Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 35: Rescue Kaylee Part 1

Chapter 35: Rescue Kaylee Part 1

Glen's POV

"Say what... that she's already dead"

That keeps on repeating in my head. (She can't possibly die here right... she can't) I clench my fist and

grit my teeth while looking at the floor in disbelief.

"Don't fucking say that" I cursed and look at him in the eye while making myself braver but he just

laughs at me.

"So your being the hero aye… you think you can save her. How delusional are you" he said while


"Tobios stop that already" Sir Tanner said trying to stop us from getting into another fight.

Nope he needs to get his head out of his dreamland. And face reality here I heard him say.

"She’s dead"

"She’s dead"

"She’s dead"

It keeps on repeating in my head.

My emotions suddenly overtook my body and I unconsciously clench my fist and punch his face making

him stop laughing and groan in pain while looking at me.

I was suddenly brought back to my senses and saw what I have done. Surprised with my reaction I

immediately look at him and tried to speak.

"I...I'm.... so...sorry...I ...didn't mean to punch you" I said while looking at him guilty while I look at my

hands in shame.

(Why did I punch him? Why did) I asked myself in shock. I then look at him and saw that his face was

tilted to the left and you can see the bruise that I made. It was evident in his cheeks because it turned


"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do that" I said and tried to get near him and look at the damage so that

I could help him but he snapped at me making me pull my hand immediately and stop when I tried

reaching his face.

He glared at me dangerously making me flinch and step back away from him.

He immediately went close to me and grabs my collar and raise me up that my feet are already off the


You really are asking to die aren’t you he said dangerously while he looks at me in the eye.

I was now getting scared while he grips unto my collar making me choke so a hold unto his hands and

try to ease the pain that I’m feeling in my neck.

"TOBIOS LET HIM GO ALREADY" Sir Tanner shouted making as he came near us and try to pry

Tobios’ hands from my collar.

"Glen come on"

"Hey don’t cry again"

"I'll back you up"

"Thank you Glen"

Memories of Kaylee suddenly appeared in my mind and a painful feeling is starting to make me feel

hard to breathe like something in my chest feels so heavy.

"I'm not trying to be a hero... but... she is my family and I can’t let her die. Even though I'm weak I still

got to try right" I said while tears are starting to fall down my cheeks.

"Even if it is a delusional idea I got to try right" I said in a painful voice. Tears are now falling in my eyes

and I can’t stop them.

I looked at him and ignored the pain that I’m feeling and the tears that are falling down my cheeks.

"I'm really sorry but I need to help her" I seriously said to him and saw him look taken a back maybe by

my determination or whatever it is.

He scowls and let me go making me fall down on the ground and I just stay for that in a moment. I saw

his shadow walk away and Sir Tanner went to try and talk to him.

I suddenly heard again her voice and shiver in horror when I heard her voice that looks like she is

about to--

(NO NO.. no) I shake my head and I immediately look at the door and shiver in fear, fear that if I really

won’t do something I might regret it for the rest of my life.

I look Sir and Tobios and they were near the window. Tobios was trying to massage his cheeks while

Sir was scolding him. Suddenly I got a determination and I immediately took the opportunity that they

are distracted and stand up and turn around then I open the door.

"GLEN GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR" I heard Sir Tanner shouted and I turn around and saw them

looking at me in shock. I look at Tobios and he was looking at me like he doesn't believe what I was

going to do.

I turn around and close my eyes and entered the fog of smokes. The smoke didn't push me back like

what happened to Sir Tanner, otherwise it accepted me and let me in.

"Wait for me Lee and I’m going to come and get you" I said suddenly I got sucked in and went in

deeper inside the abyss.

I can hear that Sir Tanner is calling me to come back but then suddenly I got shocked when I also hear

Tobios shouting at me.

I turn around and saw that the door disappeared in the air and I could hear nothing and only feel this

chilling sensation in the air.

The smokes are so thick that it is blocking my vision. I can't even see anything that much and it feels

like you have just entered another world since my body suddenly got heavy and my breathing is

starting to get heavy and it gets hard to breathe.

I felt like suffocating making my vision to get blurry making me fall on the ground and try catching my

breath. It was very hard since my body feels heavy and it's really hard to breathe.

It felt like the air around you are becoming less and less.

"I need to find Kaylee" I mumble while on the ground trying to control my breathing to try and keep it


I was groaning on the ground while I still try to gain control of my breathing and suddenly, I recovered

and regained myself again. I slowly stand up again and adjusted with the surroundings but still it’s the

same. It's hard to breath and my body feels heavy but I can manage it now.

"Kaylee please be alright" I mumble while looking around since the fog started to lessen and you can

see something not like a while ago that it was so thick that you can't see your surroundings and just

only dark smoke.

I immediately look around trying to spot if Kaylee is just around but I saw no one near me and saw that

this not just the outside of the room making me looked shocked.

I looked around the area and saw that there are no people around making me get worried but I didn't

give up and look around.

"KAYLEE WHERE ARE YOU" I scream as I look around.

Everywhere I look is only full of dark smokes. I can't even see anything beyond.

