Lock You In My Heart

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 65 Read Online

Lock You In My Heart By B. MADRON Chapter 65 Read Online

Chapter 65 He Was Waiting For Her

Gabrielle‘s body froze in horror. Westley va right in front of her. ‘of all the people in the world,‘ she thou ght At least her face was covered in a mask, so he wouldn‘t notice her.

“Ha! How cool is this, Austin?” exclaimed Holly. “‘ve been back only a few days, so haven‘t had time to call. But I‘m happy see you! Let‘s do dinner tonight! Your friend can join us, tool” Holly seemed friendly and generous. She was ready to invite Austin‘s friend to dinner, without even knowing her.

No sooner had Holly invited them, than Gabrielle tured at Austin‘s Sleeve whispering urgently. “Please, no Austin,” she begged, “Get us out of this dinner plan. I don‘t want to do this. Please.”

Gabrielle Was mortified. What if Westley recognized her? His eyes hadn‘t left her once since the group hud met. It was as if the wanted to know who this woman was behind the mask, and would give anything to take it

He followed her hands as they tugged at Austin‘s sleeve. It gave him a sense of deji vu, ‘Who is she?” he thought to himself. Why

Gabriella tred her level bitta avoid making Gye contact with anyone, especially Westley. Han forbid, he should look into her eyes and discover how guilty she really felt. That would be enough for her to bolt fron there and never look back.

“On the other hand, Gabrielle pandered, “Westley was out with another woman right

W. Sa why should I have to hide the fact that I‘m with someone else, for I have every right to be here with Austin

And if we‘re all just friends, we should certainly be able to have a meal together without any awkwardness.”

This moment of deliace was short– lived, though, as Gabrielle‘s anxiety of being oxposed resurfaced. She lugged at Austin‘s sleeve a little harder this tine.

“Austin… Let‘s go. I… I‘en a little hungty. she pleaded. Even though her voire wa lowered, it was appar ent that she wa uncomfortable with the idea of hanging out

Austin already know this way before Gabrielle said anything. so he didn‘t hesitate and turned to Hally and Westley. “Tonight won‘t be possible, Holly,” he said jovially. “It‘s s o sweet of you to ask but my friend is a bit shy with new company. I‘ll take 1 raiti check, thought

Hally didn‘t push the topic any further. Ouiti frankly. she was relieved he declined her invitation. She to, didn‘t like the idea of hanging out with a stranger. Especially, when it was so apparent that Austin‘s date had na interest whatsoever in socializing or being remotely pleasant

“That‘s alright,” she replied, politely. “Maybe when my leg recovers, Ill hit you up and we‘ll make a plan! ” Hally was iti na Huity to

create a new plan to hang out with Austin, while his date wils around. So she decided to keep it open and vague.

“Wait, what happened to your leg?” Austin asked, concerned.

“Oh nothing catastrophic. that me. It happened last night. I got up to go to the bathroom, and slipped on the way. I sprained my ankle. Luckily, Westley was awake, when I called him. He rushed right avel and took me to the hospital. It‘s just a little swollen. I‘ll be fine soon enough!” Holly explained, Casually, as i f she hadn‘t given it a second thought.

“Well, I‘m glad it wasn‘t too serious and Westley was there in time to help you out.” Austin smiled, as he replied. He feigired interest in Holly‘s log only because he was curious about how clase she was to We


‘Charly, clave F ugl, “he im ned, ‘I she could call Westley in the middle od the night.” it wasn‘t breaking news tha t Westley could cares about his own wife‘s injuries. But he

crtainly concerned about other women.


not mine about Gabrielle at all?

Holly‘s late– night adventure may not have been inueh of an event for her. but it certainly pinched Gabrielle. She was used to W tly being uncing and indicerent. Lang that he was so attentive and practive with other w omen bund soul.

“Hey. You Olcay?” Atsitin gently asked, seeing hеr tочет

“I‘m fine.” Gabrielle clipped through guitted teeth “Can we go now? I‘m starving.” She

an‘t starving. She was aching to the point of sering but she couldn‘t scream and she couldn‘t let Austin see how b ad und

Weitley watched the entire scene in silence He didn‘t the need to contribute to the conversation. He wa s only interested in one thing the mystery woman Austin brought alone. And he derived a weird set of pl easure from watching her squirm in his presence.

