Lock You In My Heart

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 84 Read Online

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 84 Read Online

Chapter 84 Birds Of A Feather Flock Together Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“What are you doine muttered Gabrielle in a low voice, summoning all her energy to speak. As Westley carried her into a house she couldn’t recognize, she slowly regained her consciousness. She wasn’t used to this stuft-Westley carrying her. It was all too unfamiliar for her so she felt scared for a bit.

“Don’t feel any regret now, Gabrielle. You begged me to help you,” Westley said as he kicked the door open. The house was quiet, as what he expected. Sad and dark, as what he expected. The lights turned on instantly with the sound of his voice. With Gabrielle in his arms, he went upstairs right away and walked towards a bedroom that was newly decorated. There was a mattress that was still covered in plastic it produced a screeching sound when Westley pinned Gabrielle down on it.

Gabrielle, on the other hand, struggled inside as she recognized her husband. She knew they shouldn’t go on with what was about to happen, but she couldn’t help caressing the man. She even pressed him harder against her, wrapping him in her arms.

Of course, something happened between them after that. The room was filled with

Hcreeching sounds of the mattress. Then breaths, and something else. When everything was wwer, Gabrielle fell asleep and Westley couldn’t help but stare at her verene Face. She looked tired but still beautiful. He took a new blanket from the wardrobe to cover her with it. Huitting on a robe, he walked out of the balcony where he WAS welcomed by the night breeze

Westley was not in the mood to appreciate the city lights in the distance. Too bad because it shone brightly. twinkling like stats across the horizon, and illuminating the darkness of the night. He lit a cigarette as he Tested his arms on the railing

This house, which was called the Half Moon Bay Villa, was bought by Westley five years ago for him and his fiancee Helena,

He could still remember the wide smile on her face when she came with him to pick this one. She liked it very much for its view of the city-the view that he was seeing right at the moment.

However, they never had the chance to move in due to a misfortune that broke Westley. Since the accident that took Helena’s life, he rarely came to this house anymore.

Tonight, he only decided to come because it Was the closest place to Alorith University he could think of

He tiened around to check a Gabriella who Wall still heping on the ed. “Then he thaucht of Hankthing He put out the cigarette as he walked inside to call Retry.

“Remy, please coine to the Half Moon Bay right now. Something happened to Gabrielle.”

“Huh? Remny said on the other line. “The Half Moon Hay?” He was rather shocked upon knowing where Westley was at the moment.

He knew what Hall Moon Bay meant to Westley. He knew he bought the villa for hitri und Helena, where they could start a family and live a happy life. He knew that place made Westley extremely sad because of the unfortunate thing that happened. Westley had been ignoring it for a long time.

How could he be at Half Moon Bay tonight? And what was more surprising was that, Gabrielle was with him. 1

‘What a big deal!” Remy wondered, ‘How did she make Westley take her to the Half Moon Bay?’

“Didn’t I make it clear?” asked Westley sarcastically. “We’re in the Half Moon Bay. I need you to come here quickly.” Westley dropped the call. He went to the wardrobe to find a lady’s night robe for Gabrielle.

A leur moments Inter. Remy came DET Westley uskud, Caring medical kitand doen of questions with him. The first thing he saw w Wesley. standing in the middle of the living room in a night rote, looking

He almost looked like the devil himself who rose from hell

What happened. Westley? What’s the matter? Why did you bring her here? You don’t let others come here, right?” he asked, trying to push his curiosity aside but failed

This place was Westley’s forbidden place. Ile never allowed anyone drop by. His fnends once tried to persuade him in selling it in case it reminded him of Helena. But Westley just rejected their idea, yelling at them for even suggesting

Remy didn’t expect that the first person he would bring here was Gabrielle.

“Please tell me why I need to explain to you.” he said monotonously. His face serious “She’s upstairs. Go and check her.” Westley glared at him.

No matter how much he wanted to know the answer, Remy had to devote himself to his work now

**Westley. your hand is also hurt. What happened?” He thoticed that there were small Cut on the back of Wailey’s hans. He thwicht that although it didn’t look serious and didn’t bleed, he still needed to attend to

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it. Check Gabrielle first. Upstairs, please.” Westley strede upstairs when he finished talking

His hand was probably wounded when he broke the glass window of the office earlier. He paid mo attention to it before as it didn’t really hurt. But now that Remy painted it out, he started to leel – little pain.

When Remy followed Westley to the room, he sw Gabrielle sleeping on the bed. “The two didn’t even remove the plastic covering? What’s so urgent? Maybe Westley hurt her accidentally when in a hurry, “Remy thought and looked at the other man subconsciously

“Why are you looking at me?” Westley iked annoyingly. “Look at her. Her face is swollen and there‘s something wrong with the corner of her mouth. Look.” Remy found the angry look on Westley’s face a bit terrifying

Only then did Remy saw Gabrielle’s face clearly. There were scars on her face that hadn’t been completely healed, and yet she looked as if she was slapped again. Now both

sides of her face were swallen and flushed.

“Did you really beat her up this time?” Remy asked curiously. his voice wunded worried. “I didn’t expect you to have such a strange hobby in bed. Aren’t you too cruel?” He pictured scenes of abuse in his mind. He thought it was horrible and unsightly. He WAS even disgusted at the thought

Westley felt that he made a wrong decision in calling Remy.

