Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 59

I watched him walkaway and enter into a cab. He didn’t even spare me another glance as my eyes bore into his fading back.

This is too much.

Too much for me to handle.

It’s all happening so fast and I can’t even do anything to stop it.

I wiped away a stray tear from my eyes before making my way back towards my house.

There’s still a week before I leave. Hopefully he’ll come around and reach a conclusion. Or probably my parents will just tell me it’s a prank.

They can’t do this to me.

This is just a terrible nightmare. I’m sure that it’ll all fade away when I wake up. This can’t be happening to me, no, I won’t sit back and watch my relationship end just before it even began.

Why does life have to put us through all this tests?

Why is everything feeling like a rewind. It’s just like two years ago when I left New York.

Why does love have to be so stressful?

Why do we always have to work so hard to maintain relationships?

Why does everything bad always happen to good people?

Why is it that the people we love always leave us? Well apparently I’m the one leaving but it hurts like a bitch.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Why does life always put us through these challenges?

Why is my life so complicated?

Why can’t I just be happy with the boy I love?

So many whys

So many questions playing in my blank head with no one to answer them.

My heart is breaking into ten thousand unrepairable pieces.

What started as hatred, turned into friendship and then love. But now it’s turning into a wild consumable fire that is threatening to burn me.

Alex is my water, the only water that can quench this fire burning in me.

How the hell did we go from loathing each other to loving each other in two months?

The big guy up there probably just likes messing with me.

“Oh thank God you’re back, we were already getting worried sick “My mother’s voice broke me away from my trance. I didn’t even realize I was back home already. I must have been so deep in thought that I didn’t even know when I got in.

I stared into their worried faces, my dad was now standing alongside the Williams while my mum stood in front of me, staring at me with fake concern.

If she was really concerned about me then she wouldn’t be making such a terrible decision to jeopardize my life.

“Honey, look, we know how you must be feeling…….”

“I want to be left alone please…. I’ll be in my room” I said with an emotionless voice as I walked past her and was headed towards the stairs.

“She’ll come around” I heard Mrs. Williams say to my mother as I made my way upstairs without sparing them another glance.

On getting to my room, I slammed my door shut and ran to the bed. I collapsed on the floor beside the bed and cried my eyes out into the mattress.

A knock on my door woke me up as I lazily pulled my eyes open to see that it was already morning. I must have slept off on the floor during my emotional drama last night. I stood up from the floor and straightened my dress.

“Liv sweetie breakfast is ready” My mum’s voice blared from the other side of the door.

Look at her, acting all casual as if everything is fine.

“Sweetie “She called again as I ignored her first calling.

“Go away!” I yelled as I walked into the  closet. I pulled my clothes off and then entered the bathroom. Luckily she didn’t call me again.

I stepped into the bathtub and turned on the hot water. I lied down on the ceramic tub as the water wash down on my body along with my vanilla bubble wash.

After bathing for God knows how long, I came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. I applied my lotion and wore my undies.

I decided to dress in a simple plain white t-shirt and denim jeans. Unlike me.

I blow-dried my hair and then combed it before packing it into a ponytail. I didn’t bother to apply any makeup whatsoever. I didn’t really like or need makeup. I’m someone who feels comfortable with or without makeup. I feel beautiful.

I am beautiful and I know it.

The episode from last night flashed back into my memory.

“Do you know……” He started.

“Know what?” I questioned.

“You are beautiful “He simply said. Those mere words coming from him seemed like roses being showered on me.

My Alex.

Boy am I fucking madly in love with that boy?

I know I am beautiful but those words coming from him made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

You know that feeling when the one you’re madly in love with says things like that? It swept me off my feet.

I blushed like a lunatic as I stepped into my pink flip flop before making my way towards the door.

I walked down the hallway towards the stairs as I heard familiar voices that I couldn’t make out coming from the living room.

As I approached the stairs, there I saw them. Zoey and Jane.

They were seated on the couch laughing and discussing until their eyes met with mine. Their laughter faded as I walked towards them.