“Holly. Westley,”

he nodded. “See you

around. Hyel” Aistin turned and uided Gaboclie by her in to the booth he had Need for them.

The bath had walls on the side, creating C on al privacy. They were confortably cut off from the rest of the world. Gabriella could relax, knowing there would be no mo re

Austin pulled the chair back for Gabrielle to sit down. She followed his lead and sat down quietly. He w as dying to comfort her, bruil couldn‘t find the words.

“You know, Holly and Wently,” he started.

“You don‘t have to y unything. Austin she interrupted. “I don‘t need pacifying 1 know where things stand. He can have dinner with whoever he likes and take whoever to the hospital in the middle of the might, too. Honestly. I couldn‘t care ler..” Her tane was pasive essive, although she did her level best to sound matter–of– fact. She took off her hat and mask in a huff, as though she was repelled by then.

Austin wasn‘t born yesterday. It was crystal clear that Gabrielle was putting on an act. And he knew that , deep down, she was hurting

Gabrielle still had strong feelings for Westley. whether or not he teciprocated them.

And that broke Austin‘s heart

“They‘re just old friends, Gabrielle,” he rationalized. “They‘re just catching up for dinner after a long tim e. That‘s normal, isn‘t it?” Austin was running out of ways to cheer her up. He had no interest in justifying Westley‘s actio ns. He simply ruled to make ha feel better

Her happiness meant a lot to him.

“1. i Austil.” Gabrielle muttered. “It‘s na big deal. Let‘s order.” She tried to give her best I–Am– Okay smile, before she buried her embarrassed face into the menu. Thank goodness, for huge menus!

Only a fool would think there‘s nothing going an between Westley and Holly. Westley wouldn‘t hold any body in his arms in the middle of the night at a hospital. They had to be something more than just friends. 1

“And I just asked Austin about Holly today.‘ she thought to hersele, grudgingly. “How embarrassing

1 Tess one should never talk about anyone behind their back Somehow it always hacklines.‘ Today was

The only saving price will that Westley didn‘t recognize Gabrielle. “That would have

opened an entirely different can od worms.

“Gabrielle, what‘s wrong” Austin asked saltly, breaking her train of thought. He had noticed her eyes drill from the menu and Lavel Trway, where her thoughts were

“Oh nothing at all,” she chiuped back, slightly jolted. “Tin just trying to pick something from this huge me was ahmi and fake, 19 though she was forcing enthusiasın about a lunch she barely cared about

“Order anything you like. I‘ll have the same thing.” replied Austin, wanny And knowingly. Her pretentious

“Westley really did a number on the poor girl, “he thought to himsell. “T‘ve never seen her so scatterbrai

“Let‘s just get the specials, then,” Gabrielle suid, with a sighi chucking the ment to the side of the booth.

After they were done with lunch, Gabrielle and Austin decided to take a walk along the alley near the res

But they approached the entrance of the alley, there he was leaning against the wall, having a smoke – Westley. Both Austin and Gabrielle stop in their tracts, completely talen back Gabrielle automatically mo

as if to cover her face with her hat, bit nalized 2001 enough that she hadn‘t brought her hal along for the Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

All Boon as his eyes lected with hers. Westley‘s face turned to stone. It was clear to him now, that the m and Helly were talking. He took one last dras, before flicking his cigarelle to the ground and stubbing it w her, as if to challenge her to move a single nucle without his permission.

*Don‘t be scared,” Austin spoke slowly and carefully, as if having approached a wild pidatat in the jungle Even though he was a surprised as Gabrielle to see Westley blacking the alleyway, Austin was already o

It wasn‘t like Westley to hang around in Färdom alles by himself. But then, nobody

could really tell what went on in Westley‘s complicated mind. He was capable ol doing

And yet, ironically, he couldn‘t recognize Gabrielle through her mask before. How poetic was that?

“I‘m not scared.” Gabrielle muttered. Her av Elenched and her voice trembled. But she pretended to be s

“How could I not be afraid she asked herself. “Westley is right in front of me. He koks it was me carlier. H lose his temper any second and let me have it just to take revenge

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