“I you don’t know how to make her better, you can get out now. Maybe make an appointment with a neurologist or ophthalmologist to have your brain and eyes checked. It seems that you are really setting blind and stupid.” He sheered at Remy.

Dr. Remy responded immediately. “It does look like that, Westley. I’m telling you, this room smells like sex. Didn’t you two make

“Remy!” Westley called out. He wanted to kill him now

“It was the head of her department that hit her on the face,” Westley said through gritted teeth, finally telling Remy what really happened. “That old man drugged her and planned to rape her. He hit her hard

when she resisted. Gabrielle already looked like that when I brought her here.” Resisting his

urge te kill the old man, Westley explained everything. His was just clenching her law all throughout.

Then you were used is the antidote, Oh, 1 see….” Reny said, modding his head in Artisment. “Great job. Westley! I didn’t expect that one day, our superior Mr. Westley would be used as the antidote.” Remy was bold and brainless enouch to be the only person who dared to tease Westley like this.

“Damn it! She used me as an antidote, Westley thought.

How could Remy just tell the truth like that? It made him so embarrassed.

“Gabrielle is still my wife, Remy. Should I ask another doctor to help her? Treat her right now and do it quickly. Stop thinking about me and whatever happened here.” Westley left the room straightaway. He was afraid that if he stayed one more second, he would have the courage to choke Remy to death.

“Well, someone who values his face too high will make a rod for his own back. Why can’t he just admit that he has fallen for this girl? Remy muttered to himself as Westley left the room seeming angry. He leaned down on Gabrielle and began checking the wound on her face carefully. 3

Remy saw that the wounds looked really

terhilse. It was so strong of Gabrielle to have Survived that kind of attack. It looked as if the person who did this was trying to kill her

it didn’t take too long for Remy to finish dressing Gabelle’s wounds. When he was done, he packed his things up and werit downstairs

Westley, with his black hair still dripping wet: stood in front of the floor to ceiling glass wall with a glass of red wine in his hand. Perhaps he just finished taking a shower in the bathroom downstairs. He stared at the swing in the yard, seeming very lonely and astonished.

There was a big beautiful greenhouse in the yard made out of glass. It was a shame that it had no flower planted in it… because there was no one to take care of it.

Next to it was a grape rack built with white shelves which was left uncultivated for the same reason. It stood there, bare, surrounded by unwanted wild plants as no one had Weeded them out.

if Remy didn’t know that someone owned the house, he would think it was a deserted one.

“Have you planned on taking care of this courtyard? It could’ve been really beautiful, but it looks so empty now,” Remy said in a

without looking at Remy. He didn’t even sem to get thipnised by the doctor’s presence and sudden speech.

“Yes. Perhaps employ a gardener? It’s time to plant flowers in the garden and grapes on the Tack,” he sincerely proposed.

Remy really wanted him to walk out of the shadow of Helena’s death. It seemed that for 90 many years, his soul had been imprisoned in this deserted garden.

If he could restore this place, then he could finally recover from Helena’s death. Maybe.

“Maybe you’re right, Remy. Maybe it’s time to do it,” said Westley ambiguously as he drank up all the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Remy softened a little knowing that Westley considered his suggestioni.

“How’s Gabrielle?” asked Westley, finally glancing at Remy for the first time since the doctor opened a conversation. He looked curious and worried,

“That old bastard is so cruel. The slap broke the inner wall of Gabrielle’s mouth,” said Remy. seeming mad and concerned. She

soft diet, only w e and porudge,” he

ed. “Maving you cane with lot of disasters To her. Sing you ved her she always

. Be it emotionally OF physically. What did she do te deserve this? Pulling Westley’s chain was probably a bad idea, but Remy didn’t care. He walked to pick up his medical kit.

Westley was stunned. Nolby Remy’s Hockey but with what he heard about Gabrielle’s injury. Did he hear it night, though? The inner wall of her mouth was broken?

Westley didn’t expect that she would be sonously hurt. When they were in bed, he deliberately avoided her lips. He didn’t kiss her, so he didn’t find out about the blood.

Remy handed two prescriptions to Westley and told him how to use them. “Use this one to spray in her mouth,” he said, showing Westley a small spray bottle. He presented another bottle, a smaller one. “Apply this one on her skin until swelling was relieved.”

“Sure, I’ll do that,” Westley said in a whisper,

“Her face will swell even worse for the succeeding days because of the wounds in her mouth. Don’t worry, it’s normal. But poor thing, she’s really unlucky for meeting such a ruthless old pervert.” Remy wanted to kill

“I won’t let him escape with what he did to my wife without putting + fight.” Tury was written all over Westley’s ‘nce. How dare that old pervert hurt his wife?

He would teach that old man a lesson so he would know who he messed with.

“What are you going to do. Westley?” Remy asked curiously. He knew that Westley. As the president of the Morris Group. had always been brutal, strong and decisive. Anyone who dared to provoke him would come to no good end.

“Whatever he did to Gabrielle, I will give it bick ten times. He likes sleeping with women, huh? Then I’ll satisfy his needs.” Westley’s cruelty and silent fury were written all over his face. Just looking at him would make everyone fear him. That person he aimed for revenge could only die or be overwhelmed with pain

“if you need me to offer you anything, don’t hesitate to tell me. You must torture him to make him regret being born.” Remy showed no mercy as well.

After all, birds of a feather flock together. There must be some similar characteristics that brought the two to be as close as brothers.

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