I panicked and I still look around trying to spot some clues that could lead me to her or anyone around.

Please be safe I beg in fear while looking around in panic since I still cant find her.

Smoke of the Dark Abyss..... a dangerous effect of someone being consumed by their strong emotions that they are being

controlled by it. The person can't feel that he/she is falling and being consumed by his/her emotion but

the people near him/her could see it since if the person will be consumed dark smokes will start to

appear near her. The smokes will immediately appear ones the victim is already falling into the abyss....

I kept on turning around maybe Kaylee is just here waiting for me.

"Kaylee where are you" I keep on shouting maybe she might hear it.

(Please be safe Kaylee. Wait for me because I'm coming to get you) I was now already panting and

looking scared as I look around to find her.

"Where did she go? Where is she?" I mutter while falling on my knees. I stare at the ground looking at


....they say that when you come in contact with these smokes you will also fall into the dark abyss like

the person who is falling and you would suffer too....

"Kaylee.... Kaylee..... KAYLEEEEE" I screamed while kept on running trying to see if I could see her.

"GIVE HER BACK" shouted after a raise my head and stand up. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

(Please don't leave me here. Please wait for me. I'm sorry. It's my entire fault I shouldn’t have made

you go out and you could just have stay inside with me)

I was already panting more and breathing deeply while I try to find her. My voice is already cracking

and I'm getting tired of shouting.

"Please Kaylee where are you. Talk to me, Kaylee... Kaylee" I scream on the top of my lungs.

I was anxious and exhausted while looking around the place that I don’t even know where this is.

Adrenaline rush is pouring to my body as I ran and look around in panic.

I didn't notice that I was already crying until I felt that my cheeks where suddenly wet.

I thought that maybe it was sweat but when I stopped and touch my cheeks and they were really wet.

"So I'm really crying aren't I" I brush it off and continued to find her.

So now I was crying while looking around like a lost puppy looking for his own master.

"Please I beg of you. Kaylee" I look up and scream with all my energy as I fall down on the ground.

...but unlike the one responsible for the fog. They will only feel that they are trapped but the people who

got caught by the smokes will suffer. The smokes will exhaust them until they die...

I immediately open my eyes and shut it again. My whole body is starting to hurts but I can't stop here

so I pushed myself and stay focused on trying to find her.

"I won't let... let this happen. I... I can't just let this happen" I state while raising my head.

"Fuckkk, damn it" I curse while trying to raise my head and stand up. It was so hard since my body is

starting to get weak that it’s hard to maintain my balance.

"Kaylee where are you?" I shouted while trying to look around again.

Even though all parts of my body are exhausted and being weakened by these smokes. I can't let this

be the end of me.

I then suddenly heard a groan at the other side of the corner making me immediately glance at it and

got alerted with the sound so I rushed to see it hoping it was her.

"Please.." I begged while I turn to the corner

I hear her voice again making me look smile and sigh in relief that I now find her.

But suddenly I step into something hard and lose my balance and fall again into the ground. I cursed

when I felt my body hit the ground.

My body started to ached like it was being pierced by something. It feels like my body is being torn into


"ARGGHHHHHHHH" I screamed in pain as I groan on the ground in pain.

I close my eyes and think that (Is this the end of me huh. Am I going to die here? Am I not going to see

my family again-- I'm going to d--)

"NO I CANT DIE HERE" I shouted and forced to slowly open my eyes but then my body hurts and I

closed it again but when I nearly shut my eyes I saw a body lying on the ground just a few meters from


I immediately recognize the person and I felt so relived.

"Kaylee" I mutter before I gather all of my strength and then force myself to get up.

"I can't give up... not today... and mostly I won't die here" I gather all my strength and push my whole

body off the ground.

"Hey Glen you see that flower it's beautiful" Kaylee said while happily pointing at a flower.

"Glen come here there's ice cream here" she said while holding two cup of ice cream.

"Are you alright, Glen you look like a vampire who has pale skin" she said in worry but manage to make

a joke at the end.

"Hey Glen..."


"NOT YET" I shouted before I’m now fully on my knees.

Even though I was limping I slowly approach her laying body on the ground. I drop on my knees when I

was already near and close to her.

"Kaylee...." I cried while looking at her lifeless body. Her eyes were closed and she was frozen still.

But suddenly-- "Glen help me" a faint voice said surprising me so I immediately look at her face but still

her eyes were closed. (She might be trying to reach me)

I caress her face while tears are falling on my cheeks. If this was just an ordinary day, I would have

tease at her for having nightmare but this is not just an ordinary day.

"I'm here Kaylee, I'm here already" I mutter before looking at her figure.

(What really happened to you Kaylee?) I look around our area and saw nothing but only smokes. I can

still feel my body weakening as time goes by.

Don’t worry we are going to get out of this mess I said while looking at her in shock.

Then suddenly a memory flashed my mind...

"Teacher... teacher, I have a question" I said raising my hands.

"Sure Glen go on" the teacher said making me smile.

"Can we ever escape and get out of the Smoke of the Dark Abyss one's we were caught by it" I asked

my teacher back then.

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