Lies of the CEO’s Wife



A tall man appeared all of a sudden. My jaw dropped when he marched towards me and tightly held my arm. His oceanic eyes screamed of danger and cruelty as he looked at me intently. Though it looked like I was saved from a brief episode of intense anxiety and fits of terror, I got confused about how he darted his eyes on me. Perhaps he had mistaken me for someone else? But as I looked at him longer, I couldn’t help but look at his physique that was built like a Greek God.

Who is he?

“Reese, what the fuck? You ruined our wedding,” he retorted, which confused me.

“W-Wait. I don’t know what you’re talking-”

“Shut the fuck up, and I’ll take you home! You better stop this bullshit,” he announced and removed his coat and covered my body with it. “Let’s talk once we’re at home. You have some explaining to do.” I saw his jaw clenched while he whispered it to my ear.

“Liv, what’s going on here?” my VIP customer butted in, but before he could stand up, this Greek-God-like man in front of me punched him in a flash.

“Hey! stop it. ” I yelled and was about to attend to the old hag, but I was dragged out of the room by this man whom I don’t know who he was.

“G-Get off me! H-How dare you ruin my plan!” I groaned as I kept withdrawing from his grip, but hell, his hands are so big and hard that I can’t remove them by swinging away.

“So this is your plan all along?” He turned to me, and I could see the rage in his eyes. I was choking back my tears as this stupid guy destroyed my plan. “I didn’t know what had gotten in your mind for the past months, Reese. But I won’t tolerate this behavior of yours as your fiance.”

Who the hell is Reese?

“W-What a minute! W-Why do you keep calling me Reese? My name is Olivia, not Reese! And the VIP you just punched? He’s supposed to pay me three hundred thousand dollars and now it’s gone, thanks to you-Hey!”

The next thing I knew, he carried me like a sack of rice on his shoulder. I screamed and punched his back multiple times, but he didn’t say a word.

“This is seriously a kidnapping! I’m going to report you to the police! Put me down! Lara, help!” I screamed.

I saw the securities made way for us in the exit, and we reached the parking lot and I was stunned when I saw the luxurious car. He had just opened the door. He then put me down, and his ragged breathing was so evident that I could only swallow hard, afraid that he would do something terrible to me.

“Get in!” He dangerously yelled, which made my knees jelly.

“Again, I’m Olivia, not Reese! And by the way, I need to go back to the bar. I don’t know you, and you’re being mistaken!” I tried not to stutter, but my heart kept beating faster. I feel like anytime I’d collapse.

“Did you hit your head on a wall? Let me remind you in case you forgot, you’re my fiancee, and we’re still going to marry! So stop this crap and get in!”

“What?!” My eyes widened as if that was the craziest thing I heard.

This man is truly insane. I brought up my phone and contacted Lara, but my vision got blurry, and I felt dizzy as I tried to do so. The next thing I know, someone grabbed me and felt a warm embrace.


I looked at the cold-blooded face of this man sitting in the driver’s seat. His piercing eyes were fixated on the road, but the unknown rage was visible on his face. His jaw kept clenching, though I couldn’t help but scan his beautiful face for some reason.

Despite his grumpy aura, I had to admit that he looked ravishing. I hadn’t seen such a perfect face in my entire life. His lips looked so soft, pointed nose, thick eyebrows, and those ocean eyes that would definitely make all women drawn. His blonde hair has an impeccable cut, too, just like the men in Hollywood movies. But with all of these looks, he is still dumb and stupid. I can’t believe that my biggest paycheck vanished in thin air because of this idiot.

In addition, what he did was still kidnapping! I massaged the bridge of my nose and glanced at the window beside me. This guy . . . I bet he’s gone crazy. He insisted that I am Reese Jones even though I had already explained that my name is Olivia Miller.

Wait, is this a new scheme that I saw on TV last week? Fuck, I’m in big trouble.

“Where the hell are you taking me, Sir? I’m warning you, if ever you want to involve me in your monkey business! My father is a police officer! He will come after you and put you into jail. Do you understand?” I said with a bit of annoyance. I would be going crazy with all these scenarios whirling through my head. My phone is also useless as my phone provider cut my service. Everything adds up in my aggravation.

