suddenly said seriously cutting whatever I will say.

(This damn bitch she didn't even let me finish and here I am being nice and she is always bitching

making me want to slam that sassy face on the floor all the way down the stairs-- but that would only be

in my mind) I was already getting annoyed with her and my forehead is wrinkling in anger but I stop

myself from doing so since I am not wild you know.

(I'm not that like that. I can be crazy sometimes but I'm not wild you know)

"Then I will go first since class is about to start" I said and drop my smile and give her a bored one too.

I then turn around and when I did not hear her talk but when I was about to walk, she responded.

"I heard that some saw that Tobios was carrying that pathetic boy to the infirmary during that incident"

she said and the anger that I was trying to calm a while ago fire up again when she said the word


I slowly turned around and look at her in anger.

"I just wanted to know why he is being carried by Tobios" she sassily said while ignoring the kind of

expression that I have.

(Oh this girl really has the guts I say) I thought while I'm really starting to get pissed already to the point

I want to really slam her face on the floor.

"Why do you even care Bitch?" I said emphasizing the last word and I saw her glare at me but I just

ignored it like what she did to me a while ago.

(Does it hurt.. then better watch your words when you are talking to me) I wanted to tell her that but I

manage to stop myself since I don't want to make things even more complicated.

"You—" she said and stopped before glaring at me. I just give her a blank expression before I turned

around again and leave but suddenly, she held my arm and spin me around and it caught me off guard.

We are both looking at each other’s eye to eye and now I know that we are both at the same height.

She was gripping my arm and I then sway her hand harshly and then fix my sleeves.

"What was that for?" I said while raising my voice a little bit in irritation while fixing my sleeves.

"Nobody turns their backs on me when I'm talking. I ask a question and you answer got that" she said

while getting mad making me look at her in disbelief.

"Damn... you can turn your back at other when they are talking yet you are getting worked up when

others turn their back when you are talking. How arrogant you are" I said trying to lecture her and she

was taken aback by what I just said before I glared at her.

"Why are you even asking me this? Isn't that Tobios guy be the one whom you should be asking this

and not me? I was also wondering why did he carry Glen" I said and then suddenly someone talked

making both of us look at the owner of the voice and it was our teacher startling us.

"Is everything fine here ladies?" she asked and I just give her a smile and talk before going in.

"Oh nothing ma'am, she was just asking me something. By the way we are just going inside" I said

cheerfully and then she nods and I was the first one to enter followed by her and the teacher.

"Tsk..... why is she even asking me the reason? Haven't she heard too that I was unconscious that time

too" I mumble to myself before I went to sit down at my usual spot.

"Damn that girl nearly ruined my mood thank goodness that I like this subject and it always calms my

nerves when I feel a little bit not me" I continued while fixing the bottles that I need since we are going

to make potions today which somewhat irritated me since that bitch specializes in this.

Well even though I still like to mix these liquids to create something. I kind of like when the mixture

explodes by the way and I am still anxiously waiting for that scene to happen since so far as we started

nobody had any mistakes and we all manage to make good potions.

"Okay mix the red bottle with the black bottle and be sure to pour it carefully in the container" the

teacher said while warning the students.

"Okay then you can all begin and follow the instruction carefully" she finished and everyone started with

their own potions.

I then also took the bottles that I need since it was all on the table and we just have to follow the

instructions written on the board.

"Very good Antonette" I heard the teacher praised her and I turn around to look at them and she was

already finished and what pissed me off was that she was looking at me and smirking like she was Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

telling me that I am better than you.

Though I just brush it off and look at the potions in front of me. (Trying to show off are you. Who cares

anyway) I thought while I took both the bottles and I started pouring the red bottle carefully to the

container and I did it successfully and then I poured the other one too and it was successful. Then I

mixed it carefully just like what is in the instruction that I was reading and it suddenly created a poof

sound and then the color of the mixture suddenly turned into maroon.

"You did well Kaylee" I was suddenly startled when the teacher praised me too and thank goodness

that I didn't scream at her in shock.

"Thank you" I said shyly and then she went to look at the other students work. I then turn around to

look at the potion that I made and I eyed it.

(Honestly deep down in me I want to make the potion explode—really I do the excitement makes me

anxious and itch to add something to the potion just like in the movies that I have watched. The part

when the potion got a mistake and the entire lab explodes. I want to have that experience and ever

since we started making potions my hands are really itching to make one of the potions explode) I sigh

in frustration before I look at the potion once again.

"Damn when could I experience something fun like that" I mumble while looking desperate when

suddenly our teacher shouted, I got excited and freaken smile widely.

"Maybe this is it" I said excitedly while looking at my potion.

"DID YOU ADD THAT BLUE BOTTLE?" she asked in panic and suddenly the excitement in me is

starting to get anxious and even though I mentioned it a while ago I will tell it again, I was smiling


"Finally--" I mumble and turn around and look at them.

"--I will finally get to experience it" I continued and saw that the teacher immediately grabs the bottle

and tossed it in the air away from the students and she shouted that all of us should duck and we all


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" everyone screamed as the bottle exploded in the air and the room was not

covered in smokes like what I expected but still I had experience something like this which I always

want and I was fucking smiling in joy while on the floor covering myself from the explosion.

"THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING" I shouted while everyone screams in shock. Then we all stand up when

the explosion stopped and look at the damage the explosion did. The substance that I could only tell

that it looks like slime was scattered around the lab and even on the other students near it.

But one thing made as all gasp in shock our teacher's upper body took all the damage because it was

all covered with substance making her look funny. I immediately bit my lip and resisted to laugh that I

even bow my head and slowly duck again on the floor so that she won't notice me since she was

daring all of us to laugh at her.

But honestly speaking I was practically laughing so hard in my head and I bet it's the same with

everyone in the room too.

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