Lonely Bride


Sean’s Pov

Once I reached the outhouse, a few voices reached my ears, and one of them was Sarah’s.

I felt relieved knowing she was fine.

“From now on, you only have me. Understand, baby girl?” Someone spokes,

I know this is for Sarah, and someone else calling her baby apart from me boiled my blood.

“No, she did not understand. But I will make her understand. Don’t worry.” I spoke, reaching closer to her.

Her back was facing me, but I could see she was fine.

Her father stiffened, looking at me, and so did his wife. The man who was close to my wife took a step back, looking at me.

Oh, how I like to know what effect I have on them.

Good, they aren’t expecting me here. It’s good to know too.

“So, hello to you all,” I said while looking at them.

I touched Sarah’s shoulders while I bent down a little to the crook of her neck. My breath blew on her neck. She felt a little stiff, but instantly she felt relaxed.

I know she knows my touch.

“Baby, are you alright?” I spoke lovingly.

She broke into sobs, holding his hands on her neck.

It wasn’t rocket science for me to know they had already told her everything.

Intent panic rushed into my veins as I thought about her health. And I wanted to strangle them so badly, and I am going to do so, but after I made sure Sarah and the babies were safe.

Coming to her front, I engulf her in my embrace. First, I wanted her to feel safe. I wanted her to know she was safe and protected with me.

Perhaps her tears did not stop, nor did she sob. Her pain was straight hitting my heart. I was getting each emotion she must be feeling right now, and betrayal was the strongest of all.

However, I wanted her to let out everything she was feeling at this moment. I wanted her to feel I was here for her. I wanted her to know I would be there for her.

I can see she wants to vent her pain. I can see she wants to tell me everything by herself, but nothing is coming out of her mouth. Perhaps I could see and feel everything.

Shush, baby, I am here. Calm down.” I rub her back to soothe her pain a little.

“They want to kiss our babies.” She could not even complete the word kill and again broke into sobs.

I never thought it would be so painful for her to know this reality. Our kid’s death standing in front of her was terrifying to the core.

“Baby, don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you or to the babies, okay? I won’t let anything happen to them, alright?” I spoke again.

She nodded like a child.

I know, finally, that she knows I won’t let anything happen to them. Finally, her trust was crystal clear to me.

I closed my eyes in relief, and a smile broke on my lips. Finally, she won’t do any more stupidity than she already did.

“The moment I say leave You have to leave this place without saying a word or thinking about anyone. Not even me. Do you get that?” I spoke slowly in her ear.

I look back and notice my guards have already taken their position, and things are under control. I know Eric must be already working on Plan B if Plan A fails, and he should be here any moment.

I felt her shaking her head, but she did not say anything.

“I am not going to take any no in this.” I spoke sternly.

I again look back to Nora, who nodded to me, and I know they are ready.

Turning back to them, I look at everyone in the room.

Sarah’s father looked pale, and her mother was no different. I looked at the man, who I guess is Ivan. He was giving me a murderous glare, and I don’t know why, but I wanted to laugh at him. I mean, first he was calling my woman his baby, and now he has the audacity to give me this look?

Wow, just wow.

Ignoring him, I again looked back, and my eyes stopped at the standing creature, who was looking at me like a scary cat.

“Oh, my-my, look, who is here?” I asked no one in particular.

“What are you doing here, Ms. Smith?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. Though I know very well what she must be doing here, perhaps I wanted to know from her mouth.

Her presence is one more indication for me that they aren’t expecting me here at all.

I wonder how overconfident they were, as I will never check here.

I surely did not check this soon, but I would’ve checked for sure.NôvelDrama.Org content.

I was wondering since my father told me he got a request from someone to rent out the property for a few days by offering a hefty amount.

For me, it was shocking that someone had found out about this island when nobody has visited it yet. Not even my father’s friends. He bought this island after we bought mine, and only he and my mother visit when they want to spend some time alone. If it’s their hideout place, then how come someone has sniffed about this?

Moreover, since this place is far away from the city, how does anyone get to know this?

I already noted a few red flags, and I was even thinking of visiting the place, but before I did anything, I got the news that Sarah was missing.

‘Whoever has planned this place must be very smart. Hats off to him! I thought about roaming my eyes around the room.

“Mr . Hudson I was just here to meet Mr. and Mrs. Williams,” Camilla said, and I turned my eyes back to her.

“Do you know them?” I asked, looking at her and then at Mr. Williams, who was doing nothing but giving a glare to a man standing next to us.

Ahmm no. i. ii means yes.” She stuttered while giving me an answer.

“Oh really? How come:” I asked innocently.

“They have visited a mansion many times, but sadly, you were never around. Sometimes I travel to the office. You know?” She spoke with a smile on her face.

“And you never informed me? My in-laws visited so many times, and I never had any idea about it.” I gasped dramatically.

Though, in reality, I knew they never visited my place.

Ahmm.” Her lips were sealed completely.

“Well, if anyone in this room thinks I don’t know who placed her in my house, then let me tell you how wrong you guys are. What do you think? You guys can make Sean Hudson a fool.” I looked at everyone in the room.

Sarah’s hiccups were already disturbing me, and these people weren’t helping either.

I just wanted to kill them right here, right now.

“I knew about her since she started approaching me. But sadly, they never reached

That was the same day she tried to seduce me. I asked my person to check her background, and I had all the details in my hand by evening.

I got to know it was you who planted her at my home, but until then Sarah was already out of my life, so I never bothered about her.

Nora has already informed me what kind of rumors are going on between me and her.

Poor staff has lately believed that something is going on between me and her. I wanted to drag her out, but Nora requested not to, as he wanted to see her real color, and by then I was least interested in all these things, so I left the things as per Nora’s wish and kept myself away from all the drama.

However, her deeds didn’t go unnoticed by me.” I looked at her.

The color of her face is gone, and she has become pale. She gulped, and fear was evident on her face.

Well, till now, I wanted a healthy pregnancy for Sarah; hence, I spread the news that we are on our honeymoon and traveling the world. Because I knew she wasn’t safe back home. You guys will go to any extent to harm her. Money suckers leech like you can do anything that might harm the love of my life, and I will die before I let any harm touch her.” My voice was clear, and so was my intention.

Tension and worry were clear in this room. Somewhere I was happy to see the fear on their faces, and somewhere I am scared for Sarah’s safety. I just wanted her to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Nora,” I called out, and in no time, he was standing in front of me.

“Take Sarah home.” I ordered, and he nodded and looked at Sarah.

But before we do or say anything, we hear Ivan say, “Not so easily.”


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