He didn’t answer, but I know he didn’t like the tone of my voice based on how he gripped the steering wheel tightly. He then suddenly touched my neck using the back of his hand.

Does he think that I’m sick? I’m speechless.

“For the nth time, I’m going to tell you this . . . I am not Reese Jones, alright? My name is Olivia Miller, and clearly, you are mistaken and kidnapping me for no reason!” I gritted my teeth and shifted my position so I could talk to him seriously. “And what you did back there in the bar ruined my reputation as the best entertainer in town. Do you know how much you owe me? That’s three hundred fucking thousand dollars!”

He still didn’t speak as if he didn’t hear all my whines. I can see that he slowly shakes his head. I could have sworn this guy made my veins want to explode out of anger numerous times in just an hour.

“Sir, please take me back. I don’t know you. I’m not Reese . . . okay, I lied. I don’t have a Dad. My father is not a police officer. I don’t have a family. My only hope is my work. Please, I’m begging you. Take me back to that place.” I was breathing heavily, and my chest went up and down as my tears burst out. My anger, fear, and worries merged as if I thought a second I would die of catching my breath.

“Your only hope, are you seriously ill?” His voice was menacing. “Is that the reason why you escaped without any word two months ago? To work in that filthy place?”

My forehead creased as I looked at him. My fist clenched, and I could feel the raging emotions from my chest. This is probably my fate. Who am I kidding? This is what I only deserve . . . an orphan who does not deserve to escape this shithole, does not deserve to accomplish her dreams and doesn’t deserve to be loved. From this moment, waves of agony washed out my hopes and aspirations. I gave up.

I returned to my senses as he drove faster and then turned right and immediately

stopped the car.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“What the hell! Do you want us to die?!” I yelled as I held my chest nervously.

He turned to me and eyed me angrily. “We’re supposed to get married two months ago, Reese! You told me you love me, but you left me like a joke, and I don’t know why you did that! I was losing my mind trying to find you in every place in the world only to find you working as a sex worker in that cheap bar?! Why did you even do that?”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Your mom is so worried about you! We thought someone kidnapped you, or you ran away with another guy, but it was even more surprising seeing you strip naked in front of that old man! Jesus, Reese! What on earth were you thinking? ” He then scratched the back of his neck and said, “I knew it. You know what? I fucking knew it. I should not let you hang out with Paris. That motherfucker gave you drugs.”

His worried face then turned to me and then he released a big sigh as his eyes went back on the road.

“First of all, I don’t have a mom, okay? Even if I wanted to, I’m an orphan. I don’t have a family. Second, I worked there as an entertainer, not a sex worker. It’s part of my job. Lastly, whoever that Paris is, we are not pals, and she did not give me any shit, and as far as I’m concerned, it looks like you’re the doper here, not me. ” I then put both my hands over my face out of frustration.

“That bitch, she ruins everything. I’ll call her to stop inviting you on her trips to L. A. Don’t worry, Reese, everything will be alright. But I need to tell this to your mom as she is worried sick.”

Looks can be deceiving indeed. At first glance, I would not expect that this gorgeous guy could be stupid as fuck. Out of frustration, I ran my fingers through my hair.

This guy is seriously stressing me out.

“We will go to your place . . .” He looked away and started the engine of the car. “I’ll take you home, and we will tell this to your mom.”

For some reason, instead of countering his arguments, I can’t help but laugh in this situation. Like, even how many times I tried to convince him, he was dead serious telling me that I’m Reese and he will be supposed to be married to her. Whoever Reese is, she is supposed to be thankful that she has a handsome but pesky fiancee.

I burst out in laughter. His face looked confused. Just by looking at him, he no longer knew how to react. Probably, he’s thinking that I need to go to rehab. Guessing the look from this idiot, he probably is.

“Give me $300, 000, and I’ll play your little game,” I said in defeat and crossed my arms against my chest.

He shook his head, “Even the riches of Solomon, I ‘ll give it to you,” he said and started the engine and maneuvered his car.

I scoffed and heaved a huge breath. The waves of my agony shifted to waves of hope and uncertainty. My heart pounded faster, and I can’t help to remove the wide grin from my face.

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