Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 87: 87 Surprisal

Chapter 87: 87 Surprisal


- the state of being surprised



Seeing Nick holding our baby, just puts me into tears. I'm crying too much that I want to tell him already that that baby is his but then what will Damon do if he'll know Nick is the father? I don't want to ruin Nick's image now that he has his own family too even though I know that's not his child from Dakota, he's still publicly known as the father.

I wouldn't want to ruin that.

"She's beautiful Savannah." Nick turns to me with tears in his eyes.

I opened my arms to him and I didn't even say anything anymore because I'm already too exhausted. Nick bends down and placed my baby on top of me as I carefully wrap my arms around her. I tiring smile plasters on my face and I'm too happy to see her finally out of me. I'm so tired but hearing her cry is just beautiful music to my ears. My tears filled my eyes and they're falling on my cheeks but I feel so relieved to see the fruit of our love. She's already on my hand and I'm already holding her.

"Congratulations." The doctor says to us.

God! I'm definitely not having a second child just yet. That was tiring!

"What will you name her?" Nick asked.

I take a longer look at Nick and I was thinking of possible names that I could name our baby. I think deeply on everything we've been through and what could I name her that relates to us. I want a name what would help me remember Nick. I want a name that would have an impact to me when Nick will be gone away. This scene won't last long. The day after this, he'll go back to his own family in New York. Finally I had one in mind, I smiled at him.

"Melissa." I say.

Nick stares at me eagerly and I know something is on his mind.

"Just like--"

"Your mom's." I cut him off.

I smiled again. "I want to name her Melissa, like your mother's."

He stares at me for a while and kissed my forehead.


"Have you informed Damon?" I ask Nick while he was busy cleaning up the table after he ate.

It was already ten in the evening and I'm sure as hell Damon is already out of his mind thinking where I could have gone since last night. I don't want to inform him that I finally delivered the baby out because he won't really care about it anyways. The doctor had cured my bruises too and I'm worried if Nick had informed Dakota that he's with me.

"After what he did to you? He doesn't have the right to know about this." He says angrily.

"Nick he's still my husband."

He angrily place the plate down on the table and I flinch. "Damn it Savannah!"

He adds, "He clearly doesn't deserve you! Nor your baby! Look at you for gods sake! A rightful husband won't hit his wife!"

I sigh.

I curse the moment he saw my bruises. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

"He did this to you while you were pregnant? Does he even know how to take care of you?" He asked.

"Nick. Calm down. I'm alright."

"You're not alright!" He exclaims.

He runs his fingers through his hair.

"I'm so mad at him for hitting you. How long has he done this to you? Was this the thing you were about to tell Aries when you accidentally dialed my number instead?" He asked.

I couldn't say anything to him because he is undeniably angry right now and I'm scared of what he could do to Damon. I don't know why I'm defending Damon after what he has done to me. I don't know why I'm scared for Damon now that Nick knows what he's done. And even though I want Nick and Aries to beat his ass for what he did to me, I can't be that evil.

"Nick. I'm alright now." I say.

"You're not safe with him."

"I am."

"God Savannah! You are not! You're not! He's fucking hurting you and that's not okay with me!"

He walks to me and sits down on my bed. He holds my cheek and I could see pure anger behind those contrasting blue eyes of his.

"I couldn't even lay a finger on you but he does it so easily." He say weakly.

"You deserve better than this." He adds.

I smiled. "People deserve second chances Nick."

"Why didn't you give me one then?"

My heart breaks.

I quickly looked away from his gaze because watching him looking at me, hurts like a knife stabbed on my back running down along by spine. It hurts so much to think about it and I know we're both hurt by this situation we are in. And me, stuck in between wanting to tell Nick the truth and keeping it as a secret from him until I could take it.

"Why did you name your baby after my mother's name?" He asked.

I move my head to him.

"You won't let me?" I ask.

He smiles. "I'm not saying I won't allow you to. I just want to know why."

Because it's yours.

I smile ruefully. "I don't know. I just want to name her after your mother."

He nods.

Slowly, I grabbed his hand and held it. He looks at our hands holding onto each other and before he could pull his head up to look at me, he kissed the back of my hand. He looks up at me and smiled at me so handsomely.