“Liv!” They squealed in unison and stood up to hug me.

“Hey girls” I managed to smile at them.

“Girl, why haven’t you been picking our calls? We called you like hundred times already” Zoey scolded though I know she was exaggerating by ‘Hundred’

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t with my phone since yesterday” And I cried so hard and slept off like an heartbroken lunatic. Of course I’d never say that to them.

“Whatever, now we’re here and we have a lot of talking to do!” Zoey said excitedly as we sat down on the couch.

“Tell me about it” I followed through, trying to hide my pain.

“Girls come to the dinning food is ready!” I heard my mum yell to us.

“We’re…” I was about to decline her request before Zoey and Jane yelled “We’re coming!”

“Oh lord gracious I’m starving” Zoey complained as she stood up.

“Me too, come on, let’s go” Jane said as she joined her.

“Liv aren’t you coming?” Zoey asked as they were halfway towards the dinning.

“Yeah, give me a sec” I said to them as they made their way to the dinning.

I sighed and stood up sluggishly before making my way to the dinning.

I sat down across my mum while Jane sat beside my mum, Zoey was seated beside me as they all began to eat. I was busy picking on my food. I’d lost my appetite the very minute they announced out departure to New York yesterday.

“So Zoey, what college are you planning to go to?” Mum started a conversation that I was least interested in.

“Stanford university” She answered excitedly as she continued with her meal.

“Wow, that’s great”

You know what would be great? If you fucking stop trying to take me away to somewhere far away from my friends.

“What about you Jane?” She asked Jane who was busy fighting with her chicken.

“Same with Zoey” She simply said as she continued whatever gross thing she’s doing with the meat.

Why can’t my mum see that all my friends are going to the same university, why is she doing this to me.

“That’s lovely, it’s a good college” She smiled at them. I was getting disgusted by her attitude.

“Sweetie aren’t you gonna eat your food, it’ll get cold” Great, now she’s on my matter.

“It’s not like you care, just mind your own fucking business” I yelled.

“Watch how you speak to me young lady, don’t forget I am your mother” She threw back at me.

“A mother wants the best for her child and only does things to make her child happy and not try to ruin her life” I threw my fork on the table and stood up.

“That is no way to talk to your mother!” She spat back and stood up. Everyone stood up. I was in no mood to exchange words with her, I’d loose and I knew it.

“I hate you!” I scoffed and ran out of the dinning room.

“You don’t mean it!” I heard her yell back. I knew she was right but my ego was too big to accept it. For now, I’ll stick with it. I know I can never hate my mom even if I tried my hardest.

As I got to my room, I slammed the door shut and ran to the bed. I sat down and began to gather my thoughts. This is too much for me.

I heard the door pull open and I was ready to scream my lungs out at her until I realized who it was.

“Liv.…” Zoey started as they both approached me.

I sniffled as I watched them both sit beside me. Zoey sat by my right side while Jane sat by my left.

“Why did you speak to your mum like that?” Zoey asked.

“Yeah and what is it about her ruining your life?” Jane asked as well.

“I……” I sobbed.

“Come on Liv, please don’t cry, you know we don’t like it when you cry, please tell us what happened” Zoey sympathized with me.

“Yes Liv, we’re your best friends, best friends tell each other everything, please talk to us” Jane added.

“Zoey” I collapsed into her chest in an embrace as I poured out my liquids into her t-shirt.

“It’s okay baby, you know we got your back” She cooed as she stroke my back gently.

“Liv please don’t cry” Jane said and hugged me as well.

After what seemed like ages, I finally pulled away from their embrace as Zoey wiped away my tears.

“My mum…. she……we……”

“You’re what? “Zoey questioned at the same time Jane asked “What did your mum do?”

“We are…. Moving back to New York” I felt a stray tear slide down my cheek.

“You’re what!” They both exclaimed in unison.

“Yeah we are moving and Alex…. Alex is staying back here in California, we…. It’s over between us” I cried.

“What!” Zoey squealed.

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