"Give me a second name." I say.

"Shouldn't Damon do that?"

I shake my head. "I want your opinion."

He pursed his lips and having deep thoughts about possible names that he could think. Whatever he'll like, I'll definitely like it too. Melissa is also his baby and it would be unfair for his part if he won't give the second name.

"Nirvana." He jokes.

I smile. "That's a band. Be serious. Come on." I chuckle.

He laughs softly. "Okay. Sorry. How about...Nicole."

I smile. "Nicole?" I questioned.

He smirks. "I was the one who was with you when you gave birth to her. I have the credit to name her after me. Nicholas. Nicole."

I shyly smiled. "Melissa Nicole."

Both of us went quiet and his eyes we're looking directly at me.

"Hmmm, sounds like something is missing on it." I commented.

"Nicole." He repeats.

We went quiet for about two minutes or ten and I couldn't think about possible names that we could use anymore because I want him to give our baby a second name.

"Nicholeen." He blurted out.

My brows creasing.

"Combination of my name, Nicholas, and your second name which is Coleen." He adds.

A smile suddenly appears on my face and I quickly loved it the moment when I heard it from him. He went quiet and just looked at me as if he said something wrong.

"I was joking." He snaps.

"Damon won't allow that. I'm sorry. I'll think of another one." He adds.

I shake my head. "I love it."

He looks at me intently.

"Melissa Nicholeen." I say.

I smile at him. "It sounds complete now. It's beautiful."

He smiles back and says, "Melissa Nicholeen.... Patricks." His voice weakens when he mentioned Damon's surname.

I bent my head down and felt a little bit guilty for not telling Nick that it's his.

Melissa Nicholeen Wilde.


All of a sudden the door opens wide and my heart jumped when I saw Damon standing by the doorway. I don't like this. I really don't like where this is gonna go. He looks at my hand holding onto Nick's hand. Nick looked at me and then moved his head to where I was looking. He quickly stood from the bed and the least thing I would want to happen inside this hospital room is them fighting.

I see Nick curling his hand into a ball and I know he is really seriously mad. Damon looks at me and he's mad too. Of course, he's mad over what I did last night. I left him out of the blue without telling him where I was going. And now, I'm in one room with a man holding his hand. Thirdly, he's mad for sure because Nick saw my bruises. I wish I could stand from my bed but I'm too weak, the stitches still hurt and my IV line isn't too long to reach them.

"You didn't come home last night not giving me a call where the hell you were." Damon starts while he steps in and closed the door behind him.

Nick inhales and exhales heavily.

"My water broke last night and he helped me." I say as an excuse, hiding the fact that I spent a quick time with Nick at the garden planetarium.

"Damn right. The garden planetarium? Paying the security to exclusively have your little date with Mr. Wilde behind my back?!" Damon raises his voice.

"If you're forgetting you're in a hospital, there are other patients in here. I'm reminding you." Nick says.

"Screw you." Damon spits.

Damon starts walking closer to me but Nick uses his body to cover me. He doesn't want Damon to come close to me. When Damon was close enough, Nick grabs his elbow tightly and the second they were close, I worried what would happen inside this small room for the three of us. I'm too scared.

"Try coming near her again and I'll hit you." Nick warns him.

Damon pulls his arm so strongly away from Nick and laughs softly.

"You don't scare me Nicholas Wilde."

"You don't even scare the living shit out of me Damon Patricks."

Damon grins. "She's my wife. Mine and not yours you one little fucker."

Nick grabs Damon's collar and landed his fist on his face. I gasped and wanted to pull Nick away from Damon. But Damon picks himself up and quicker threw himself at Nick.

"Stop!" I yelled then I feel my wound opening a little. I wince.

Damon grabs Nick's collar and continuously hitting him. I wanted to do something. I wanted to run to Damon and pull him away from Nick but I couldn't reach them. Nick wiggles himself away from Damon's grip and successfully hit his face again. He's punching him hard on his face.

"Nick that's enough." I demanded, I don't want to yell anymore. My wound is hurting too much.

"Nick..." I beg but he doesn't hear me.

Damon hits him back but Nick hits Damon twice as much and it frightens me. Nick's eyes are full of rage and I wish he could hear my voice calling out to him to stop.

"You hurt her again and I'll kill you! You hear that? I'll kill you!" Nick spits while he push Damon away.

Those taunting words scares me. I remember how Nick would get mad in the past. I don't want to happen agin I'm so scared he would do it. Damon crawls on the ground and curls like a ball. His lip and nose are bleeding but I don't pity him after what Nick did to him. I felt a little happy that Nick hit him for me. When Nick was close to me, I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled him close.

"That's enough already please." I say weakly. My stitches are tingling.

Nick calms down but he's still heavily breathing. Damon starts to stand but he looks like he took a lot of hard blow from Nick. He shakes his head as he wipes the blood from his lower lip.

"She's my wife." Damon repeats. "I can do what I want with her." He spits.

Ugh! I can't believe this guy.

"What you want? So you hit her as much as you want because she's your wife?!" Nick screams.

"What about you? You're also a married man. You will understand why I did it. What if you'll find out that your wife is pregnant but the child she's carrying ain't yours?" Damon spills it all out even before I could stop him.

Nick moves his head to me and I couldn't say anything anymore. My mouth runs dry and I honestly don't know what to say. Maybe it's time to tell Nick that it's his? But what will Damon do if he'll find out that Nick is the father? Damon won't stop how he'll feel and he will totally explode. I'm not ready. I'm not ready to tell anything yet. Not here and definitely not now.

"I'm infertile and she's fucking pregnant Nick! You can't blame me for what I've done!" Damon exclaims.

Nick's eyes are still staring at me and I know he's demanding an answer right now. Why does he look at me like that? Why does he look like he knows who's the father? Why does he look like he wants me to answer him?

"That doesn't mean you'll hurt her, you son of a bitch!" Nick spits at Damon.

Damon laughs humorlessly. "Does your wife even know you're here with my wife? You two spent the entire night together without telling anybody."

"I helped her." Nick says.

Damon looks at me and I hide behind Nick's back.

"If I didn't look at the CCTV of the hotel I wouldn't know what happened to you!" Damon says.

"Now what? You've delivered the baby, when are you planning on telling me who's the real father? Is it this bastard or that Aries guy you went on a date with and has been sending you gifts?"

My eyes widened by what Damon had said to me. He knows Aries has been sending me gifts. He knows.

"You are absolutely being ridiculous right now Damon!" I spit.

"You're seeing Aries?" Nick asked.

I moved my head to Nick. "No. It wasn't like that."

"Of course it was! Spending the entire day together? You think I don't check on your phone bill that all your calls leads to his number? You think I'm that dumb Savannah?" Damon raises his voice at me.

The door opens. It was a nurse. She looks at us and was surprised when she saw blood on Damon's face.

"Is everything alright in here?" She asked while sticking her eyes on Damon then glances at me.

"Yes. Could you leave us for a second? Please?" Damon says.

"Do you need me to clean your wounds for you sir?" She asks.

"Leave." Damon spits.

She shyly closes the door and leaves the room like what Damon demanded. Suddenly I noticed that Nick has been staring at me and he looks like he's jealous over what he has heard about Aries. I want to explain to him what's the truth about it and I want to tell him that it's not how Damon said it.

"So you're avoiding me this whole time but you're constantly communicating with Aries?" Nick asks.

"Nick. It's not like that." I repeat. I try to explain to him but I stopped when I felt Damon's eagle eyes looking at me.

"Pretty unfair. I get it Savannah. It's always been him huh?" Nick shakes his head as he grabs his blazer and heads to the door.

"Nick!" I called out.

He's not stopping.

"Nick! You're the--" Damon cuts me off by grabbing my elbow. I stare at him and flinched when Nick finally leaves the room.

Damon looks at me eagerly and I'm too weak to pull myself away.

"Let go of me." I demanded.

"You think I don't know? I've figured it all out you fucking bitch."

"What are you talking about Damon?"

I'm scared of what he's going to say.

He smirks. "Nick Wilde is the father of your baby."

My eyes widened.

"Surprised?" He asked.

A feel a tight grip on my throat.

"Me too." He adds.



Standing In The Dark - Lawson

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